77 research outputs found

    Modelling the Demand for Bank Loans by Private Business Sector in Pakistan

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    The importance of studying demand for bank loan by private business sector stems from the fact the money supply is ‘credit-driven’ and demand-determined and at the rate of interest determined by the central bank the money supply function is horizontal as illustrated by Moore and Threadgold (1985), Coghlan, (1981), Moore (1979, 1983). The analysis of the demand for bank loan by private business sector is important for understating the monetary transmission mechanism and formulation of the effective monetary policy to achieve macroeconomic objectives. The study aimed to model the demand for bank loan by private business sector in Pakistan. We use Hylleberg, et al., (1990) seasonal unit root test for investigation of properties of data. The dynamic Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model is used for long rung and the short run analysis of demand for bank loans by the business sector. For the testing long run relationship among the variables we used bounds test proposed by Pasaran and Shin (1995). Real rate of return on advances, economic activity, expectations about future state of economy, macroeconomic risk, inflation and foreign demand pressure are taken as the determinants of demand for bank loan by private business sector. Economic activity, real rate of interest, macroeconomic risk and inflation were found significant in affecting demand for bank loans while the estimated equation do not provide evidence for the role of foreign demand pressure and expectations about future state of economy in effecting demand for bank loans. The sign of the coefficients of real rate of return on advances, inflation and macroeconomic risk is negative whereas economic activity is directly related to demand for bank loans by private business sector. The short run model shows that the speed of adjustment is 8.5% quarterly. Therefore it takes three years to go back to the long run equilibrium level. In the short run change in rate of inflation, RRA and economic activity have negative impact. The short run equation explores that change in real rate of return (RRA) does not affect RDBL. It implies that in very short run business cannot change their demand for bank credit in response to changes in real interest rate. Changing in macroeconomic risk appears in the model in form against a priori expectations. Foreign demand pressure (FDP) has no long run effect and in short run has the coefficient having low value. The demand for bank loan by private business sector was found interest elastic and gives the provision to central bank to control credit in the economy through variations of interest rate

    Modelling the Demand for Bank Loans by Private Business Sector in Pakistan

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    The importance of studying demand for bank loan by private business sector stems from the fact the money supply is ‘credit-driven’ and demand-determined and at the rate of interest determined by the central bank the money supply function is horizontal as illustrated by Moore and Threadgold (1985), Coghlan, (1981), Moore (1979, 1983). The analysis of the demand for bank loan by private business sector is important for understating the monetary transmission mechanism and formulation of the effective monetary policy to achieve macroeconomic objectives. The study aimed to model the demand for bank loan by private business sector in Pakistan. We use Hylleberg, et al., (1990) seasonal unit root test for investigation of properties of data. The dynamic Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model is used for long rung and the short run analysis of demand for bank loans by the business sector. For the testing long run relationship among the variables we used bounds test proposed by Pasaran and Shin (1995). Real rate of return on advances, economic activity, expectations about future state of economy, macroeconomic risk, inflation and foreign demand pressure are taken as the determinants of demand for bank loan by private business sector. Economic activity, real rate of interest, macroeconomic risk and inflation were found significant in affecting demand for bank loans while the estimated equation do not provide evidence for the role of foreign demand pressure and expectations about future state of economy in effecting demand for bank loans. The sign of the coefficients of real rate of return on advances, inflation and macroeconomic risk is negative whereas economic activity is directly related to demand for bank loans by private business sector. The short run model shows that the speed of adjustment is 8.5% quarterly. Therefore it takes three years to go back to the long run equilibrium level. In the short run change in rate of inflation, RRA and economic activity have negative impact. The short run equation explores that change in real rate of return (RRA) does not affect RDBL. It implies that in very short run business cannot change their demand for bank credit in response to changes in real interest rate. Changing in macroeconomic risk appears in the model in form against a priori expectations. Foreign demand pressure (FDP) has no long run effect and in short run has the coefficient having low value. The demand for bank loan by private business sector was found interest elastic and gives the provision to central bank to control credit in the economy through variations of interest rate

