211 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Matematis Siswa melalui Penggunaan Metode Improve pada Materi Sistem Persamaan Linear Dua Variabel

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    This study aimed to analyze the improvement of critical thinking skills Improve mathematical methods to the material system of linear equations of two variables. The method used is the method of quasi-experimental data analysis using different test or the average of the t-test. Population affordable in this study were all students of class VIII A and VIII B grade SMP 248. Samples were obtained through random sampling techniques, namely random sample collection techniques. Testing requirements analysis consists of data from test to test methods Liliefors normality and homogeneity tests to test methods bartlett. Based on the results of the testing requirements of data analysis concluded that the two sets of data were normally distributed and homogeneous. Instrument variable mathematical critical thinking skills is a written test consisting of 20 items about. Based on the results of hypothesis testing and data analysis it can be concluded that the critical thinking skills of students who are taught mathematical improve method is higher than conventional methods. Based on these results, it is in an effort to improve students' critical thinking skills teachers should use mathematical methods improve

    Pengaruh Kebiasaan Belajar dan Kreativitas Belajar Siswa terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika (Survey pada SMA di Kecamatan Ciledug Tangerang)

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    The objective of this research is to investigate the influence of students learning activity and creativity toward the math learning achievement. In addition it is to know simultaneously the influence of students learning activity and creativity toward the math learning achievement. The research method is used in this research is survey. There are 60 students come from tenth grader of SMA Numaniyah and SMA Fatahillah Ciledug Tangerang as sample of the research, interview, questionner, and achievement test are used to collect the data. The descriptive statistical is used to analyze the data beside person double correlation coefficient, determination coefficient and regression analysis T and F  test are used to incate the statistical test. The research was conducted on March 2012. The result of the research show that there is simultaneous influence between students learning activity and creativity toward the math learning achievement of tenth grader students at SMA Ciledug Tangerang. It is stated by the quality regression of Y = -6,227 + 0,85 + 0,683. It indicates that one level of improvement of learning activity and creativity will be followed by the students achievement of -6,227. The students learning activity and creativity variables indicates the significance influence toward the students learning achievement. It is shownby the determination coefficient of R2 = 0,777 and F test score = 99,459

    Burns in Tanzania: Morbidity and Mortality, Causes and Risk Factors: A Review.

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    Burn injuries in low and middle income countries still remain a significant health problem, even though numbers of burn injuries in high income countries have decreased showing that such events are not "accidents" but are usually preventable. WHO states that the vast majority (over 95%) of fire-related burns occur in low and middle income countries. Burn injuries are a major cause of prolonged hospital stays, disfigurement, disability, and death in Africa Region. Evidence shows that prevention strategies can work. However prevention strategies need to be tailored to the specific environment taking into account local risk factors and available resources. An examination of the patterns and causes of burns should allow site specific recommendations for interventions. This literature review, specific to the United Republic of Tanzania, was conducted by researching PubMed, SafetyLit, and African Journals on Line data bases for primary sources using key words <Tanzania> plus <burns, suicide, homicide, injury mortality, injury morbidity>. Two sets of student data collected as part of Bachelor's degree final dissertations at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences were used. In all, twenty two primary sources were found. Risk factors for burn morbidity in Tanzania are: 1/ a young age, especially years 1-3, 2/ home environment, especially around cooking fires, 3/ epilepsy, during seizures, and 4/ perceived inevitability of the incident. It was expected that ground level cooking fires would be found to be a risk factor, but several studies have shown non-significant results about raised cooking fires, types of fuel used, and cooking appliances. Risk factors for burn mortality are: being male, between 20-30 years of age, and being punished for alleged thieving by community mobs. An important factor in reducing burn morbidity, especially in children, is to educate people that burns are preventable in most cases and that most burns occur in the home around cooking fires. Children need to be kept away from fires. Epileptics should be monitored for medication and kept away from cooking fires as well. Community members need to be encouraged to bring wrong doers to the police

    Strategi Pemasaran Penerbangan Berkonsep Low Cost Carrier (Lcc) dan Daya Saing Perusahaan (Studi pada Maskapai Penerbangan PT. Garuda Indonesia Citilink)

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    The focus of this research includes: first, how the marketing strategy is applied by the airline concept of low cost carrier in PT. Garuda Indonesia Citilink. Second, how does the impact of low cost carrier implementation on the company competition. The method used is qualitative with descriptive research type. The data is collected with documentation, observation, and interview techniques. Sources of data derived from primary data through interviews with informants from PT. Garuda Indonesia Citilinks' employee, while secondary data is extracted from internet sites and other related reports. Data analysis method uses Miles and Huberman data analysis model which is data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and conclusion. The result of marketing strategy research which is applied by PT. Garuda Indonesia Citilink is good enough in terms of Porter's competitive theory analysis. The company is able to attract new customers and retain old customers by improving service quality, providing continuous innovation, optimizing the efficiency process to provide a better service to customers. PT. Garuda Indonesia Citilink in the last few years, experienced rapid growth in terms of the number of passengers, flight frequency, and flight routes, because the cheap ticket prices provided more affordable for low average consumers

    Studi Keanekaragaman Arthropoda Pada Lahan Pertanian Tumpangsari Untuk Inventarisasi Predator Pengendalian Hayati Di Kecamatan Bumiaji Kota Batu

