87 research outputs found

    Mosquito Larvicidal Constituents from Lantana Viburnoides SP Viburnoides Var Kisi (A. rich) Verdc (Verbenaceae).

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    \ud \ud Lantana viburnoides sp viburnoides var kisi is used in Tanzania ethnobotanically to repel mosquitoes as well as in traditional medicine for stomach ache relief. Bioassay-guided fractionation and subtraction bioassays of the dichloromethane extract of the root barks were carried out in order to identify the bioactive components for controlling Anopheles gambiae s.s. mosquito larvae. Twenty late III or early IV instar larvae of An. gambiae s.s. were exposed to various concentrations of the plant extracts, fractions, blends and pure compounds, and were assayed in the laboratory by using the protocol of WHO 1996. Mean mortalities were compared using Dunnett's test (p < 0.05) and lethal concentration calculated by Lackfit Inversel of the SAS programme. The crude extract (LC50 = 7.70 ppm in 72 h) and fractions exhibited different level of mosquito larvicidal activity with subtraction of some fractions resulting in activity enhancement. The active fractions contained furanonaphthaquinones regio-isomers (LC50 = 5.48-5.70 ppm in 72 h) and the lantadene triterpenoid camaric acid (LC50 = 6.19 ppm in 72 h) as active principles while the lupane triterpenoid betulinic acid (LC50 < 10 ppm in 72 h) was obtained from the least active fraction. Crude extracts and some fractions had higher or comparable larvicidal activity to the pure compounds. These results demonstrate that L. viburnoides sp viburnoides var kisi extracts may serve as larvicides for managing various mosquito habitats even in their semi-purified form. The isolated compounds can be used as distinct markers in the active extracts or plant materials belonging to the genus Lantana

    Responses of Bactrocera invadens (Diptera:Tephritidae) to Volatile Emissions of Fruits from Three Hosts

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    Bactrocera invadens is an invasive fruit fly species of Asian origin that was first detected in Kenya in 2003 and now has been reported in many parts of the African continent. The responses of B. invadens towards odour blends emitted from three host fruits, namely mango (Mangifera indica), marula (Sclerocarya birrea), and Indian almond (Terminalia catappa) growing in Nguruman and Embu in Kenya, were monitored in a dual choice olfactometer. Three mango varieties were tested (sensation, apple and kent), each at immature, mature unripe and ripe stages. Marula and Indian almond fruits were tested when mature, both when unripe and ripe. Results showed that, both male and female B. invadens were attracted equally to mature unripe and ripe mango fruits. However, in all cases attraction to immature fruits was significantly lower (P &lt; 0.05). Two-way comparisons showed no significant difference between sensation and apple, but both attracted significantly more flies than kent. There were no significant different in attraction when M. indica, T. catappa and S. birrea were compared between each other. The results indicate that mature host fruits emit volatile constituents that are attractive to the fruit flies and if characterized may be useful in monitoring and managing B. invadens. Keywords: Bactrocera invadens, fruit hosts, attraction, 2-choice wind tunne

    In vitro and in vivo anti-trypanosomal activities of methanol extract of Azadirachta indica stem-bark

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    Background: Current chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of African trypanosomiasis have become largely ineffective, necessitating the search for alternative compounds. The objective of this study was to evaluate in vitro anti-trypanosomal activities of methanol extracts of parts of Azadirachta indica against Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, Trypanosoma brucei brucei and Trypanosoma evansi and establish the in vivo efficacy of the most active extract.Materials and methods: Maceration of powdered leaves, stem bark and root bark of the plant in methanol afforded three extracts. In vitro assays were carried out with the extracts on the three trypanosome strains in 96-well microtitre plates at concentration ranges of 4000 - 1000μg/ml. The most active extract was assayed in vivo using Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense infected Swiss albino mice at doses of 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg body weight. Melarsoprol and suramin served as positive controls. The infected untreated group served as the negative control. Parasitaemia levels, packed cell volume, body weight changes and mean survival period of all groups were monitored throughout the experimental period.Results: Methanol extract of the stem bark of A.indica was most active in vitro against all the three trypanosome strains (MIC values of 9.93±1.88, 16.25±0.92 and 9.97±0.44μg/ml for T. b. rhodesiense, T. b. brucei and T. evansi, respectively). The extract showed optimum activity at 400 mg/kg and was comparable to the positive control groups. Parasitaemia levels were kept at a significantly low level (p &lt; 0.05) by the extract compared to the negative control. Notably, there was no significant difference (p&gt;0.05) in mean survival time of mice treated with the extract at 400 mg/kg and the positive controls.Conclusion: In vitro and in vivo anti-trypanosomal activities of the methanol extract of A. indica stem bark could be attributed to the presence of constituents of moderate polarity.Keywords: Anti-trypanosomal activity, Azadirachta indica, Trypanosoma brucei brucei, Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, Trypanosoma evans

