65 research outputs found

    Apropriasi Rumah Tradisional Batak Toba pada Arsitektur Gereja Katolik Pangururan di Samosir

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    This article focused on the appropriation of Batak-Toba traditional houses in architecture of the Catholic Church. Cultural appropriation is the use of cultural symbols, artifacts, genres, rituals, or technology by members of other cultures in which these elements are selected through a process of adjustment so that they can be accepted as property rights, without having to produce new forms. It can take the form of cultural exchange, cultural domination, cultural exploitation or transculturation. . The objective of this research is to discover the cultural appropriation found in the architectural form of the Pangururan Catholic Church, located on the island of Samosir, the Batak Toba culture’s area of origin. It used the qualitative research method with an ethnographic approach. Data were obtained through field observations, visual documentation, interviews and literature exploration. Meanwhile, the analysis process linked the findings from the field with a study of the results of literature exploration related to the Toba Batak traditional house (Ruma). Findings revealed that there were concepts from the traditional Batak Toba house adopted by the Catholic church and implemented in the architectural form of the Pangururan Catholic Church. The appropriation could be seen in the concept of building form, decorative ornaments, building position and building orientation of the Panguruan Catholic Church. This appropriation has enriched the culture of the Catholic church and the Batak Toba culture simultaneously. In this case the appropriation process has benefitted the two cultures that have met

    Transforming Field Data into Diagrammatic Indexes: An Artistic Technological Approach in Contemporary Interior Design Process

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    Interior design is a complex multi-disciplinary field of study. As novice designers, interior design students require effective methods to convert the multitude of field data in the early stages of the design process into those that can be understood for further analysis. This paper develops the idea of transforming field data on site into diagrammatical indexes with the help of digital software. The aim is to provide a more practical method of analyzing user behavior and site conditions in which students focus on identifying intensities or patterns of the data observed on site rather than making descriptions of physical details as often done in conventional field surveys. Methods include identifying the aspects to be analyzed (occupancy, lighting, circulation, noise, ventilation, etc), creating suitable graphic indexes for each aspect of analysis, overlapping each diagrammatic index into one single diagram and analyzing the holistic data based on the interconnections between indexes formed. Results show that this method of representing data provide a visually artistic yet efficient way of making quick readings of the site as compared to conventional ways of collecting field data. Interior designers can also directly provide design solutions and produce innovative designs based on the site patterns observed


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    Gedung P Universitas Kristen Petra adalah gedung bertingkat sembilan dengan luasan yang cukup besar. Gedung ini Dilengkapi dengan dua tangga darurat yaitu pada bagian barat dan timur gedung. Tangga darurat bagian barat menghubungkan lantai 9 sampai dengan lantai 1, sedangkan tangga darurat bagian timur menghubungkan lantai 7 sampai dengan lantai 1. Peletakan tangga darurat di gedung P telah dirancang dengan mempertimbangkan standar-standar yang ada. Namun telah terjadi banyak perubahaan program ruang di gedung P sejak beroperasi pada tahun 1998 yang berakibat pada perubahan akses menuju tangga darurat, maka perlu dievaluasi kembali apakah akses menuju tangga darurat yang direncanakan diawal pembangunan masih sesuai standar setelah perubahan tersebut. Di samping itu, kondisi interior tangga darurat kurang diperhatikan, dengan demikian perlu adanya evaluasi bagaimana kondisi interior tangga darurat sehingga ketika dibutuhkan, tangga darurat dapat berfungsi maksimal. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa akibat dari perubahanperubahan program ruang maka akses dan sirkulasi menuju tangga darurat pada beberapa lantai menjadi tertutup/tidak lancar. Area tangga darurat dan aksesnya menjadi sangat tidak teratur karena adanya penambahan ruang dan perubahan fungsi koridor tangga darurat menjadi tempat penyimpanan barang. Kondisi beberapa unsur interior seperti dinding, pintu, lampu, jendela dan kelengkapannya sebagian besar dalam kondisi rusak, kotor atau tidak terawat. Kondisi tersebut membuat tangga darurat menjadi kurang memenuhi syarat sebagai jalur penyelamatan diri. Kata kunci: Evaluasi, tangga darurat, persyaratan tangga darurat

