27 research outputs found

    Perspektif sebenar kebolehpasaran graduan di Malaysia melalui tingkah laku komunikasi publik

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    Pengangguran dalam kalangan graduan, tidak boleh dipandang ringan kerana dikhuatiri meruncing ke arah gejala-gejala sosial yang lain. Pemikiran konservatif masyarakat yang sering mengaitkan pendidikan universiti dengan jaminan pekerjaan yang baik perlu dikikis, ekoran tercetusnya tahap kebolehpasaran graduan yang rendah. Daripada perspektif komunikasi, kajian ini melihat bagaimana graduan memberi maklum balas terhadap masalah kebolehpasaran. Sebanyak 787 orang responden dalam kalangan graduan UKM pada kohort 2014 memberi maklum balas secara dalam talian terhadap permasalahan ini. Teori Situasi Publik (STP) ialah teori yang digunakan sebagai hujahan terhadap persepsi masalah ini. Graduan dilihat melalui bagaimana cara mereka berkomunikasi dan memberi maklum balas terhadap kebolehpasaran yang dialami mereka. Data dianalisa menggunakan kaedah regrasi berganda dan ujian-T sampel berpasangan. Melalui perbandingan Beta piawai didapati (β’=.57) dipengaruhi oleh faktor Pengenalpastian Masalah, (β’=.16) oleh faktor Pengenalpastian Penglibatan dan (β’=-.09) oleh faktor Pengenalpastian Kekangan kepada pemboleh ubah terikat iaitu Pencarian Maklumat. Manakala bagi pemboleh ubah terikat Pemprosesan Maklumat pula di dapati (β’=.79) didatangi oleh pengaruh faktor Pengenalpastian Masalah, (β’=.07) oleh faktor Pengenalpastian Penglibatan dan (β’=-.07) oleh faktor Pengenalpastian Kekangan. Melalui hasil ujianT sampel berpasangan pula mendapati graduan lebih terarah untuk mencari maklumat daripada hanya memproses maklumat. Hal ini memberi signal positif dalam mengambarkan tindakan graduan dalam masalah yang dihadapi mereka. Graduan dilihat berusaha untuk mencari maklumat mengenai kebolehpasaran graduan, sehubungan itu menjadi tanggungjawab institusi pendidikan, kerajaan dan badan-badan lain dalam membekalkan maklumat yang benar-benar releven sebagai penujuk arah kepada mereka

    Attempt to solving situational problem of alumni employability

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    The situational theory of publics (STP), one of the most popular public relations theories, provides a mechanism for the identification of publics and their communication behaviors.The situational theory of problem solving (STOPS), an extension of the STP, is a more general theory of communication that looks at antecedents of individuals’ communication and information behaviors in the process of problem solving.This conceptual paper reviews the application of STOPS to see the relevance of this theory in the context of organization (university) and publics (alumni) in solving the problem of employability. This study explores the essence and practice of public relations practitioners in The National University of Malaysia (UKM) in enhancing the reputation of the organization

