23 research outputs found

    Anthropometric measurements of Hvar islanders and changes in secular trend of height – evidence from the village of Gdinj

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    The aim of this study was to compare the data on height of Hvar islanders collected from two transversal studies (1978/1979 and during the 1994). The first field research covered a total of 935 inhabitants of the island (484 males and 451 females) aged between 20 and 72 years, from five villages of the western part (Dol, Vrbanj, Svirče, Vrisnik, Pitve) and four villages of the eastern part of the island of Hvar (Poljica, Zastražišće, Gdinj, Bogomolje). The second field research was carried out in 1994 that enrolled total of 189 participants (82 males and 107 females) from the villages Dol, Vrbanj, Svirče, Zastražišće, Gdinj and Bogomolje. Comparison of data on Hvar adults since these two periods demonstrated a secular increase in average height for females and males in all investigated villages except in the village of Gdinj. Negative secular trend in village of Gdinj was observed for both female and male inhabitants. Possible explanation for this trend could be the specific migratory patterns and traditional practice of endogamy

    Anthropometric measurements of Hvar islanders and changes in secular trend of height – evidence from the village of Gdinj

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    The aim of this study was to compare the data on height of Hvar islanders collected from two transversal studies (1978/1979 and during the 1994). The first field research covered a total of 935 inhabitants of the island (484 males and 451 females) aged between 20 and 72 years, from five villages of the western part (Dol, Vrbanj, Svirče, Vrisnik, Pitve) and four villages of the eastern part of the island of Hvar (Poljica, Zastražišće, Gdinj, Bogomolje). The second field research was carried out in 1994 that enrolled total of 189 participants (82 males and 107 females) from the villages Dol, Vrbanj, Svirče, Zastražišće, Gdinj and Bogomolje. Comparison of data on Hvar adults since these two periods demonstrated a secular increase in average height for females and males in all investigated villages except in the village of Gdinj. Negative secular trend in village of Gdinj was observed for both female and male inhabitants. Possible explanation for this trend could be the specific migratory patterns and traditional practice of endogamy


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    U ovome radu usporedili smo stres i mentalnu čvrstoću kod policijskih službenika i medicinskog osoblja. Stres na radnome mjestu ili profesionalni stres je specifična vrsta stresa, koja je kod ova dva zanimanja izrazito prisutna, dok mentalna čvrstoća, kao stabilna karakteristika ličnosti, predstavlja određeni zaštitni faktor u odnosu na stres. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje razlika u doživljenom stresu i u aspektima mentalne čvrstoće kod pozitivno selekcioniranih policijskih službenika i medicinskih sestara/medicinskih tehničara koji studiraju uz rad. Usporedno istraživanje provedeno je na namjernim uzorcima 75 medicinskih sestara u Dubrovniku te 63 kriminalista u Zagrebu. Primijenjeni su upitnici Stress test te Kratka skala čvrstoće. Analiza glavnih komponenti pokazala je postojanje dvije komponente stresa: iscrpljenost/manjak kontrole te teškoće prehrane/sna. Medicinske sestre doživljavaju veći stres u obje komponente, ali imaju i veću mentalnu čvrstoću u aspektu predanosti. Rodne razlike u obje komponente stresa ukazuju na veći stres kod žena koje pokazuju i istaknutiju predanost. Viša razina stresa kod medicinskih sestara i kod žena može se protumačiti prosječno većom stresnošću medicinskih zanimanja i stresnom dvojnom ulogom suvremenih žena, bez obzira na zanimanje.In this paper we have compared the levels of stress vs. mental hardiness among police officers and health workers. Stress in the workplace (occupational stress) is a specific type of stress, which is very common in these two professions, while hardiness, as a stable personality trait, represents a specific protective factor in relation to stress. The aim of the study was to determine the differences in the experience of stress and in the aspects of hardiness among the sample of positively selected police officers and nurses/medical technicians who work and study simultaneously. A comparative study was conducted on intentional samples of 75 nurses in Dubrovnik and on 63 police officers in Zagreb. The questionnaires Stress Test and Short Hardiness Scale were administered to participants. Principal component analysis revealed the presence of two components of stress: fatigue/lack of control and nutrition/sleep difficulties. Nurses experienced more stress in both components, but they also had greater mental strength in the aspect of commitment. Gender differences in both stress components suggested a greater level of stress in women, who also exhibited a more pronounced degree of commitment. Higher level of stress in nurses and women can be attributed to higher average stress in the medical profession and to the dual role of modern women, irrespective of their profession


