4 research outputs found

    Klarifikasi nilai dan pencegahan radikalisme dalam dunia pendidikan (sekolah menengah) di Indonesia

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    This article discusses the risks of (religious) radicalism infiltrating formal education in Indonesia, particularly in middle and high schools. The value clarification approach popularized by Louis Rahts, Sidney B. Simon, Leland W. Howe, and Howard Kirschenbaum is used in this article to examine this problem by showing that educational design, which is dominated by indoctrinating model, opens up a place for radicalism to grow faster since it does not open an adequate space for students to question and discuss the values, they have learned in the learning process. This article argues that the value clarification approach helps teachers and students choose appropriate learning models to create an adequate space for students to understand, talk, and consider the values they are learning. In order to prevent the student from and minimize radicalism in school, then, in the end, based on the value clarification model, this article offers the three tasks of preventing students from radicalism, which are sharpening intelligence, sharpening the sense and sensitivity, and improving the way we are working with others.  AbstrakArtikel ini membahas tentang bahaya radikalisme (atas nama agama) yang sudah merambahi dunia pendidikan formal, secara khusus pada level sekolah menengah di Indonesia. Pendekatan klarifikasi nilai (value clarification) yang dipopulerkan oleh Louis Rahts, Sidney B. Simon, Leland W. Howe, dan Howard Kirschenbaum dipakai untuk menelaah persoalan ini dengan memperlihatkan bahwa pembelajaran yang masih didominasi oleh model indoktrinasi membuka ruang bagi bertumbuhnya paham radikalisme karena tidak tersedia “ruang” yang memadai bagi para siswa untuk mempertanyakan dan mendiskusikan nilai-nilai yang diterima dalam proses pembelajaran. Pendekatan klarifikasi nilai dapat menolong para guru dan juga siswa memilih model pembelajaran yang tepat sehingga tersedia ruang yang memadai bagi para siswa untuk memahami, mempercakapkan, dan mempertimbangkan dengan baik apa yang mereka pelajari. Sebagai upaya mencegah dan meminimalisir bahaya radikalisme di sekolah, dengan berbasis pada konteks dan juga pendekatan klarifikasi nilai, maka bagian akhir artikel ini menawarkan tritugas pencegahan radikalisme, yaitu mengasah kecerdasan, mengasah rasa dan kepekaan, serta meningkatkan kerja bersama dengan mereka yang berbeda

    Metode Pembelajaran Ramah Remaja di GMIT Jemaat Kalvari Maumere

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    Learning methods for teenagers in the church are often equated with learning methods for children. If it is differentiated, it is a kind of modification of the teaching model of children. The teachers are not treating teenagers according to their abilities and needs. Based on the context of the teenagers at GMIT Kalvari, Maumere, this research wants to reveal the extent to which the learning methods used so far are friendly or unfriendly to the teenager group of Generation Z. The research method used is qualitative research using structured interviews to the groups of teacher and teenager and review on the teaching material document "Derap Remaja" that is used in 2022. By using the theory of learning models of Sara Little and generation theory of Gen Z foranalyze the context, results show that teenager-friendly learning is an urgent need because one-way teaching patterns are still strong enough to dominate the teenager learning model at GMIT Kalvari. Therefore, this paper proposes three principles and practical aspects related to the teenager learning methods, which are responsive and dialogical methods that go beyond the monologue one, the active involvement of teenagers in the learning process, and learning process that encourage the teenager to do something in their real lif

    Metode Pembelajaran Ramah Remaja di GMIT Jemaat Kalvari Maumere

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    Learning methods for teenagers in the church are often equated with learning methods for children. If it is differentiated, it is a kind of modification of the teaching model of children. The teachers are not treating teenagers according to their abilities and needs. Based on the context of the teenagers at GMIT Kalvari, Maumere, this research wants to reveal the extent to which the learning methods used so far are friendly or unfriendly to the teenager group of Generation Z. The research method used is qualitative research using structured interviews to the groups of teacher and teenager and review on the teaching material document "Derap Remaja" that is used in 2022. By using the theory of learning models of Sara Little and generation theory of Gen Z foranalyze the context, results show that teenager-friendly learning is an urgent need because one-way teaching patterns are still strong enough to dominate the teenager learning model at GMIT Kalvari. Therefore, this paper proposes three principles and practical aspects related to the teenager learning methods, which are responsive and dialogical methods that go beyond the monologue one, the active involvement of teenagers in the learning process, and learning process that encourage the teenager to do something in their real lif

    Potret Pendidikan Kristiani dalam Konteks Bergereja di Indonesia pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19

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    Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the life of the church in Indonesia, including the design of Christian education organized by the church. The pandemic, in which digital technology develops rapidly and massively, urges the church to rethink the concept and purpose of Christian education to demonstrate its critical, adaptable, and creative dimensions. Based on a literature study of the various dynamics and changes that occur in the area of Christian education during the COVID-19 pandemic, this research proposes the three fundamental transformative efforts for the churches in Indonesia to design their concept and elaborate their purposes of Christian education, focusing on strengthening relationships among people, changing ways of thinking and learning (teaching), and socializing with digital media.  Keyword: christian education; COVID-19 pandemic; digital technology Abstrak: Pandemi COVID-19 berdampak signifikan terhadap kehidupan bergereja di Indonesia, termasuk pelaksanaan Pendidikan Kristiani yang diselenggarakan oleh gereja. Pandemi, yang di dalamnya teknologi digital berkembang secara cepat dan masif, mendesak gereja untuk memikirkan kembali konsep dan tujuan Pendidikan Kristianinya, sehingga mampu menunjukkan daya kritis, daya adaptasi, dan daya kreatifnya. Dengan berbasis pada studi literatur tentang berbagai dinamika yang terjadi dalam ranah Pendidikan Kristiani selama masa pandemi COVID-19, penelitian ini menawarkan tiga upaya transformatif bagi gereja-gereja di Indonesia dalam mendesain konsep dan mengelaborasi tujuan Pendidikan Kristiani yang berorientasi pada penguatan relasi antar individu, perubahan cara berpikir dan cara belajar (mengajar), serta bersosialisasi dengan media digital. Kata Kunci: pendidikan kristiani; pandemi COVID-19; teknologi digita