57 research outputs found

    On two-dimensional model representations of one class of commuting operators

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    В данiй статтi одержано узагальнення результату, викладеного в у статтi Золотарьова В. О. „Про трикутнi моделi систем двiчi переставних операторiв” (Докл. АН АрмССР. – 1976. – 63, № 3. – С. 136 – 140), на випадок, коли область Ω модельного простору є компактом у R² , обмеженим прямими x = a, y = b i спадною гладкою кривою L, що з’єднує точки (0, b) i (a, 0)

    On the Universal Models of Commutative Systems of Linear Operators

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    On Model Representations of Non-Selfadjoint Operators with Infinitely Dimensional Imaginary Component

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    For an entirely non-selfadjoint operator with spectrum at zero, the imaginary component of which has an absolutely continuous spectrum (not necessarily dissipative and having lacunas in the spectrum), triangular and functional models are constructed.Для вполне несамосопряженных операторов со спектром в нуле, мнимая компонента которых имеет абсолютно непрерывный спектр (не обязательно диссипативна и может иметь лакуны в спектре), построены треугольная и функциональная модели.Для цілком несамоспряжених операторів зі спектром в нулі, уявна компонента яких має абсолготно неперервний спектр (не обов'язково дисипативна та може мати лакуни в спектрі), побудовані трикутна та функціональна моделі

    On the Abstract Inverse Scattering Problem for Trace Class Perturbations

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    The scattering problem for a pair of selfadjoint operators {L₀, L}, where L - L₀ is of trace-class, is studied. The explicit form of the scattering matrix and its properties are defined. The equation for the inverse problem is obtained

    Evaluating the Experience of Jordanian Women With Maternity Care Services

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    Evaluation of women's experiences about the care they receive during childbirth is important to assess the quality of maternity services. We explored the experiences of Jordanian women to examine whether they were satisfied with their childbirth experiences. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 460 women after giving birth. A content analysis was conducted on the qualitative data. Four themes were identified that represented the women's poor experiences of care during childbirth, including seeing childbirth as a dehumanized experience, feeling that childbirth was processed technologically, a lack of human support, and being in an inappropriate childbirth environment. The findings of this study may help policymakers to provide quality care to women during childbirth. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC

    Childbirth practices in jordanian public hospitals: Consistency with evidence-based maternity care?

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    Background: In 1996, the World Health Organization stated that 'childbirth is a natural process and in normal birth, there should be a valid reason to interfere with this natural process' and encouraged practices that are evidence-based. The practices encouraged included avoiding unnecessary augmentation of labour, facilitating upright position for birth and restricting the use of routine episiotomy. Many countries have been slow to fully implement evidence-based practice in maternity care. The aim of this study was to examine maternity hospital practices in Jordan and assess their consistency with evidence-based maternity care. Methods: An explorative research design with non-participant observation was used. Data were collected from low-risk women during labour and birth using a questionnaire for maternal characteristics and an observational checklist. A proportional stratified sample was selected to recruit from three major public hospitals in Jordan. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics. Results: A total of 460 women were observed during labour and birth. The majority were multiparous (80%). A range of interventions were observed in women having a normal labour including augmentation (95%), continuous external fetal monitoring (77%), lithotomy position for birth (100%), and more than one third (37%) had an episiotomy with varying degrees of laceration (58%). Conclusions: Childbirth practices were largely not in accordance with the World Health Organization evidencebased practices for normal birth. High levels of interventions were observed, many of which may not have been necessary in this low-risk population. Further work needs to occur to explore the reasons why evidence-based practice is not implemented in these hospitals. © 2011 The Authors. International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare © 2011 The Joanna Briggs Institute