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    U ovome radu usporedili smo stres i mentalnu čvrstoću kod policijskih službenika i medicinskog osoblja. Stres na radnome mjestu ili profesionalni stres je specifična vrsta stresa, koja je kod ova dva zanimanja izrazito prisutna, dok mentalna čvrstoća, kao stabilna karakteristika ličnosti, predstavlja određeni zaštitni faktor u odnosu na stres. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje razlika u doživljenom stresu i u aspektima mentalne čvrstoće kod pozitivno selekcioniranih policijskih službenika i medicinskih sestara/medicinskih tehničara koji studiraju uz rad. Usporedno istraživanje provedeno je na namjernim uzorcima 75 medicinskih sestara u Dubrovniku te 63 kriminalista u Zagrebu. Primijenjeni su upitnici Stress test te Kratka skala čvrstoće. Analiza glavnih komponenti pokazala je postojanje dvije komponente stresa: iscrpljenost/manjak kontrole te teškoće prehrane/sna. Medicinske sestre doživljavaju veći stres u obje komponente, ali imaju i veću mentalnu čvrstoću u aspektu predanosti. Rodne razlike u obje komponente stresa ukazuju na veći stres kod žena koje pokazuju i istaknutiju predanost. Viša razina stresa kod medicinskih sestara i kod žena može se protumačiti prosječno većom stresnošću medicinskih zanimanja i stresnom dvojnom ulogom suvremenih žena, bez obzira na zanimanje.In this paper we have compared the levels of stress vs. mental hardiness among police officers and health workers. Stress in the workplace (occupational stress) is a specific type of stress, which is very common in these two professions, while hardiness, as a stable personality trait, represents a specific protective factor in relation to stress. The aim of the study was to determine the differences in the experience of stress and in the aspects of hardiness among the sample of positively selected police officers and nurses/medical technicians who work and study simultaneously. A comparative study was conducted on intentional samples of 75 nurses in Dubrovnik and on 63 police officers in Zagreb. The questionnaires Stress Test and Short Hardiness Scale were administered to participants. Principal component analysis revealed the presence of two components of stress: fatigue/lack of control and nutrition/sleep difficulties. Nurses experienced more stress in both components, but they also had greater mental strength in the aspect of commitment. Gender differences in both stress components suggested a greater level of stress in women, who also exhibited a more pronounced degree of commitment. Higher level of stress in nurses and women can be attributed to higher average stress in the medical profession and to the dual role of modern women, irrespective of their profession

    Pregnancy and birth cohorts in Europe: An overview

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    A birth cohort study is a form of study that uses expectant mothers and their subsequent newborns as research participants. Data is collected in order to identify health consequences and overall health outcomes of environment and lifestyle on pregnancy and childbirth. The main aim of this paper is to review and summarize all cohort studies that have been carried out or are still being conducted in Europe in last 80 years, as well as general information such as aim of the study, number of participants and duration of follow-up. Gathering information was made easier by websites such as Birthcohorts, CHICOS and LifeCycle, where many of the cohorts and their sources are listed. The remaining data was found by searching Google Scholar, PubMed and similar webpages, using keywords ‘birth and pregnancy cohorts’, ‘infants’, ‘pregnancies’, ‘allergies’ and ‘childhood obesity’. Overall, 137 cohorts in 27 countries were found. Cohort studies are an efficient method for assessing cause and effect. The focus is on the general health and well-being of mothers and children and as such provides a good approach to establishing a link between risk factors and outcomes. In epidemiological research, especially those concerning some of the biggest problems of the 21st century, such as obesity, type II diabetes and coronary heart disease, cohort studies make a valuable contribution. In last 80 years the number of studies has been increasing and with it the number of new insights. Collaboration between different birth cohorts is crucial for further harmonization of collected data and their use in the public health systems worldwide

    Mitochondrial DNA Heritage of Cres Islanders – Example of Croatian Genetic Outliers

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    Diversity of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) lineages of the Island of Cres was determined by high-resolution phylogenetic analysis on a sample of 119 adult unrelated individuals from eight settlements. The composition of mtDNA pool of this Island population is in contrast with other Croatian and European populations. The analysis revealed the highest frequency of haplogroup U (29.4%) with the predominance of one single lineage of subhaplogroup U2e (20.2%). Haplogroup H is the second most prevalent one with only 27.7%. Other very interesting features of contemporary Island population are extremely low frequency of haplogroup J (only 0.84%), and much higher frequency of haplogroup W (12.6%) comparing to other Croatian and European populations. Especially interesting finding is a strikingly higher frequency of haplogroup N1a (9.24%) presented with African/south Asian branch almost absent in Europeans, while its European sister-branch, proved to be highly prevalent among Neolithic farmers, is present in contemporary Europeans with only 0.2%. Haplotype analysis revealed that only five mtDNA lineages account for almost 50% of maternal genetic heritage of this island and they present supposed founder lineages. All presented findings confirm that genetic drift, especially founder effect, has played significant role in shaping genetic composition of the isolated population of the Island of Cres. Due to presented data contemporary population of Cres Island can be considered as genetic »outlier« among Croatian populations