    STOPS: mengungkai isu kebolehpasaran graduan di Malaysia

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    Isu kebolehpasaran graduan mula dibangkitkan ekoran dari peningkatan kadar pengangguran di kalangan graduan tempatan kebelakangan ini. Masalah peningkatan kadar pengangguran di kalangan graduan di Malaysia tahun demi tahun bukan sahaja telah merugikan graduan, keluarga dan institusi pendidikan, malah ia boleh melumpuhkan ekonomi negara kerana modal insan ini tidak dapat diketengahkan dengan jayanya untuk membangunkan negara. Dengan mengambil pandangan daripada perspektif komunikasi, kajian ini diilhamkan untuk mengenal pasti cara graduan bertindak balas dengan masalah kebolehpasaran. Seramai 787 responden terdiri daripada graduan UKM tahun 2014 telah memberi maklum balas terhadap banci dalam talian yang dilakukan. Hujahan kepada Teori Situasi dalam Penyelesaian Masalah (STOPS) diuji untuk meneroka tindak balas graduan terhadap isu ini. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan Model Persamaan Struktur (SEM). Lima hipotesis yang diuji telah disokong. Analisis mendapati bahawa pemboleh ubah antecedent situasi (pengenalpastian masalah, pengenalpastian kekangan dan pengenalpastian penglibatan) menjelaskan 65 peratus daripada keseluruhan sebab yang mungkin bagi graduan untuk mahu berhenti dan berfikir tentang cara untuk menyelesaikan masalah situasi yang berlaku itu. Selanjutnya, motivasi dalam situasi penyelesaian masalah dan kriteria rujukan pula menjelaskan 52 peratus daripada varians dalam Tingkah laku Komunikasi dalam Penyelesaian Masalah (CAPS). Perbincangan yang kritis mengenai penyelesaian masalah mampu memberi beberapa kesimpulan penting berkaitan perkara yang diperbincangkan. Pengamal perhubungan awam dan komunikasi sewajarnya mengembangkan pelbagai langkah penyelesaian kepada pihak organisasi supaya menggalakkan penggunaan kognitif dalam penyelesaian masalah. Hal ini penting dipraktikkan agar setiap aktiviti yang dilakukan memberi impak positif dan berkesan

    Peranan perhubungan awam dalam segmentasi publik terhadap isu kebolehpasaran graduan

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    Kebolehpasaran seringkali dikaitkan dengan kejayaan graduan dalam mendapatkan pekerjaan. Setelah berhempas pulas menimba ilmu di universiti, pastinya pencapaian akademik yang diukur selama ini iaitu membolos kan diri dalam dunia pekerjaan menjadi teraju utama kejayaan seseorang graduan. Dengan mengambil pandangan daripada perspektif komunikasi, kajian ini diilhamkan untuk mengenalpasti cara graduan bertindak balas dengan masalah yang dialami. Kajian ini juga bertujuan memberikan pemahaman tentang fenomena sosial yang berkaitan dengan perkembangan tingkah laku graduan yang mana diklasifikasikan sebagai publik dan boleh disegmentasikan kepada empat jenis publik iaitu Bukan Publik, Publik Pendam, Publik Sedar dan Publik Aktif mengikut konteks perhubungan awam. Seramai 787 responden terdiri daripada graduan UKM tahun 2014 telah memberi maklum balas terhadap bancian dalam talian yang dilakukan. Hujahan kepada Teori Situasi dalam Penyelesaian Masalah (STOPS) diuji untuk meneroka tindak balas graduan terhadap isu ini. Analisis mendapati Publik Sedar (68%) dan publik pendam (22%) telah mendominasi dalam kalangan khalayak graduan yang ada. Dengan mengambil kira reaksi komunikatif boleh membantu dalam kempen yang bakal dilakukan oleh pihak organisasi iaitu UKM serta menyerlahkan publik yang sepadan melalui segmentasi yang telah dilakukan. Sebagai sebuah universiti yang cakna, penonjolan komitmen daripada organisasi dalam menyelesaikan masalah di harap dapat meningkatkan reputasi institusi sebagai sebuah universiti yang terunggul di mata dunia

    Tourist motivation to consume Pulau Pinang local food / Norliana Hashim...[et al]

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    This paper presents the finding of a study that identifies the most influential factor among local tourists to consume Pulau Pinang’s food. Data collection was done in numerous tourist attraction spots in Pulau Pinang. A total 98 respondents were selected for this study, represented the local tourists who traveled to Pulau Pinang. Motivational factors included in this study are exciting experience, escape from routine, health concern, cultural experience. The finding shows that the most influential motivational factor is the cultural experience. It could be said that, the major reason for tourist to consume Pulau Pinang food is the cultural experience that they encounter during the consumption of the foods. It also shows that people engage with food tourism in Pulau Pinang to experience the local culture. The findings of the study can be used by the state’s tourism agencies to strengthen the efforts to develop and promote the food culture of Pulau Pinang hence, increasing the tourism value of the state

    Factors that influence frontline employee behavior towards guest satisfaction in hotel / Aida Khalida Mohamed Idris... [et al.]

