298 research outputs found

    Pesantren and Entrepreneurship Education

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    Studi ini membahas perkembangan pesantren, sistem nilai, tantangan, dan responsnya melalui kurikulum. Pesantren adalah bagian dari menghasilkan generasi untuk pembangunan nasional melalui pembentukan wirausaha di masyarakat. Pesantren ini telah ada sejak zaman kolonial dan ada sampai sekarang, telah mengalami perkembangan dalam bentuk salafiyah, kombinasi dan dalam bentuk Ashriyah. Pendidikan ini berada di tengah perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan yang pesat dengan efek positif dan negatif, era ini juga ditandai dengan kerja sama ekonomi antar negara di dunia yang harus ditanggapi dengan pendidikan pesantren. Penelitian menggunakan metode pustaka dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil kajian menunjukan bahwa baik kitab suci maupun fakta empiris menunjukan bahwa pesantren dan semangat wira USAha merupakan hal yang sejalan. Oleh karena itu, maka pesantren yang memiliki jutaan siswa adalah bagian penting dalam membangun bangsa melalui lulusan wirausaha. Melalui kurikulum, dapat dibentuk sehingga mereka dapat bersaing di era ini

    Speech Function in the Withdrawal Speech of Prabowo-hatta on the Indonesia Presidential Election 2014-2019

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    The study deals with the types of speech function used in the withdrawal speechof Prabowo-Hatta on the Indonesia presidential election 2014-2019. Theobjectives of this research were to find out the types of speech function and todescribe the implication of the most dominant type of speech function. Thisresearch was conducted by using descriptive qualitative design. The data were 55clauses taken from the withdrawal speech of Prabowo-Hatta on the Indonesiapresidential election 2014-2019 which were collected by applying documentarytechnique. The three types of speech function occurred in this speech, namelystatement (87,3%) , offer (1,8%), and command (10,9%). The most dominant typeof speech function was statement. The implication of using statement dominantlywas Prabowo-Hatta can declare all of aspects that they consider as their evidencesthat to prove their argumentation to withdraw from Indonesia presidential election2014-2019. The dominant statement also made more powerful speech to influencethe public opinion that will realize Prabowo-Hatta has already known about theincident occurred in Indonesia Presidential Election 2014-2019. It can beillustrated through the use of statement by Prabowo-Hatta that is in a practiceconsidered as a representative of a power to state a strong degree of certainty

    Pendugaan Ketebalan Aquifer Air Tanah untuk Pengembangan Kawasan Sofifi Maluku Utara

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    Pembangunan dan pengembangan kota erat kaitannya dengan ketersediaan sumberdaya airtanah guna menyokong laju pertumbuhan kawasan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan rekomendasi pemboran di daerah Sofifi Propinsi Maluku Utara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode geolistrik tahanan jenis dengan menggunakan konfigurasi Schlumberger. Adapun data-data yang diperoleh adalah nilai beda potensial (volt), kuat arus (ampere), panjang bentangan, dan spasi elektroda terkecil. Hasil penelitian geolistrik menunjukkan bahwa akuifer airtanah memiliki resistivitas yang bervariasi yaitu pada kedalaman antara 20 – 64,5 meter dengan tahanan jenis berkisar 50 – 150 Ωm; batuan akuifer airtanah terdiri dari batupasir, tufa kasar dan tufa halus. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemboran untuk penyediaan sumberdaya airtanah disarankan di atas 50 meter

    Destructing the Islamist in Indonesia: Joko Widodo Policy and Its Controversy

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    The tension between the Islamist group and the state has risen in Indonesia this 2017. In the mid of 2017, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) government has announced to disbandHizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) as one of the Islamist groups in Indonesia. It happened in the midst of protest toward Jokowi for his ignorance to respond the alleged religious defamation by Ahok, governor of Jakarta. This article explores the discourse used by Jokowi government and its allies to ban HTI in Indonesia. It also explains the reason for the policy produced and political interests behind it. This paper argues that the dissolution of HTI is by no means for legal and security reason but for political interest of Joko Widodo and his political allies

    Estimasi Regresi Non Parametrik Dengan Metode Wavelet Shrinkage Neural Network Pada Model Rancangan Tetap

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    If X is a predictor variable and Y is a response variable of following model Y = g(X) +e with function g is a regression which not yet been known and e is an independent random variable with mean 0 and variant . The function of g can be estimated by parametric and nonparametric approach. In this paper, g is estimated by nonparametric approach that is named wavelet shrinkage neural network method. At this method, the smoothly function estimation is depending on shrinkage parameter's that are threshold value and level of wavelet that be used. It also depending on the number of neuron in the hidden layer and the number of epoch that be used in feed forward neural network. Therefore, it is required to be select the optimal value of threshold, level of wavelet, the number of neuron and the number of epoch to determine optimal function estimation

    Pandangan Islam Tentang Ilmu Pengetahuan Dan Refleksinya Terhadap Aktivitas Pendidikan Sains Di Dunia Muslim

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    Islamic Perspective on Knowledge and its Reflection on Science Education Activities in the Muslim World. The holy book of Islam, the Qur'an, is very clear about its support for scientific enterprises. This is supported further by the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. This strong doctrinal foundation found its historical manifestations in the so-called the golden age of Islam, where sciences flourished in the Muslim kingdoms. However, by the end of the medieval period, the Muslim zeal for sciences weakened for several reasons, which according to the writer resulting in the present day backwardness of Muslim countries in general in almost all branches of scientific activities. This paper attempts to discuss how knowledge and science are perceived by Islam and their implication for science education
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