335 research outputs found

    Probable association of T Tauri stars with the L1014 dense core

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    Using the Wide Field Grism Spectrograph 2 (WFGS2), we have carried out slit-less spectroscopy, g'r'i' photometry, and slit spectroscopy on the L1014 dense core. We detected three Halpha emission line stars. We interpret one as weak-line T Tauri star (WTTS) and the others as classical T Tauri stars (CTTS). Since their g'-i' colors and/or classified spectral types are consistent with those of T Tauri stars and two of them show less extinction than the cloud, these three stars are likely to be T Tauri stars associated with L1014. Adopting an age range for T Tauri stars, 1-10 Myr, the color-magnitude diagram suggests a distance of ~400-900 pc, rather than the previously assumed distance, 200 pc. This could strongly affect on the mass estimate of L1014-IRS, which is thought to be either a very young protostar or proto-brown dwarf.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Vol.58, No.5, October 25, 200

    Ectopic Calcification as Discernible Manifestation in Neonates with Pseudohypoparathyroidism Type 1a

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    The diagnosis of pseudohypoparathyroidism type 1a (PHP1a) is challenging, because both the osteodystrophy, such as brachydactyly and round face, and the symptomatic hypocalcemia usually develop beyond infancy. Although ectopic calcification may be an early sign of PHP1a, there are no systematic reviews regarding the time of its appearance. We here report on two PHP1a patients who presented with subcutaneous calcification in neonatal period

    Artificial neural network approach for selection of susceptible single nucleotide polymorphisms and construction of prediction model on childhood allergic asthma

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    BACKGROUND: Screening of various gene markers such as single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and correlation between these markers and development of multifactorial disease have previously been studied. Here, we propose a susceptible marker-selectable artificial neural network (ANN) for predicting development of allergic disease. RESULTS: To predict development of childhood allergic asthma (CAA) and select susceptible SNPs, we used an ANN with a parameter decreasing method (PDM) to analyze 25 SNPs of 17 genes in 344 Japanese people, and select 10 susceptible SNPs of CAA. The accuracy of the ANN model with 10 SNPs was 97.7% for learning data and 74.4% for evaluation data. Important combinations were determined by effective combination value (ECV) defined in the present paper. Effective 2-SNP or 3-SNP combinations were found to be concentrated among the 10 selected SNPs. CONCLUSION: ANN can reliably select SNP combinations that are associated with CAA. Thus, the ANN can be used to characterize development of complex diseases caused by multiple factors. This is the first report of automatic selection of SNPs related to development of multifactorial disease from SNP data of more than 300 patients

    Genotoxicity of styrene oligomers extracted from polystyrene intended for use in contact with food

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    AbstractHere, we conducted in vitro genotoxicity tests to evaluate the genotoxicity of styrene oligomers extracted from polystyrene intended for use in contact with food. Styrene oligomers were extracted with acetone and the extract was subjected to the Ames test (OECD test guideline No. 471) and the in vitro chromosomal aberration test (OECD test guideline No. 473) under good laboratory practice conditions. The concentrations of styrene dimers and trimers in the concentrated extract were 540 and 13,431 ppm, respectively. Extraction with acetone provided markedly higher concentrations of styrene oligomers compared with extraction with 50% ethanol aqueous solution, which is the food simulant currently recommended for use in safety assessments of polystyrene by both the United States Food and Drug Administration and the European Food Safety Authority. And these high concentrations of styrene dimers and trimers were utilized for the evaluation of genotoxicity in vitro. Ames tests using five bacterial tester strains were negative both in the presence or absence of metabolic activation. The in vitro chromosomal aberration test using Chinese hamster lung cells (CHL/IU) was also negative. Together, these results suggest that the risk of the genotoxicity of styrene oligomers that migrate from polystyrene food packaging into food is very low

    A boron-transfer mechanism mediating the thermally induced revival of frustrated carbene–borane pairs from their shelf-stable adducts

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    Chemists have designed strategies that trigger the conformational isomerization of molecules in response to external stimuli, which can be further applied to regulate the complexation between Lewis acids and bases. We have recently developed a system in which frustrated carbene–borane pairs are revived from shelf-stable but external-stimuli-responsive carbene–borane adducts comprised of N-phosphine-oxide-substituted imidazolylidenes (PoxIms) and triarylboranes. Herein, we report the detailed mechanism on this revival process. A thermally induced borane-transfer process from the carbene carbon atom to the N-phosphinoyl oxygen atom initiates the transformation of the carbene–borane adduct. Subsequent conformational isomerization via the rotation of the N-phosphinoyl group in PoxIm moieties eventually leads to the revival of frustrated carbene–borane pairs that can cleave H2. We believe that this work illustrates an essential role of dynamic conformational isomerization in the regulation of the reactivity of external-stimuli-responsive Lewis acid-base adducts that contain multifunctional substituents.Hoshimoto Y., Sakuraba M., Kinoshita T., et al. A boron-transfer mechanism mediating the thermally induced revival of frustrated carbene–borane pairs from their shelf-stable adducts. Communications Chemistry 4, 137 (2021); https://doi.org/10.1038/s42004-021-00576-1