118 research outputs found

    Relevansi Pemikiran Al-maududi Dengan Perkembangan Perbankan Syari'ah Di Indonesia

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    This study aimed to describe the relevance of economic thought Abul A'la Al-Maududi with the development of Shariah banking in Indonesia. From the results of research conducted with the use of economics and banking approach is found that the concepts and ideas of Islamic economics offered by al-Maududi empirically proven true. This is because the banks that operate based on the principles of Shari'ah proven to run well and can generate revenue as it should. Shariah banking even shown to have several advantages, among others have resilience to the crisis and can create socio-economic conditions better than conventional banking. In addition, the risk of loss and bankruptcy in Islamic banking will be smaller than the same risk in conventional banking

    Developing a Conceptual Framework of Microtakaful as a Strategy towards Poverty Alleviation

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    Many researchers suggest that access to insurance services is an important strategy for poverty alleviation. However, the poor are often ignored or inadequately serviced by the private insurance market and social insurance schemes because the premiums are unaffordable. A specific type of insurance particularly developed to protect the poor is microinsurance, or a shari?ah-compliant form of microinsurance known as microtakaful. In essence, microtakaful has the same technical apparatus as takaful but it focusing on providing the poor with opportunities to protect themselves against specific risks in exchange for affordable premiums. Therefore, this paper considers microtakaful as an effective tool to provide protection for the poor and enable achievement of sustainable poverty alleviation. The objective of this paper is to propose a conceptual framework of microtakaful integrating the scheme with financial supports form the government, Islamic institutions of zakat and waqf, contributions from the international zakat organisations, donations and grants from Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and donor agencies. This paper is expected to provide a basis for further study on designing microtakaful products and pricing modeling based on cooperative principles as a means of poverty alleviation

    Kerangka konsep penubuhan Jabatan Aktuari Negara di Malaysia [A conceptual framework for the establishment of a Government Actuary?s Department in Malaysia]

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    The profession of an actuary is very important towards the society. Actuaries and actuarial scientists employ their skills of mathematics and statistics to measure the financial implication of future events by consideration the risk factors. While actuaries and actuarial scientists continue to be the backbone of the insurance and financial industries, the role and scope of the professions have undergone a phenomenal change in recent times. Actuaries and actuarial scientists are in high demand in almost all businesses and industries including software development, judiciary and legislation, sports and environmental economics. In recent days, various other fields recognised the actuarial methods as a way of solving problems in engineering, space science and so forth. Therefore, actuaries and actuarial scientists need to be involved in assisting the government in developing economic and social policies. This paper suggests the establishment of the Actuary General?s Department of Malaysia, to be headed by the Actuary General of Malaysia

    Mewujudkan Keselamatan Penerbangan dengan Membangun Kesadaran Hukum Bagi Stakeholders melalui Penerapan Safety Culture

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    Dalam rangka mendukung pembangunan nasional di segala bidang, maka peranan transportasi mempunyai kedudukan yang strategis. Salah satu modal transportasi penting dalam melayani kebutuhan jasa transportasi di Indonesia adalah kegiatan transportasi udara. Pelaksanaan transportasi udara baik untuk angkutan penumpang maupun untuk angkutan barang perlu diatur dalam regulasi yang khusus baik menyangkut aturan penyelenggaraannya maupun aturan yang memberikan perlindungan bagi para penumpang (pengguna jasa) transportasi udara.Menyadari perlunya peranan transportasi udara dalam mendukung pembangunan dan melayani kebutuhan masyarakat maka salah satu faktor yang harus diperhatikan adalahperihal keselamatan penerbangan. Memang harus dipahami bahwa untuk mewujudkan suatu keselamatan penerbangan terkait dengan berbagai faktor yang saling terkait, artinya masing-masing faktor mempunyai pengaruh langsung maupun tidak langsung dalam perwujudan keselamatan penerbangan.Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi keselamatan penerbangan adalah kesadaran semua stakeholder dalam mematuhi segala peraturan-peraturan hukum baik yang diatur dalam Undang-undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2009 tentang Penerbangan, beserta peraturan pelaksananyamaupun konvensi-konvensi Internasional bidang keselamatan penerbangan