    The Spatial Core of Nusantara Dwellings: Women, Fire and Pawon

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    According to Nusantara culture, women have very important positions in life. The society believes that women are the bearers of the seeds of life. The existence and presence of women are expressed through the placement of safe and tight spaces in traditional dwellings. Meanwhile, in the life of Nusantara people, fire is not only understood physically as part of the cooking process, it is also a non-physical element that has the power to revive. Besides the physical role, fire also has a non-physical role, namely spirituality. Spiritually, fire is a power capable of burning, a symbol of purification and cleansing. The Nusantara people have special beliefs about fire. Fire is the essence of human spiritual life, giving life, warmth and purification. Additionally, pawon or the traditional fireplace is a supporting means of fire, the supporter of family life. Although the pawon is a physical means, its existence is essential and cannot be separated from fire and women. Hence, women, fire, and pawon are three elements that are inseparable parts of the Nusantara people�s lives. Fire always interacts with the pawon and women in every dwelling, because fire is a symbol of womens chastity. The correlation of these three elements forms a spatial core that is always present in Nusantara dwellings, that originated from these three elements. The structure of this spatial core can be divided into two patterns: centralized and linear. This paper is a qualitative research that aims to discover and understand the spatial core of Nusantara Dwellings in relation to women, fire and pawon. Data collection was conducted using ethnography, a method used to understand the mindset of a specified community through direct presence of researchers in the community and being united with them in their daily life to obtain implied data. Data analysis was carried out using a comparative study approach of several samples. Findings reveal that for the Nusantara people, women, fire and pawon are inseparable parts of a dwelling, and even become the core of physical and spiritual life which have very important roles. These three elements are the foundation of the spatial core in the interiors of Nusantara dwellings

    Empowering Surabaya Creative Communities and Start-Ups through Human-Centered Design

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    Objective - Creative communities have the potential to increase a city�s social, economic, and touristic values. Despite their evident existence in Surabaya, these communities lack support in terms of public spaces and exhibition facilities with suitable designs that could accommodate their unique activities and communicate their aspirations to the public. This research-design project aims to prove the social and economic benefits of the human-centered design process by implementing various human-centered design approaches in the interior design of creative community spaces (CCS) so that they can accommodate the unique activities of existing creative communities and serve as assembly points for entrepreneurial or start-up groups. Methodology/Technique � Two teams of interior designers were tasked to design a community space and exhibition facility for two creative communities in Surabaya. A combined method based on different human-centered design approaches of applied ethnography, participatory design, co-design, contextual design, emphatic design, and lead user approach was conducted through six stages of design process consisting of: Empathize, Point of View, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test. Findings & Novelty - The results of this research-design project are novel designs of community co-working spaces and exhibition facilities based on the unique human values, hobbies, and characteristics of the creative community that proved the social and economic benefits of human-centered design in the practice of interior design. Through the design of the creative community spaces yielded, interior and building designers can promote the activities and aspirations of existing creative communities such that they may, in turn, contribute to the development of Surabaya�s social, economic, and touristic values

    Traditional Balinese Architecture: From Cosmic to Modern

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    Balinese architecture often considers aspects of climate and natural conditions as well as the environmental social life. This is to obtain a balance in the cosmos, between human life (bhuana alit / microcosm) and its natural environment (bhuana agung /macrocosm). However, Balis progress in tourism has changed the way of life of the people, which is in line with Parsons Theory of Structural Functionalism, that if there is a change in the function of one part of an institution or structure in a social system, it will affect other parts, eventually affecting the condition of the social system as a whole. The shift in perspectives have caused structural and functional changes in Balinese architecture. The building design or architecture that emerge today are no longer oriented towards cosmic factors, but are oriented towards modern factors, developing in the interests of tourism, commercialization and lifestyle. The change has had an impact on the spatial planning, building orientation, architectural appearance, interior furnishings and local regulations in architecture. In order to prevent Balinese architecture from losing its authenticity in its original form which is full of spiritual meaning and local Balinese traditions, it is necessary to have a guideline on the specifications of Balinese architectural design that combines elements of aesthetics, comfort, technology and spirituality. Through this guideline, Balinese architecture can exist in modern times without losing its traditional values

