542 research outputs found

    Sensorimotor functional connectivity: A neurophysiological factor related to BCI performance

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    Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) are systems that allow users to control devices using brain activity alone. However, the ability of participants to command BCIs varies from subject to subject. About 20% of potential users of sensorimotor BCIs do not gain reliable control of the system. The inefficiency to decode user's intentions requires the identification of neurophysiological factors determining “good” and “poor” BCI performers. One of the important neurophysiological aspects in BCI research is that the neuronal oscillations, used to control these systems, show a rich repertoire of spatial sensorimotor interactions. Considering this, we hypothesized that neuronal connectivity in sensorimotor areas would define BCI performance. Analyses for this study were performed on a large dataset of 80 inexperienced participants. They took part in a calibration and an online feedback session recorded on the same day. Undirected functional connectivity was computed over sensorimotor areas by means of the imaginary part of coherency. The results show that post- as well as pre-stimulus connectivity in the calibration recording is significantly correlated to online feedback performance in μ and feedback frequency bands. Importantly, the significance of the correlation between connectivity and BCI feedback accuracy was not due to the signal-to-noise ratio of the oscillations in the corresponding post and pre-stimulus intervals. Thus, this study demonstrates that BCI performance is not only dependent on the amplitude of sensorimotor oscillations as shown previously, but that it also relates to sensorimotor connectivity measured during the preceding training session. The presence of such connectivity between motor and somatosensory systems is likely to facilitate motor imagery, which in turn is associated with the generation of a more pronounced modulation of sensorimotor oscillations (manifested in ERD/ERS) required for the adequate BCI performance. We also discuss strategies for the up-regulation of such connectivity in order to enhance BCI performance

    Multi-Channel Stochastic Variational Inference for the Joint Analysis of Heterogeneous Biomedical Data in Alzheimer's Disease

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    The joint analysis of biomedical data in Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is important for better clinical diagnosis and to understand the relationship between biomarkers. However, jointly accounting for heterogeneous measures poses important challenges related to the modeling of the variability and the interpretability of the results. These issues are here addressed by proposing a novel multi-channel stochastic generative model. We assume that a latent variable generates the data observed through different channels (e.g., clinical scores, imaging, ...) and describe an efficient way to estimate jointly the distribution of both latent variable and data generative process. Experiments on synthetic data show that the multi-channel formulation allows superior data reconstruction as opposed to the single channel one. Moreover, the derived lower bound of the model evidence represents a promising model selection criterion. Experiments on AD data show that the model parameters can be used for unsupervised patient stratification and for the joint interpretation of the heterogeneous observations. Because of its general and flexible formulation, we believe that the proposed method can find important applications as a general data fusion technique.Comment: accepted for presentation at MLCN 2018 workshop, in Conjunction with MICCAI 2018, September 20, Granada, Spai

    SPoC: A novel framework for relating the amplitude of neuronal oscillations to behaviorally relevant parameters

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    Previously, modulations in power of neuronal oscillations have been functionally linked to sensory, motor and cognitive operations. Such links are commonly established by relating the power modulations to specific target variables such as reaction times or task ratings. Consequently, the resulting spatio-spectral representation is subjected to neurophysiological interpretation. As an alternative, independent component analysis (ICA) or alternative decomposition methods can be applied and the power of the components may be related to the target variable. In this paper we show that these standard approaches are suboptimal as the first does not take into account the superposition of many sources due to volume conduction, while the second is unable to exploit available information about the target variable. To improve upon these approaches we introduce a novel (supervised) source separation framework called Source Power Comodulation (SPoC). SPoC makes use of the target variable in the decomposition process in order to give preference to components whose power comodulates with the target variable. We present two algorithms that implement the SPoC approach. Using simulations with a realistic head model, we show that the SPoC algorithms are able extract neuronal components exhibiting high correlation of power with the target variable. In this task, the SPoC algorithms outperform other commonly used techniques that are based on the sensor data or ICA approaches. Furthermore, using real electroencephalography (EEG) recordings during an auditory steady state paradigm, we demonstrate the utility of the SPoC algorithms by extracting neuronal components exhibiting high correlation of power with the intensity of the auditory input. Taking into account the results of the simulations and real EEG recordings, we conclude that SPoC represents an adequate approach for the optimal extraction of neuronal components showing coupling of power with continuously changing behaviorally relevant parameters

