626 research outputs found

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    A role for mechanosensitive channels in chloroplast and bacterial fission.

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    The division site in both chloroplasts and bacteria is established by the medial placement of the FtsZ ring, a process that is in part regulated by the evolutionarily conserved components of the Min system. We recently showed that mechanosensitive ion channels influence FtsZ ring assembly in both Arabidopsis thaliana chloroplasts and in Escherichia coli; in chloroplasts they do so through the same genetic pathway as the Min system. Here we describe the effect of heterologous expression of the Arabidopsis MS channel homolog MSL2 on FtsZ ring placement in E. coli. We also discuss possible molecular mechanisms by which MS channels might influence chloroplast or bacterial division

    Plant Biomechanics: No Pain, No Gain for Birch Tree Stems

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    Allometric relationships between organism size and shape are often described in developmental or evolutionary terms. A new study characterizes a collapsing birch tree mutant and provides a genetic entry point into the biomechanical control of tree allometry

    RNA Sequencing Analysis of the msl2msl3, crl, and ggps1 Mutants Indicates that Diverse Sources of Plastid Dysfunction Do Not Alter Leaf Morphology Through a Common Signaling Pathway

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    Determining whether individual genes function in the same or in different pathways is an important aspect of genetic analysis. As an alternative to the construction of higher-order mutants, we used contemporary expression profiling methods to perform pathway analysis on several Arabidopsis thaliana mutants, including the mscS-like (msl)2msl3 double mutant. MSL2 and MSL3 are implicated in plastid ion homeostasis, and msl2msl3 double mutants exhibit leaves with a lobed periphery, a rumpled surface, and disturbed mesophyll cell organization. Similar developmental phenotypes are also observed in other mutants with defects in a range of other chloroplast or mitochondrial functions, including biogenesis, gene expression, and metabolism. We wished to test the hypothesis that the common leaf morphology phenotypes of these mutants are the result of a characteristic nuclear expression pattern that is generated in response to organelle dysfunction. RNA-Sequencing was performed on aerial tissue of msl2msl3 geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase 1 (ggps1), and crumpled leaf (crl) mutants. While large groups of co-expressed genes were identified in pairwise comparisons between genotypes, we were only able to identify a small set of genes that showed similar expression profiles in all three genotypes. Subsequent comparison to the previously published gene expression profiles of two other mutants, yellow variegated 2 (var2) and scabra3 (sca3), failed to reveal a common pattern of gene expression associated with superficially similar leaf morphology defects. Nor did we observe overlap between genes differentially expressed in msl2msl3, crl, and ggps1 and a previously identified retrograde core response module. These data suggest that a common retrograde signaling pathway initiated by organelle dysfunction either does not exist in these mutants or cannot be identified through transcriptomic methods. Instead, the leaf developmental defects observed in these mutants may be achieved through a number of independent pathways

    Two mechanosensitive channel homologs influence division ring placement in Arabidopsis chloroplasts

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    Chloroplasts must divide repeatedly to maintain their population during plant growth and development. A number of proteins required for chloroplast division have been identified, and the functional relationships between them are beginning to be elucidated. In both chloroplasts and bacteria, the future site of division is specified by placement of the Filamentous temperature sensitive Z (FtsZ) ring, and the Min system serves to restrict FtsZ ring formation to mid-chloroplast or mid-cell. How the Min system is regulated in response to environmental and developmental factors is largely unstudied. Here, we investigated the role in chloroplast division played by two Arabidopsis thaliana homologs of the bacterial mechanosensitive (MS) channel MscS: MscS-Like 2 (MSL2) and MSL3. Immunofluorescence microscopy and live imaging approaches demonstrated that msl2 msl3 double mutants have enlarged chloroplasts containing multiple FtsZ rings. Genetic analyses indicate that MSL2, MSL3, and components of the Min system function in the same pathway to regulate chloroplast size and FtsZ ring formation. In addition, an Escherichia coli strain lacking MS channels also showed aberrant FtsZ ring assembly. These results establish MS channels as components of the chloroplast division machinery and suggest that their role is evolutionarily conserved

    Mechanosensitive channels protect plastids from hypoosmotic stress during normal plant growth

