41 research outputs found

    渓流沿い植物タニガワコンギク(キク科) の形態学的および解剖学的比較

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    渓流沿い植物であるタニガワコンギク(Aster microcephalus var. ripensis)( キク科) とその近縁の陸生種ノコンギク(A. microcephalus var. ovatus)を用いて形態学的および解剖学的比較を行った。形態学的解析の結果,タニガワコンギクはノコンギクよりも葉が細く,葉形指数は5.1 ± 1.9(タニガワコンギク)と2.3 ± 0.4(ノコンギク)であった。解剖学的解析の結果,タニガワコンギクの狭葉化は細胞の数と大きさの両方が減少していたことに起因していた。さらに,ノコンギクに対してタニガワコンギクは,孔辺細胞も小さく,単位面積あたりの気孔密度も有意に高かった。タニガワコンギクの葉形指数を各河川間で比較した結果,高知県の物部川水系は他の河川よりも有意に低い値となった。したがって,物部川水系では増水頻度などの選択圧が他の河川よりも低い可能性が示唆された

    高知県産無毛型ネジバナ(ラン科) の系統的背景について

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    Spiranthes sinensis, a terrestrial orchid, has morphological and ecological variations such as plant size, flowering season, floral colour, and hair density on the inflorescence stems and ovaries. Spiranthes sinensis var. amoena has been described as having puberulous inflorescence stems and ovaries, while these in S. sinensisvar. sinensis are considered to be glabrous. In Japan, S. sinensis var. amoena grows on a wide area of the mainland (the Northern Ryukyus and northward). By contrast, the distribution of S. sinensis var. sinensis is limited to the Central and Southern Ryukyus. We found a glabrous individual of S. sinensis in Kochi Prefecture, Japan, which has identical DNA sequences of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear DNA and trnL-F intergenic spacer region of chloroplast DNA to S. sinensis var. amoena. Thus, this glabrous individual should be included in S. sinensis var. amoena.ネジバナ(Spiranthes sinensis var. amoena)には,個体サイズ,花色,開花期,花の形態,花序の毛の多寡など多くの変異が報告されているが,日本本土(トカラ海峡以北)において花序に毛のないネジバナが稀に発見されている。花序の毛の有無に関して,日本本土に産する有毛花序を持つものがネジバナ,奄美大島以南に産する無毛花序を持つものがナンゴクネジバナ(S. sinensis var. sinensis)として識別される。近年の遺伝的解析により,本土産のネジバナと沖縄産のナンゴクネジバナは遺伝的に異なることが示されているが,本土産の無毛型ネジバナ(ナンゴクネジバナ)の遺伝的解析は行われておらず,系統的位置が不明なままである。そこで,高知県南国市で発見した無毛型ネジバナの遺伝的解析を行うことによって,本土産の無毛型ネジバナが,ナンゴクネジバナの隔離分布であるのか,ネジバナの形態変異であるのかを明らかにすることを目的とした。その結果,高知県産の無毛型ネジバナはネジバナと核遺伝子ITS領域および葉緑体遺伝子trnL-F領域において同一の塩基配列を持っていたため,本土に稀産する無毛型ネジバナはネジバナの形態変異である可能性が高いことがわかった。したがって,両変種の同定形質である毛の有無のみではネジバナとナンゴクネジバナを完全には識別できないため,形態的,生理的,生態的,遺伝的調査を改めて行う必要がある

    On the origin and evolution of the asteroid Ryugu: A comprehensive geochemical perspective

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    Presented here are the observations and interpretations from a comprehensive analysis of 16 representative particles returned from the C-type asteroid Ryugu by the Hayabusa2 mission. On average Ryugu particles consist of 50% phyllosilicate matrix, 41% porosity and 9% minor phases, including organic matter. The abundances of 70 elements from the particles are in close agreement with those of CI chondrites. Bulk Ryugu particles show higher δ18O, Δ17O, and ε54Cr values than CI chondrites. As such, Ryugu sampled the most primitive and least-thermally processed protosolar nebula reservoirs. Such a finding is consistent with multi-scale H-C-N isotopic compositions that are compatible with an origin for Ryugu organic matter within both the protosolar nebula and the interstellar medium. The analytical data obtained here, suggests that complex soluble organic matter formed during aqueous alteration on the Ryugu progenitor planetesimal (several 10’s of km), <2.6 Myr after CAI formation. Subsequently, the Ryugu progenitor planetesimal was fragmented and evolved into the current asteroid Ryugu through sublimation