    The intellectual property implications of low-cost 3D printing

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    In the late 1970s 3D printing started to become established as a manufacturing technology. Thirty years on the cost of 3D printing machines is falling to the point where private individuals in the developed world may easily own them. They allow anyone to print complicated engineering parts entirely automatically from design files that it is straightforward to share over the Internet. However, although the widespread use of 3D printers may well have both economic and environmental advantages over conventional methods of manufacturing and distributing goods, there may be concerns that such use could be constrained by the operation of intellectual property (IP) law. This paper examines existing IP legislation and case law in the contexts of the possible wide take-up of this technology by both small firms and private individuals. It splits this examination into five areas: copyright, design protection, patents, trade marks, and passing off. Reassuringly, and perhaps surprisingly, it is concluded that – within the UK at least - private 3D printer owners making items for personal use and not for gain are exempt from the vast majority of IP constraints, and that commercial users, though more restricted, are less so than might be imagined

    Generative discriminative models for multivariate inference and statistical mapping in medical imaging

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    This paper presents a general framework for obtaining interpretable multivariate discriminative models that allow efficient statistical inference for neuroimage analysis. The framework, termed generative discriminative machine (GDM), augments discriminative models with a generative regularization term. We demonstrate that the proposed formulation can be optimized in closed form and in dual space, allowing efficient computation for high dimensional neuroimaging datasets. Furthermore, we provide an analytic estimation of the null distribution of the model parameters, which enables efficient statistical inference and p-value computation without the need for permutation testing. We compared the proposed method with both purely generative and discriminative learning methods in two large structural magnetic resonance imaging (sMRI) datasets of Alzheimer's disease (AD) (n=415) and Schizophrenia (n=853). Using the AD dataset, we demonstrated the ability of GDM to robustly handle confounding variations. Using Schizophrenia dataset, we demonstrated the ability of GDM to handle multi-site studies. Taken together, the results underline the potential of the proposed approach for neuroimaging analyses.Comment: To appear in MICCAI 2018 proceeding

    Relationship between regional white matter hyperintensities and alpha oscillations in older adults

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    Aging is associated with increased white matter hyperintensities (WMHs) and with alterations of alpha oscillations (7–13 Hz). However, a crucial question remains, whether changes in alpha oscillations relate to aging per se or whether this relationship is mediated by age-related neuropathology like WMHs. Using a large cohort of cognitively healthy older adults (N=907, 60-80 years), we assessed relative alpha power, alpha peak frequency, and long-range temporal correlations (LRTC) from resting-state EEG. We further associated these parameters with voxel-wise WMHs from 3T MRI. We found that a higher prevalence of WMHs in the superior and posterior corona radiata as well as in the thalamic radiation was related to elevated alpha power, with the strongest association in the bilateral occipital cortex. In contrast, we observed no significant relation of the WMHs probability with alpha peak frequency and LRTC. Finally, higher age was associated with elevated alpha power via total WMH volume. We suggest that an elevated alpha power is a consequence of WMH affecting a spatial organization of alpha sources

    Alterations in rhythmic and non-rhythmic resting-state EEG activity and their link to cognition in older age

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    While many structural and biochemical changes in the brain have been previously associated with aging, the findings concerning electrophysiological signatures, reflecting functional properties of neuronal networks, remain rather controversial. To try resolve this issue, we took advantage of a large population study (N=1703) and comprehensively investigated the association of multiple EEG biomarkers (power of alpha and theta oscillations, individual alpha peak frequency (IAF), the slope of 1/f power spectral decay), aging, and aging and cognitive performance. Cognitive performance was captured with three factors representing processing speed, episodic memory, and interference resolution. Our results show that not only did IAF decline with age but it was also associated with interference resolution over multiple cortical areas. To a weaker extent, 1/f slope of the PSD showed age-related reductions, mostly in frontal brain regions. Finally, alpha power was negatively associated with the speed of processing in the right frontal lobe, despite the absence of age-related alterations. Our results thus demonstrate that multiple electrophysiological features, as well as their interplay, should be considered when investigating the association between age, neuronal activity, and cognitive performance
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