55 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Hasil Pengawasan Internal Dan Penyelesaian Tindak Lanjut Kerugian Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan (Studi Pada Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (Skpd) Di Kabupaten Poso)

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    This research is aimed to determine and analyze: 1) the result of internal control and completion of follow-up losses on financial performance of The Local Governmental Work Units in Poso Regency; 2) the significant effect of internal control and completion of follow-up losses on financial performance of The Local Governmental Work Units in Poso Regency; 3) the significant effect of internal control on financial performance of The Local Governmental Work Units in Poso Regency; 4) the significant effect of follow-up losses completion on financial performance of The Local Governmental Work Units in Poso Regency. Statistical test by using multiple linear regressions with SPSS program 17.0 shows that: a) the result of internal control and completion of follow-up losses have significant effect on financial performance of The Local Governmental Work Units in Poso Regency; b) internal control has significant effect on financial performance of The Local Governmental Work Units in Poso Regency; c) follow-up losses completion has negative significant on financial performance of The Local Governmental Work Units in Poso Regency

    Gambaran Persiapan Perawatan Fisik dan Mental pada Pasien Pre Operasi Kanker Payudara

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    Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran perawatan persiapan fisik dan mental pada pasien pre operasi kanker payudara di RSMH Palembang Tahun 2011. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analitik. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 4 orang penderita kanker payudara dan 16 orang perawat yang melakukan perawatan persiapan fisik dan mental. Hasil: Data yang dikumpulkan terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa 3 pasien (75%) tidak siap menghadapi operasi, 12 perawat (75%) tidak melakukan perawatan persiapan fisik sesuai SOP dan 10 perawat (62.5%) tidak melakukan perawatan persiapan mental sesuai SOP serta dari hasil wawancara dengan 2 orang informan didapatkan 4 tema yaitu tahapan perawatan persiapan fisik, tahapan perawatan persiapan mental, kendala pelaksanaan perawatan persiapan fisik dan mental serta faktor yang mempengaruhi perawatan fisik dan mental. Simpula: Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa perawatan persiapan fisik dan mental belum dilaksanakan dengan baik dan sesuai dengan SOP. Diharapkan bagi RSMH Palembang agar dapat lebih meningkatkan peran dari perawat dalam perawatan pasien kanker payudara khususnya perawatan persiapan fisik dan mental pada pasien pre operasi kanker payudara dengan cara memberikan pelatihan perawatan fisik dan mental

    Antagonisme Sosial, Diskonsensus, dan Rantai Ekuivalensi: Menegaskan Kembali Urgensi Model Demokrasi Agonistik

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    Debates on linkages between democracy and welfare remain fascinating issues in contemporary democracy studies, especially in Indonesia. Howeuer, mainstream studies on such issues were influenced, foremost, by political economy approaches and classic liberalism. Thus, mainstream studies pay less attentions on decontruct both the idea of democrary and welfare and tend to essensialize democracy and welfare. lt also insulate politics from conflict and social antagonisms. Rather than analysing pattern of linkages betwoeen welfare and democracy, this study inquire about \u27welfare\u27 itself –as common goods– is empty/floating signifier and then put emphasis on welfare –as articulatory social practices and discursiae reality– always been produced, presented and represented in and through political process or battle for hegemony. Moreover, whilst this study underline the primacy of political and discursive social practices, it strongly differ from model of deliberative democracy (liberal pluralist) since it re-emphasize agonistic model of democracy, that was introduced by post-marxist or radical pluralist thinkers. Last of all, agonistic model of democracy deem conflict, undecidability and social antagonism as virtue of democracy and main of political life

    Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Pilkada Serentak Tahun 2015

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    The election simultaneously 2015 still triggered several problems. This research intend to evaluate the election simultaneously the first wave of 2015 year and conduct an analysis of several a clause in the revision number 8 years 2015 about the local election to be performed by the parliament with the government. This research in a qualitative approach descriptive analytical, that explains, visualizing and analyze the process of the election simultaneously 2015. The research obtained data as follows First , with the data purification of voters is one of the activities to be held simultaneously election a very complex and crucial and directly influence the other phases of the election .Second , their level of participation of voters in the next local election simultaneously 2015 in general are still low. Based on general election commission (KPU), participation voters only about 64, 23 percent, or lower than the commission about 75,5 percent. Third, to support “simultaneously” the regional election, need to the principle of election simultaneously based on spirit efficiency and the effectiveness. Fourth, In the revision of the local election, need to be added arrangement on; a prohibition for incumbent to do replacement officials and ban on the and activities local government for the elections; security participation a political party contesting 2014 in the election simultaneously as a manifestation of rules the constitution article 18 paragraph (4) 1945 constitution; and security issues unity that election simultaneously next not caused horizontal conflicts broad