    在来種ネズミモチと移入種トウネズミモチ(モクセイ科) の保全遺伝学的研究

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    Genetic introgression from introduced, non-native species into native populations is a growing challenge for biological conservation, and one that raises unique practical and ethical issues. Ligustrum lucidum is native to China, and cultivated or used in gardens in various areas in Japan. Recently, some studies reported that this species escaped from cultivated areas and was sympatric with L. japonicum. This indicates that L. japonicum faces the ecological and genetic risk of hybridization and introgression with non-native L. lucidum. Therefore, we examined whether hybridization between L. japonicum and the non-native L. lucidum has occurred in a coexisting population using phenological and molecular analyses. The phenological results indicate that there is very little overlap in the flowering times of the two species. Moreover, molecular analyses using PCR-RFLP of chloroplast and nuclear DNA sequences could not detect any hybridization or introgression of L. lucidum and L. japonicum in the population.移入種から在来種への遺伝子移入は生物学的保全のための懸念課題であり,実用的かつ倫理的な問題を提起している。中国原産のトウネズミモチ(Ligustrum lucidum)は日本の広い地域で園芸として栽植されているが逸出により分布を拡大しており,在来種のネズミモチ(L. japonicum)と同所的に生育していることが近年報告されている。このため,ネズミモチはトウネズミモチとの雑種形成や浸透交雑の生態学的リスクにさらされていると考えられる。そこで本研究では,在来種のネズミモチと移入種のトウネズミモチの間での雑種形成による遺伝的攪乱の有無を明らかにすることを目的として,開花期調査および分子遺伝学的調査を行った。開花期の調査結果より,両種の開花期がずれていることが明らかとなった。PCR-RFLP解析の結果,ネズミモチとトウネズミモチの間に交雑個体および浸透交雑個体を検出することはできなかったため,両種間での交雑は起こっていないと考えられる

    Aggressive fluid management in the critically ill: Pro

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    Abstract Background This review is a “Pro-Con” discussion about the optimal fluid volume in critically ill patients in the intensive care unit (ICU). This article argues that fluids should be aggressively managed in critically ill patients. Main body In recent years, restrictive fluid management has been thought to be beneficial for critically ill patients. Thus, to investigate whether fluid volumes have actually been restricted in practice, fluid volumes were compared between those used in the early goal-directed therapy (EGDT) study by Rivers et al. performed in 2001 and those used in the Protocolized Care for Early Septic Shock (ProCESS), Australasian Resuscitation in Sepsis Evaluation (ARISE), and Protocolized Management in Sepsis (ProMISe) studies performed between 2014 and 2015. The later studies did not have lower total fluid volumes than those in the EGDT study. This finding shows that the importance of administering a sufficient fluid volume before admission to the ICU has become widely accepted. Fluid management strategies for critically ill patients can be divided into the following four phases: rescue (or salvage), optimization, stabilization, and de-escalation. Fluid therapy administered within 6 h of presentation covers the rescue and optimization phases. Because hemodynamic instability is observed in these phases, sufficient fluid should be administered for lifesaving and organ rescue purposes. As a strategy, water may be removed during the hemodynamically stable later phase after sufficient fluid volumes were given during the hemodynamically instable early phase. Conclusions Performing aggressive fluid management is important to infuse a sufficient fluid volume proactively during the hemodynamically instable early phase of a critical illness

    Antithrombin Supplementation and Mortality in Sepsis-Induced Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation : A Multicenter Retrospective Observational Study

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    Supplemental doses of antithrombin (AT) are widely used to treat sepsis-induced disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) in Japan. However, evidence on the benefits of AT supplementation for DIC is insufficient. This multicenter retrospective observational study aimed to clarify the effect of AT supplementation on sepsis-induced DIC using propensity score analyses. Data from 3,195 consecutive adult patients admitted to 42 intensive care units for severe sepsis treatment were retrospectively analyzed; 1,784 patients were diagnosed with DIC (n=715, AT group; n=1,069, control group). Inverse probability of treatment-weighted propensity score analysis indicated a statistically significant association between AT supplementation and lower in-hospital all-cause mortality (n=1,784, odds ratio [95% confidence intervals]: 0.748 [0.572-0.978], P=0.034). However, quintile-stratified propensity score analysis (n=1,784, odds ratio: 0.823 [0.646-1.050], P=0.117) and propensity score matching analysis (461 matching pairs, odds ratio: 0.855 [0.649-1.125], P=0.263) did not show this association. In the early days after intensive care unit admission, the survival rate was statistically higher in the propensity score-matched AT group than in the propensity score-matched control group (P=0.007). In DIC patients without concomitant heparin administration, similar results were observed. In conclusion, AT supplementation may be associated with reduced in-hospital all-cause mortality in patients with sepsis-induced DIC. However, the statistical robustness of this connection was not strong. In addition, although the number of transfusions needed in patients with AT supplementation increased, severe bleeding complications did not

    Characteristics, treatments, and outcomes of severe sepsis of 3195 ICU-treated adult patients throughout Japan during 2011-2013

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    Severe sepsis is a major concern in the intensive care unit (ICU), although there is very little epidemiological information regarding severe sepsis in Japan. This study evaluated 3195 patients with severe sepsis in 42 ICUs throughout Japan. The patients with severe sepsis had a mean age of 70 +/- 15 years and a mean Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score of 23 +/- 9. The estimated survival rates at 28 and 90 days after ICU admission were 73.6 and 56.3 %, respectively