269 research outputs found

    Perancangan Instalasi Listrik Gedung Polda Manokwari Papua Barat

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    Polda Manokwari Papua Barat building is the public service office. Basically, public services related to the broad aspect of life. In the life of the state, the government has the functions to provide the public services which are required the public needed, from regulations services and other services. In order to meet the needs of the people in education, health, utilities, and other. The construction of this building related to the demand of electrical power especially for lighting installation, AC (Air Conditioner), water pump, and the lift to provide the comfortable of building customers. This installation is used for the importance of public service, so it is necessary to get a good installation design that appropriate with the reliable calculation, economical and safety operation. The good installation would help to creat the sense of comfortable, safe and quiet for the building customers. The goal of Installation design as is purpose to produce an electricity installation plan for the Polda Manokwari Papua Barat building using AutoCAD program and to determine the points of lamps by using DIALux application, to knows the total electrical energy, to determine the conductor size and main protection device, and bill of quantity. The results from this design showed the total apparent power (S) needed 718188,118 VA / 718,19 kVA with main protection device MCCB (Moulded Case Circuit Breaker) 3 phase for 1250 A and two main conductor NYFGbY 4 x 300 mm2. The bill of quantity design for electricity installation need Rp.4.413.007.555,-. Keywords: Electricity Installation, Main safety, DIALux, AutoCAD, RAB

    Study Performance On Medical Faculty Building of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta With Pushover Analysis

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    The Medical Faculty Building of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta is a building with six floors of lectures planned able to withstand the maximum earthquake load forces to the earthquake area 3. With the new facility in the world of construction especially in analyzing a structure-based force of quake happens, namely one with pushover analysis. This analysis uses the improved lateral load (increment) gradually until the onset of the plastic hinge and collapsed. This analysis objectives at knowing the capacity curves, peformance point, and formation stages of plastis hinge until the building collapsed structures. Research methods using pushover analysis procedure for A method of spectrum capacity ATC-40. This performance analysis by providing lateral static force with multiplier gradually until a point of reference the structure undergoes a displacement. Planning with partially ductile designing a scheme collapse joint plastis occur in beams first and then followed by the last column. By pro viding a static earthquake force on Y direction by gradually until the building collapsed. The results of the analysis showed that the largest base shear force was 1030,184 tons in the 4th step pushover analysis. Based on the capacity curves obtained peformance point shows base share force V t = 706,779 tons displacement at the 3rd step is 1,2695 m > 0,093 m (D t ). The performance of the structure does not cross the line IO (Immediate Occupancy). Maximum total drift is 0,0041 and a maximum total drift inelastic is 0.003. Thus shows that the building be reviewed is included in levels of Immediate Occupancy (OI). On the third itration, condition of plastis hinges when earthquake force exceeded still to stage a performance of Immediate Occupancy. But the pushover analysis will be impose the structure for suffered a collapse with the indicated first on the 16th step and itration stop at 6th step. The results of the last itration has a very far itration distance when peformance point shows partially ductile concept namely weak beam strong column is not achieved. With shown by the first plastis hinge decreased performance on the column. However the building peformance in the earthquake force plan shows very good and safe results, building in the Immediate Occupancy performance. So if an earthquake with maximum force then the structure will only be having a bit of damage to structures and non-structure and the building can be directly reused

    Arsenic Incorporation into Garden Vegetables Irrigated with Contaminated Water

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    Daily vegetable requirement are mostly fulfilled in Bangladesh through homestead garden production which are usually irrigated with arsenic-rich underground water. Garden vegetables grown in arsenic-tainted soil may uptake and accumulate significant amount of arsenic in their tissue. Mean, minimum and maximum arsenic content in some common garden vegetables, e.g. bean, bitter gourd, bottle gourd, brinjal, chilli, green papaya, mint, okra, palwal, potato, red amaranth, string bean and sweet gourd, from an arsenicprone locality of Bangladesh have been assessed. The contribution of vegetable-arsenic in the daily diet was estimated. Correlation with the groundwater arsenic status and statistical significance of variations has been discussed

    Studi Analisa Rele Jarak Pada Jaringan Transmisi 150 Kv Gardu Induk Pedan – Gardu Induk Jajar

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    Protection system is a part of an electric power system that is very important to improve the continuity of service to consumers, where components and tools that are part of the system must have the sensitivity, selectivity, speed, security and maximum reliability in operational. Relay distances classified in one part of the protection system is used as a safety on the transmission line because of his ability to eliminate distractions quickly, setting relatively easy and has a coverage area of broad protection, and therefore things related about performance issues of a tool such safety relays need to be considered on the network. Based on the working principle ofrelay distance and setting relay that has been applied in the field, the methods used in the analysis of relay distance along the transmission line of 150 KV substation Pedan - Substation Jajar is to find the data source parameters, parameter transformer, and cable conductor. Data impedance setting relay which has been adopted by the PT. PLN (Persero) compared again with the analysis of theoretical calculations performed as an evaluation of the quality of security in the transmission line. Results comparison impedance setting of PT PLN (Persero) with the theoretical calculation analysis there is a difference for each zone of protection which is divided into three parts as follows: 1 = 0.2 Ω zone, zone 2 = 0.2 Ω, zone 3 = 0.28 Ω. The difference between the calculations based on the analysis of differences in the possible by several factors that are capable of causing an impedance changes because basically transmission parameter channel that is always changing the existing problems

    Analisa Kerusakan Dan Perbaikan Komponen Undercarriage Pada Excavator Hitachi Zaxis 350h