    Daily oviposition patterns of the African malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae Giles (Diptera: Culicidae) on different types of aqueous substrates

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    BACKGROUND: Anopheles gambiae Giles is the most important vector of human malaria in sub-Saharan Africa. Knowledge of the factors that influence its daily oviposition pattern is crucial if field interventions targeting gravid females are to be successful. This laboratory study investigated the effect of oviposition substrate and time of blood feeding on daily oviposition patterns of An. gambiae mosquitoes. METHODS: Greenhouse-reared gravid and hypergravid (delayed oviposition onset) An. gambiae sensu stricto and wild-caught An. gambiae sensu lato were exposed to three types of substrates in choice and no-choice cage bioassays: water from a predominantly anopheline colonised ground pool (anopheline habitat water), swamp water mainly colonised by culicine larvae (culicine habitat water) and distilled water. The daily oviposition pattern and the number of eggs oviposited on each substrate during the entire egg-laying period were determined. The results were subjected to analysis of variance using the General Linear Model (GLM) procedure. RESULTS: The main oviposition time for greenhouse-reared An. gambiae s.s. was between 19:00 and 20:00 hrs, approximately one hour after sunset. Wild-caught gravid An. gambiae s.l. displayed two distinct peak oviposition times between 19:00 and 20:00 hrs and between 22:00 and 23:00 hrs, respectively. During these times, both greenhouse-reared and wild-caught mosquitoes significantly (P < 0.05) preferred anopheline habitat water to the culicine one. Peak oviposition activity was not delayed when the mosquitoes were exposed to the less preferred oviposition substrate (culicine habitat water). However, culicine water influenced negatively (P < 0.05) not only the number of eggs oviposited by the mosquitoes during peak oviposition time but also the overall number of gravid mosquitoes that laid their eggs on it. The differences in mosquito feeding times did not affect the daily oviposition patterns displayed. CONCLUSION: This study shows that the peak oviposition time of An. gambiae s.l. may be regulated by the light-dark cycle rather than oviposition habitat characteristics or feeding times. However, the number of eggs laid by the female mosquito during the peak oviposition time is affected by the suitability of the habitat


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    Background: Current chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of African trypanosomiasis have become largely ineffective, necessitating the search for alternative compounds. The objective of this study was to evaluate in vitro anti-trypanosomal activities of methanol extracts of parts of Azadirachta indica against Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, Trypanosoma brucei brucei and Trypanosoma evansi and establish the in vivo efficacy of the most active extract. Materials and methods: Maceration of powdered leaves, stem bark and root bark of the plant in methanol afforded three extracts. In vitro assays were carried out with the extracts on the three trypanosome strains in 96-well microtitre plates at concentration ranges of 4000 - 1000μg/ml. The most active extract was assayed in vivo using Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense infected Swiss albino mice at doses of 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg body weight. Melarsoprol and suramin served as positive controls. The infected untreated group served as the negative control. Parasitaemia levels, packed cell volume, body weight changes and mean survival period of all groups were monitored throughout the experimental period. Results: Methanol extract of the stem bark of A.indica was most active in vitro against all the three trypanosome strains (MIC values of 9.93±1.88, 16.25±0.92 and 9.97±0.44μg/ml for T. b. rhodesiense, T. b. brucei and T. evansi, respectively). The extract showed optimum activity at 400 mg/kg and was comparable to the positive control groups. Parasitaemia levels were kept at a significantly low level (p 0.05) in mean survival time of mice treated with the extract at 400 mg/kg and the positive controls. Conclusion: In vitro and in vivo anti-trypanosomal activities of the methanol extract of A. indica stem bark could be attributed to the presence of constituents of moderate polarity


