18 research outputs found

    Leptogenesis, Gravitino Dark Matter and Entropy Production

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    Many extensions of the Standard Model predict super-weakly interacting particles, which typically have to decay before Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN). The entropy produced in the decays may help to reconcile thermal leptogenesis and BBN in scenarios with gravitino dark matter, which is usually difficult due to late decays of the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP) spoiling the predictions of BBN. We study this possibility for a general neutralino NLSP. We elaborate general properties of the scenario and strong constraints on the entropy-producing particle. As an example, we consider the saxion from the axion multiplet and show that, while enabling a solution of the strong CP problem, it can also produce a suitable amount of entropy.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures; v2: references updated, changes in presentation including some generalization, results and conclusions unchanged; v3: 1 reference added, matches published versio

    A new life for sterile neutrinos: resolving inconsistencies using hot dark matter

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    Within the standard LCDM model of cosmology, the recent Planck measurements have shown discrepancies with other observations, e.g., measurements of the current expansion rate H_0, the galaxy shear power spectrum and counts of galaxy clusters. We show that if LCDM is extended by a hot dark matter component, which could be interpreted as a sterile neutrino, the data sets can be combined consistently. A combination of Planck data, WMAP-9 polarisation data, measurements of the BAO scale, the HST measurement of H_0, Planck galaxy cluster counts and galaxy shear data from the CFHTLens survey yields Delta N_eff = 0.61 pm 0.30 and m_s^eff = (0.41 pm 0.13) eV at 1 sigma. The former is driven mainly by the large H_0 of the HST measurement, while the latter is driven by cluster data. CFHTLens galaxy shear data prefer Delta N_eff >0 and a non-zero mass. Taken together, we find hints for the presence of a hot dark matter component at 3 sigma. A sterile neutrino motivated by the reactor and gallium anomalies appears rejected at even higher significance and an accelerator anomaly sterile neutrino is found in tension at 2 sigma.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures; v2: 12 pages, 3 figures, references added and discussion slightly expanded, matches version published in JCA

    Testing Superstring Theories with Gravitational Waves

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    We provide a simple transfer function that determines the effect of an early matter dominated era on the gravitational wave background and show that a large class of compactifications of superstring theory might be tested by observations of the gravitational wave background from inflation. For large enough reheating temperatures > 10^9 \GeV the test applies to all models containing at least one scalar with mass < 10^{12}\GeV that acquires a large initial oscillation amplitude after inflation and has only gravitational interaction strength, i.e., a field with the typical properties of a modulus.Comment: 5 pages 2 figures, v2: changes in presentation, refs revised, matches version in print in PR

    Dark and visible matter with broken R-parity and the axion multiplet

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    A small breaking of R-parity reconciles thermal leptogenesis, gravitino dark matter and primordial nucleosynthesis. We find that the same breaking relaxes cosmological bounds on the axion multiplet. Naturally expected spectra become allowed and bounds from late particle decays become so weak that they are superseded by bounds from non-thermal axion production. In this sense, the strong CP problem serves as an additional motivation for broken R-parity.Comment: 13 pages + refs, 1 table, v2: refs added, minor changes in presentation, v3: refs added, added discussion of decays into Higgs and Higgsino, matches published versio

    NMSSM with Gravitino Dark Matter to be tested at LHC

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    We present a solution to the gravitino problem, which arises in the NMSSM, allowing for sparticle spectra from ordinary gravity-mediated supersymmetry breaking with weak-scale gravitino dark matter. The coupling, which links the singlet to the MSSM sector, enhances the tree-level Higgs mass, providing an attractive explanation why the observed Higgs boson is so heavy. The same coupling induces very efficient pair-annihilation processes of the neutralino NLSP. Its relic abundance can be sufficiently suppressed to satisfy the strong constraints on late decaying relics from primordial nucleosynthesis -- even for very long neutralino lifetimes. The striking prediction of this scenario is the detection of a pseudoscalar Higgs boson in the search for top-top resonances at LHC-14, rendering it completely testable