138 research outputs found

    Effects of Cyclic Loading on Velocities of Ultrasonic Waves Propagating Through Wood

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    The aim of this study was to determine the acoustoelastic phenomenon of wood under cyclic loading-unloading processes. Compression or tension load was repeatedly applied to wood specimens within an elastic range. Ultrasonic waves used in this study were shear and longitudinal waves, and their propagation directions were normal to, and along, the loading directions. The ultrasonic wave velocities were obtained by the sing-around method, which is a method for measuring transit time of ultrasonics. The experimental results revealed that change in the velocity of ultrasonic waves passing through wood under axial stress was a nearly linear function of applied stress level with similar slope for both loading and unloading cycles. The acoustoelastic effect of wood was found to be a repeatable and reversible phenomenon. The acoustoelastic constant seemed to maintain a fixed value regardless of the number of loading cycles. The acoustoelastic technique could be used in the determination of stress conditions of structural components in timber construction

    Relationship between acoustic wave velocity and mechanical properties in Acacia mangium wood

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    There is a strong interest in developing and using acoustic technology to evaluate the mechanical properties of wood in situations where a static bending test is not feasible to undertake. In this study, the mechanical properties of Acacia mangium (black wattle) wood were predicted by using stress wave and ultrasonic wave methods. The values of dynamic modulus of elasticity based on stress wave and ultrasonic wave were 9,29 % and 4,75 % higher than those obtained from static modulus of elasticity, respectively. There was no statistically significant correlation between acoustic velocity and mechanical properties measured by destructive tests. The strong experimental correlation coefficients were found between stress wave and modulus of elasticity (r = 0,94; P < 0,001), and ultrasonic wave and modulus of elasticity (r = 0,83; P < 0,001). This result indicates that stress wave and ultrasonic wave techniques are suitable for predicting the static modulus of elasticity of Acacia mangium (black wattle) wood if the density of the measured elements is known. There was no dependence of wood density and acoustic propagation velocity measured in this study, whereas statistically significant correlations were found between the fiber length with stress wave velocity (r = 0,44; P < 0,05) and ultrasonic velocity (r = 0,48; P < 0,05)

    Lokiarchaeota archaeon schizorhodopsin-2 (LaSzR2) is an inward proton pump displaying a characteristic feature of acid-induced spectral blue-shift

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    The photoreactive protein rhodopsin is widespread in microorganisms and has a variety of photobiological functions. Recently, a novel phylogenetically distinctive group named 'schizorhodopsin (SzR)' has been identified as an inward proton pump. We performed functional and spectroscopic studies on an uncharacterised schizorhodopsin from the phylum Lokiarchaeota archaeon. The protein, LaSzR2, having an all-trans-retinal chromophore, showed inward proton pump activity with an absorption maximum at 549 nm. The pH titration experiments revealed that the protonated Schiff base of the retinal chromophore (Lys188, pK(a)=12.3) is stabilised by the deprotonated counterion (presumably Asp184, pK(a)=3.7). The flash-photolysis experiments revealed the presence of two photointermediates, K and M. A proton was released and uptaken from bulk solution upon the formation and decay of the M intermediate. During the M-decay, the Schiff base was reprotonated by the proton from a proton donating residue (presumably Asp172). These properties were compared with other inward (SzRs and xenorhodopsins, XeRs) and outward proton pumps. Notably, LaSzR2 showed acid-induced spectral 'blue-shift' due to the protonation of the counterion, whereas outward proton pumps showed opposite shifts (red-shifts). Thus, we can distinguish between inward and outward proton pumps by the direction of the acid-induced spectral shift

    A blue-shifted anion channelrhodopsin from the Colpodellida alga Vitrella brassicaformis

