10 research outputs found


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      Data mining is a term used to describe knowledge discovery in a database or often called Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD). With the development of information at this time, the need for accurate information is needed in daily life, so that information will become an important element in the development of society today and the future. However, high information needs are sometimes not balanced by the presentation of adequate information, often the information must still be extracted from very large amounts of data. The ability of information technology to collect and store various types of data far leaves the ability to analyze, summarize and extract knowledge from data. Decision-makers try to utilize data warehouse that has been owned to dig up information that is useful to help make decisions, this encourages the emergence of new branches of science to overcome the problem of extracting information or patterns that are important or interesting from large amounts of data, which is called data mining. The use of data mining techniques is expected to provide knowledge previously hidden in the data warehouse so that it becomes valuable and useful information

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Cerdas Menentukan Bakat Anak Dengan Teorema Bayes Berbasis Android

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    All children are born with unique personalities and talents, and of course, parents want to always give the best for their children, such as a place to play, clothing, food and education. In terms of education, there are still many parents who do not see what their children want or like to learn and what their children don't enjoy. But parents impose a desire on their child to learn a subject that the child does not select or want so that the child tends to be forced to learn and results in not optimal results. This problem is the background for making smart applications to determine children's talents with the Android-based Bayes theorem based on early childhood personality. This intelligent application built on an Android basis with the Bayes theorem can help parents or the general public to find out the talents of each child from an early age. So that education, the lessons that will be taken by a child are appropriate and have qualified skills. This type of research is a development research category, namely producing application products that can be used by the general public, the research process involves experts in the field of psychology by way of direct communication to create data used in determining children's talents from an early age

    Implementation of Bayes Theorem in Expert System to Diagnose Coronary Heart Disease

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    Coronary heart disease is a heart disease that involves disorders of the blood vessels (coronary arteries). Recognizing and treating them requires attention and recognition of existing risk factors. In this study, an expert system has been built to diagnose coronary heart disease which is useful for knowing the type of coronary heart disease someone is experiencing and knowing the percentage level of disease that is experienced. The problem of this research is how to build an expert system to diagnose coronary heart disease to make it easier for the public to find out what disease is being suffered by implementing the Bayes theorem in an expert system. The Bayes theorem method is machine learning using probability calculations using the Bayesin approach concept. How to use this application, the admin first enters questions in the form of symptoms experienced by the patient, then the system will process all patient answers using the Bayes method and the system will issue an output in the form of a diagnosis of the disease. This system can assist sufferers in knowing the type of disease that is being experienced and in accordance with the analysis of coronary heart disease


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    Teachers are the most influential component in creating quality educational processes and outcomes. Therefore, improvement efforts are made to improve the quality of education. Schools will not make a significant contribution without the support of professional and qualified teachers. Teachers are really required to have high performance. To improve the quality of teacher performance, the 064022 State Elementary School conducts teacher performance appraisals every 3 months but the mechanism is less effective due to lack of transparency. Research on teacher performance appraisal using the system is applied for efficiency and transparency. The system was developed using the Simple Additive Weighting method. The Simple Additive Weighting method is part of the Decision Support System (DSS) used to help determine decisions based on alternative data and criteria data.   Keywords: Decision Support System, Teacher Performance, Simple Addictive Weighting

    Pemilihan Media Promosi STMIK Pelita Nusantara Medan dengan Metode Analytic Network Process (ANP)

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    Analytic Network Process (ANP) algorithm is used to find optimal alternatives from a set of alternatives with certain criteria. Selection or process is carried out by evaluating promotional media by distributing questionnaires to students to find out the media to be evaluated next by selecting 4 promotional media, determining criteria and sub criteria by distributing questionnaires to the Chairperson of STMIK Pelita Nusantara, Puket III Student and Promotion Section, and The Chairperson of the Promotion, then processes the data using Super Decisions Software 2.4.0. The highest rating results obtained from the analysis and discussion show that the Internet (0.329). from the results of the distributed questionnaire data processing to the management of STMIK Pelita Nusantara Medan, namely the Chairperson, the Third Bouquet and Promotion Section, and the Chairperson of Pelita Nusantara STMIK Promotion, and the application of the Analyst Network Process (ANP) method with the Super Decisions 2.4.0 Application producing cracking the highest media is the Internet (0.329), followed by School Visits (0.274), Radio (0.213), and Banners / Billboards (0.185)

