35 research outputs found

    Proposal for a High School Statistics Curriculum: Discretionary Lesson Subjects in Statistics for Science

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    本稿は,スーパーサイエンスハイスクール(SSH)の中心的プログラムである「課題研究」に役立つ統計的手法の技能の習得を目指した学校設定科目『AS統計科学』のカリキュラムを提案する。「課題研究」で必要とされる統計内容を検討し,コンピュータ等の情報機器を利用した指導を設定した。問題解決的な学習活動,先輩の行った研究論文の査読活動は,統計的手法の技能の習得に効果があること,統計的な考え方を理解するための方法論の確立が課題であることが示された。In this study, I propose a curriculum of discretionary lesson subjects, “Statistics for Science,” through which high school students can learn statistical methods for their Super Science High School projects. The following questions were explored. Which teaching materials are good for students? How are statistical methods learned in lessons? Students prefer problem-solving using information and communication technologies during the lecture. Research and expression are learned by reading previous papers. A teaching methodology should be established through practice to promote students’ statistical thinking

    A study on the lesson aimed at solving a problem with knowledge and skills acquired through every-day lessons : An Integrated Lesson between English and mathematics

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    本研究は,2つの教科(英語と数学)の合同授業を行うことで,学習した知識と技能を統合させることが目的である。実施に向けた準備として,英語,数学で習得させたい知識や技能をあげて,授業を構成した。授業では,「4つの宇宙船はどこに着地したか」という問いに始まり,英語による情報交換,情報を整理して問題解決するなどの活動を行った。本稿は,授業記録や生徒の感想をもとに,授業実践の成果と課題について述べ,知識と技能を統合させる授業の可能性を探るものである。In this study, an integrated lesson between two academic subjects, English and mathematics, was developed and analyzed. In the lesson, a mathematical problem was presented with the question being “Where have four spaceships landed on the map”? The lesson was conducted in the form of information-gap and problem-solving activities. To solve the problem, two types of information were exchanged orally across groups. With regard to the medium the learners used, they were allowed to use Japanese in within-group discussions; however, in interactions between groups, English was the only medium they used. After the interaction session, the learners solved the geometric proof problem with the information they originally possessed and with the information they obtained through interaction. Later, the lesson was analyzed from the viewpoint of both foreign language and mathematical educations. From the former point of view, it was suggested that the integrated lesson offered the learners a place where they can actively participate in communication activities. It was also suggested that the lesson would also provide the learners with the opportunities to improve their language skills in everyday-lessons, with which learners can actively participate in communication activities of the kind discussed in this study. From the latter point of view, the learners’ performance was analyzed in terms of logical inference. Through the analysis, it was suggested that working in small groups was effective in order to solve the mathematical problem. However, it was difficult for the learners to formally prove the locations of the ships with mathematical induction; they simply describe the conditions necessary for the inference

    ノウソッチュウ ノ イリョウ レンケイ : ケンナンブ イリョウ ノ カイゼン オ メザシテ

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    Background : Cerebrovasucular disease have been known as“brain attack”since introduction of the treatment with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator against cerebral infarction. Emergent transport of apoplexy patients to hospitals with stroke care unit is needed. But nowadays, shortage of doctors appeared in Kaifu county of Tokushima Prefecture. Objectives : The aim of this study was to clarify problems on patients with apoplexy in this district. Methods : Three representative clinical cases are presented. Results : They were suffered from acute cerebral infarction, subarachnoid hemorrhage, or chronic cerebral infarction complicated with aspiration pneumonia and bed-sores. Conclusions : In order to treat patients with cerebrovasucular diseases effectively in this district, organic and friendly co-operation among doctors of stroke care units, physicians belonging to the Tokushima Medical Association, and staffs of the geriatric health service facilities is needed

    New distribution record of deep-sea mussel, Bathymodiolus aduloides (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Mytilidae) from a hydrothermal vent, Myojinsho

