33 research outputs found

    Aksara Daerah dan Budaya Visual Nusantara sebagai Gagasan Perancangan Typeface (Font) Latin

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    Indonesia adalah negara yang terdiri dari berbagai kebudayaan. Berbagai suku yang mempunyai bahasa dan adat istiadat yang beragam termasuk memiliki bahasa tulis "“ aksara daerah - dan budaya visual berlainan. Indonesia menerima pengaruh bahasa tulis secara bertahap dari bermacam-macam bangsa dan kebudayaan. Sekitar abad ke-15 Masehi bangsa Eropa membawa sistem tatacara baca tulis Latin seperti yang berkembang hingga kini. Indonesia adalah negara yang terdiri dari berbagai kebudayaan. Berbagai suku yang mempunyai bahasa dan adat istiadat yang beragam termasuk memiliki bahasa tulis "“ aksara daerah - dan budaya visual berlainan. Indonesia menerima pengaruh bahasa tulis secara bertahap dari bermacam-macam bangsa dan kebudayaan. Sekitar abad ke-15 Masehi bangsa Eropa membawa sistem tatacara baca tulis Latin seperti yang berkembang hingga kini.Dalam zaman percepatan teknologi ini, penciptaan desain-desain baru selalu diharapkan. Kekayaan aksara daerah maupun keberagaman budaya visual di Indonesia dapat menjadi ide untuk pembuatan font-font (typefaces) di dalam komputer. Seorang perancang huruf dapat menciptakan huruf-huruf latin yang berkarakter aksara daerah dan budaya visual Nusantara dengan menangkap karakter visual (elemen tradisional) daerah. Penciptaan font tersebut dapat dipergunakan untuk memperkaya bidang Desain Komunikasi Visual pada masa kini. Tulisan ini menampilkan beberapa eksperimen karya mahasiswa Tugas Akhir DKV-ITB. Dalam zaman percepatan teknologi ini, penciptaan desain-desain baru selalu diharapkan

    The Local Genius Typography as a Source of Idea for Latin-based Typeface Design in Visual Communication Today

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    During its long history, slowly but sure, Indonesia had accepted the influence of the written language from various nation and civilization. Approximately in the 15th century AD, European brought their language system, Latin, to Indonesia, which had been developed until present time. The usage of Latin alphabet for daily communication in Indonesia has created a disadvantage for the local/ethnic language, especially since the Latin provided an easier writing and speaking system. Latin uses alphabet system in which one sound represents one letter: A, B, C, etc. In contrast, the ethnic language uses syllable system in which one sound could consist of more than one letter (a, ba, ta, ka, nga, kha, etc). The growing of the nation of Indonesia with its various ethnic groups created the need for unification language, a language with a universal system. Furthermore, the alphabet system is easier to be used for various written and spoken language in the world. The richness of ethnic alphabet from Indonesia could become infinite ideas in developing computer typefaces. A typographer could design Latin alphabet with the characteristic of ethnic alphabets by capturing the traditional elements from the letters. These findings could enrich the field of visual communication nowadays.

    Perancangan Huruf Display Berbasis Artefak Kebudayaan Jawa Barat dan Aplikasinya dalam Buku "Aksara Jatnika"

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    Jawa barat merupakan suatu wilayah yang unik dimana merupakan wilayah yang memiliki ciri kebudayaan yang khas sekaligus merupakan wilayah yang berkembang di berbagai sisi kehidupan. Namun sayangnya perkembangan zaman, kemajuan teknologi dan pembangunan yang terjadi di Jawa Barat menyebabkan terjadinya krisis kebudayaan. Disisi lain, menurut Sihombing tipografi sebagai elemen desain sekaligus media komunikasi yang penggunaannya sangat erat dengan kehidupan masyarakat, dirasa berpotensi untuk menyampaikan pesan/informasi dalam suatu komunikasi grafika. Dari pernyataan tersebut, dirumuskanlah permasalahan yaitu bagaimana mengembangkan tipografi sebagai media komunikasi yang efektif untuk melestarikan budaya Jawa Barat. Dalam tugas akhir ini akan dibuat perancangan huruf display yang terinspirasi dari beberapa artefak budaya Jawa Barat yang dikemas dalam bentuk buku yang berjudul "Aksara Jatnika". Pada akhirnya, dari karya Tugas Akhir ini diketahui bahwa perancangan huruf display dari artefak kebudayaan Jawa Barat yang dikemas dalam buku "Aksara Jatnika" ini dapat menjadi suatu media pelestarian budaya, dimana huruf (dalam keilmuan tipografi) dapat menyampaikan pesan baik dari kata yang dibentuknya maupun dari impresi dari bentuk visual yang dimilikinya

    Konsep Plesetan sebagai "Visual Pun" Lokal pada Media Promosi Luar Ruang Usaha Kuliner Masyarakat Yogyakarta

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    In Yogyakarta form of humor in communicating called the (language) plesetan. Interesting phenomenon occurs when plesetan that was originally a lingua franca is then used as an advertising concept culinary business. Actorsâ culinary business with the help of graphic design utilizing digital printing technology in producing a media campaign with the concept of a plesetan. The research methods used in this study play purely descriptive phenomenology methodology pioneered by Edmund Husserl. Data was collected through field observations by documenting the work of the media campaign culinary business in Yogyakarta and surrounding areas. Interviews were conducted to reveal the informant lived experience of a first person perspective. With this method are expected to be found in the explanation of the concept of Javanese plesetan culture. Then also sought various forms of plesetan in the media and the promotion of outdoor culinary business in Yogyakarta. From the initial observations that have been made assumed plesetan performed by the high level of culinary competition. Found an interesting proof of the theory that good plesetan will continue spoofed