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    Microbial rhodopsins, a family of photoreceptive membrane proteins containing the chromophore retinal, show a variety of light-dependent molecular functions. Channelrhodopsins work as light-gated ion channels and are widely utilized for optogenetics, which is a method for controlling neural activities by light. Since two cation channelrhodopsins were identified from the chlorophyte alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, recent advances in genomic research have revealed a wide variety of channelrhodopsins including anion channelrhodopsins (ACRs), describing their highly diversified molecular properties (e.g., spectral sensitivity, kinetics and ion selectivity). Here, we report two channelrhodopsin-like rhodopsins from the Colpodellida alga Vitrella brassicaformis, which are phylogenetically distinct from the known channelrhodopsins. Spectroscopic and electrophysiological analyses indicated that these rhodopsins are green- and blue-sensitive pigments (lambda(max) = similar to 550 and similar to 440 nm) that exhibit light-dependent ion channeling activities. Detailed electrophysiological analysis revealed that one of them works as a monovalent anion (Cl-, Br- and NO3-) channel and we named it V. brassicaformis anion channelrhodopsin-2, VbACR2. Importantly, the absorption maximum of VbACR2 (similar to 440 nm) is blue-shifted among the known ACRs. Thus, we identified the new blue-shifted ACR, which leads to the expansion of the molecular diversity of ACRs

    Novel formations of 6-mesyloxytryptamines and 1-substituted 3a-(4- chlorobutoxy)-1,2,3,3a,8,8a-hexahydropyrrolo[2,3-b]indoles in the reaction of nb-substituted 1-hydroxytryptamines with mesyl chloride

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    金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科生理活性物質科学金沢大学薬学部Formations of 6-mesyloxytryptamines and 1-substituted 3a-(4- chlorobutoxy)-1,2,3,3a,8,8a-hexahydropyrrolo[2,3-b]indoles were newly found in the reactions of Nb-substituted 1-hydroxytryptamines with mesyl chloride in THF. The latter compounds suggest that the intermediate indol-3-yl cations can trap THF and cleave the ether bond.

    Reactions of 1-hydroxyindoles with p-toluenesulfonyl chloride and p-toluenesulfonic acid

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    Recognition of the "team medical-care" in medical field.

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    チーム医療に対して高い関心が寄せられていることから,チーム医療として認識される具体的な事柄や各職種に対する認識,その利点や職種間の認識の違いなどを明らかにする目的で,岡山県内の病院の看護師,診療放射線技師,臨床検査技師,計652名に対してアンケート調査を行った。有効回答者数470名で,その内訳は看護師207名,診療放射線技師91名,臨床検査技師172名であった。結果はチーム医療と認識される具体的な事柄については,異業種間カンファレンスがチーム医療を促進する事柄として認識されているが,整備・実施されていないことがうかがえた。各職種に対する認識については,職種別・経験年数別にみても,医師,看護師,理学・作業療法士はチーム医療のメンバーとして認識されている割合が高かった。また,経験年数別では,10~14年の人までは統計上ややばらつきがみられるが,経験年数15年以上の人はあらゆる職種をチーム医療のメンバーであると考え,その重要性を認識していることがわかった。チーム医療の利点については,どの職種も共通して「患者中心の医療」と考えている割合が高かった。Recently, the "team medical-care" has been received increasing attention in medical field. Therefore we have to develop a clear understanding of "team medical-care". The purpose of this study is to investigate things regarded as "team medical-care" by co-medical, recognition of other category of license, the advantages of "team medical-care" and recognition against the "team medical-care" by different category of license. Total 652 nurses, clinical radiological technologists and clinical laboratory technologists who are working at 8 hospitals in Okayama prefecture were examined by using questionnaire and 470 members (72.1%) responded to it. They were nurses 207 (44.0%), clinical radiological technologists 91 (19.4%), clinical laboratory technologists 172 (36.6%). Majority of respondents recognized that the medical conference consisted of different category of license promoted the "team medical-care", and ninety percent of participants prompted more frequent medical conference. In both by category of license and years of experience, they regarded doctor, nurse, physical therapist and occupational therapist as the menber of the "team medical-care" at high rate. The respondences which have over 15 years of experience regarded all category of license as the menber of the "team medical-care", while the respondences which have less than 10 to 14 years of experience showed disperision of the recongnition. The advantages of "team medical-care" were highly perceived as "patient-centered medical care" by all category of license