    Menata Dan Mendisiplinkan “Yang Sosial”

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    This paper is a short version of the preliminary report for the sake of academic research under the supervision of Cornelis Lay. This paper is the political sociology studies to try the understanding how the dynamics of the relationship the orientation character of the political regime is a pattern or design scheme of social welfare policies that exists in Indonesia. The discussion paper sees on: what is the extention of practiclity of citizenship (citizenship) patterning with further understanding of the pattern relationship both the state and the citizen in the design of the existing social welfare

    Kajian Mutu Dan Karakteristik Minyak Sawit Indonesia Serta Produk Fraksinasinya

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    Telah dilakukan kajian mutu dan karakteristik fisiko kimia minyak sawit Indonesia dan produk fraksinasinya.Penentuan mutu dan karakteristik sangat perlu dilakukan untuk menentukan kualitas, keotentikan dan karakterdari masing-masing fraksi. Hasil uji mutu pada sebagian CPO Indonesia memiliki kadar asam lemak bebas,karoten dan deterioration of bleachability index (DOBI) masing-masing belum memenuhi standar SNI 01-2901-2006, Codex dan PORAM. Sedangkan mutu RBDPOlein telah memenuhi SNI 01-0018-2006. Berdasarkankomposisi asam lemak, olein super mengandung asam oleat tinggi (42,61-46,03%) sedangkan RBDPStearinmemiliki asam palmitat tinggi (57,30-66,07%). Bilangan iod olein super merupakan yang tertinggi karenamengandung asam lemak tidak jenuh tinggi dan menyebabkan titik kabut rendah (4,0-7,0oC). Titik lelehRBDPStearin merupakan yang tertinggi (48,8-57,6oC) dan olein super yang terendah (9,4-16,6oC). Bilanganpenyabunan dan kandungan lemak padat pada RBDPStearin juga merupakan yang tertinggi dibandingkan fraksilain. Dari sifat fisiko kimia tersebut menunjukkan bahwa minyak yang mengandung asam lemak tidak jenuh tinggimemiliki titik leleh, bilangan penyabunan, densitas, viskositas dan kandungan lemak padat yang rendah sertabilangan iod tinggi dan sebaliknya. Data karakteristik produk turunan minyak sawit tersebut dapat dijadikan acuandalam pengembangan standar nasional maupun Internasional

    Local Politics in Indonesia, 1999-2010: a Literature Review

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    Since the resignation of President Suharto in 1998, Indonesia has undergone a massive process of decentralisation and democratisation. Political power no longer concentrates at the national level, but is decentralised in local domains. Furthermore, in the cases of Aceh and Papua, the central government has had to give relatively broader autonomy in those regions in comparison with other regions of Indonesia

    Welfare Politics in Contemporary Indonesia; Examining Welfare Vision of Law 11/2009

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    This article presents a picture of contemporary welfare politics in Indonesia. Adopted in the light of broken welfare-oriented programes initiated by national and local administrations, it was hoped that Law 11/2009 would provide a clearer direction for the development of welfare systems in Indonesia. However, analysis of the formulation and content of the law, together with interviews and session notes indicate that such expectations are unlikely to be fulfilled. The legislation process in parliament (DPR) lacked any ideological or substantive debate, while the content fails to present a clear vision of welfare, except as a residual-like model and with characteristics of a benevolent state. This social welfare law has thoroughly failed to act as a blueprint for the Indonesian welfare ideal


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    Pertumbuhan data yang semakin besar tidak lepas dari semakin berkembangnya teknologi saat ini. Hal tersebut menciptakan tantangan tersendiri dalam hal pengelolaan, pengoleksian, analisa dengan mengandalkan system database biasa yang umumnya digunakan untuk menyimpan dan mengelola data dengan jumlah yang tidak terlalu besar, sehingga dibutuhkan solusi untuk itu salah satunya dengan Parallel computing dengan menggunakan menggunakan Hadoop yang  merupakan platform untuk mengolah data yang berukuran besar (big data) secara terdistribusi dan dapat berjalan diatas cluster. Penelitian ini menggunakan algoritma FIFO dan Delay Scheduling sebagai job scheduler dan menggunakan parameter pengujian job throughput sebagai acuan perhitungan performansi sistem. Dari hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa penambahan jumlah job yang diberikan akan menyebabkan nilai througput menjadi kecil karena jumlah job sangat berpengaruh terhadap nilai throughput. Meski demikian untuk masing-masing skenario yang telah dilakukan penggunaan algoritma delay scheduling memiliki nilai throughput yang lebih besar bila dibandingkan dengan algoritma FIFO
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