34 research outputs found

    Pulsed light treatment as an alternative technology to extend shelf life of fresh-cut yardlong bean (Vigna unguiculata)

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    Pulsed light (PL) treatment is a non-thermal method for microbial decontamination on the surfaces of fresh-cut produce. The effect of pulsed light fluencies on microbiological stability and quality changes of fresh-cut yardlong beans were determined. Pulsed light treatments were carried out using an automatic laboratory flash lamp system (Steribeam XeMaticA-2L Kehl, Germany) at different fluencies (1.8 J/cm2, 5.4 J/cm2, 9.0 J/cm2 and 12.6 J/cm2). Microbiological quality (colour changes and textural changes) of fresh-cut yardlong beans stored at 4±1°C were monitored over 14 days. Results show that, the application of PL treatment at high fluencies allowed extension of microbiological shelf life up to 3-7 days in comparison to untreated samples. Apart from that, PL treated sample has no significant difference on the texture and colour as compared to untreated sample of fresh-cut yardlong bean. As a conclusion, the application of PL at dose 9.0 J/cm2 has increased the shelf life of fresh-cut yardlong bean while maintaining the quality when stored at 4±1°C

    Answer to a Quiz : Pacemaker on page 55 and case discussion

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    Quiz: Pacemaker

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    Tingkat Kepatuhan Masyarakat Dalam Menggunakan Masker Setelah Vaksinasi Covid-19 Di Kecamatan “X” Kota Makassar

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    Public Compliance Level In Using Mask After Covid-19 Vaccination In District "X" Makassar CityThe government in responding to COVID-19 is currently carrying out the COVID-19 Vaccination program and is urging the public to continue implementing health protocols such as wearing masks even though they have been vaccinated. This study aimed to determine the level of public compliance with the use of masks after carrying out the COVID-19 vaccination. This research was conducted in one of the districts in Makassar City. This research is an observational analytic with a cross-sectional approach. The sample size is 50 respondents. Purposive sampling technique. The instruments used were data collection sheets and questionnaires to measure compliance. The results of the study found that as much as 84.0% of the public was disobedient in using masks. The results of this study concluded that most people in District "X" Makassar City were disobedient in using masks during the Covid-19 pandemic.Keywords: compliance, use of masks, covid-19 vaccination; MakassarPemerintah dalam menanggapi COVID-19 saat ini sedang melakukan program Vaksinasi COVID-19 dan menghimbau masyarakat agar tetap melaksanakan protokol kesehatan seperti memakai masker walaupun telah di Vaksinasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini, untuk mengetahui tingkat kepatuhan masyarakat terhadap penggunaan masker setelah melakukan vaksinasi COVID-19. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di salah satu Kecamatan di Kota Makassar. Penelitian ini merupakan analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Besar sampel sebanyak 50 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel secara purposif. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar pengumpul data dan kuesioner untuk mengukur kepatuhan. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa sebanyak 84,0 % masyarakat tidak patuh dalam menggunakan masker. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar masyarakat di Kecamatan “X” Kota Makassar tidak patuh dalam menggunakan masker dimasa pandemi covid-19.Kata Kunci : kepatuhan, penggunaan masker, vaksinasi covid-19; Makassa

    Kesanggupan membayar (WTP) harga kenderaan bagi mahasiswa/wi Universiti Utara Malaysia

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    Kenderaan merupakan alat perhubungan untuk memudahkan pergerakan aktiviti manusia.Kajian dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti anggaran kesanggupan membayar (WTP) masyarakat terhadap produk yang lebih baik.Berasaskan data yang dikumpulkan melalui kaji selidik ke atas mahasiswa/wi di Universiti Utara Malaysia, kajian ini menunjukkan kesanggupan membayar (WTP) berkait dengan pendapatan yang diterima masyarakat.Sehubungan itu, terdapat beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi pembelian kenderaan. Hierarki harga kenderaan juga digariskan. Melaluinya individu yang berpendapatan tinggi mampu membayar harga kenderaan yang lebih tinggi.Adakah golongan berpendapatan tinggi bersedia membayar caj yang lebih tinggi bagi mendapatkan kenderaan yang lebih baik? Beberapa implikasi dasar akan diutarakan dalam masalah ini


