4,092 research outputs found

    Tight focal spots using azimuthally polarised light from a Fresnel cone

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    When focusing a light beam at high numerical aperture, the resulting electric field profile in the focal plane depends on the transverse polarisation profile, as interference between different parts of the beam needs to be taken into account. It is well known that radial polarised light produces a longitudinal polarisation component and can be focused below the conventional diffraction limit for homogeneously polarised light, and azimuthally polarised light that carries one unit of angular momentum can achieve even tighter focal spots. This is of interest for example for enhancing resolution in scanning microscopy. There are numerous ways to generate such polarisation structures, however, setups can be expensive and usually rely on birefringent components, hence prohibiting broadband operation. We have recently demonstrated a passive, low-cost technique using a simple glass cone (Fresnel cone) to generate beams with structured polarisation. We show here that the polarisation structure generated by Fresnel cones focuses better than radial polarised light at all numerical apertures. Furthermore, we investigate in detail the application of polarised light structures for two-photon microscopy. Specifically we demonstrate a method that allows us to generate the desired polarisation structure at the back aperture of the microscope by pre-compensating any detrimental phase shifts using a combination of waveplates

    Magnetically Driven Accretion in the Kerr Metric III: Unbound Outflows

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    We have carried out fully relativistic numerical simulations of accretion disks in the Kerr metric. In this paper we focus on the unbound outflows that emerge self-consistently from the accretion flow. These outflows are found in the axial funnel region and consist of two components: a hot, fast, tenuous outflow in the axial funnel proper, and a colder, slower, denser jet along the funnel wall. Although a rotating black hole is not required to produce these unbound outflows, their strength is enhanced by black hole spin. The funnel-wall jet is excluded from the axial funnel due to elevated angular momentum, and is also pressure-confined by a magnetized corona. The tenuous funnel outflow accounts for a significant fraction of the energy transported to large distances in the higher-spin simulations. We compare the outflows observed in our simulations with those seen in other simulations.Comment: 33 pages, 8 figures, ApJ submitte

    The Influence of Magnetic Field Geometry on the Evolution of Black Hole Accretion Flows: Similar Disks, Drastically Different Jets

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    Because the magneto-rotational instability is capable of exponentially amplifying weak preexisting magnetic fields, it might be hoped that the character of the magnetic field in accretion disks is independent of the nature of the seed field. However, the divergence-free nature of magnetic fields in highly conducting fluids ensures that their large-scale topology is preserved, no matter how greatly the field intensity is changed. By performing global two-dimensional and three-dimensional general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic disk simulations with several different topologies for the initial magnetic field, we explore the degree to which the character of the flows around black holes depends on the initial topology. We find that while the qualitative properties of the accretion flow are nearly independent of field topology, jet-launching is very sensitive to it: a sense of vertical field consistent for at least an inner disk inflow time is essential to the support of strong jets.Comment: 42 pages; 17 figures; Accepted for publication in ApJ (some new discussion and 2 new figures

    Magnetically Driven Jets in the Kerr Metric

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    We compute a series of three-dimensional general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of accretion flows in the Kerr metric to investigate the properties of the unbound outflows that result. The overall strength of these outflows increases sharply with increasing black hole rotation rate, but a number of generic features are found in all cases. The mass in the outflow is concentrated in a hollow cone whose opening angle is largely determined by the effective potential for matter orbiting with angular momentum comparable to that of the innermost stable circular orbit. The dominant force accelerating the matter outward comes from the pressure of the accretion disk's corona. The principal element that shapes the outflow is therefore the centrifugal barrier preventing accreting matter from coming close to the rotation axis. Inside the centrifugal barrier, the cone contains very little matter and is dominated by electromagnetic fields that rotate at a rate tied closely to the rotation of the black hole. These fields carry an outward-going Poynting flux whose immediate energy source is the rotating spacetime of the Kerr black hole. When the spin parameter a/M of the black hole exceeds ~0.9, the energy carried to infinity by these outflows can be comparable to the nominal radiative efficiency predicted in the Novikov-Thorne model. Similarly, the expelled angular momentum can be comparable to that accreted by the black hole. Both the inner electromagnetic part and the outer matter part can contribute in significant fashion to the energy and angular momentum of the outflow.Comment: 43 pages 12 figures To Appear in the Astrophysical Journal replaced figure 3c with correct imag

    Applicability of ERTS-1 to Montana geology

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Late autumn imagery provides the advantages of topographic shadow enhancement and low cloud cover. Mapping of rock units was done locally with good results for alluvium, basin fill, volcanics, inclined Paleozoic and Mesozoic beds, and host strata of bentonite beds. Folds, intrusive domes, and even dip directions were mapped where differential erosion was significant. However, mapping was not possible for belt strata, was difficult for granite, and was hindered by conifers compared to grass cover. Expansion of local mapping required geologic control and encountered significant areas unmappable from ERTS imagery. Annotation of lineaments provided much new geologic data. By extrapolating test site comparisons, it is inferred that 27 percent of some 1200 lineaments mapped from western Montana represent unknown faults. The remainder appear to be localized mainly by undiscovered faults and sets of minor faults or joints

    Phosphorylation by Akt within the ST loop of AMPK-Ī±1 down-regulates its activation in tumour cells

