226 research outputs found

    Theoretical study of unusual Bis(amino) (2,4,6-tri-t-butylphenyl)borane B(NH2)2NHAr)

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    Theoretical study of unusual Bis(amino)(2,4,6-tri-t-butylphenyl)borane (B(NH2)2NHAr) which is formed from BCl2NHAr and an excess of liquid ammonia has been carried out.  This compound has trigonal planar boron atom with two B─NH2 bonds has a no significant change, B─N(9) and B─N(10) are 1.471 Å, 1.450 Å respectively and each longer than the B─NHAr (B─ N(7), which is equal to 1.480 Å, so the three B─N bonds are non-equivalent. The most interesting part (BN3) moiety in this compound is planar and formed an angle with the aromatic ring plane. The bond lengths, bond angles, dihedral angles and close contact of atoms were showed variable results and the conjugation was also affect the results. Internal coordinate was also calculated. Molecular mechanics MM2 properties were calculated due to high Van der Waals (VDW) interactions, some terms were not computed. MM2 minimization were calculated, the results indicated that the minimization was done successfully. Key words: Internal coordinate, molecular mechanics, unusual boron amid

    Cost-utility analysis of IEV drug regimen versus ESHAP drug regimen for the patients with relapsed and refractory hodgkin and non-hodgkin�s lymphoma in Iran

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    Background: Chemotherapy for lymph nodes cancer is often composed of several drugs that are used in a treatment program. Objectives: The aim of this study was to perform a cost-utility analysis of IEV regimen (ifosfamide, epirubicin and etoposide) versus ESHAP regimen (etoposide, methylprednisolone, high-dose cytarabine, and cisplatin) in patients with lymphoma in the south of Iran. Patients and Methods: This was a cost-utility analysis done as a cross-sectional study in the south of Iran. Using decision tree, expected costs, quality -adjusted life years (QALYs) and the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) were estimated. In addition, the robustness of results was examined by sensitivity analysis. Results: The results of this study indicated that the total lymphoma patients were about 65 people that 27 patients received IEV regimen and 38 patients ESHAP (43 patients with Hodgkin�s and 22 with non-Hodgkin lymphoma). The results of decision tree showed that in the IEV arm, the expected cost was 20952.93 and the expected QALYs was 3.89 and in the ESHAP arm, the expected cost was 31691.74 and the expected QALYs was 3.86. Based on the results of the study, IEV regimen was cost-effective alternative to the ESHAP regimen. Conclusions: According to the results of this study, it is recommended that oncologists use IEV instead of ESHAP in the treatment of patients with lymphoma and because of high costs of IEV drug costs, it is suggested that IEV drugs should be covered by insurance. © 2015, Iranian Journal of Cancer Prevention

    An investigation into inviscid theory applied to manoeuvring bodies in fluid

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    This thesis focuses on the appropriateness of the inviscid potential flow model for determiningthe manoeuvring characteristics of a body moving through fluid. This model iswidespread in many key applications for ships, submarines, aircraft, rockets, missiles, aswell as for the swimming of marine animals and the flying of birds. Despite the widespreaduse, there are important anomalies in the theory, in particular relating to the lift inducedby shed vorticity. These anomalies have been identified in the recent publication by Chadwickwhich states that the lift has been calculated incorrectly, and apparent agreementin wing theory is fortuitous due to "two wrongs" in the theory giving the right answer.In this thesis, the inviscid flow is further investigated, and the work of Chadwick isextended and developed further.In the first two chapters, careful description of the basic fluid concepts and then derivationof the fluid equations is given. In chapter four, the lift and drag on a wing are considered.The lift evaluation comes out to be half that expected and this is in agreement andessentially repeats the analysis in Chadwick's recent paper [1]. However, the analysis isextended to evaluate the drag, and surprisingly the drag is determined to be infinite.In chapter five, further investigation into the lift on a thin wing is undertaken, and it isseen that there is uncalculated jump in the lift at the trailing edge. This is calculatedfrom the pressure integral across the trailing edge.Finally, in chapter six, inviscid flow slender body theory is investigated. A complete nearfield expansion is given for a singularity distribution of sources over an infinite line byusing the Fourier transform method. In this thesis, this result is extended for the finiteline by using the integral splitting technique. By taking the ends to infinity, the result forthe infinite line is recovered and the two methods shown to be equivalent for this specificcase. The method presented here relies upon allowing a singular wake to exist behind thebody. This introduces non-uniqueness in the matching and the implications of this arediscussed.Appropriate references to other researchers are given in individual introductions for eachchapter


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    Cost-effectiveness of intensive Vs. standard follow-up models for patients with breast cancer in Shiraz, Iran