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    Pertanian tumpangsari merupakan pola penanaman dua atau lebih tanaman yaitu tanaman semusim dan tanaman tahunan yang bertujuan dapat menekan populasi hama. Salah satu cara menekan populasi hama adalah dengan menggunakan musuh alami yang sebagian besar berasal dari Arthropoda. Terkait dengan hal tersebut dilakukan penelitian dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) indeks keanekaragaman, kemerataan, dan kekayaan Arthropoda pada lahan pertanian tumpangsari di Kecamatan Bumiaji Kota Batu; (2) jenis Arthropoda yang berpotensi sebagai predator pada lahan pertanian tumpangsari di Kecamatan Bumiaji Kota Batu; dan (3) ada tidaknya hubungan kondisi faktor abiotik dengan jumlah spesies Arthropoda di Kecamatan Bumiaji Kota Batu. Pengambilan Arthropoda dilakukan pada lahan pertanian tumpangsari brokoli umur 4 minggu dan apel yang sedang berbunga dengan metode pitfall trap untuk pengambilan Arthropoda yang aktif di permukaan tanah dan jaring seranggauntuk pengambilan Arthropoda yang aktif ditajuk tumbuhan. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Agustus hingga September 2013. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitiaan ini yaitu menggunakan indeks keanekaragaman, kemerataan, dan kekayaaan; sedangkan analisis hubungan faktor abiotik dengan jumlah spesies menggunakan regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian ditemukan jenis Arthropoda yang teridentifikasi sebagai predator sebanyak 19 spesies, Nilai indeks keanekaragaman sebesar 2,73 yang termasuk dalam kategori sedang; indeks kemerataan sebesar 0,82 yang mendekati nilai 1 yang berarti memiliki kemerataan yang merata dan kondisi stabil; dan indeks kekayaan sebesar 4,72, ada hubungan antara faktor abiotik dengan jumlah spesies Arthropoda predator yaitu pada taraf signifikan R2total sebesar 20,3% dan yang paling berpengaruh adalah suhu tanah dan kecepatan angin. Perlu dilakukan uji laboratorium Arthropoda predator hama pada tanaman brokoli dan tanaman apel

    Growth and Survival of Fish Tapah (Wallago Leeri)In Recirculation Systems with Different Water Discharge

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    This research was conducted from February to April 2014, for 60 days inPonds trialFisheries Faculty and Marine Sciences, University of RiauPekanbaru.The aims research was to growth and survival of fish tapah Wallago leeriinsecirculation system with diferent water floware as.The Method used wasexperiment with 3 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments were P1 = 0,22liter/detik, P2 = 0,29 liter/detik, P3 = 0,41 liter/detik. The best result was treatmentP3 with absolute growth weights (10,22 g), absolute growth length (4,4 cm), dailygrowth rate (0,31 %) and survival rate 96,6 %.Water quality parameters wererecorded during in the researchsuch as ammonia (NH3) 0,0035-0,035 mg/l,temperature 29-310 C, pH 5-6, dissolved oxygen (DO) 3,80-5,90 mg/l

    Fulvic acid affects pepper antioxidant activity and fruit quality

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    Fulvic acid has been considered as a valuable fertilizer for sustainable agriculture. The present investigation  was undertaken to evaluate the effect of fulvic acid (FA) on antioxidant compounds and fruit quality of pepper  under field conditions. Plants were grown in the Department of Horticulture Farm, Ferdowsi University of  Mashhad, Iran (latitude 36‹ 17Œ N, longitude 59‹ 35Œ E and 985 m elevation). The experiment was designed in randomized block design with three replications. Treatments consisted of five levels of fulvic acid (0, 25, 100, 175 and 250 mg kg-1). The results indicate that fruit antioxidant activity, total phenolic, carbohydrate,  capsaicin and carotenoids contents were influenced by fulvic acid, but total flavonoid and ascorbic acid  contents were not affected significantly by fulvic acid treatments applications. FA applied at 25 mg kg-1 resulted in the highest carbohydrate content, lycopene and ƒÀ-carotene contents, while the lowest values  were recorded in the control. Fulvic acid treatments positively affected fruit quality (total soluble solids and titratable acidity); total soluble solids and titratable acidity significantly increased in response to FA  treatments. These results confirm that the use of fulvic acid have a positive effect on antioxidant activity and quality of hot pepper under field conditions.Key words: Fulvic acid, antioxidant activity, quality, pepper

    One stop crisis centres: A policy analysis of the Malaysian response to intimate partner violence

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    BACKGROUND: This article aims to investigate the processes, actors and other influencing factors behind the development and the national scale-up of the One Stop Crisis Centre (OSCC) policy and the subsequent health model for violence-response. METHODS: Methods used included policy analysis of legal, policy and regulatory framework documents, and in-depth interviews with key informants from governmental and non-governmental organisations in two States of Malaysia. RESULTS: The findings show that women's NGOs and health professionals were instrumental in the formulation and scaling-up of the OSCC policy. However, the subsequent breakdown of the NGO-health coalition negatively impacted on the long-term implementation of the policy, which lacked financial resources and clear policy guidance from the Ministry of Health. CONCLUSION: The findings confirm that a clearly-defined partnership between NGOs and health staff can be very powerful for influencing the legal and policy environment in which health care services for intimate partner violence are developed. It is critical to gain high level support from the Ministry of Health in order to institutionalise the violence-response across the entire health care system. Without clear operational details and resources policy implementation cannot be fully ensured and taken to scale

    Inactive or moderately active human promoters are enriched for inter-individual epialleles

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
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