    Ensiklopedia Digital Interaktif Songket Tradisional Pada Web Based Html5

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    Banyaknya data yang tercipta dan konten yang disebarluaskan dalam Abad Informasi telah secara mendasar mengubah cara kita berkomunikasi, terutama pada generasi digital saat ini. Ensiklopedia digital merupakan sebuah kamus yang menghimpun informasi secara teratur, memberikan penjelasan lebih mendalam, dan dilengkapi dengan Informasi visual. Penelitian ini mengevaluasI web based HTML5 sebagai perangkat digital yang tepat untuk penyampaian informasi songket tradisional pada ensiklopedia digital interaktif. Sehingga dapat mendukung penyampaian informasi yang menarik dan pemahaman informasi yang lebih cepat. Penulis menentukan empat penelitian sebelumnya yang berkaitan dengan songket tradisional ditinjau berdasarkan tujuan, kelebihan, dan keterbatasannya. Diharapkan hasilnya dapat menentukanperangkat digital terbaik sebagai wadah infomasi songket tradisional pada ensiklopedia digital interaktif

    Desain Emoticon dalam Komunikasi Interaktif

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    Internet becomes part of worldwide daily urban activities. Communication among people is intensified through various interfaces and media because of information technology convergence and the application of visual icons which represents emotion.The icons that represent emotions, expressions and feelings are titled emoticons. Emoticons are highly used in IT based communication gadgets such as portable PCs or cellulars. This paper develops and depicts the creation process, perception and cultural aspetcs that influenced the development of emoticon through visual communication design study theoretical and historical review

    Relasi antara Prinsip Visual Barat dan Fengshui pada Desain Logo

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    Nowadays, the integrations between Western principles of visual art with principles of Feng Shui in logo designs can easily be found in Indonesia. Principles of Feng Shui, often called as Feng Sui or Hong Sui, is an ancient Chinese way of thinking that emphasize in environment organization. Principles of Feng Shui's four key points are to produce a positive Qi energy, to maintain stability among Yin and Yang, to produce a productive cycle Wu Xing (Five Elements), and to represent the symbolism from Chinese culture. The purpose of this research is to establish an understanding on the relationship between Western principles of visual art and principles of Feng Shui in logo designs, like the similarities on the way of reading logo as well as the differences. Logo designs were analyzed, described, and explained using Western principles of visual art and principles of Feng Shui's four key points into three sections, which are visual elements, logo composition, and logo interpretation. This research used the qualitative method with descriptive analysis. The data were collected through several methods, such as interviews and literature reviews. The four stages of analysis procedure are description, formal analysis, interpretation, and evaluation or judgement. Upon completion, there are three findings. First, the way of reading a logo design using the Western principles of visual art is simpler and straightforward than the principles of Feng Shui. Second, several relationships among the two principles were found in visual elements, logo composition, and logo interpretation. Third, the integrations between Western principles of visual art with principles of Feng Shui in a logo design represents its ideologies as well as the 'shield' to protect the company from any harm

    Transformasi Pola Visual pada Kemasan Rokok Kretek Produksi PT. Nojorono Tobacco International Kudus

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     "Kretek" has been a heritage of Indonesian culture that id inherited for over a hundred years. It serves not only as a cultural aspects, but also as an Indonesia economical boosters; it serves 83% of the Indonesia's' gross income. In the other hand, "Kretek" is also seen as a health threat, many of government regulations are created to limit its market spread by limiting its promotion. From here, the packaging of the products become the connecting link between the producers and the consumers. Content analysis method is chosen to study the aspects that affect transformation of visual patterns in packaging of kretek. In this paper, the alteration of the visual  aspects (such such color choice, illustration, logo, and layout composition) from one periods over another is shown and explained. The object on this research is the kretek packagings that is produced by PT. Nojorono Tobacco International from when it was established in the year of 1932 untill  2013. The packagings are classified into 6 periods of developments


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    Local brand  is a fashion creative industry which is favored by young people. There are many local brands in Bandung City. T-shirt is one of local brand products which is related to graphic design. Concept and meaning in graphic design on T-shirt can be researched using The Iconography Theory of Erwin Panofsky. Graphic design on local brands T-shirt in Bandung City leads to simple graphic design trends, display direct branding and variation of color in T-shirts. However, one of brand, Wellborn, features graphic design with its own characteristics on the T-shirt as a creativity, that is surrealistic style graphics design on T-shirt. It is a sub category of T-shirt that can be studied through the meaning of graphic design on T-shirt. It underlies the research on graphic design of Wellborn T-shirt. The research stages are observation, interview, literature study, documentation and analysis which includes pre-iconography, iconography and iconology. The purpose of this study is to know the meaning of Wellborn T-shirt design based on The Iconography Theory of Erwin Panofsky and its association with Wellborn branding. The research method is descriptive qualitative. Objects studied are the surrealistic style graphic designs of Wellborn T-shirts 2017 collection. The samples of data are selected using purposive sampling. The result of the analysis shows that in pre-iconography, there are various objects placed in one graphic design on T-shirt. In iconography, it has a secondary meaning that there are things which are limitless, and in iconology, it has the meaning of freedom of mind/thought because it is related to freedom in imagination, infinity and a difference. They show the characteristics of the Wellborn brand. Keywords: Iconography, Graphic Design, Surrealistic Wellborn T-shirt, Bandung