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    Cellular response to osmotic stress is critical for survival and involves volume control through the regulated transport of osmolytes [1-3]. Organelles may respond similarly to abrupt changes in cytoplasmic osmolarity [4-6]. The plastids of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf epidermis provide a model system for the study of organellar response to osmotic stress within the context of the cell. An Arabidopsis mutant lacking two plastid-localized homologs of the bacteria mechanosensitive channel MscS (MscS-like [MSL] 2 and 3) exhibits large round epidermal plastids that lack dynamic extensions known as stromules [7]. This phenotype is present under normal growth conditions and does not require exposure to extracellular osmotic stress. Here we show that increasing cytoplasmic osmolarity through a genetic lesion known to produce elevated levels of soluble sugars, exogenously providing osmolytes in the growth media, or withholding water rescues the msl2-1 msl3-1 leaf epidermal plastid phenotype, producing plastids that resemble the wild-type in shape and size. Furthermore, the epidermal plastids in msl2-1 msl3-1 leaves undergo rapid and reversible volume and shape changes in response to extracellular hypertonic or hypotonic challenges. We conclude that plastids are under hypoosmotic stress during normal plant growth and dynamic response to this stress requires MSL2 and MSL3

    Plastid osmotic stress influences cell differentiation at the plant shoot apex

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    The balance between proliferation and differentiation in the plant shoot apical meristem is controlled by regulatory loops involving the phytohormone cytokinin and stem cell identity genes. Concurrently, cellular differentiation in the developing shoot is coordinated with the environmental and developmental status of plastids within those cells. Here, we employ an Arabidopsis thaliana mutant exhibiting constitutive plastid osmotic stress to investigate the molecular and genetic pathways connecting plastid osmotic stress with cell differentiation at the shoot apex. msl2 msl3 mutants exhibit dramatically enlarged and deformed plastids in the shoot apical meristem, and develop a mass of callus tissue at the shoot apex. Callus production in this mutant requires the cytokinin receptor AHK2 and is characterized by increased cytokinin levels, downregulation of cytokinin signaling inhibitors ARR7 and ARR15, and induction of the stem cell identity gene WUSCHEL. Furthermore, plastid stress-induced apical callus production requires elevated plastidic reactive oxygen species, ABA biosynthesis, the retrograde signaling protein GUN1, and ABI4. These results are consistent with a model wherein the cytokinin/WUS pathway and retrograde signaling control cell differentiation at the shoot apex

    Shear-Flow Driven Current Filamentation: Two-Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations

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    The process of current filamentation in permanently externally driven, initially globally ideal plasmas is investigated by means of two-dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)-simulations. This situation is typical for astrophysical systems like jets, the interstellar and intergalactic medium where the dynamics is dominated by external forces. Two different cases are studied. In one case, the system is ideal permanently and dissipative processes are excluded. In the second case, a system with a current density dependent resistivity is considered. This resistivity is switched on self-consistently in current filaments and allows for local dissipation due to magnetic reconnection. Thus one finds tearing of current filaments and, besides, merging of filaments due to coalescence instabilities. Energy input and dissipation finally balance each other and the system reaches a state of constant magnetic energy in time.Comment: 32 Pages, 13 Figures. accepted, to appear in Physics of Plasmas (049012

    Suppressed Far-UV stellar activity and low planetary mass-loss in the WASP-18 system

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    WASP-18 hosts a massive, very close-in Jupiter-like planet. Despite its young age (R′HK activity parameter lies slightly below the basal level; there is no significant time-variability in the log R′HK value; there is no detection of the star in the X-rays. We present results of far-UV observations of WASP-18 obtained with COS on board of HST aimed at explaining this anomaly. From the star’s spectral energy distribution, we infer the extinction (E(B − V) ≈ 0.01mag) and then the ISM column density for a number of ions, concluding that ISM absorption is not the origin of the anomaly. We measure the flux of the four stellar emission features detected in the COS spectrum (C II, C III, C IV, Si IV). Comparing the C II/C IV flux ratio measured for WASP-18 with that derived from spectra of nearby stars with known age, we see that the far-UV spectrum of WASP-18 resembles that of old (>5Gyr), inactive stars, in stark contrast with its young age. We conclude that WASP-18 has an intrinsically low activity level, possibly caused by star-planet tidal interaction, as suggested by previous studies. Re-scaling the solar irradiance reference spectrum to match the flux of the Si IV line, yields an XUV integrated flux at the planet orbit of 10.2 erg s−1 cm−2. We employ the rescaled XUV solar fluxes to model of the planetary upper atmosphere, deriving an extremely low thermal mass-loss rate of 10−20MJ Gyr−1. For such high-mass planets, thermal escape is not energy limited, but driven by Jeans escape
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