8 research outputs found

    Ore Genesis of the Abu Ghalaga Ferro-Ilmenite Ore Associated with Neoproterozoic Massive-Type Gabbros, South-Eastern Desert of Egypt: Evidence from Texture and Mineral Chemistry

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    Massif-type mafic intrusions (gabbro and anorthosite) are known for their considerable resources of vanadium-bearing iron–titanium oxide ores. Massive-type gabbroic and anorthosite rocks are frequently associated with magmatic rocks that have significant quantities of iron, titanium, and vanadium. The most promising intrusions that host Fe-Ti oxide ores are the gabbroic rocks in the south-eastern desert. The ilmenite ore deposits are hosted in arc gabbroic and anorthosite rocks. They are classified into three types, namely black ore, red ore, and disseminated ore. The black ilmenite ore is located at the deeper level, while the oxidized red ore is mainly located at or near the surface. Petrographically, the gabbro and ilmenite ores indicate a crystallization sequence of plagioclase, titaniferous pyroxene, and ilmenite. This reveals that the ilmenite is a magmatic deposit formed by the liquid gravity concentration of ilmenite following the crystallization of feldspar and pyroxene. Meanwhile, quartz, tremolite, zoisite, and opaque minerals are accessory minerals. The Fe-Ti ores are composed of ilmenite hosting exsolved hematite lamellae of variable sizes and shapes, gangue silicate minerals, and some sulfides. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) data reveal the presence of two mineral phases: ilmenite and hematite formed by the unmixing of the ferroilmenite homogeneous phase upon cooling. As a result, the ore is mostly made up of hemo-ilmenite. Using an electron microscope (SEM), as well as by observing the textures seen by the ore microscope, ilmenite is the dominant Fe-Ti oxide and contains voluminous hematite exsolved crystals. Under the scanning electron microscope, ilmenite contained intergrowths of hematite as a thin sandwich and lens shape. The formation of hematite lamellae indicates an oxidation process. Mineral chemistry-based investigations reveal late/post-magmatic activity at high temperatures. The examined ilmenite plots on the ferro-ilmenite line were created by continuous solid solution over 800 °C, whereas the analyzed magnetite and Ti-magnetite plot near the magnetite line and were formed by continuous solid solution exceeding 600 °C

    The geochemistry, origin, and hydrothermal alteration mapping associated with the gold-bearing quartz veins at Hamash district, South Eastern Desert, Egypt

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    Abstract Integrating diverse techniques and datasets, significantly enhances the accurate identification of various mineral deposits. This work aims to determine different types of mineral deposits in the Hamash district (Southern Eastern Desert, Egypt) by combining structural features (derived from ALOS PALSAR DEM), alteration zones (detected using ASTER and Sentinel-2), and ore mineralogy. Multispectral imaging, such as ASTER and Sentinel-2 satellite data, provides a cost-effective and efficient tool for lithological and hydrothermal alteration mapping utilizing selective band ratios (SBR), directed principal component analysis (DPCA), feature-oriented false-color composites (FFCC), and constrained energy minimization (CEM). The deductions drawn from the analysis of ASTER and Sentinel 2 satellite data are solidly corroborated through meticulous investigations of pre-existing lithological maps in the study area, on-site validation via fieldwork, and robust laboratory analysis, attesting to reliable results. Validation of remote sensing results was performed through field observations, petrographic investigations, X-ray diffraction technique (XRD), and SEM–EDX analyses. Based on ore mineralogy derived from XRD and SEM results the quartz-vein-associated ore minerals in the Hamash district include chalcopyrite, pyrite, hematite, goethite, bornite, covellite, and gold. According to the present paragenesis, the mineralization in the study area is classified into three types: sulfide mineralized zone, transitional zone, and supergene zone. Using an ore microscope, our studies identified that the alteration zones include gold-bearing sulfide minerals as well as the minerals goethite and malachite. In gold-bearing quartz samples, the concentrations of Cu, As, Ag, and Sb are positively correlated with Au at the degree of shear deformation. According to data gathered from the fire assay results, Au content varied from 0.027 to 57.20 ppm, along with Cu (10–6484 ppm), Ag (0.5–20.5 ppm), As (5–2046 ppm), Zn (3–1095 ppm), Pb (2–1383 ppm), and Sb (5–23). Our results confirmed that the Hamash region is one of the most important gold-bearing sites, with gold concentrations ranging from 0.027 up to 57.20 ppm. Furthermore, the current contribution highlighted four stages in the paragenetic sequence of the recorded ores, including magmatic, metamorphic, hydrothermal, and supergene by origin, indicating a considered similarity with the known Egyptian gold sites regarding host rocks, mineralization style, alteration assemblage, and several ore mineral conditions

    Impact of DEMs for Improvement Sentinel 2 Lithological Mapping Utilizing Support Vector Machine: A Case Study of Mineralized Fe-Ti-Rich Gabbroic Rocks from the South Eastern Desert of Egypt

