1,800 research outputs found

    Parton picture for the strongly coupled SYM plasma

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    Deep inelastic scattering off the strongly coupled N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills plasma at finite temperature can be computed within the AdS/CFT correspondence, with results which are suggestive of a parton picture for the plasma. Via successive branchings, essentially all partons cascade down to very small values of the longitudinal momentum fraction x and to transverse momenta smaller than the saturation momentum Q_s\sim T/x. This scale Q_s controls the plasma interactions with a hard probe, in particular, the jet energy loss and its transverse momentum broadening.Comment: 4 pages, Talk given at Quark Matter 2008: 20th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus Nucleus Collisions (QM 2008), Jaipur, India, 4-10 Feb 200

    Fenomena Geng Motor di Kota Medan: Satu Konstruksi Model Sosio Psikologi Komunikasi

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    Artikel ilmiah ini adalah berdasarkan hasil kajian observasi dan studi dokumen mengenai maraknya kehadiran “Geng Motor”, yaitu kelompok pemotor yang anggotanya terdiri dari para remaja dan bahkan orang dewasa yang memproklamirkan diri sebagai klub motor namun belakangan cenderung melakukan tindakan kriminal dan kejahatan atau delinkuensi di kota Medan, telah menjadi gejala sosial yang sangat meresahkan masyarakat di kota Medan. Melalui berita dari berbagai media massa dapat kita simak aksi para geng motor banyak melakukan tindakan brutal di jalanan, dan tidak jarang pula merusak fasilitas-fasilitas umum bahkan menghabisi nyawa manusia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dalam memahami masalah, adapun yang menjadi subjek penelitian adalag geng motor RnR dan NkB yang cukup banyak jejak kriminal di kota Medan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perhatian, pengakuan, dan kasih sayang sangat dibutuhkan seorang remaja di lingkungan keluarganya dan demikian dengan kontrol orang tua dalam memperhatikan keseharian anaknya di lingkungan sosialnya juga wajib dilakukan. Kondisi keluarga yang kurang harmonis dan kurang adanya nuansa kasih sayang didalamnya turut serta menyebabkan seorang anak terikut pada perilaku kenakalan remaja. Perlu adanya komunikasi yang intens antara pihak kepolisian, pihak sekolah, keluarga, dan masyarakat agar tidak terjadi miss komunikasi antar elemen tersebut sehingga mampu bertindak secara bersama-sama dalam menangani geng motor sesuai dengan prosedur dan aturan hukum yang berlaku. Pentingnya komunikasi dan koordinasi antar elemen masyarakat yakni keluarga, sekolah, lingkungan, dan aparat penegak hukum. Komunikasi Antar Pribadi antara orangtua, guru, dan anak; Komunikasi Lintas Budaya di lingkungan, serta komunikasi Persuasif oleh aparat hukum pada pelaku geng motor wajib dilakukan


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    Every process and stage in phase of constructing of Indonesia’s vernacular architecture is required the role and contribution of individual or several actors so that procession of house construction can be built due to purposes. According to traditions and beliefs of the Bugis community, there are several actors who have different roles and responsibilities during the process of establishing a Buginese-house. This research aims to explore the influence of the actors’ role who are involved in the process of constructing a traditional Bugis house. Correlation and impact of one actor's involvement with other actors will be reviewed based on the perspective of the Actor Network Theory (ANT) by using descriptive qualitative method.  The results revealed that there are 4 stages in the process of building Buginese-house namely the process of constructing a house frame (Mattibang Bola), the process of marking the center of the house (possi bola), the ritual of reading thanksgiving prayer (barzanji), and the process of establishing a house frame (Mappatettong Bola). Founded, Sanro Bola and Panre Bola, namely traditional leaders who have a mandate in the tradition of building houses, are actors who act as controlling actors and are very influential in maintaining the stability of a network in the process of building Buginese-house. Learning from the tradition of building a Buginese-house, the existence of traditional leaders is important, because it has a tradition-based on knowledge base, and this has become a mandate in regulating other actors in working

    Jet quenching in shock waves

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    We study the propagation of an ultrarelativistic light quark jet inside a shock wave using the holographic principle. The maximum stopping distance and its dependency on the energy of the jet is obtained

    Kontribusi Gawai Dayak dalam Menumbuhkan Nilai-nilai Solidaritas Generasi Muda Desa Sekendal

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    This research goals to Gawai Dayak contribution in arising the solidarity values in Sekendal village Air Besar Municipal Landak Regency. The problems are how was the process to hold Gawai Dayak in Sekendal village, how was the contribution of Gawai Dayak in arising the moral feeling value, and the trust of togetherness on the youth generation in Sekendal village. The method is qualitative-descriptive. The data collecting techniques are observation, interview, and documentation study. As for, the data collecting instruments are observation guideline, interview guideline, and documentation. The result shows that Gawai Dayak in Sekendal village is still maintained well with Gawai Dayak is held routinely every year. It gives the contribution in arising the moral feeling values to youth generation in Sekendal village. It also gives the contribution in arising the trust of togetherness to youth generation in Sekendal village