    Tradisi “Berzanjen” Masyarakat Banyuwangi Kajian Resepsi Sastra terhadap Teks Al-Barzanji

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    The text of Maulid Al-Barzanji can be considered as an Arabic religious literature. It is a very old text and is still accepted by the society, even in Banyuwangi Society, East Java, the text is very popular. Thus, it obtains a various positive feeds-back from Banyuwangi society. One of the feeds-back is, that it becomes a tradition in the society to read the text when they hold marriage ceremony, a feast for celebrating circumsion, childbirth, and celebration for celebrating the birth of our prophet Muhammad (maulid Nabi). The other feed-back is in the performing art form. Those feeds-back are a manifestation of an Arabi-Islamic cultural transformation process on Banyuwangi society East Java that brings a significant changing in the order of Banyuwangi society culture

    Strategi Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam di MTs Negeri 6 Banyuwangi

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    Abstact: The success of an educational institution is very dependent on the leadership of the principal. Because the principal is the leader of his institution, he must be able to bring his institution towards achieving the stated goals, he must be able to see changes and be able to see a better future in the life of globalization. The principal must be responsible for the smoothness and success of all formal arrangements and management affairs for his superiors or informally to the people who have entrusted their students. The Principal must have a strategy in Increasing Teacher Competence

    Modelling the life insurance needs using the human life value revision method

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    There are numerous methods to determine the appropriate amount of life insurance a person needs ? it can be scientific or simplistic. Many life insurance agents and financial advisors simply rely on traditional rules of thumb using the multiple of income method. The more scientific methods are the needs analysis and the human life value. The needs analysis is regarded as the most commonly used sales tool and the human life value is the most agreed academic expression for the purpose of life insurance. However, there are several weaknesses of using both methods. By using needs analysis as a sales tool, the recommendation amount of life insurance would leave a person underinsured. Similar goes to the human life value method. Nevertheless, both methods can be improved with a few revisions. The post-death needs under the needs analysis must be revised to incorporate the reality that the family's standard of living changes over time. The projection of a changing standard of living is a part of human life value analysis. Therefore, this research looked into both methods and combines both concept of needs analysis and human life value to create a powerful methodology that provide adequate life insurance protection ? a method we name it as 'the Human Life Value Revision Method'

    Development of Institution Structure of Agriculture Resources Management at Pesantren

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    Multirole of pesantren demand are very complex and dynamic in human development and agriculture development. Pesantrens who have noble values, the spiritual capital as well as agricultural resources are expected to drive the development of agriculture. However, the problem complexity that exist bring pesantren to changes overall and continuously to achieve its goals. This study aims to identify the key elements of the development of the institutional structure of agricultural resource management at pesantren, and also strategy formulation as well as institutional model implementation. Analysis of the institutional structure used Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM), and prioritizing implementation models strategies used Exponential Comparative Method (ECM). Financing institutions identified as key elements of institutional structures at pesantren has agricultural resources. Pesantren as social institutions have the potential of agricultural resources managed by the cooperative venture or other productive enterprises. The agency is highly dependent on the financial institutions supporting with a particular scheme in order to promote the sustainability of educational activities and business management that grew up in pesantren. Institutional management of agricultural resources is reinforced by economic institutional community based on faith and good deeds that create a balance of material and spiritual well as the interests of the individual and society. Priority implementation strategy including the competency development of HR pesantren, pesantren leadership cadre and the development of vision-mission in accordance with the paradigm of sustainable development

    Potret Kebijakan Pengendalian Demam Berdarah Dengue di Kabupaten Indramayu

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    Dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) still becomes health problem in Indramayu district. The objective of this research is to identify the priority elements of DHF controlling policy in Indramayu district according to 35 experts using analytical hierarchy process (AHP). The result of the research provides information that the “main strategy” of DHF controlling is the improvement of healthy living environment; the “main actor” is the Government of Indramayu district; the “main factor” is the environment; the “main objective” is zero DHF in Indramayu district; and the “main criteria” is the quantity and quality of human resources. Based on this data, in order to implement the main strategy effectively, the Government of Indramayu district should increase the interprogram and inter-institu-tional cooperation; provide technological, funding, and facilities of environment health education supports; increase the quality of Puskesmas services and develop the DHF controlling team in all administrative level
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