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    The insulin/IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1)-activated protein kinase Akt (also known as protein kinase B) phosphorylates Ser(487) in the ā€˜ST loopā€™ (serine/threonine-rich loop) within the C-terminal domain of AMPK-Ī±1 (AMP-activated protein kinase-Ī±1), leading to inhibition of phosphorylation by upstream kinases at the activating site, Thr(172). Surprisingly, the equivalent site on AMPK-Ī±2, Ser(491), is not an Akt target and is modified instead by autophosphorylation. Stimulation of HEK (human embryonic kidney)-293 cells with IGF-1 caused reduced subsequent Thr(172) phosphorylation and activation of AMPK-Ī±1Ā in response to the activator A769662 and the Ca(2+) ionophore A23187, effects we show to be dependent on Akt activation and Ser(487) phosphorylation. Consistent with this, in three PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome 10)-null tumour cell lines (in which the lipid phosphatase PTEN that normally restrains the Akt pathway is absent and Akt is thus hyperactivated), AMPK was resistant to activation by A769662. However, full AMPK activation could be restored by pharmacological inhibition of Akt, or by re-expression of active PTEN. We also show that inhibition of Thr(172) phosphorylation is due to interaction of the phosphorylated ST loop with basic side chains within the Ī±C-helix of the kinase domain. Our findings reveal that a previously unrecognized effect of hyperactivation of Akt in tumour cells is to restrain activation of the LKB1 (liver kinase B1)ā€“AMPK pathway, which would otherwise inhibit cell growth and proliferation

    Applicability of ERTS-1 to lineament and photogeologic mapping in Montana: Preliminary report

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    A lineament map prepared from a mosaic of western Montana shows about 85 lines not represented on the state geologic map, including elements of a northeast-trending set through central western Montana which merit ground truth checking and consideration in regional structural analysis. Experimental fold annotation resulted in a significant local correction to the state geologic map. Photogeologic mapping studies produced only limited success in identification of rock types, but they did result in the precise delineation of a late Cretaceous or early Tertiary volcanic field (Adel Mountain field) and the mapping of a connection between two granitic bodies shown on the state map. Imagery was used successfully to map clay pans associated with bentonite beds in gently dipping Bearpaw Shale. It is already apparent that ERTS imagery should be used to facilitate preparation of a much needed statewide tectonic map and that satellite imagery mapping, aided by ground calibration, provides and economical means to discover and correct errors in the state geologic map

    Targeting determinants of dosage compensation in Drosophila

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    The dosage compensation complex (DCC) in Drosophila melanogaster is responsible for up-regulating transcription from the single male X chromosome to equal the transcription from the two X chromosomes in females. Visualization of the DCC, a large ribonucleoprotein complex, on male larval polytene chromosomes reveals that the complex binds selectively to many interbands on the X chromosome. The targeting of the DCC is thought to be in part determined by DNA sequences that are enriched on the X. So far, lack of knowledge about DCC binding sites has prevented the identification of sequence determinants. Only three binding sites have been identified to date, but analysis of their DNA sequence did not allow the prediction of further binding sites. We have used chromatin immunoprecipitation to identify a number of new DCC binding fragments and characterized them in vivo by visualizing DCC binding to autosomal insertions of these fragments, and we have demonstrated that they possess a wide range of potential to recruit the DCC. By varying the in vivo concentration of the DCC, we provide evidence that this range of recruitment potential is due to differences in affinity of the complex to these sites. We were also able to establish that DCC binding to ectopic high-affinity sites can allow nearby low-affinity sites to recruit the complex. Using the sequences of the newly identified and previously characterized binding fragments, we have uncovered a number of short sequence motifs, which in combination may contribute to DCC recruitment. Our findings suggest that the DCC is recruited to the X via a number of binding sites of decreasing affinities, and that the presence of high-and moderate-affinity sites on the X may ensure that lower-affinity sites are occupied in a context-dependent manner. Our bioinformatics analysis suggests that DCC binding sites may be composed of variable combinations of degenerate motifs

    Hot Settling Accretion Flow onto a Spinning Black Hole

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    We study the structure and properties of hot MHD accretion onto a Kerr black hole. In such a system, the hole is magnetically coupled to the inflowing gas and exerts a torque onto the accretion flow. A hot settling flow can form around the hole and transport the angular momentum outward, to the outer edge of the flow. Unlike other hot flows, such as advection- and convection-dominated flows and inflow-outflow solutions (ADAFs, CDAFs, and ADIOS), the properties of the hot settling flow are determined by the spin of the central black hole, but are insensitive to the mass accretion rate. Therefore, it may be possible to identify rapidly spinning BHs simply from their broad-band spectra. Observationally, the hot settling flow around a Kerr hole is somewhat similar to other hot flows in that they all have hard, power-law spectra and relatively low luminosities. Thus, most black hole candidates in the low/hard and, perhaps, intermediate X-ray state may potentially accrete via the hot settling flow. However, a settling flow will be somewhat more luminous than ADAFs/CDAFs/ADIOS, will exhibit high variability in X-rays, and may have relativistic jets. This suggests that galactic microquasars and active galactic nuclei may be powered by hot settling flows. We identify several galactic X-ray sources as the best candidates.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure. Submitted to Ap
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