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    Parts of the plant Thalictrum rhyncocarpum are used in herbal medicine in Kenya to treat various infections. The aim of this study was to evaluate in-vitro anti-bacteria activities and phytochemical profiles of solvent extracts of the leaves, stem bark and root of Thalictrum rhyncocarpum against Bacillus subtilis-6633, Staphylococcus aures-SG 511, Escherichia coli SG 458, Pseudomonus aeruginosa-K799/61 and Mycobacterium vaccae-10670. Anti-bacterial activity tests were carried out using disc diffusion assay and tube dilution technique, and phytochemical screening was carried out through Thin Layer Chromatography. The crude extracts showed antibacterial effects on M. vaccae, P. aeruginosa and B. subtilis. M. vaccae was most sensitive, particularly to the methanol root extract. Phytochemical screening of the extracts suggested the presence of glycosides and alkaloids in the stem bark and root extracts, and flavonoids and triterpenes in the leaf extracts. The study showed interesting levels of activities of solvent extracts of different parts of T. rhyncocarpum against some of the bacteria tested (M. vaccae, P. aeruginosa and B. subtilis). The results provide some scientific rationale for the traditional use of the plant in Kenya to treat different microbial infections

    Molecular gas in high redshift QSOs

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    We review cm and mm observations of thermal molecular line emission from high redshift QSOs. These observations reveal the massive gas reservoirs (10^{10} to 10^{11} M_sun) required to fuel star formation at high rates. We discuss evidence for active star formation in QSO host galaxies, and we show that these high redshift, FIR-luminous QSOs follow the non-linear trend of increasing L_{FIR}/L'(CO) with increasing L_{FIR}. We conclude with a brief discussion of the recent CO detection of the most distant QSO at z=6.42, and its implications for cosmic reionization.Comment: To appear in: Multiwavelength AGN Surveys, eds. Maiolino and Mujica (World Scientific), 8 page

    Constituents of the Essential Oil of Suregada zanzibariensis Leaves are Repellent to the Mosquito, Anopheles gambiae s.s.

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    In traditional African communities, repellent volatiles from certain plants generated by direct burning or by thermal expulsion have played an important role in protecting households against vectors of malaria and other diseases. Previous research on volatile constituents of plants has shown that some are good sources of potent mosquito repellents. In this bioprospecting initiative, the essential oil of leaves of the tree, Suregada zanzibariensis Verdc. (Angiospermae: Euphobiaceae) was tested against the mosquito, Anopheles gambiae s.s. Giles (Diptera: Culicidae) and found to be repellent. Gas chromatography (GC), GC-linked mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and, where possible, GC-co-injections with authentic compounds, led to the identification of about 34 compounds in the essential oil. About 56% of the constituents were terpenoid ketones, mostly methyl ketones. Phenylacetaldehyde (14.4%), artemisia ketone (10.1%), (1S)-(-)-verbenone (12.1%) and geranyl acetone (9.4%) were the main constituents. Apart from phenylacetaldehyde, repellent activities of the other main constituents were higher than that of the essential oil. The blends of the main constituents in proportions found in the essential oil were more repellent to An. gambiae s.s. than was the parent oil (p < 0.05), and the presence of artemisia ketone in the blend caused a significant increase in the repellency of the resulting blend. These results suggested that blends of some terpenoid ketones can serve as effective An. gambiae s.s. mosquito repellents

    Repellency and composition of essential oils of selected ethnobotanical plants used in Western Kenya against bites of Anopheles gambiae Sensu Stricto

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    The essential oils of Ocimum gratissimum Linn, Hyptis suaveolens (L) Poit and Vitex keniensis, which are used traditionally in Western Kenya for personal and space protection against mosquito bites, were screened for repellence against Anopheles gambiae Sensu Stricto. Essential oils were extracted from their leaves by hydrodistillation, characterised by gas chromatography linked with mass spectrophotometer and electroantennogram detectors. The repellency of the oils and their selected blends was studied by the reduction in probing and feeding on the human arm. The oils showed promising repellency for Anopheles gambiae, O. gratissimum (RD50 = 2.77 × 10-5 mg cm-2, 95% CI), Vitex keniensis (RD = 5.68 × 10-5 mg cm-2) and Hyptis suaveolens (6.27× 10-5 mg cm-2) as compared to that of DEET (control) RD = 1.25×10-5 mg cm-2). The bioactive constituents of each oil were identified by Gas chromatography-linked with Mass spectrometry and Electroantennography. Some compounds were confirmed by co-injections of the oil with available authentic standards. The results provide a scientific rationale for the traditional use of these plants in repelling disease vectors and other biting insects, and lay down some useful groundwork for downstream development of more effective products for personal and space protection
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