5 research outputs found

    The Journal of Comorbidity affiliates with the North American Primary Care Research Group

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    The Journal of Comorbidity is pleased to announce that it has extended its society collaborations by forming another important partnership with the North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG), a renowned multidisciplinary organization for primary care researchers based in North America and beyond. The new partnership reflects an ongoing commitment of both the Journal of Comorbidity and NAPCRG to strengthen and broaden their ties with the primary care community and to foster the dissemination of innovative research in the field of comorbidity and multimorbidity.The partnership marks a celebration of the contribution of NAPCRG and its global members to conducting and reporting high-quality research on comorbidity/multimorbidity over the past 10 years. NAPCRG has been instrumental in growing awareness and developing the field of comorbidity/multimorbidity through various workshops, seminars, and plenaries at its annual meetings held in North America. Furthermore, in 2007, NAPCRG helped organize a meeting funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health on the theme of multimorbidity; attended by over 30 participants from eight countries, this led to the creation of the International Research Community on Multimorbidity (IRCMo) [1]. IRCMo now has almost 1,000 subscribers who are connected through a blog that showcases the most recent developments and publications on comorbidity/multimorbidity research. IRCMo also publishes regular updates on publications that are particularly important in terms of capacity building in research. Journal of Comorbidity 2017;7(1):114–11


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    Melt Infiltrated Ceramic Matrix Composites for Shrouds and Combustor Liners of Advanced Industrial Gas Turbines

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    This report covers work performed under the Advanced Materials for Advanced Industrial Gas Turbines (AMAIGT) program by GE Global Research and its collaborators from 2000 through 2010. A first stage shroud for a 7FA-class gas turbine engine utilizing HiPerComp{reg_sign}* ceramic matrix composite (CMC) material was developed. The design, fabrication, rig testing and engine testing of this shroud system are described. Through two field engine tests, the latter of which is still in progress at a Jacksonville Electric Authority generating station, the robustness of the CMC material and the shroud system in general were demonstrated, with shrouds having accumulated nearly 7,000 hours of field engine testing at the conclusion of the program. During the latter test the engine performance benefits from utilizing CMC shrouds were verified. Similar development of a CMC combustor liner design for a 7FA-class engine is also described. The feasibility of using the HiPerComp{reg_sign} CMC material for combustor liner applications was demonstrated in a Solar Turbines Ceramic Stationary Gas Turbine (CSGT) engine test where the liner performed without incident for 12,822 hours. The deposition processes for applying environmental barrier coatings to the CMC components were also developed, and the performance of the coatings in the rig and engine tests is described