    Hematological Profile of Patients with Dementia in South Punjab

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    Objectives:  A case-control study was conducted to find the prevalence of abnormal blood indices and electrolytes in patients with dementia. Material & Methods:  The levels of erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, electrolytes, and ESR were determined from the biochemistry lab. A t-test was applied to see the significance of the difference between each dementia patient group (Alzheimer Disease-AD, Parkinson’s Disease-PD, and Frontotemporal Dementia-FTD) with the control group for each CBC and electrolyte parameter Results:  In each patients’ groups (AD, PD, and FTD), the mean value of every erythrocyte was lower than the normal range. A significant difference existed for each erythrocyte between dementia patients and controls, except MCHC. Low levels were observed in neutrophils in all groups of dementia including control group. Very high levels were observed in ESR in all groups of dementia. Significant differences existed in the WBC levels between controls and AD as well as PD patients, in platelets between the control group and FTD patients, and in ESR in each group of dementia patients vs. control group. Normal values observed in all groups of dementia patients as well as in the control group.  Conclusion:  We found low levels in erythrocytes in cases of Alzheimer disease, Parkinson’s disease, and frontotemporal dementia. Age-related changes to hematological indices especially related to RBCs, and inflammatory mediators like cytokines, hamper the microcirculation in the cerebral tissue leading to micro-infarcts or microbleeds which cause neuronal insults and parenchymal damage

    Problems Encountered by Women in Education Sector of Bahawalpur

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    As we all know that education is crucial in the development of any country. The main focus of this research is to identify the problems faced by working women in education sector. We discovered that most of the parents and certain relatives are supportive towards their daughter serving in the education sector. All our respondents strongly believed that the married women face greater challenges than unmarried women. Although their husbands are co-operative but there children are prominently neglected. Despite the supportive attitude of their parents unmarried women still face challenges like transportation and managing time between personal and social life. Most of the respondents, married or unmarried, believed that their salary and promotion system is not satisfactory for which they blame “Favouritism”. In spite of all the facts, our research concludes that the education sector of Bahawalpur for female teacher is fairly good. Keywords: Women, Education Sector, Bahawalpur

    Awareness of stroke among general Practitioners

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    Stroke is the 2nd leading cause of death and 3rd leading cause of disability after cancer and ischemic heart disease. The recognition of acute stroke symptoms and knowledge about timely and prompt referral of a patient for possible thrombolysis is a need of time for which general practitioners (as they have to be the first responders many a times across Pakistan) need to be equipped with the advance knowledge about stroke treatment


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    Background: First time transvenous right ventricular (RV) lead implant after tricuspid valve (TV) repair or bioprosthetic replacement is common. We evaluated outcomes in TV regurgitation (TR) and RV function in this population. Methods: We conducted single-center retrospective study on patients with TV repair or replacement from 2000 to 2020 followed by first-time transvenous RV lead implant. Primary outcomes were change in TR severity (defined as defined as none/trivial, mild, moderate, moderate-severe, or severe) and RV function (normal, mild, moderate, or severe). Baseline and follow-up echocardiogram (ECHO) data was reviewed, as well as time to death. Results: 52 patients were identified (29 female, 47 had hypertension, 41 had atrial fibrillation, 49 had TV repair, 3 had replacement). Median time from surgery to implant was 1.7 months and to last ECHO was 39.7 months. In TV repair, baseline TR was none/trivial in 15 (30.6%) and mild in 21 (42.8%) patients. RV function was normal in 33 (67.3%) patients. 58% had worsened TR (mean 0.9 levels) (Figure). No TR change was seen in TV replacement. Mean worsening RV function was by 0.9 levels. There was statistically significant correlation with RV pacing and RV dysfunction (Spearman correlation coefficient 0.37, p = 0.017), but not with change in TR (p = 0.36). 22 patients died at median follow-up (48.9 months). Conclusion: Presence of an RV lead after TV repair correlated with worsening TR. Higher RV pacing level correlated with RV dysfunction but not TR severity

    Polyneuropathy associated with iga Paraproteinemia: a case report and literature Review.

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    Paraproteinemia is precipitated by an accumulation of monoclonal plasma cells or B lymphocytes. Idiopathic neuropathies that are associated with paraproteinemia account for only 10% of the neuropathies. Paraprotein acts like an antibody and is targeted against myelin and axons present in the peripheral nerves. Despite being of interest for quite a long time, the caudal relationship between paraproteinemias and peripheral neuropathies still remains a sorcery. We report a case of a middle aged male who presented with pain and parasthesias in both arms and legs. His workup revealed him to be having a paraproteinemic neuropathy consistent with IgA Lambda chains that account for being the most rare type of monoclonal gammopathy than IgM or IgG having the potential to progress to smouldering multiple myeloma

    Efficacy of Azadirachta indica (Neem) leaf extract and hypertonic saline solution as intratesticular chemical sterilizing agents in dogs

