13 research outputs found

    Exploring Contractors' Views On Green Construction

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    Construction is known as one of sectors which contribute a significant amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) to the environment. Data from World Resources Institute 2010 shows the Indonesian construction/manufacturing industry contributes 18% of national CO2 production and rank 7th in the world with production of 135,9 megaton of CO2e. Contractors, one of main construction stakeholders, play an important role in managing CO2 production during construction processes. Their knowledge and policies on green construction will determine their actions towards green construction. This research aims to explore the current state of the contractors’ view on green construction and how they respond to the green issues in construction. Data collection was done through structured interviews with four main governmentowned contractors in Indonesia. The results show that they, in general, have recognized, have had some understanding of and have applied to some extent the concept of green construction, with one of them even made it as a company policy. Although detailed measures, standards, or guidance of their green actions are not yet available, some actions towards green construction were already done in the construction processes, such as in the material selection, site waste management, reduction of energy consumption on site, etc. These contractors’ green actions should very much be appreciated, particularly as they were done in the absence of government regulations. In the future, more incentives from government are needed to encourage other contractors to follow their pioneers and to push more significant reduction of CO2 in the Indonesian construction industry

    Lembar Review_Exploring Contractors' Views On Green Construction

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    Abstract The government procurement of goods and services is expected to be effective and efficient and meet the principles of healthy competition, transparency, openness, and fairness for all parties involved. By implementing scoring system it is hoped that the principles will be realized in the government goods/services procurement. The set of problems in this research is the minimum use of Scoring System (Scrutinizing List and Passing Grade) in the Goods/Services bid. This leads to the many findings of less-than-minimum-score projects in Temanggung Regency by the Auditing Team. The object being researched is the goods and services auction of budget ceiling below five billion rupiahs. The objectives of the research are: 1) to analyze the difference between elimination system and scoring system in a bid evaluation, 2) to determine the factor most dominantly affecting passing grade and scrutinizing list within the process of choosing the winner for the contracting work, using AHP method, 3) to validate the analysis result with the help of the stakeholders of the goods/services procurement in Temanggung Regency. The methods used are qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative method is used to relatively measure the factors affecting passing grade and the scrutinizing list from the primary data. On the other hand, the quantitative method is used to analyze the secondary data and the bid documents. The combination of the two methods is used to validate the research result. The result shows that the elimination and scoring systems are different in terms of time, cost evaluation, evaluation result, detail of qualifications, accuracy in choosing the service provider, result of contract work, participants selection, process of determining the winner of the contract work, number of case found by auditors, basic guidelines in conducting the project, opinions of the service providers, opinions of the budget user, opinions of the project leader, and opinions of the contract work committee about the two systems, and evaluation limitations. Factors obtaining the lowest average of likert scale (2) are detail of qualification, accuracy in choosing the service provider, number of case found by auditors, opinions of the service providers, opinions of the budget users, opinions of the project leader, and opinions of the contract work committee about the two systems, and evaluation limitations. One factor has the highest average of likert scale (4), that is evaluation cost. Secondly, the research result shows that the most dominant factor affecting passing grade is the financial one (55,1%). The data validation tells that the scoring system stresses the importance on the company‟s financial strength, experience, the number of minimum expert personnel employed and the number of minimum work tools owned by the goods/service providers. This research concludes that 1) the characteristic difference between elimination system and scoring system is that scoring system proves to give better impact towards the bidding process and the contract working, 2) the dominant factors affecting passing grade and scrutinizing list are finance (55,1%), technical (18,4%), administrative (6,7%), interest statement (6,7%), pact of integrity (6,5%), and qualification (6,7%). Data validation shows that there are still abuses on the contract work. The research suggestions are 1) the application of scoring system requires further validation on what is written on the document and what are found in real possession of the company attending the contract bid, 2) the company‟s experience in conducting contract work, not merely administrative matters, should also be considered as an important factor in determining the winner of the contract work, 3) the theses succeeding this one should focus on the application of bid evaluation method using Built Operator Transfer System (BOT). Keywords: elimination system, scoring system, scrutinizing list, passing grade, analytical hierarchy process (AHP

    Evaluating Indonesian Large Contractors’ Performance: a Client Satisfaction Perspective

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    The fierce competition in the construction industry forces contractors to keep increasing their performance to survive in the market. One of the performance measurements which can be used is client satisfaction, which looks at contractors‟ performance both during the process of construction and the end product. This research aims to evaluate large contractor performance in Indonesia using 27 criteria adopted from the application of 8 areas of PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) in a construction project. Data was collected through interviews and questionnaire surveys. Respondents were clients, construction management or supervision consultants as the representation of clients. This research found that in general the large contractors‟ performance of project management is satisfying. This is indicated by client satisfaction index(CSI) which equals to 71.49%. A two-dimensional grid of the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) classified the contractors‟ performance variables into 4 categories, i.e.: (A) Concentrate Here; (B) Keep Up the Good Work; (C) Low Priority; and (D) Possible Overkill, with the mean values of importance and performance are 4.44 and 3.57 respectively. Identification and mapping of these variables is very important for contractors to improve their project management performance towards client satisfaction. These results may represent current picture of Indonesian large contractor performance on factors that are doing well and those that need improvement

    Pengukuran Kepuasan Kontraktor Terhadap Kinerja Klien Pada Proyek Konstruksi Pemerintah

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    Assessment of contractor satisfaction towards client performance of government-funded construction projects in Semarang. Research conducted to identify client performance that cause dissatisfaction. Six indicators were used i.e: understanding of project requirements, finance, decision making, management skills, support to contractor, attitude which developed into variable. The contractor satisfaction assessment obtained from Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method. Results of analysis client satisfaction performance level and determine the variables that are to be improved. The results can be used as feedback for clients to improve their performance in construction project

    Analisis Risiko Investasi Proyek Kereta Cepat Jakarta-bandung

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    Proyek kereta cepat Jakarta – Bandung dikerjakan oleh PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia China yang merupakan badan USAha International Joint Venture antara konsorsium dari China yaitu China Railway Engineering Corporation dengan konsorsium BUMN Republik Indonesia. Skema pendanaan proyek tersebut menggunakan sistem business to business yang menghabiskan dana mencapai Rp306 triliun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis risiko yang mempengaruhi investasi proyek tersebut dalam aspek finansial. Terdapat empat tahapan analisis dalam penelitian ini yakni identifikasi risiko, evaluasi risiko, uji hipotesis dan kuantifikasi risiko. Setelah dilakukan identifikasi risiko oleh pakar, maka diperoleh 31 risiko yang dinilai relevan untuk mungkin terjadi dan mempengaruhi investasi proyek kereta cepat. Selanjutnya pada tahap evaluasi risiko dapat ditentukan risiko dengan tingkat risiko “High” berjumlah 6 risiko atau sebesar 19%, “Medium” berjumlah 19 risiko atau 62%, dan “Low” berjumlah 6 risiko atau 19%. Tahap terakhir adalah kuantifikasi risiko yang menghasilkan besaran pengaruh risiko terhadap biaya konstruksi sebesar 2,23%, terhadap biaya perawatan sebesar 2,17%, terhadap biaya operasional sebesar 1,68%, dan terhadap biaya total sebesar 3,1%. Risiko tersebut juga mempengaruhi pendapatan kereta cepat sebesar 1,62%