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    Fused remote sensing datasets have greatly contributed to enhancing lithological targets and providing significant information for mineral exploration. For instance, multispectral datasets can discriminate rock units through their unique spectral signatures. Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) could be an effective tool boosting lithological discrimination based mainly on their topographic variations. Consequently, the current study applied the power of the support vector machine (SVM) algorithm and the integrated Phased Array L-type band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) DEM and multispectral Sentinel 2 data to: 1—Create an updated lithological map of a poorly mapped arid terrain (Khashir-Ras El-Kharit district, Eastern Desert of Egypt), and 2—Compare and assess the distribution of ferrogabbros with the aim of improving the localization of these rock bodies and investigating their mineral content. Our results enhanced the lithological mapping and revealed a better generalization of mineralized ferrogabbros when the input was a fused DEM with Sentinel 2 compared to the salt and pepper effect observed when adopting the Sentinel 2 solely as the input data. Additionally, the current research strongly recommends detailed exploration programs for Fe-Ti oxide ores within the gabbroic rocks delineated through the resultant thematic map. The ferrogabbros were subjected to a comprehensive analysis involving whole rock geochemistry, XRD, EDX, and light-reflecting investigations, which revealed the existence of magnetite, titanomagnetite, and hematite. The titanomagnetite crystals display subhedral morphology and exhibit fine- to medium-grained surfaces with irregular shapes. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis revealed the presence of magnetite and hematite in the concentrated Fe-Ti oxides. Additionally, the whole rock geochemistry highlighted the origin of the ferrogabbros and their proposed tectonic setting as an alkaline to calc-alkaline magma type that developed in a continental arc setting

    Multiscale mineralogical investigations for mineral potentiality mapping of Ras El-Kharit-Wadi Khashir district, Southern Eastern Desert, Egypt

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    Through various scales of observation, ranging from remote sensing data, field investigations, hand specimens, microscopic petrographic examinations, XRD, to SEM, indicators of various mineralization types are highlighted in Ras El-kharit-wadi Khashir (Eastern Desert, Egypt). Systematic remote sensing exploration of the mineralized zones is performed through integrating Sentinel 2 and ASTER datasets. False-color combinations, informative band ratios, relative absorption band depth, and CEM techniques were applied to discriminate rock units and various types of hydrothermal alterations. Moreover, ALOS PALSAR DEM was utilized to decipher the structural lineaments. Intensive field investigations confirmed hydrothermally altered zones that were picked out through remote sensing analysis and revealed that the study area is affected by cataclastic metamorphism to some extent. Magmatic and metamorphic rock types are represented by propylitic, phyllic, argillic, and silicification zones. Sericitization, chloritization, epidotization, kaolinitization, carbonatization, and silicification are recorded utilizing petrographic and remote sensing investigations. Moreover, the current study reveals that the detected alteration is the main reason for the apparent wide range of petrographic characteristics of each rock type and bearing several opaque minerals, such as pyrite, magnetite, titanomagnetite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, covellite, galena, goethite, and hematite. Most of these opaques were identified using ore microscopy, XRD, and SEM. The distribution of hydrothermal alterations, representative samples bearing mineralization, structurally dissected zones are integrated to build a mineral potentiality map of the study area. The resultant MPM was confirmed via field survey and emphasized the usefulness of the current integrated approach besides highlighting about 125 km2 as potential mineralized zones

    Origin and Heavy Metals of Plagio-Granites in Egyptian Shield Oceanic Complexes: A Case Study of Abu Dabbab Area, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt

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    Several outcrops of felsic melt, commonly known as oceanic plagio-granites, appear as melt pockets, irregular bosses, and dikes. Three main rock successions were exposed in the Abu Dabbab area: ophiolitic sequence, island arc assemblage, and rare metal-bearing albite granites. Plagio-granite is composed mainly of plagioclase and quartz, and chemically contains high SiO2, Al2O3, and Na2O values. The petrogenetic and geochemical studies concluded that the magmas of plagio-granites and associated felsic rocks were derived from partial melting of highly depleted mantle harzburgite and/or pre-existing oceanic crustal rocks (basalts and/or gabbros). The geochemical characteristics reveal that Abu Dabbab plagio-granites are identical to the typically low-K series of ophiolitic complexes and resemble the ocean ridge granites. Elements such as Co, Nb, Pb, and Nd in Abu Dabbab plagio-granites have high Clarke concentrations (more than 1.88). This indicates Abu Dabbab plagio-granite derived from partial melting of pre-existing oceanic crustal rocks. The average concentration values of 238 U and 232 Th are lower than those of the world’s average and the average activities in granitic rocks. The scope of estimated exercises generally contrasted as their quality in rock tests relies upon their physical, synthetic, and geo-concoction properties and the appropriate condition

    Remote Sensing, Petrological and Geochemical Data for Lithological Mapping in Wadi Kid, Southeast Sinai, Egypt

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    The Wadi Samra–Wadi Kid district in southeastern Sinai, Egypt, has undergone extensive investigation involving remote sensing analysis, field geology studies, petrography, and geochemistry. The main aim of this study is the integration between remote sensing applications, fieldwork, and laboratory studies for accurate lithological mapping for future mineral exploration in the study region. The field relationships between these coincident rocks were studied in the study area. Landsat-8 (OLI) data that cover the investigated area were used in this paper. The different rock units in the study area were studied petrographically using a polarizing microscope, in addition to major and trace analysis using ICP-OES tools. The Operational Land Imager (OLI) images were used with several processing methods, such as false color composite (FCC), band ratio (BR), principal component analysis (PCA), and minimum noise fraction (MNF) techniques for detecting the different types of rock units in the Wadi Kid district. This district mainly consists of a volcano-sedimentary sequence as well as diorite, gabbro, granite, and albitite. Geochemically, the metasediments are classified as pelitic graywackes derived from sedimentary origin (i.e., shales). The Al2O3 and CaO contents are medium–high, while the Fe2O3 and TiO2 contents are very low. Alkaline minerals are relatively low–medium in content. All of the metasediment samples are characterized by high MgO contents and low SiO2, Fe2O3, and CaO contents. The granitic rocks appear to have alkaline and subalkaline affinity, while the subalkaline granites are high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonite series. The alkaline rocks are classified as albitite, while the calc-alkaline series samples vary from monzodiorites to granites. The outcomes of this study can be used for prospecting metallic and industrial mineral exploration in the Wadi Kid district