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    Budidaya kepiting bakau untuk penggemukan potensial untuk dikembangkan pada kawasan mangrove. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan rasio jantan dan betina yang tepat pada budidaya penggemukan kepiting bakau (Scylla olivacea) yang dipelihara pada kawasan mangrove. Penelitian dilaksanakan di kawasan mangrove Kabupaten Pangkep, Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Hewan uji yang digunakan adalah kepiting bakau (S. olivacea) jantan dan betina berukuran bobot 250 ± 10 g yang ditebar dengan kepadatan 10 ekor/kurungan. Wadah yang digunakan adalah kurungan bambu berukuran panjang, lebar, dan tinggi masing-masing 1,0 x 1,0 x 1,0 m3 yang ditempatkan di kawasan mangrove. Pakan yang digunakan adalah ikan-ikan rucah dosis 10% dari biomassa kepiting dengan frekuensi pemberian pakan 2 kali sehari yakni pagi dan sore hari sebesar  30% dan 70%. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri atas 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Sebagai perlakuan adalah rasio kepiting jantan dan betina, yaitu: 7:3, 6:4, 5:5, 4:6 dan 3:7 ekor/kurungan. Hasil analisis ragam memperlihatkan bahwa rasio jantan dan betina tidak berpengaruh nyata (p>0,05) pada sintasan kepiting, akan tetapi berpengaruh sangat nyata (p<0,01) pada pertumbuhan mutlak dan laju pertumbuhan harian kepiting bakau (S. olivacea). Sintasan yang dihasilkan berkisar 93,33-100%, pertumbuhan mutlak dan laju pertumbuhan harian kepiting tertinggi dihasilkan pada rasio jantan dan betina 7:3 dan 6:4 ekor/kurungan yakni 56,99 g dan 1,35%; 56,25 g dan 1,36%/hari sedangkan terendah pada rasio 3:7 ekor/kurungan yakni 28,97 g dan 0,73%/hari

    Microbiological and physical properties of pennywort (Centella asiatica) leaves using pulsed light technology

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    Pennywort (Centella asiatica) is a herbaceous vegetable commonly consumed raw as ‘ulam’ or salad. Consumption of raw leafy green vegetables is one of the pathogenic mechanisms that could cause foodborne outbreaks. The aim of the present work was therefore to investigate the effect of pulsed light (PL) treatment at fluences of 1.5, 4.2, 6.9, 9.6, and 12.3 J/cm² on the microbiological and physical quality of pennywort stored at 4 ± 1°C. Escherichia coli (E. coli) were inoculated onto the pennywort leaves before being exposed to PL and viewed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). PL fluences of 6.9, 9.6, and 12.3 J/cm² significantly reduced the microbial count; however, the highest inactivation was obtained by using fluences of 9.6 and 12.3 J/cm². The color of pennywort was not significantly affected by PL treatment applied at lower fluences of 1.5, 4.2, and 6.9 J/cm²; however, at higher fluence, 9.6 and 12.3 J/cm², the color was affected. PL at 1.5, 4.2, 6.9, and 9.6 J/cm² was able to retain the texture appearance of the leaves. To conclude, PL at 6.9 J/cm² showed the best fluence to reduce total aerobic mesophilic count while retaining the physical properties of pennywort leaves and extend the shelf life to about four days. The inactivation of E. coli population was significantly higher at PL fluence of 6.9 J/cm². It was observed that PL caused the destruction to the surface of E. coli’s cell membrane. The reductions of samples inoculated with E. coli were better than those achieved in native microbiota. Furthermore, the present work also demonstrated that PL treatment was able to reduce the microbial count on pennywort leaves

    Enzymatic activity of alginate coated and pulsed light treated fresh-cut cantaloupes (Cucumis melo L. var. reticulatus cv. Glamour) during chilled storage

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    The objective of the present work was to investigate the effects of alginate coating combined with repetitive pulsed light (RPL) treatment on the enzymatic activity of fresh-cut cantaloupes during chilled storage. Fresh-cut cantaloupes were coated with alginate (1.86%, w/v) followed by RPL treatment (0.9 J/cm2 at every 48 h up to 26 d) during storage. Untreated samples and samples with alginate or RPL alone were used as controls. Enzymatic activities [polyphenol oxidase (PPO), phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), peroxidase (POD), pectinesterase (PE), polygalacturonase (PG), pectate lyase (PEL), β-galactosidase (β-Gal), α-arabinofuranosidase (α-AF) and cellulase] of fresh-cut cantaloupes were evaluated every 4 d during storage. Neither alginate coating nor RPL treatment has any effect on the activities of PE and PEL of fresh-cut cantaloupes during storage. The individual treatment or in combination did not increase the PAL, PPO, PG and cellulase activities of fresh-cut cantaloupes throughout the storage. Alginate coating with or without RPL was effective in maintaining low POD activity of fresh-cut cantaloupes. In addition, treatments using alginate coating or alginate coating+RPL were effective in reducing the β-Gal and α-AF activities of fresh-cut cantaloupes during storage. Overall, alginate without or with RPL was effective in reducing changes of enzymatic activities in fresh-cut cantaloupes during storage

    Technological advances in cardiac pacing and defibrillation

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    Since more than a half century, cardiac pacing and defibrillation represent a field in constant evolution, and they have shown some great technological advances from its conception to its methods of insertion. In this review, the recent developments about the accesses for pacemakers and ICD will be described: the axillary and the femoral vein. The His bundle pacing and the advantages of the entirely subcutaneous defibrillator will also be presented