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    From the deep-sea hydrothermal vents and cold seeps ecosystems, more than 600 species containing many endemic species have been discovered. The deep-sea mussels of the genus Bathymodiolus are dominant species at deep-sea hydrothermal vents and cold seeps throughout the world. They are known to rely on the nutrients produced by the chemosynthetic symbiont in their gills. In 2009, we found a colony of bathymodiolin mussels at a hydrothermal vent of Myojinsho (Myojin Reef), which is a hardly investigated area. Myojinsho lies in the northern segment of the Izu-Ogasawara (Bonin) Arc and had been volcanically active until recently. We collected specimens from the colony using a remotely operated vehicle. We identified them as Bathymodiolus aduloides by morphological observation and phylogenetic analyses using mitochondrial DNA sequencing. We could not find any other species of mussels during the dive. This result is interesting because this species has not been discovered from hydrothermal vents in this region; the dominant species in this region, including the neighbouring Myojin Knoll Caldera, is B. septemdierum

    A Study on Effective Support of Pre-Service Teachers in Practice Teaching : Focused on Students’ Mathematical Activity in Mathematics Lesson

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    本研究は,教育実習生の現状を調査し分析することを通して,教育実習における効果的な指導のための知見を得ることを目的としている。教育実習生に対して数学的活動の認識に関するアンケート調査を行い,提出された学習指導案とともに分析することによって,教育実習生が授業を構成する際の困難性について,特に数学的活動の位置付けに焦点を当てて考察を行った。数学学習における数学的活動の意義や現代の社会において求められる教員養成の役割に照らしてみるとき,教育実習においては次のような指導が効果的であることが示唆された。  ①授業の中で位置づけることが可能な数学的活動のタイプを特定させること  ②数学的活動との関わりで学習者の反応を捉えさせること  ③授業の中の情報共有の場面に意味を持たせること  ④教育実習生同士での議論を活性化させることThis study aims to provide suggestions about effective support in practice teaching by analyzing a survey of pre-service teachers. We discussed their difficulties in planning a mathematics lesson from the perspective of the construction of mathematical activities. We surveyed their conception of mathematical activities and analyzed their lesson plans. The results imply effective support is required in practice teaching as below: 1) Specifying possible mathematical activities in mathematics lessons 2) Understanding students’ reactions by referring them to mathematical activities 3) Making some situations of information-sharing meaningful in mathematics lessons 4) Activating the arguments among pre-service teacher

    A Study on Effective Support of Pre-service Teachers in Practice Teaching(2): Through the Analysis of Small-group Learning in Pre-service Teachers’ Mathematics Lessons

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    本研究の目的は,教育実習生の認識に関する調査や実践される授業の分析を通して,効果的な実習指導に向けた示唆を得ることである。アンケートによる調査や学習指導案の分析によって,教育実習生が授業の中に小集団学習を取り入れる際の困難性が示された。また,小集団学習に関する利点やそれを実施する際の留意点に関して,教育実習生が多くの視点を持ち合わせている一方で,高等学校における小集団学習を取り入れた授業の経験が少ないことも明らかとなった。これらのことから,実習指導においては次のような点に重点を置いた支援が重要であると考えられる; 1) 小集団学習を位置づける目的を明確にし,個人の思考の場面も適切に確保すること 2) 小集団学習での目標を生徒に明確に示すこと 3) 小集団学習と個人あるいはクラス全体での学習との関連性を把握すること 4) 小集団学習と学習評価との関わりに注意を払うことThis study aims to highlight the implications of effective support in practice teaching by analyzing a survey administered to pre-service teachers. Through the analysis of teaching plans and questionnaire surveys, we identify the difficulties that occur when trainee teachers set up small-group learning in their lessons. From the questionnaires, we found that trainee teachers have many opinions about the advantages or disadvantages of such lessons, although they had little experience of small-group learning from their time at high school. The results of the analysis suggest that the following points are important when we instruct trainee teachers: 1) Clarify both the purpose of small-group learning and how to conduct individual learning; 2) Show students the aim of small-group learning; 3) Ensure trainee teachers review small-group learning for relating it to whole or individual learning; and 4) Ensure trainee teachers pay attention to the relationship between small-group learning and learning evaluations

    Improving Mathematics Lesson and Evaluation through Setting Inquiry Problem-Solving Activities

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    The purpose of this research is to make a theoretical framework for improving mathematics lesson and evaluation through setting inquiry problem-solving activities effectively in junior high and senior high mathematics lessons. To achieve this, we first carried out a questionnaire survey to capture how students perceive learning mathematics and, based on the results, made a framework incorporated these activities for lesson design and evaluation of student’s learning. Then, sample lesson conducted in a junior and senior high school based on the framework was analyzed to investigate its effectiveness and get some practical suggestions