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    This study seeks to analyse the factors that influence frontline employee behaviour towards guest satisfaction as frontline employee is the first person that any hotel guest would refer to should there be any queries. Thus, being a frontline employee will have an impact on guest approach and overall satisfaction. For this paper, in order to achieve the objective of the study, a review on data collected from secondary data such as journals, articles and websites were carried out. The finding of the study has proven that there is a relationship between the variables and has an impact on the service encounter. In conclusion, frontline employee behaviour is a vital factor to focus as they can give great effect on overall satisfaction or dissatisfaction for guest in their experience during their stay in the hotel

    A historical review of the Chinese documentary programs

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    This study is to review the source, development, and evolution of Chinese documentary programs through the historical dimension; it can better draw production experience and improve the creative ability for the producers. From the founding of China to the present, the changes of Chinese documentary programs can be divided into six different historical stages. Moreover, the content of Chinese documentary programs has origins in China's political background, especially Chinese unique social nature and cultural traditions. As a result, they continue to evolve as China changes. In particular, with the rapid development of China's economy, on the one hand, Chinese television stations continue to invest in the creation of documentary programs to consolidate their audience. On the other hand, online platforms have opened up new channels for viewing documentaries. Chinese documentary programs have become a window for audiences at home and abroad to learn about Chinese history, culture, and tradition. The use of Chinese documentary programs to tell China’s story will show the real, three-dimensional, and comprehensive picture of China to the whole world

    An overview of service quality towards guest’s satisfaction in hospitality industry / Aida Khalida Mohamed Idris... [et al.]

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    Sustainable development of hospitality industry in Malaysia has led numerous numbers of hotels, motels and other lodging accommodation to increase rapidly. It occurs due to the increment number of international and domestic tourist boarding in Malaysia. Owing to that, it is important for lodging provider to offer a good service quality because it will lead the guests feeling pleasant and satisfied during their stay. In return, it will increase the loyalty and high tendency of tourist to revisit or recommend to their friends. Researches have shown that service quality plays important elements in determining guest’s satisfaction. Guests are considered satisfied when they have the positive feeling throughout the process of evaluating the expectation and what they actually get. Due to the guest satisfaction mostly depended on the level of service quality and on how they are being treated during their stay at the lodging, it is crucial to search for a missing value in service quality towards guest’s satisfaction. Aforementioned by previous researchers shows that numerous issues have been raised pertaining of primary dimension and sub dimension in service quality when measuring satisfaction in several industries as many theories, measurements and models has been deformed recently. Therefore, this paper is to discuss the sub dimension for service quality towards guest’s satisfaction in Seberang Perai hotels

    Exploring factors influencing continuous viewing intention of Chinese documentary programs among undergraduates

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    This article used a qualitative method, using semi-structured interviews to select informants conduct online interviews with undergraduate students in mainland China to explore their continuous viewing intention as audiences towards Chinese documentary programs. Under the guidance of the theory of use and gratification, exploring the factors affecting continuous viewing intention which include cognitive needs, affective needs and tension free needs, and so on. Based on the different needs, they viewed Chinese documentary programs and when their satisfaction is very high, they are more inclined to continue viewing Chinese documentary programs. This study will do quantitative method to verify the UGT model to increase the reliability and validity of research results in the future

    Burying the news for the public: agenda cutting of the Tamil newspapers and MIC candidate facebook during the 13th General Election

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    Guided by Agenda Cutting theory, this study examines the pattern of media coverage on issues portrayed in Tamil newspapers and Facebook during Malaysian General Election 13. A total of 1309 news articles from Tamil Nesan and Malaysia Nanban and 111 postings on MIC’s Facebook were identified and examined during the election campaign period from April 20 – May 6, 2013, specifically just before and soon after the election. A total of 127 Facebook accounts of MIC’s candidates for state and parliamentary constituencies were examined during the same period. Findings show that out of the 17 examined issues eight issues (i.e., crime, social, environment, national unity, nationalism, health issues, international relations and immigrants) were not reported by these Indian dailies. A similar result can also be found on MIC’s parliamentary and state seat candidates’ Facebook. Findings from this study draw a conclusion that without a flawed agenda cutting strategy, the MIC could have garnered valuable electoral votes during its GE13 campaign