    Batik Mojokerto Jawa Timur

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    Mojokerto merupakan kota warisan kerajaan Majapahit yang memiliki unit usaha kerajinan batik khas Mojokerto. Pengembangan unit usaha batik Mojokerto menumbuhkan kesempatan kerja bagi masyarakat. Tulisan ini merupakan hasil kajian mengenai karakteristik khas batik Mojokerto melalui fungsi, bentuk, dan gaya. Temuan data diuraikan secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa batik yang berkembang merupakan hasil kreasi baru dari pengrajin baru generasi masa kini yang berfungsi sebagai pakaian sandang. Motif yang berkembang pada umumnya dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan geografis, potensi sumber daya alam yang ada di lingkungan Mojokerto, warisan historis kerajaan Majapahit, dan penguasaan teknik produksi. Ekspresi gaya dari susunan motifnya menyesuaikan kebutuhan masyarakat mengenai batik modern yang berkembang di masa kini. Namun demikian, secara teknik produksi, para pengrajin batik Mojokerto menguasi teknik batik tulis dan batik cap (yang di masa lampau sempat tenggelam). Teknik ini ternyata dapat dikembangkan lebih lanjut di lingkungan terdekat para pengrajin Mojokerto dan menumbuhkan usaha kreatif dibidang seni batik

    Iconography of Sonaf Nis None Traditional House in East Nusa Tenggara

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    The Atoni tribe is a native of Timor, inhabiting the western and central parts of Timor Island. Its traditional house function as a place for dwellings and for performing certain rituals. The form of the house is unique and contains rich meanings that could be studied. There are some Atoni traditional houses that are still maintained in Maslete Village, North Central Timor Regency in East Nusa Tenggara. There are four types of Atoni traditional houses namely, Sonaf, Ume Kbubu, Lopo and Ume Knat/Kanaf. This research will focus on studying Sonaf Nis None, the house with the highest hierarchy in Maslete Village. It is a qualitative research with the method of descriptive analysis and using Panofskys approach of Iconography that was conducted through two stages. The first stage was Pre iconography stage which was conducted to obtain the textual meaning and the second was the Iconography stage, performed to discover the contextual meaning. Findings reveal that the traditional house of the Atoni Tribe has a rich meaning, conveying life values. The house was a manifestation of the outlook and philosophy of a harmonious life, articulated through the form of the house and its surrounding environment as a microcosm in accordance with the rules of the universe or and the wider world (macrocosm), by using a double pattern (pairs) in the architecture and interiors of the traditional house. The set of pairs as a whole is represented by the masculine and feminine nature of the feto-mone couple (female-male), that have two opposing qualities but complement and enliven each other. These meanings have been the sources of inspiration for the design of todays homes. Their form and appearance may be modern, but the concept of the value presented is the continuity of Atonis preserved cultural values


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    Traditional Dayak houses in Kalimantan have several types of buildings that were built based on vernacular architectural traditions with certain building styles. The traditional house represents past human life views and ways of building which are full of cultural wisdom and values. Houses and the cultural values contained in these buildings have been inherited, rebuilt, reshaped, and redefined in the succession of sustainability and changing architectural traditions today. This study aims to discover the characteristics of the cultural wisdom in the Betang Dayak Ngaju house in Central Kalimantan, along with the continuity of its application in buildings today. Descriptive analysis was conducted to discover the wisdom of symbolic meanings and the various forms of sustainability in the present. The results showed that the Betang house displays a combination of ancient vernacular traditions and foreign architectural traditions that apply the typical Batang Garing metaphor as a core concept that illustrates the structural unity between the house and its environment

    Tenganan Indigenous Village as a Cultural Historical Tourism Destination in Bali Island, Indonesia

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    The traditional village of Bali Aga is a sub-tribe that has been on the island of Bali since prehistoric times and at the time of the development of Hinduism in the archipelago. Bali Aga traditional village is distinct with the other Bali traditional villages. The difference lies in the socio-cultural characteristics of the community as well as in the spatial arrangement of their residential settlements. Tenganan indigenous village is one of Bali Agas traditional village in Bali island. Tenganan indigenous village often holds cultural festival. This research is conducted in order to introduce cultural historical tourism destination in Tenganan indigenous village, Bali island. This research is conducted in qualitative method with pre-iconographic and iconographic approaches in its effort to describe traditional spatial arrangement condition in Tenganan indigenous village. Data analysis is conducted in intepretation method. Data was collected by direct object observation and interview. Then analyze the socio-cultural philosophy of the indigenous Balinese Aga tribe. The result is traditional spatial arrangement over Tri Hita Karana philosphy that in line with Tenganan traditional village community culture, macrocosmos and microcosmos zone sectioning, Hulu-Teben orientation and visual inertia. This research is expected to be useful for the general public so that they can understand the strong socio-cultural wisdom of the Tenganan indigenous people and participate in maintaining its spatial arrangement pattern in their residential settlements without damaging the environment
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