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    A castração consiste na indução da esterilidade por meio físico, químico ou hormonal. A castração química é uma técnica eficiente e confiável, em contraste com outros procedimentos de esterilização, pois é menos dolorosa para os métodos físicos e econômicos para os métodos hormonais. Azadirachta indica (neem), é uma planta carismática, pois possui folhas anti-inflamatórias, antimicrobianas e antiandrogênicas. Para diminuir a crescente população humana no sul da Ásia, o óleo de nim e o extrato de folhas de nim têm sido efetivamente usados como agente contraceptivo. O principal determinante deste estudo atual foi avaliar o Neem como um agente esterilizante químico (necrótico ou apoptótico) em cães injetados intratesticularmente em comparação com uma solução salina hipertônica. O tamanho da largura testicular pré e pós-injeção e as amostras de sangue para os níveis séricos de testosterona foram colhidas em dias alternados. Os resultados obtidos revelaram alterações substanciais no tamanho da largura testicular, perfil histopatológico e nível sérico de testosterona. Observou-se uma leitura não significativa (P> 0,05) da largura testicular da pré-injeção, em contraste com um aumento significativo (P <0,05) três dias após a injeção em todos os grupos competitivos. Os valores médios registrados para o tamanho da largura testicular no final do estudo via extrato de folhas de nim, HSS a 30% e grupos controle foram 27,7362 ± 2,3315 mm, 30,9594 ± 4,6861 mm e 24,5023 ± 2,5387 mm, respectivamente. Uma tendência decrescente, com relação ao nível sérico de testosterona sendo estatisticamente significante (P <0,05), foi registrada nos grupos tratados (A, B), em contraste com o grupo controle (C), pois os valores eram 1,5357 ± 0,7819ng, 1,2669 ± 0,9095ng e 2,4517 ± 0,1827ng nos grupos A, B e C, respectivamente. Os achados histopatológicos advogaram a presença de corpos apoptóticos no grupo tratado com nim, enquanto a presença de células intersticiais degeneradas, túbulos seminíferos necrosados, epitélio germinativo danificado e espermatogênese interrompida também foi estudada nos dois grupos competitivos. Assim, o efeito apoptótico e a propriedade anti-inflamatória do extrato de folhas de nim resultaram em uma castração menos dolorosa e confirmaram que a Azadirachta indica foi um melhor substituto para a castração química do que a solução salina hipertônica.Castration refers to induced sterility via physical, chemical, or hormonal methods. Chemical castration is an efficient and reliable technique in contrast to other sterilization procedures as it is less painful to physical methods and cost‑effective to hormonal methods. Azadirachta indica (neem), is a charismatic plant as its leaves possess anti-inflammatory, anti‑microbial, and anti-androgenic chattels. To abate the escalating human population in South Asia, neem oil and neem leaf extract have been effectively used as a contraceptive agent. The key determinant of the current study was to evaluate Neem as a chemical sterilizing agent, (either necrotic or apoptotic), in dogs injected intratesticular in comparison to a hypertonic saline solution. Pre- and post-injection testicular width size and blood samples for serum testosterone levels were collected on alternative days. Results disclosed substantial changes in testicular width size, histopathological profile, and serum testosterone level. A non-significant (P > 0.05) pre-injection testicular width readings in contrast to a significant increase (P < 0.05) three days post-injection was noted in all the competitive groups. The mean values recorded for testicular width size at the end of the trial study via neem leaf extract, 30% HSS and, control groups were 27.7362 ± 2.3315mm, 30.9594 ± 4.6861mm, and 24.5023 ± 2.5387mm, respectively. A declining trend, regarding serum testosterone level being statistically significant (P < 0.05) was recorded in treated groups (A, B) in contrast to the control group (C) as the values were 1.5357 ± 0.7819ng, 1.2669 ± 0.9095ng, and 2.4517 ± 0.1827ng in groups A, B, and C, respectively. Histopathological findings advocated the presence of apoptotic bodies in the neem treated group whereas the presence of degenerated interstitial cells, necrosed seminiferous tubules, damaged germinal epithelium, and ceased spermatogenesis was also studied in both competitive groups. Thus, the apoptotic effect and anti-inflammatory property of neem leaf extract resulted in less painful castration and verified Azadirachta indica as a better substitute for chemical castration in contrast to hypertonic saline solution

    The Effectiveness of Detritus Balls on Cockle (Anadara granosa) Growth

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    The detritus balls had been found to be effective as food for the survival of the cockles (blood cockle, Anadara granosa, Linnaeus 1785) kept in captivity but have not been tested in the field. In this study two plots of farm areas each measuring 20 m X 20 m were selected as testing fields where one served as test plot and the other was the control plot. Initially, there were cockles present in both plots aged about 18 months old measuring between 19 mm to 29 mm and only test plot was treated with 100 detritus balls. After the six months period (from Januar