4 research outputs found

    Quiescence, Stemness and Adipogenic Differentiation Capacity in Human DLK1−/CD34+/CD24+ Adipose Stem/Progenitor Cells

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    We explore the status of quiescence, stemness and adipogenic differentiation capacity in adipose stem/progenitor cells (ASCs) ex vivo, immediately after isolation from human subcutaneous white adipose tissue, by sorting the stromal vascular fraction into cell-surface DLK1+/CD34−, DLK1+/CD34dim and DLK1−/CD34+ cells. We demonstrate that DLK1−/CD34+ cells, the only population exhibiting proliferative and adipogenic capacity, express ex vivo the bonafide quiescence markers p21Cip1, p27Kip1 and p57Kip2 but neither proliferation markers nor the senescence marker p16Ink4a. The pluripotency markers NANOG, SOX2 and OCT4 are barely detectable in ex vivo ASCs while the somatic stemness factors, c-MYC and KLF4 and the early adipogenic factor C/EBPβ are highly expressed. Further sorting of ASCs into DLK1−/CD34+/CD24− and DLK1−/CD34+/CD24+ fractions shows that KLF4 and c-MYC are higher expressed in DLK1−/CD34+/CD24+ cells correlating with higher colony formation capacity and considerably lower adipogenic activity. Proliferation capacity is similar in both populations. Next, we show that ASCs routinely isolated by plastic-adherence are DLK1−/CD34+/CD24+. Intriguingly, CD24 knock-down in these cells reduces proliferation and adipogenesis. In conclusion, DLK1−/CD34+ ASCs in human sWAT exist in a quiescent state, express high levels of somatic stemness factors and the early adipogenic transcription factor C/EBPβ but senescence and pluripotency markers are barely detectable. Moreover, our data indicate that CD24 is necessary for adequate ASC proliferation and adipogenesis and that stemness is higher and adipogenic capacity lower in DLK1−/CD34+/CD24+ relative to DLK1−/CD34+/CD24− subpopulations

    Reliable reference genes for expression analysis of proliferating and adipogenically differentiating human adipose stromal cells

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    Abstract Background The proliferation and adipogenic differentiation of adipose stromal cells (ASCs) are complex processes comprising major phenotypical alterations driven by up- and downregulation of hundreds of genes. Quantitative RT-PCR can be employed to measure relative changes in the expression of a gene of interest. This approach requires constitutively expressed reference genes for normalization to counteract inter-sample variations due to differences in RNA quality and quantity. Thus, a careful validation of quantitative RT-PCR reference genes is needed to accurately measure fluctuations in the expression of genes. Here, we evaluated candidate reference genes applicable for quantitative RT-PCR analysis of gene expression during proliferation and adipogenesis of human ASCs with the immunophenotype DLK1+/CD34+/CD90+/CD105+/CD45−/CD31−. Methods We evaluated the applicability of 10 candidate reference genes (GAPDH, TBP, RPS18, EF1A, TFRC, GUSB, PSMD5, CCNA2, LMNA and MRPL19) using NormFinder, geNorm and BestKeeper software. Results The results indicate that EF1A and MRPL19 are the most reliable reference genes for quantitative RT-PCR analysis of proliferating ASCs. PSMD5 serves as the most reliable endogenous control in adipogenesis. CCNA2 and LMNA were among the least consistent genes. Conclusions Applying these findings for future gene expression analyses will help elucidate ASC biology