23,625 research outputs found

    Zero-field and Larmor spinor precessions in a neutron polarimeter experiment

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    We present a neutron polarimetric experiment where two kinds of spinor precessions are observed: one is induced by different total energy of neutrons (zero-field precession) and the other is induced by a stationary guide field (Larmor precession). A characteristic of the former is the dependence of the energy-difference, which is in practice tuned by the frequency of the interacting oscillating magnetic field. In contrast the latter completely depends on the strength of the guide field, namely Larmor frequency. Our neutron-polarimetric experiment exhibits individual tuning as well as specific properties of each spinor precession, which assures the use of both spin precessions for multi-entangled spinor manipulation.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Mechanism of Ambipolar Field-Effect Carrier Injections in One-Dimensional Mott Insulators

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    To clarify the mechanism of recently reported, ambipolar carrier injections into quasi-one-dimensional Mott insulators on which field-effect transistors are fabricated, we employ the one-dimensional Hubbard model attached to a tight-binding model for source and drain electrodes. To take account of the formation of Schottky barriers, we add scalar and vector potentials, which satisfy the Poisson equation with boundary values depending on the drain voltage, the gate bias, and the work-function difference. The current-voltage characteristics are obtained by solving the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation in the unrestricted Hartree-Fock approximation. Its validity is discussed with the help of the Lanczos method applied to small systems. We find generally ambipolar carrier injections in Mott insulators even if the work function of the crystal is quite different from that of the electrodes. They result from balancing the correlation effect with the barrier effect. For the gate-bias polarity with higher Schottky barriers, the correlation effect is weakened accordingly, owing to collective transport in the one-dimensional correlated electron systems.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures, to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Recombination kinetics of a dense electron-hole plasma in strontium titanate

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    We investigated the nanosecond-scale time decay of the blue-green light emitted by nominally pure SrTiO3_3 following the absorption of an intense picosecond laser pulse generating a high density of electron-hole pairs. Two independent components are identified in the fluorescence signal that show a different dynamics with varying excitation intensity, and which can be respectively modeled as a bimolecular and unimolecolar process. An interpretation of the observed recombination kinetics in terms of interacting electron and hole polarons is proposed

    Kinematics of Red Variables in the Solar Neighborhood I. Basic Data Obtained by an SiO Maser Survey

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    In order to study the streaming motions of miras in the Solar neighborhood, we newly surveyed 379 red variables in the SiO maser lines at 42.821 and 43.122 GHz with the Nobeyama 45m radio telescope. Accurate radial velocities were obtained for 229 (220 new) detected stars. The sample is selected from optical variables found by new automated surveys: the Northern Sky Variability Survey and the All Sky Automated Survey. The new sample consists of the "bluer" objects compared with those observed in the previous SiO surveys. The distances to the objects are estimated using the period-luminosity relation, and they are mostly less than 3 kpc from the Sun. The longitude-velocity diagram reveals three prominent groups of stars deviant from the circular Galactic rotation with a flat rotation curve. In addition to the Hercules group of stars which was studied before, we found two new deviant groups: one toward the Perseus arm and the other toward the Sagittarius arm. These two groups both exhibit anomalous motions toward the Galactic center, which seem to be consistent with the noncircular motions of these spiral arms found in the recent VLBI proper-motion measurements for maser gas clumps.Comment: PASJ 64 no.1 (2012 Feb. 25 issue) in press. A full version including Fig. 8a-m, and Fig. 9 are available at http://www.nro.nao.ac.jp/~lib_pub/report/data/no680.pd
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