32 research outputs found

    Self-perceived Body Weight Status and Weight-control Behaviors of High School Students in a Southern City of Turkey

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    Defining »healthy weight« is not easy and for an adolescent with all concerns about newly developing physiognomy it is even harder. The aim of this study was to find out the frequency of obesity and the association between the body mass index (BMI), weight-control behaviors and self-perceived body weight status in high school students of a southern city of Turkey. The students from 10 schools were randomly selected among 46,271 students of 72 high schools in Adana from 1999 to 2000. The response rate was 94.8% (2,352/2480). The Turkish version of Youth Risk Behavior Survey Questionnaire (YRBSQ) was completed by the students. The students’ weights and heights were measured. The mean age was 16.5±1.0 years of age (range=14–21 years). The mean BMI was 21.0±3.1, 25.5% of students were underweight, 65.7% were normal, 6.4% were overweight and 2.3% were obese (p=0.0001). Of all students, 24.3% defined themselves as thin, 45.3% as normal, 24.9% as overweight and 5.5% as obese (p=0.0001). The percentage of girls defining their body weight as overweight and obese was significantly higher than the boys (p=0.0001). Of all students, 35.5% wanted to lose weight, 22.3% wanted to gain weight, 27.8% wanted to keep their current weight. Intention (p=0.0001) and interventions to lose weight such as going on a diet (p=0.0001), provocative vomiting (p=0.0001) and 24-hours starving (p=0.0001) were significantly higher in girls than boys. Of students, 26.8% (n=620) were on a diet program either to lose or to keep their body weight. There was significant relationship between being on a diet program and intention to change body weight (p=0.047). We concluded that adolescents living in Adana have relatively higher risk of being underweight than being obese and have unhealthy weight changing plans due to their misperception of their body images. Adolescents may be unconscious on plans and attempts to change their body weights and nutrition and we suggest that education on nutrition and health is required for adolescents

    Strategic management approach for port state control The Black Sea Memorandum of Understanding detention analysis

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    Purpose - The purpose of this study is to fill the gap and apply a fault tree analysis (FTA) in detention lists of Black Sea Region published port state reports from 2005 to 2016. The study analyzes valid records of 2,653 detained ships with 6,374 deficiencies based on a strategic management approach. This paper sets up FTA technique to assess the detention probability of a random ship which calls the Black Sea Region with the help of detention lists published within subject years

    Achieving organizational resilience through complex adaptive systems approach: a conceptual framework

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    Purpose The global business environment causes different and difficult kinds of problems that threaten organizational survival. As an important solution, the organizational resilience concept arises and offers holistic philosophy. The resilience concept offers multidisciplinary and valuable eclectic literature to organizational studies that help to produce a wide variety of solutions but causes a lack of consensus to measure and apply resilience at an organizational level. To fill this gap, this paper aims to offer the complex adaptive systems (CAS) approach as a lens to organizations. This paper aims to offer that CAS provides a suitable toolkit to address the organizational resilience concept as it has the potential to offer more generalizable guidance. Design/methodology/approach To reach that goal, this research follows a two-phase systematic literature review. In the first phase, the purpose is to search past five years' studies (2015-2020) to figure out current trends in organizational resilience concepts. In the second phase, organizational resilience studies, which include the CAS approach, are checked to analyze the alignment procedures of two concepts. Findings Literature shows that the organizational resilience concept has rarely worked from the CAS lens.CAS are more resilient via adaptation and learning as they depend on local interactions that shape and co-evolve together with their dynamic environment, which helps the emergence of self-organization in an unpredictable future. To achieve organizational resilience, the CAS lens proposes a generalizable and applicable framework to organizational studies. Research limitations/implications Future research should also explore the impact of the interrelationship between two concepts; quantitative and qualitative methods should be applied to be able to get empirical results. Practical implications CAS lens could be used as a contemporary design idea. The CAS approach enables the learning and adaptation requirement of the organizational resilience concept, which helps to create dynamic capabilities to handle turbulent changes and gain long-lasting competitiveness. Designing organizations' agents from CAS viewpoint helps to understand and be ready for new trends, such as digitalization or Industry 4.0. Social implications Evaluating organizations from the CAS lens as living systems that co-evolve with their environments reveals different ways to achieve organizational resilience management philosophy. Designing organizations as CAS promotes organizational adaptation and learning, which improves organizational decision-making, increasing organizational resilience in organizations. Originality/value The originality of the study lies in proposing to achieve organizational resilience via CAS lenses and offering a conceptual framework to achieve organizational resilience

    Modeling organizational resilience in maritime business: an ISM and MICMAC approach

