20 research outputs found

    Holistic education in Malaysia.

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    This article discusses the concept of holistic education in Malaysia in the light of the principles adhered by the National Philosophy of Education (NPE) in the country with its focus on the development of well-balanced and integrated individuals who hold a firm belief in and devotion to God. In addressing the importance of the holistic notion of education, the Western concept of holism and integrated education as seen from the aspects of aim, philosophical principles underpinning the practices, curriculum and the teaching and learning process are also discussed. In highlighting the meaning of holistic education in Malaysia, similarities and differences in the meaning and principles of holistic education in the country and her western counterpart had been explained and the rational for the implementation of the holistic concept was provided

    Comparing teachers’ aspiration towards change in teaching and learning and their actual classroom practices

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    This paper reports the findings of a study on teachers’ aspiration towards change in their teaching and learning and their actual practices in the classroom in the Malaysian Secondary Schools. An instrument consisting of 24 items was used to measure the perception of the teachers on the aspiration and the actual implementation towards teaching and learning in the classrooms of these schools. Findings of the study indicate that the mean score of their actual teaching practices is 3.88 and a standard deviation of 0.52, which is higher as compared to the score on the teachers’ aspiration towards change in teaching and learning, which obtained a mean of 3.13 and a standard deviation of 0.85. This study also reported that there are significant differences between the teachers’ aspiration towards change and their actual classroom practices based on gender, age, ethnic, professional qualification and types of school. Despite these differences, the general attitude of the teachers in this study was found to be rather positive towards their teaching and learning practices in the classrooms

    Epistemological Belief and Learning Approaches of Students in Higher Institutions of Learning in Malaysia

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    This is an investigation of the students’ beliefs about the nature of knowledge or epistemological beliefs, and the relation of these beliefs on their learning approaches. Students chosen as samples of the study were from both public and private higher institutions of learning in Malaysia. The instrument used in the study consists of 49 items measuring students’ epistemological beliefs and 20 items on their learning approaches. Items on epistemological belief were adapted and modified from Schommer’s Epistemological Questionnaire (1990) and Schraw, Bendixen and Dunkle (2000) Epistemic Beliefs Inventory that assesses students' beliefs about simple knowledge, certain knowledge, quick learning, and fixed ability to learn. Items on learning approaches were adapted from Bigg’s forty-two-item Study Process Questionnaire (SPQ), designed for tertiary-level students. The instrument was administered to 1405 students of higher institutions of learning both public and private. Differences in epistemological beliefs among students of these higher institutions, ethnic and between genders were examined

    A Review on Antibacterial, Antiviral, and Antifungal Activity of Curcumin

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    CurcumalongaL.(Zingiberaceaefamily)anditspolyphenoliccompoundcurcuminhavebeensubjectedtoavarietyofantimicrobial investigationsduetoextensivetraditionalusesandlowsideeffects.Antimicrobialactivitiesforcurcuminandrhizomeextractof C.longaagainstdifferentbacteria,viruses,fungi,andparasiteshavebeenreported.Thepromisingresultsforantimicrobialactivity ofcurcuminmadeitagoodcandidatetoenhancetheinhibitoryeffectofexistingantimicrobialagentsthroughsynergism.Indeed, differentinvestigationshavebeendonetoincreasetheantimicrobialactivityofcurcumin,includingsynthesisofdifferentchemical derivativestoincreaseitswatersolubilityaswellasscelluptakeofcurcumin.Thisreviewaimstosummarizepreviousantimicrobial studiesofcurcumintowardsitsapplicationinthefuturestudiesasanaturalantimicrobialagent

    A multiperspective learning approach among Malaysian university students in the context of epistemological beliefs

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    Students in higher education institutions, particularly in public and private universities in Malaysia share certain common epistemological beliefs among them, while other aspects of the beliefs are significantly different. The characteristics of students based on epistemological beliefs enlighten those who are responsible in academic and soft skill development of higher education on how to appreciate and utilize the talents and strength in each student. Their characteristics could be identified by observing the way they put on their perspective on the list of given scenarios in a survey questionnaire used in this research. These characteristics are identified from their responses to various constructs of epistemological beliefs and learning approaches used in this research. This move is in line with the intention of educationists and policy makers of higher education in Malaysia to dig up the potential among the country’s future leaders as much as possible. This is one of the efforts taken by the educationists and policy makers of higher education in Malaysia to uncover the potential of students at the higher education level for future leaders of the country, beginning with their beliefs in knowledge and their learning approaches. Generally, these students are very prospective human capital in this country who need be groomed continuously. Hence, as one of the sources of prospective human capital in this country which needs continuous grooming, there is a need to examine their learning approaches and their concepts of knowledge as conducted in this study. In answering the research questions, the following significant differences were established between the variables used in this study: significant relationship between students’ epistemological beliefs and their surface learning approaches; significant difference between male and female students’epistemological beliefs and learning approaches; significant differenc