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    Significant mtDNA variation in Southeastern Europe (SEE) reflects the turbulent and complex demographic history of the region, influenced by gene flow from various parts of Eurasia and a long history of intermixing. In this study we present the maternal genetic profile of the Serbian and Montenegrin populations based on the high resolution analysis of 258 mtDNAs, 119 samples from Serbia and 139 samples from Montenegro. Besides the evidence of minor gene flow from distant central/northeastern Asia, the majority of haplogroups place these populations in the broader genetic landscape of Southeastern Europe, close to their neighbors

    Maternal Genetic Legacy of the Eastern Adriatic Island of Krk – an Interplay of Evolutionary Forces and Island’s Historical Events in Shaping the Genetic Structure of Contemporary Island Population

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    This study presents genetic diversity and structure of contemporary Krk islanders revealed by high-resolution mitochondrial DNA analysis on a sample of 132 unrelated autochthonous adults from seven different settlements and regions of the island. Relatively high level of haplogroup and haplotype diversity in the overall island sample is an indicator of numerous migrations and gene flows throughout the history. Expectedly, the results show the highest frequency of haplogroup H (33.3%), yet this value is much lower compared to different Croatian and other European mainland populations. An interesting finding refers to highly elevated frequencies of some haplogroups, otherwise rare in Croatia and most of the Europe, such as I (11.3%) and W (7.6%) in Krk population, especially pronounced in some settlements. At the level of settlements, many of the major European haplogroups were found to be absent from their mtDNA gene pools, whereas several others show a pronounced deviation from an average. Overall, our results suggest a tangled interplay of different evolutionary forces, such as founder effects and a few strong bottlenecks, presumably due to epidemics, which have occurred in various periods of the island’s history. Cultural customs, such as frequent endogamy in some regions of the island during past centuries, have additionally shaped its genetic structure into the observed present-day diversity patterns

    Maternal Physical Activity in Pregnancy and Newborns` Anthropometry-The Preface From the CRIBS Study

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    Health benefits of physical activity during pregnancy include reduced risk of excessive gestational weight gain and conditions such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia and preterm birth. The ongoing CRoatian Islands Birth Cohort Study (CRIBS) is the first cohort study in the South-Eastern Europe with an aim to assess the prevalence of risk factors (biological, environmental and behavioral) for the Metabolic Syndrome in populations from Dalmatian islands of Hvar and Brač and coastal Split city with its surroundings. At the time of writing, Over 350 pregnant women and 220 of their newborns have been involved in the study. Here we present the preliminary results of testing the association of mothers` self-estimated physical activity during pregnancy with newborns` anthropometric characteristics (birth weight, length and head circumference) using the data from questionnaires and obstetric records of 116 mother – newborn pairs. The difference in weight-at-birth was detected between newborn girls whose mothers were from Low vs. Intensive physical activity categories, as well as from Moderate vs. Intensive physical activity categories. In addition to that, the significant difference in weight-at-birth and height/length-at-birth was detected between newborn boys whose mothers were from Moderate vs. Intensive physical activity categories (p<0.01). No association between self-estimated level of physical activity and mothers’ body mass index was found. For women with normal pregnancies, light occupational activities do not cause problems with the fetal growth rate, but the same was not reported for women who maintained high-intensity activities

    Maternal Genetic Legacy of the Eastern Adriatic Island of Krk – an Interplay of Evolutionary Forces and Island’s Historical Events in Shaping the Genetic Structure of Contemporary Island Population

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    This study presents genetic diversity and structure of contemporary Krk islanders revealed by high-resolution mitochondrial DNA analysis on a sample of 132 unrelated autochthonous adults from seven different settlements and regions of the island. Relatively high level of haplogroup and haplotype diversity in the overall island sample is an indicator of numerous migrations and gene flows throughout the history. Expectedly, the results show the highest frequency of haplogroup H (33.3%), yet this value is much lower compared to different Croatian and other European mainland populations. An interesting finding refers to highly elevated frequencies of some haplogroups, otherwise rare in Croatia and most of the Europe, such as I (11.3%) and W (7.6%) in Krk population, especially pronounced in some settlements. At the level of settlements, many of the major European haplogroups were found to be absent from their mtDNA gene pools, whereas several others show a pronounced deviation from an average. Overall, our results suggest a tangled interplay of different evolutionary forces, such as founder effects and a few strong bottlenecks, presumably due to epidemics, which have occurred in various periods of the island’s history. Cultural customs, such as frequent endogamy in some regions of the island during past centuries, have additionally shaped its genetic structure into the observed present-day diversity patterns