30 research outputs found

    Ascending central canal dilation and progressive ependymal disruption in a contusion model of rodent chronic spinal cord injury

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chronic spinal cord injury (SCI) can lead to an insidious decline in motor and sensory function in individuals even years after the initial injury and is accompanied by a slow and progressive cytoarchitectural destruction. At present, no pathological mechanisms satisfactorily explain the ongoing degeneration.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Adult female Sprague-Dawley rats were anesthetized laminectomized at T10 and received spinal cord contusion injuries with a force of 250 kilodynes using an Infinite Horizon Impactor. Animals were randomly distributed into 5 groups and killed 1 (n = 4), 28 (n = 4), 120 (n = 4), 450 (n = 5), or 540 (n = 5) days after injury. Morphometric and immunohistochemical studies were then performed on 1 mm block sections, 6 mm cranial and 6 mm caudal to the lesion epicenter. The SPSS 11.5 t test was used to determine differences between quantitative measures.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here, we document the first report of an ascending central canal dilation and progressive ependymal disruption cranial to the epicenter of injury in a contusion model of chronic SCI, which was characterized by extensive dural fibrosis and intraparenchymal cystic cavitation. Expansion of the central canal lumen beyond a critical diameter corresponded with ependymal cell ciliary loss, an empirically predictable thinning of the ependymal region, and a decrease in cell proliferation in the ependymal region. Large, aneurysmal dilations of the central canal were accompanied by disruptions in the ependymal layer, periependymal edema and gliosis, and destruction of the adjacent neuropil.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Cells of the ependymal region play an important role in CSF homeostasis, cellular signaling and wound repair in the spinal cord. The possible effects of this ascending pathology on ependymal function are discussed. Our studies suggest central canal dilation and ependymal region disruption as steps in the pathogenesis of chronic SCI, identify central canal dilation as a marker of chronic SCI and provide novel targets for therapeutic intervention.</p

    The Drosophila TRPP Cation Channel, PKD2 and Dmel/Ced-12 Act in Genetically Distinct Pathways during Apoptotic Cell Clearance

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    Apoptosis, a genetically programmed cell death, allows for homeostasis and tissue remodelling during development of all multi-cellular organisms. Phagocytes swiftly recognize, engulf and digest apoptotic cells. Yet, to date the molecular mechanisms underlying this phagocytic process are still poorly understood. To delineate the molecular mechanisms of apoptotic cell clearance in Drosophila, we have carried out a deficiency screen and have identified three overlapping phagocytosis-defective mutants, which all delete the fly homologue of the ced-12 gene, known as Dmel\ced12. As anticipated, we have found that Dmel\ced-12 is required for apoptotic cell clearance, as for its C. elegans and mammalian homologues, ced-12 and elmo, respectively. However, the loss of Dmel\ced-12 did not solely account for the phenotypes of all three deficiencies, as zygotic mutations and germ line clones of Dmel\ced-12 exhibited weaker phenotypes. Using a nearby genetically interacting deficiency, we have found that the polycystic kidney disease 2 gene, pkd2, which encodes a member of the TRPP channel family, is also required for phagocytosis of apoptotic cells, thereby demonstrating a novel role for PKD2 in this process. We have also observed genetic interactions between pkd2, simu, drpr, rya-r44F, and retinophilin (rtp), also known as undertaker (uta), a gene encoding a MORN-repeat containing molecule, which we have recently found to be implicated in calcium homeostasis during phagocytosis. However, we have not found any genetic interaction between Dmel\ced-12 and simu. Based on these genetic interactions and recent reports demonstrating a role for the mammalian pkd-2 gene product in ER calcium release during store-operated calcium entry, we propose that PKD2 functions in the DRPR/RTP pathway to regulate calcium homeostasis during this process. Similarly to its C. elegans homologue, Dmel\Ced-12 appears to function in a genetically distinct pathway

    A nationally representative study of emotional competence and health

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    Emotional competence (EC; also called "emotional intelligence"), which refers to individual differences in the identification, understanding, expression, regulation, and use of one's emotions and those of others, has been found to be an important predictor of individuals' adaptation to their environment. Higher EC is associated with greater happiness, better mental health, more satisfying social and marital relationships, and greater occupational success. Whereas a considerable amount of research has documented the significance of EC, 1 domain has been crucially under investigated: the relationship between EC and physical health. We examined the relationship between EC and objective health indicators in 2 studies (N1 = 1,310; N2 = 9,616) conducted in collaboration with the largest Mutual Benefit Society in Belgium. These studies allowed us (a) to compare the predictive power of EC with other well-known predictors of health such as age, sex, Body Mass Index, education level, health behaviors (diet, physical activity, smoking and drinking habits), positive and negative affect, and social support; (b) to clarify the relative weight of the various EC dimensions in predicting health; and (c) to determine to what extent EC moderates the effect of already known predictors on health. Results show that EC is a significant predictor of health that has incremental predictive power over and above other predictors. Findings also show that high EC significantly attenuates (and sometimes compensates for) the impact of other risk factors. Therefore, we argue that EC deserves greater interest and attention from health professionals and governments

    Standardization of 8-color flow cytometry across different flow cytometer instruments: A feasibility study in clinical laboratories in Switzerland.

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    The EuroFlow Consortium developed a fully standardized flow cytometric approach from instrument settings, through antibody panel, reagents and sample preparation protocols, to data acquisition and analysis. The Swiss Cytometry Society (SCS) promoted a study to evaluate the feasibility of using such standardized measurements of 8-color data across two different flow cytometry platforms - Becton Dickinson (BD) FACSCanto II and Beckman Coulter (BC) Navios, aiming at increasing reproducibility and inter-laboratory comparability of immunophenotypic data in clinical laboratories in Switzerland. The study was performed in two phases, i.e. a learning phase (round 1) and an analytical phase (rounds 2 and 3) consisting of a total of three rounds. Overall, 10 laboratories using BD FACSCanto II (n=6) or BC Navios (n=4) flow cytometers participated. Each laboratory measured peripheral blood samples from healthy donors stained with a uniform antibody panel of reagents - EuroFlow Lymphoid Screening Tube (LST) - applying the EuroFlow standardized protocols for instrument setup and sample preparation (www.EuroFlow.org). All data files were analyzed centrally and median fluorescence intensity (MedFI) values for individual markers on defined lymphocyte subsets were recorded; variability from reference MedFI values was assessed using performance scores. Data troubleshooting and discussion of the results with the participants followed after each round at SCS meetings. The results of the learning phase demonstrated that standardized instrument setup and data acquisition are feasible in routine clinical laboratories without previous experience with EuroFlow. During the analytical phase, highly comparable data were obtained at the different laboratories using either BD FACSCanto II or BC Navios. The coefficient of variation of MedFI for 7 of 11 markers performed repeatedly below 30%. In the last study round, 89% of participants scored over 90% MedFI values within the acceptance criteria (P-score), in line with the results of the EuroFlow quality assessment rounds performed by the EuroFlow expert laboratories(Kalina et al., 2015). Central analysis of data allowed identification of deviations from the standardized procedures and technical issues (e.g. failure to perform correct instrument setup and improper compensation). In summary, here we show that inter-laboratory cross-platform standardization of 8-color flow cytometric measurements in clinical laboratories is feasible and allows for fully comparable MedFI results across BD FACSCanto II and BC Navios instruments. However, adherence to standardized protocols is crucial. Thus, training of the laboratory personnel in the EuroFlow standardized procedures is highly recommended to prevent errors in instrument setup and sample preparation