296 research outputs found

    Professional Identity Of Female Engineering Graduates:An Exploration Of Identity Status Through Life History Research

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    The number of students entering engineering programmes is too low to meet the need for engineering graduates. Still, many leave for jobs outside the technical sector right after graduation. Professional identity is a concept that helps to explain why they stay in or leave the technical sector (Cech 2014). It is the result of the process of professional socialisation. This study uses life history research to understand the professional socialisation of engineering graduates from kindergarten age until a few years after graduation. An analysis of the life experiences of male and female engineering graduates shows differences in how they describe moments of choice, reflecting different professional identity statuses of male and female graduates.</p

    Peer feedback : quality and quantity in large groups

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    Providing peer feedback is an activity that does not only support the receiver of the feedback in his or her learning process, it is also useful for those who provide feedback, as they have to critically analyse the work or performance of colleagues [1]. Apart from the specific contents of peer feedback comments, the quantity and the diversity of peer feedback in comparison with the quantity and diversity of teacher feedback is one of the main advantages on the inclusion of peer feedback in the assessment methods of a course. This article describes the second edition of a 15-ECTS project-oriented course for Informatics Engineering Master’s students at the University of Minho, in which peer assessment of team performance is part of the assessment method. In the first year in which the peer assessment method was implemented, students worked in large teams and assessed their peers at four moments on the behaviour in the team, using a single comment to justify all grades given on the assessment criteria. In the second edition, students used a comment for each one of the assessment criteria, multiplying as such the quantity and diversity of the comments. This article seeks to explore the change of quality of peer feedback for the second edition in order to improve the current model of peer feedback used in this and other engineering courses and make peer feedback as helpful as possible for both the giving as well as the receiving students.(undefined

    Maatregelen ter vermindering van fijnstofemissie uit de pluimveehouderij: optimalisatie van een oliefilmsysteem bij vleeskuikens = Measures to reduce fine dust emission from poultry: optimization of an oil spraying system for broilers

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    The effects of oil dose, spraying frequency and of technical optimizations of an oil spraying system on the reduction of fine dust were studied. Daily application of 8 to 15 ml of oil per m2 of bedding up from day 21 of the production cycle resulted in a 60% and 80% reduction of PM10 and PM2.5 emission, based on particle mass. Technical optimizations substantially reduced oil droplet

    Ensino/aprendizagem por projecto : balanço de uma experiência na Universidade do Minho

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    Nesta comunicação apresentamos um balanço parcial de uma experiência de ensino/aprendizagem baseada em projecto que decorreu no segundo semestre, do ano lectivo de 2004/2005, no primeiro ano da Licenciatura em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial (LEGI), da Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho. Esta experiência, baseada na lógica de projecto, assume como elementos estruturantes, entre outros, a centralidade do aluno e a aprendizagem activa, o trabalho em equipa e o desenvolvimento do espírito de iniciativa e de capacidades de comunicação. O trabalho levado a cabo pelos alunos, ao longo do 2º semestre, consistiu na realização de um “Projecto para um Sistema de Produção de Biodiesel”, com desenvolvimento de competências relacionadas com cinco disciplinas, pertencentes a dois departamentos da Escola de Engenharia e a dois da Escola de Ciências. Estiveram envolvidos 12 docentes, 1 assistente e 43 alunos. No âmbito deste texto, para além da descrição da implementação do processo de avaliação da experiência, apresentamos alguns resultados com base na perspectiva dos alunos.Reitoria da Universidade do Minho - Programa Qualidade

    GPGPU-assisted polymer nanocomposite modelling and characterisation

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    Poster "Advanced Hybrid Materials I I: design and applications" (Simposio P)Development of the hybrid materials with predefined properties by addition of inorganic nanoinclusions to a polymer material constitutes a hard challenge due to significant properties’ variations depending on inclusion’s distribution and interaction. To understand structure-property relations in such materials optical image analysis and numeric modeling are widely used, however matching such data with properties’ measurements for industrial nanocomposites requires a link to be established between experimental and modeling length scales. In this work a computer code was developed to create a model composite structure with a predefined distribution probability of inclusions using NVIDIA CUDA GPGPU approach. The code is capable of randomly populating and analyzing samples of the typical size of microphotographs used for experimental characterization and typical nanoinclusions’ concentrations avoiding unphysical intersections and thus allow correlating the results of both optical characterization and statistical computer modeling. The initial probability distribution can be taken from experimental samples and further varied to investigate the effect of distribution on a desired property. Application to study the effect of carbon nanotubes and carbon nanofibers in a polymer matrix on the composite electrical and mechanical properties is discussed.FEDER - Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade (COMPETE)Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - CONC-REEQ/443/EEI/2005, PEst-C-FIS/UI607/2011-201

    Implantação da Estratégia P2BL na FE/UFJF : relato, análise e avaliação

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    The paper discuss a proposal and the implementation of active learning strategies at the Engineering College, UFJF, Brazil. These strategies, based on a hybrid approach of the Project Based Learning ‐ PjBL and Problem Based Learning ‐ PBL, are described and analyzed. Beginning with its application to a single discipline, the project evolved to include several students groups, utilizing the Electrical Engineering Tutorial Program, and an interdisciplinary implementation, encompassing two disciplines. A Workshop about PjBL was also accomplished trying to motivate the Engineering College professors for these strategies. A discussion and analysis of the results obtained until now ends the paper

    Redesign of machine component in polymeric matrix composite towards increased productivity

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    This work is focused in the maximization of the acceleration a 2D Industrial Laser Cutting Machine (ILCM). The changes to be implemented are centered in the replacement of a metallic critical component: the gantry. This component largely influences precision and maximum acceleration. Finite Elements Analysis was performed to the current metallic part. From this analysis the maximum allowed deformations were established. A replacement composite component capable of an equally valid behavior was designed in carbon fiber. To establish the maximum increase in acceleration that does not lead to precision losses, the working conditions were simulated and the acceleration to which the component was subjected to was varied. The variation of the thickness of layers with different orientations and locations in the part allowed for the understanding of how the mass varies along with the maximum possible acceleration. This analysis, asides with considering the maximum force allowed by the linear motor that is responsible by the gantry motion, establishes the limit in terms of maximum acceleration of the machine. An increase of 22% in the maximum acceleration while maintaining the precision is possible due to the higher specific rigidity of composite materials and the use of an optimization heuristic

    Kennis beter ontsluiten en benutten met Deltafacts

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    Binnen universiteiten, kennisinstituten en bij waterbeheerders wordt veel kennis ontwikkeld en vergaard. Om te kunnen blijven innoveren, is het belangrijk deze kennis met elkaar te delen, zodat we stappen kunnen maken richting verdere ontwikkeling van de watersector. Hierin is een wereld te winnen, omdat kennis niet optimaal bekend is, versnipperd is of besloten ligt in moeilijk toegankelijke rapporten. Binnen het STOWA- kennisprogramma Deltaproof spreken de waterschappen de wens uit werk te maken van het ontsluiten van kennis. STOWA pakte de boodschap op en nam het initiatief voor het ontwikkelen van Deltafact