30 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Komunikasi Terapeutik Perawat Terhadap Kepuasan Pasien Di Rawat Jalan RSUD Jogja

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    The Objective of this study is to know influence of nurse therapeutic communication to satisfaction of patients satisfaction in RSUD Yogyakarta. The study was a quantitative research methods such as surveys of descriptive inferential research with cross sectional approach. Number of samples in this research is 285 sample in inpatient and 140 in emergency room. The instrument used a questionnaire. Analysis of data using multiple linear regression. This study show that there is the influence of therapeutic communication nurse to satisfaction of outpatients and Emergency room in RSUD Yogyakarta, and orientation phase is a phase that most influence on patient satisfaction. The most influential to therapeutic communication is termination stage

    Impact of the Manufacturing Processes of Aromatic-Polymer-Based Carbon Fiber on Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions

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    Carbon fibers (CFs) are promising lightweight materials to reduce vehicle fuel consumption. However, the most widely used polyacrylonitrile (PAN)-based CF production process consumes a considerable amount of energy. A novel production process for CFs from aromatic polymers (APs) is proposed as an alternative. In this study, the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from PAN-based CFs, from APs using the classical benzidine method, and from APs using the coupling method on a cradle-to-gate basis, were analyzed. The results indicate that the AP CFs with the classical benzidine method generated 11% fewer GHG emissions compared with the conventional PAN CFs. Emissions were further reduced by 42% using a large-tow production process. As the classical benzidine method for manufacturing CFs from APs uses a monomer synthesized via benzidine, which is carcinogenic, we examined a different synthetic route using the coupling method for monomer synthesis to avoid the benzidine intermediate. The GHG emissions from the AP CFs manufactured by the coupling method showed a 51% increase compared with PAN-based CFs, indicating a trade-off between GHG emissions and carcinogenicity. However, with proper chemical management, the classical method of CF manufacturing from APs via benzidine showed reduced GHG emissions

    Supercapacitors prepared from melamine-based carbon

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    The electrochemical performance of supercapacitors made of a carbon material with a moderate amount of nitrogen atoms embedded in a carbon matrix is reported. Melamine was polymerized in the interlayer spaces of mica and afterward carbonized at various temperatures between 650 and 1000 degreesC. Elemental analysis and an XPS study showed that the nitrogen content of samples stabilized at 250 degreesC for 4 h prior to carbonization was generally higher if compared to their nonstabilized counterparts and that the nitrogen species were located preferably at the edges of grapheme sheets. To understand the relationship between the capacitive performance and the porosity of stabilized and nonstabilized samples, the nitrogen adsorption/ desorption method was also employed. Supercapacitors with the electrodes manufactured from these carbon materials showed a very good capacitive performance in 1 M sulfuric acid. The maximum gravimetric specific capacitance of 204.8 F g(-1) was obtained from a sample carbonized at 750degreesC. Specific capacitances per surface area were also calculated, and, as a result, the stabilized samples provided higher values than the nonstabilized samples, for example, 3.66 F m(-2) for a sample stabilized and carbonized at 1000 degreesC. We associate the high values of capacitances in sulfuric acid with the pseudocapacitance that originates from an interaction between the nitrogen species and the protons of the electrolyte. This claim was verified by another measurement, where a neutral electrolyte (3 M NaCl) was used instead of sulfuric acid. We observed a decrease in capacitance with the surface area, and the values of capacitances per surface area were close to the values for activated carbons. Thus, the capacitance in NaCl can be attributed to the electrostatic interaction of ions on the double-layer rather than the pseudocapaeitive interaction