    Penerapan Metode SAW dalam Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penetuan Calon Kepala Desa di Desa Situnggaling, Kec. Merek, Kab. Karo

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    Salah satu pesta demorasi masyarakat adalah pemilihan kepala Desa, pemilihan kepala desa dilakukan di tingkat desa secara langsug untuk  menentukan  pemimpin  Desa  atau  kepala  Desa.  Sistem pendukung keputusan   merupakan   suatu   alternatife   sistem   yang   interaktif   yang dapat  membantu   dalam pengambilan keputusan  melalui  penggunaan  data  dan  model-model  keputusan  untuk  memecahkan  masalah yang  bersifat  semi  terstruktur  maupun  yang  tidak  terstruktur. Sistem ini dibangun dengan menerapkan  metode SAW (Simple  Additive   Weighting)  dimana Konsep  dasar metode  SAW  yaitu  mencari  penjumlahan terbobot  dari  rating  kinerja  pada  setiap  alternatif  pada  semua  atribut.  Pada perhitungan   metode SAW ini hanya yang menghasilkan nilai terbesar yang akan terpilih sebagai alternatif  yang  terbaik.  Perhitunganakan  sesuai  dengan  metode  ini  apabila  alternatif  yang terpilih  memenuhi  kriteria  yang  telah  ditentukan.  Dengan  Menggunakan  sistem  pendukung keputusan pemilihan calon kepala Desa yang memakai metode Simple Additive Weigtihng (SAW) ini  membantu  warga  masyarakat  untuk  mengetahui  perangkingan  calon kepala  Desa dari  hasil  bobot  kriteria  yang  telah  di  tentukan, sehingga  memberi  informasi tambahan saat akan menetukan pilihan dalam pesta demokrasi warga masyarakat di desa situnggaling


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    The achievements of students at SD Negeri 0640 22 Medan are not only in the academic field, but also in non-academic achievements, attitudes, behaviors, talents, organizational history, and extracurricular achievements based on the 2013 curriculum. , where students who master a subject are often invisible because of their misbehavior, student achievement is only measured when students enter the top 10 rankings, while other students who can only master one subject are not seen as achieving because they are not included in the top 10 Rankings , because the scores of other subjects get low results, for example only mastering mathematics and English. Therefore SD Negeri 064022 Medan requires a Decision Support System to become a standard measure for assessing student learning outcomes for students' learning abilities at school, a decision support system capable of providing recommendations about outstanding students which is the result of multi-criteria processing using the Analytical Hierarchy Process method. (AHP)


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    Education is a process of communication and information from educators to students which contains information about education, which has elements of educators as sources of information, media as a means of presenting ideas, ideas and educational materials as well as students themselves, some elements of This approach gets a touch of information technology media, thus sparking the birth of the idea of ​​e-learning. Deli Namorambe Putri Private Elementary School is still carrying out the direct learning process, where the entire teaching and learning process between teachers and students can only be done with class meetings. If there is no meeting between students and teachers in the classroom, the learning process will not occur. This causes the delivery of material and assignments to be disrupted so that it can result in a lack of student understanding of a learning material. The development of this system uses the PHP programming language, xampp as a local web server on the computer. With this system, it can help teachers and students in the teaching and learning process so that it can be used to fill out attendance lists, upload teaching materials, download teaching materials, take quizzes, send assignments and exams


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    Machine Learning is an application of computers and mathematical algorithms adopted by means of learning that comes from data and produces predictions in the future. The learning process in question is an attempt to acquire intelligence through two stages, including training and testing. The Internet of Things is a network that can connect anything in the supply chain, including people, machines and systems, where efficient supply chain management is guaranteed. This is done through visualizing any object/thing in the supply chain by monitoring, tracking and providing a third dimension to organizational data, that if analyzed can improve all supply chain processes. In the IoT environment, Machine Learning is very suitable to be applied which can provide many benefits including Resolving Data Inefficiency Problems, Automating Business Processes, Visualizing Supply Chain Management (Supply Chain), Risk Management and Maximizing Profits. By implementing IoT and Machine Learning, of course, it can fulfill business opportunities, namely: process optimization, speed optimization, adaptability optimization and reliability optimizatio