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    Purpose: Business environments and global transportation system have become more complex than ever due to complexity drivers of industries which create uncertainty and unpredictability to organizations. Like other industries, the maritime business faces different and difficult problems which threaten organizational survival. The ability to cope with those uncertainties, threats and problems shows the resilience ability of organizations that help to survive and prosper. The organizational resilience concept arises as a requirement to deal with problems and uncertainties of business environments which are swiftly changing. This study aims to suggest an organizational framework to show how maritime business organizations as the sea leg of global transportation system can develop resilient organizations via complex adaptive systems (CAS) approach if adequate design features of CAS could be defined and included in organizational properties. Design/methodology/approach: A total of 15 CAS features were identified as the enablers of organizational resilience throughout the literature. An interpretive structural modeling (ISM) approach has been conducted to determine the mutual relation between the CAS features which constitute an organizational framework. These CAS features have been categorized by conducting MICMAC analysis. Findings: This study proposes a framework that identifies CAS features as the enabler of resilient maritime business organizations. The CAS approach offers new managerial toolkit to realize current organizational situations and allows managers to understand that it is difficult to control their system in this dynamic environment where special management practices are required especially in volatile times rather than ordinary times. Also, organizations could not compete as a sole organization but as a web/system of organizations. CAS is more resilient than other systems because resilience is the emergent occurrence of the system formed from nonlinear, dynamic interactions with self-organized agents. Research limitations/implications: The research has some limitations, like organizational resilience studies are in the infant stage and further research into this area should be extended. This study uses the CAS approach to develop organizational resilience. Further studies could use different lenses and contemporary subjects in management field which should also be useful while developing resilience in organizations. This study uses ISM and MICMAC analysis where further studies could use quantitative design and methods like formal concept analysis or the decision making trial and evaluation laboratory to determine the relational weighs of CAS features while developing resilient organizations. Future studies may also focus on different maritime stakeholders like IMO or ILO, maritime agencies, freight forwarders or insurance underwriters regarding developing and enhancing resilience of the maritime system. Practical implications: World trade and transportation systems are getting more uncertain and lean on complex relations where maritime transportation is a “vital backbone” of such operations. But becoming more complex structures leads to vulnerable systems and organizations. Most risk management applications are based on predicting the known risks where many of them are not enough to fight with unknowns. Coping with today's problems are difficult for organizations in any industry. But for maritime business stakeholders who work in such a global web of relations, it is much more challenging. So, stakeholders of the system like forwarders, ports or ship chandlers may easily apply those features to develop resilient organizations too. Legal authorities of the system and rule-makers like local Chambers of Shipping, IMO or Classification societies can benefit from this framework and provide supportive settings to develop system-wide resilient organizations. Social implications: By understanding environmental uncertainty and complexity better than others, organizations become resilient and cope with significant difficulties which make them more competitive as a substantial strategic advantage. Resilient management offers to break down points at the system and shows them ways to restore quickly while transporting goods while traditional risk assessments are not enough. Originality/value: The originality of the study lies in two folds; first of all the key and most used features of CAS is linked to developing resilient maritime organizations and by maritime expert opinions, this study tries to determine which of these CAS features are the most effective to trigger other features to develop organizational resilience in the maritime business. And secondly, the concept of organizational resilience and the CAS approach are not analyzed in depth in the context of maritime business

    Organizational resilience in maritime business: a systematic literature review

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    Purpose One of the common solutions to the business problems, disruptions and new developments of the global world is enhancing the resilience of systems, countries and organizations. Applying resilience differs according to business environments and context-based requirements of industries, which create a lack of consensus regarding how to achieve and apply it. To fill this gap and answer the main question, this study proposes to handle the resilience concept from an organizational perspective. By using an organizational point of view this study aims to offer an applicable philosophy that can be used by a wide range of stakeholders. Design/methodology/approach The main question of the study is to figure out whether "Is there any approach/lens to achieve resilient organizations which can be applied by the stakeholders of the system." To reach such a "common application/approach" where the stakeholders can reach a consensus, a systematic literature review has been conducted to determine the existing approaches and practices. Findings The contribution of the study lies in two folds: to offer a maritime business resilience definition from the organizational point of view and to show the requirement of organizational resilience management philosophy in the maritime business context. An applicable framework is offered for the stakeholders of the maritime business transport system. Research limitations/implications The research has some limitations. This study is designed on a systematic review to figure out existing approaches used in the maritime business field and to defend and prove the necessity of organizational resilience management philosophy in maritime business management which helps organizational survival. Further research should use different methods to empirically test the conceptual model according to different segments/stakeholders of the maritime industry. Also, this research opens a new field of study about resilience subject from the maritime context where organizational approach mentions hardly any. Therefore, future studies should investigate developing key performance indicators of components of the proposed model and its effects on maritime organizations. Practical implications As a volatile industry, increasing resilience capability helps maritime organizations to decrease the effects of disruptions while at the same enable them to operate the core business functions in the maritime business. Maritime business needs to solve not only one-time problems but also needs to resolve and exploit new opportunities from disruptions via resilient management philosophy, which help organizational adaption in fluctuating periods. To prevent such problems and become ready for complex environmental changes, organizational resilience management philosophy is vital. Social implications Organizational resilience offers maritime business a holistic approach to evaluate problems of the system by submitting multiple ways to handle problems that help to manage uncertainty and change. Resilient management philosophy enables maritime business organizations to fight against their vulnerabilities that create risk, especially in a turbulent business environment. Originality/value The originality of the study lies in highlighting the importance of organizational resilience management philosophy in the maritime business context. And an organizational resilience framework is offered