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    Background: Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer amongst women throughout the world. Currently, there are various follow-up strategies implemented in Iran, which are usually dependent on clinic policies and agreement among the resident oncologists. Purpose: A cost-effectiveness analysis was performed to assess the cost-effectiveness of intensive follow-up versus standard models for early breast cancer patients in Iran. Materials and methods: This cross sectional study was performed with 382 patients each in the intensive and standard groups. Costs were identified and measured from a payer perspective, including direct medical outlay. To assess the effectiveness of the two follow-up models we used a decision tree along with indicators of detection of recurrence and metastasis, calculating expected costs and effectiveness for both cases; in addition, incremental cost-effectiveness ratios were determined. Results: The results of decision tree showed expected case detection rates of 0.137 and 0.018 and expected costs of US24,494.62 and US6,859.27, respectively, for the intensive and standard follow-up models. Tornado diagrams revealed the highest sensitivity to cost increases using the intensive follow-up model with an ICER=US148,196.2. Conclusion: Overall, the results showed that the intensive follow-up method is not cost-effective when compared to the standard model

    Immune Dysregulation in Patients Persistently Infected with Human Papillomaviruses 6 and 11

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    Human Papillomaviruses (HPVs) 6 and 11 are part of a large family of small DNA viruses, some of which are commensal. Although much of the population can contain or clear infection with these viruses, there is a subset of individuals who develop persistent infection that can cause significant morbidity and on occasion mortality. Depending on the site of infection, patients chronically infected with these viruses develop either recurrent, and on occasion, severe genital warts or recurrent respiratory papillomas that can obstruct the upper airway. The HPV-induced diseases described are likely the result of a complex and localized immune suppressive milieu that is characteristic of patients with persistent HPV infection. We review data that documents impaired Langerhans cell responses and maturation, describes the polarized adaptive T-cell immune responses made to these viruses, and the expression of class select II MHC and KIR genes that associate with severe HPV6 and 11 induced disease. Finally, we review evidence that documents the polarization of functional TH2 and T-regulatory T-cells in tissues persistently infected with HPV6 and 11, and we review evidence that there is suppression of natural killer cell function. Together, these altered innate and adaptive immune responses contribute to the cellular and humoral microenvironment that supports HPV 6 and 11-induced disease

    Investigating the Prevalence of Intestinal Parasites in Immunocompromised Patients in Bushehr Province, Southwest Iran: A Conventional and Molecular Study [İran’ın Güneybatısındaki Bushehr Eyaletindeki İmmün Yetmezliği Olan Hastalarda Bağırsak Parazitlerinin Prevalansının Araştırılması: Konvansiyonel ve Moleküler Bir Çalışma]

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the status of intestinal parasitic infections in immunocompromised patients in Bushehr province, southwest Iran by conventional and molecular methods. Methods: A total of 201 stool samples were collected from kidney transplant recipients, AIDS patients and patients under chemotherapy. Samples were collected from healthy people as the control group. The specimens were tested using various conventional methods. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing was performed on samples identified as positive for Coccidia by direct microscopic examination. Results: Approximately 32.45% were infected with at least one type of intestinal parasite. The highest (46.8%) and lowest rates of infection (24%) were observed in AIDS and chemotherapy patients, respectively, while the infection rate of the control group was 16%. Isospora spp. and Cryptosporidium spp. were observed in all patient groups, and Sarcocystis spp. sporocysts were detected in one of the transplant recipients. All identified coccidia were confirmed by PCR. There was a significant relationship between the rate of intestinal parasite infection and certain variables. Conclusion: Given the potential risk of certain intestinal parasites in people with immune deficiency, it is recommended that diagnosis of parasitic infections in such patients be based on specific parasitological methods. Thus, it is advisable that physicians refer them to a parasitology laboratory prior to drug administration. Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, İran’ın güneybatısındaki Bushehr eyaletindeki immün yetmezlikli hastalarda bağırsak paraziter enfeksiyonlarının durumunu konvansiyonel ve moleküler yöntemlerle belirlemektir. Yöntemler: Böbrek nakli alıcılarından, AIDS hastalarından ve kemoterapi alan hastalardan olmak üzere toplam 201 dışkı örneği toplandı. Kontrol grubu numuneleri sağlıklı insanlardan toplandı. Numuneler çeşitli konvansiyonel yöntemler kullanılarak test edildi. Polimeraz zincir reaksiyon (PZR) testi, doğrudan mikroskobik incelemelerde tespit edilen pozitif Coccidia örnekleri üzerinde yapıldı. Bulgular: Hastaların yaklaşık %32,45’i en az bir tür bağırsak paraziti ile enfekte olmuştu. En yüksek (%46,8) ve en düşük enfeksiyon oranı (%24) sırasıyla AIDS ve kemoterapi hastalarında görülürken, kontrol grubunun enfeksiyon oranı %16 idi. Isospora spp. ve Cryptosporidium spp. tüm hasta gruplarında ve Sarcocystis spp. sporokistleri ise transplant alıcılarından birinde tespit edildi. Tanımlanan tüm Coccidialar, PZR ile doğrulandı. Bağırsak parazitlerinin oranı ile bazı değişkenler arasında anlamlı bir ilişki mevcuttu. Sonuç: İmmün yetmezliği olan kişilerde bazı bağırsak parazitlerinin potansiyel riski göz önüne alındığında, paraziter enfeksiyonların spesifik parazitolojik yöntemlere dayanarak teşhis edilmesi önerilir. Bu nedenle, doktorların ilaç vermeden önce bu hastaları parazitoloji laboratuvarına yönlendirmeleri tavsiye edilir