1,141 research outputs found

    Evidence Based Complementary Intervention for Insomnia

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    Increasing scientific evidence point to a non-pharmacological complementary treatment for insomnia: white noise. Its presentation has been shown to induce sleep in human neonates and adults, probably by reducing the signal-to-noise ratio of ambient sound. White noise may be a simple, safe, cost-effective alternative to hypnotic medication in many psychiatric disorders, especially acute stress disorder and PTSD

    Stressful Experiences in Children and Adolescents: Initial Report from the PSEI-NCPV Honolulu Study

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    As part of a federal study of the biology of stress and resilience, a comprehensive, structured stress-history interview (PSEI-NCPV) was administered to 307 participants recruited in Honolulu. A moderate correlation between childhood stress and current depression was found. A relatively high rate of "severe bullying/hazing," and a high mean stress-intensity reating for "blood-drawing induced anxiety" call for further research

    Observation on Variance and Covariance Estimates for Carcass Traits in Bull and Steer Progeny

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    Carcass measures from 970 cattle were collected at the Iowa State University Rhodes and McNay research farms over a 6-year period. Data were from bull and steer progeny of composite, Angus, and Simmental sires mated to three composite lines of dams. The objective of this study was to evaluate effects of sex differences on genetic parameter estimates for carcass traits. Estimation of genetic parameters using a threetrait mixed model showed differences between bulls and steers in h2 and genetic correlations. Heritability for carcass weight, percentage retail product, retail product weight, fat thickness, and longissimus muscle area from bull data were .43, .04, .46, .05, and .21, respectively. The corresponding values for steer data were in order of .32, .24, .40, .42, and .07, respectively. Furthermore, genetic correlations between some of the traits were different both in magnitude and direction when evaluated by sex. The results suggested possible differences in genetic parameter estimates between bulls and steer data. Hence, further study on effects of sex differences on genetic parameter estimation and a designing possible strategy to overcome the problem were emphasized

    Ultrasound Prediction Model for % Intramuscular Fat in Beef Cattle

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    Real-time ultrasound technology offers producers an opportunity to measure compositional traits in beef cattle. A recent research project focused on the development of a prediction model for the Classic Scanner 200. The accuracy of this model has been previously reported and can be found in the Journal of Animal Science 2000, Volume 78, pages 11-18

    Estimating Heritability of Percentage of Intramuscular Fat and Ribeye Area Measures By Scan Session in Angus Bulls and Heifers

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    The present study included 3,066 ultrasound-predicted percentage of intramuscular fat (UPFAT) and 4,502 ultrasound ribeye area (UREA) measures of bulls and heifers from the Iowa State University beef cattle breeding project. Data were collected over a four-year period between 1998 and 2001. The objective of the current study was to estimate variance components and heritability of UPFAT and UREA. Data were analyzed based on single- and multiple-trait animal models. Heritability of UPFAT increased from a minimum of 0.36 at a mean age of 37 weeks to a maximum of 0.54 at a mean age of 54 weeks. Heritability of UREA ranged from 0.30 at a mean age of 35 weeks to a maximum of 0.48 at a mean age of 50 weeks. Heritability of yearling UPFAT and UREA were 0.50 and 0.45, respectively. For the range of ages included in the present study the results suggest optimum heritability of UPFAT and UREA starting at about one year of age

    Estimation of Heritability and Repeatability of Ultrasound Ribeye Area Measures Using Random Regression Models

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    The present study included 4,653 observations from 882 Angus bulls and heifers born during the spring of 1998 to 2001. Each year cattle were scanned four to eight times for ribeye area (UREA) and other ultrasound traits, starting at a minimum age of 27 weeks. The objective of the current study was to estimate variance components, heritability, and repeatability of UREA. Direct additive genetic variance increased from 7.11 to 19.4 cm4 as measurement age increased from 27 to 62 weeks. For the same time period direct permanent environmental variance increased from 14.7 to 26.6 cm4. When averaged by four weeks intervals, heritability of UREA ranged from 0.29 to 0.39. Mean repeatability values ranged from 0.80 to 0.86. Yearling heritability and repeatability were estimated at 0.39 and 0.80, respectively. For the range of ages considered, the present results showed an optimum heritability and repeatability of UREA measures around 52 weeks through at least 62 weeks of age

    Données nouvelles sur le contenu organique des dépôts phosphatés du gisement de Ras-Draâ (Tunisie) New data on the organic matter associated to phosphatic ores of the Ras-Draâ deposit (Tunisia)

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    International audienceL'étude de la matière organique (MO) associée aux sédiments phosphatés a été conduite sur des fractions séparées – grains phosphatés (pellets) et leurs matrices – de strates riches en phosphate du gisement de Ras-Draâ. Cette étude a réuni des analyses géochimiques élémentaires C, N, S, des analyses par pyrolyse Rock-Eval (RE) et des extractions des substances humiques (SH). Les données géochimiques fournies par l'analyse CNS et par la pyrolyse RE indiquent : (i) des teneurs en carbone organique total (COT) plus élevées dans les matrices (atteignant 4,00 %) que dans les pellets (≤ 1,62 % ) ; (ii) la présence, dans les deux fractions, d'une MO se rattachant à la lignée II, planctonique marine, plus ou moins oxydée ; (iii) une faible évolution diagénétique subie par la MO dans chacune des fractions (Tmax, globalement < 430 °C). Les données quantitatives de l'extraction et du fractionnement des SH en acides fulviques, humiques et humine, indiquent une forte abondance de composés humiques extractibles (CH) dans les pellets (CCH not, vert, similar 70 % de la somme du COT des fractions séparées COTfr) et une présence occasionnelle, en faibles quantités, de CH extractibles dans les matrices. Cette situation exclut que ces pellets se soient constitués de façon authigénique au sein de leur matrice, ce qui est pleinement conforme à la possibilité, récemment formulée, qu'il s'agisse de fèces de poissons. Abstract The study of the organic matter (OM) content of phosphatic sediments from the Ras-Draâ deposit, Tunisia, was carried on the two separated lithological fractions constituting the bulk sediments, namely phosphatic grains (pellets) and their associated matrices. The geochemical characterization of the OM present in pellets and in their matrices by CNS elemental analysis and RE pyrolysis indicates that: (i) the TOC content is higher in matrices (where it reaches 4.00%), than in pellets in the same strata where it does not exceed 1.62%; (ii) the presence of more or less oxidized marine planktonic OM in both fractions; (iii) a low degree of diagenetic evolution of the OM in both fractions (RE Tmax globally < than 430 °C). The chemical extraction of the humic substances (HS) from both fractions followed by the separation of fractions according to the IHSS procedure, systematically indicates a higher abundance of extractable humic compounds (HC) in the pellets (CHC not, vert, similar 70% of the sum of TOC in the separated fractions, TOCfr) and a variable but lower extraction yield in matrices (CHC not, vert, similar 18% TOCfr). This significant difference between both fractions excludes the possibility that pellets formed authigenically from, and within, their matrix. This is consistent with recent findings suggesting that these pellets could be fish feces

    Analysis of sheep value chains in Doyogena, southern Ethiopia

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    Les produits forestiers industriels en Tunisie : contenir la dépendance

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    La Tunisie est contrainte d'importer la majorité de ses besoins en bois : face à une augmentation prévisible de cette consommation dans l'avenir, le contrôle par l'Etat, de l'installation des industries et de l'exploitation forestière peut être un atout pour le développement sans pour autant qu'il y ait de graves répercussions sur le déficit
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