    C untuk pengaturcara

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    Buku ini mengandungi beberapa bab iaitu kandungan, bahagian 1 – c melalui pascal, struktur pascal, jenis data asas dan penyataan pengisytiharan, penyataan imperatif, tatasusunan dan rentetan, input dan output, fungsi, rekod dan penuding, fail, skalar, set dan subjulat, bahagian 2 – c secara terperinci, pengenalan dan objek leksikal, jenis asas, penyataan imperatif: ungkapan, penyataan imperatif: kawalan aliran, struktur terperinci atur cara, tatasusunan dan penuding, jenis terbitan, input – output, prapemproses c, rekursi, jenis data abstrak dan polimorforik

    The role of Islamic Philosophy of education in aspiring holistic learning.

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    There is no doubt that looking at the process of learning and also any current scenario in this country is something that should be closely related to what and how someone should know from the view of Islamic Philosophy. Therefore, the nature of education based on Islam itself has the very significant contribution towards human’s life. Discussing Islamic Philosophy of Education will focus on what philosophy is as a core of any theoretical and practical elements of all aspects and knowledge. The philosophical approach is discussed from the perspective of Islam. Then, this writing looks at how Islamic Philosophy tends to mould education in the entire of situation. The discussion of Islamic Philosophy of Education needs to be understood wisely in order to relate it with the context of learning process, and other related situations around us. In this regard, this writing also looks on how the branches of philosophy (such as metaphysics and axiology) and school of thought of philosophy (such as pragmatism) is relevan in discussing Islamic Philosophy of Education. In the end, it is seen as important towards achieving holistic learning. Then this understanding of Islamic Philosophy is proven as important in understanding any current senario in the context or our society in this country, among others are on how the implementation of the aspect of Islamic Philosophy of Education is important in viewing the social problem; the implementation of the aspect of Islamic Philosophy of Education in viewing the Environmental Problem; and the aspect of Islamic Philosophy of Education in Viewing the Emotional and Spiritual Intelligences in current society

    Teacher aspiration towards change in teaching and learning in secondary schools

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    Teacher aspiration towards change in teaching and learning is pertinent with the introduction of educational initiatives aimed at producing spiritually, physically, emotionally and intellectually balanced students. Teaching and learning aspiration enables teachers to adapt and change their current classroom practices. Differences in teacher aspiration are based on organizational and student needs. The aim of this paper is to report the findings of a project which explores teachers' aspiration towards change in their classroom teaching and learning practices based on their demographic background. An instrument consisting of 24 items is used to measure teachers' aspiration. Data was gathered from a clustered sample of 254 National, 107 Cluster and 43 Technical Secondary School teachers in Malaysia. Findings of the study show that the mean score of teachers' aspiration towards change in teaching and learning of Cluster Secondary School teachers (Mean= 3.448, SD= 0.92) is significantly higher (F = 11.865, p<O.Ol) compared to their counterparts in the National Secondary School (Mean= 3.024, SD=0.790) and Technical Secondary School (Mean= 2.864, SD= 0.89). Implications of the findings are also discussed

    Comparison of teaching and learning practices among teachers of the national and cluster secondary schools in Malaysia

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    This paper reports the study conducted on the issues of teaching and learning practices among teachers in the Cluster Secondary and the National Secondary Schools in Malaysia. A total of 24 items were used to measure the practices towards teaching and learning in the classrooms as perceived by teachers of these schools. Findings of the study show that the practices of Cluster Secondary School teachers towards teaching and learning is high with a mean of 3.997 and a standard deviation of 0.494 compared to teachers of the National Secondary School with a mean of 3.837 and a standard deviation of 0.507. Findings of the study in a five-point scale of this two school categories also show that there was a significant difference in the teaching and learning practices among National Secondary Schools teachers of different ages, but not their counterparts in Cluster Secondary Schools. Despite some differences, the results indicate that teachers from both types of schools have positive teaching and learning practices