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    Excavator is heavy equipment that is often used in the construction of large-scale construction, agriculture, forestry and mining. The function of the excavator is to carry out construction activities, dredging and moving a material, and doing mining activities. Undercarriage is a set of components used to support the unit load. The function of the undercarriage is to support and transmit the unit load to the ground, together with the steering and brake systems to direct the unit to move back and forth, and as a carrier and support unit. Undercarriage components include the track frame, carrier roller, track roller, front idler, track adjuster, recoil spring, sprocket, track link, and track shoe. Damage that often occurs in the undercarriage is in the form of wear and tear on components, causing stuttering undercarriage movements and undercarriage noise or the appearance of abnormal undercarriage sounds, which are caused by soil adhering and hardening to the components, so that the components cannot work normally. Then the damage can be overcome by replacing the damaged parts with new parts, and cleaning the soil attached to some components


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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang Implementasi Pembagian Harta Warisan  Kepada Anak Luar Nikah di Kota Ternate (Tinjauan Hukum Positif Dan Hukum Islam). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk Mengetahui kedudukan anak luar nikah dalam hak mewaris menurut Hukum Islam di Kota Ternate.Untuk mengetahui faktor yang memugkinkan anak luar kawin dapat memperoleh hak waris di Kota Ternate. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah normatif-empiris, sedangkan pendekatan digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif-deskriptif. Para responden dalam penelitian diambil beberapa orang yang berhubungan langsung dengan praktik pebagian harta warisan bagi “anak luar nikah” di Kota Ternate. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti merangkum semua data yang diperoleh dari berbagai sumber yaitu masyarakat Kecamatan Kota Ternate Utara, Kecamatan Kota Ternate Selatan, dan Kecamatan Pulau Ternate sebagai data primer. Selain itu, data sekunder juga diperoleh dari Kantor Urusan Agama Kecamatan Kota Ternate Utara, Kantor Urusan Agama Kecamatan Kota Ternate Selatan, Kantor Urusan Agama Kecamatan Pulau Ternate, dan Pengadilan Agama Ternate untuk dibahas secara deskriptif kualitatif kemudian dianalisis guna mendapatkan kesimpulan tentang praktik pembagian harta warian bagi anak luar nikah di Kota Ternate. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa Hukum waris membahas jumlah atau bagian masing-masing ahli waris dalam memperoleh harta warisan. Bahkan pembahasan ini merupakan pembahasan paling urgen dalam diskusi hukum waris. Undang-undang telah menyebutkan secara jelas bagian-bagian harta warisan yang dapat diterima oleh masing-masing ahli waris sesuai dengan derajatnya dalam keluarga yang bersangkutan. Dalam hukum waris Islam telah dibutkan secara jelas mereka yang terhalang memperoleh harta warisan. Karena perlu diperhatikan bahwa meskipun seseroang secara jelas merupakan ahli waris yang memiliki hubungan darah langsung dengan pewaris, tetapi dalam hal-hal tertentu, hak mereka mendapatkan harta warisan menjadi gugur

    Ensiklopedia Burung Hias Indonesia Berbasis Multimedia

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    Encyclopedia is a book that contain information or explanation about various cases in the knowledge it is arranged in the alphabet way or based the knowledge area. In the informasion era nowdays technology progesses very fast. In the case can be looked at with there are new innovations that are able to created. So this research has aim to plan an application of the bird introducing in Indonesia by using macromedia flash 8. Creation of this application has aim to introduce the birds are in Indonesia. Application is made by some steps, started from looking for the bird data, design, create application, application is running well, finishing and burning into CD. Result of this application is made created in the CD from to using it. From the test result can be cocluded that the created program continue suitable the planning aim Keywords : Encyclopedia, CD (Compact Disc

    Pengaruh Fraksi Volume Penguat Terhadap Kekuatan Komposit dari Serbuk Sabut Kelapa dan Serat Pelepah Batang Pisang-Epoxy

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    This research aims to analyze the effects of composite composition of epoxy resin, banana stem frond, and coconut coir powder on the tensile strength and impact strength of composites produced. This research method used the hand lay-up method. The fiber was treated without alkalization or 5% alkalization for 2 hours. The tensile test specimens were formed according to ASTM D638M, standard, and the bending test specimens followed ASTM E23. From the impact test treatment, the highest results were obtained in composites with a composition of 30%: 35%: 35% with an impact value of 0.0125 N/mm2 and the lowest results were composites with a coposition of 70%: 15%: 15% with a value of 0.0052 N/mm2. At the tensile test, the most optimal tensile strength occured at a composition of 30%: 35%: 35% which is equal to 0.17N/mm2, while the lowest was composite with a composition of 70%: 15%: 15% which was equal to 0,06 N/mm2

    Population growth and reproductive potential of five important fishes from the freshwater bodies of Bangladesh

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    Population growth (length-weight relationship), and reproductive potential (e.g. fecundity, and sex-ratio) of five important fish species (‘mola’: Amblypharyngodon mola, ‘puti’: Puntius sophore, ‘tengra’: Mystus vittatus, ‘shing’: Heteropneustes fossilis and ‘taki’: Channa punctatus) collected from two important fresh water bodies (namely Hilna beel and Beel Kumari beel) Rajshahi, Bangladesh, were studied. Population growth pattern by length-weight relationship (W=aLb ) for the species differed, and exhibited positive allometric growth (P. sophore in Hilna beel), isometric growth (A. mola and C. punctatus in Hilna beel) and negative allometric growth (M. vittatus & H. fossilis in Hilna beel and A. mola, P. sophore, M. vittatus, C. punctatus and H. fossilis in Beel Kumari beel). The results denoted that fecundity of mature females followed a non-linear relationship (F=aLb ) with total length and exhibited positive allometric growth (b>3) with some exception (A. mola in Hilna beel and M. vittatus in Beel Kumari beel). Fecundity of mature females also increased with total body weight and ovary weight following a linear relationship (F=a+bW). Differences in values of sexratios with seasons for all species in this study may have resulted from different environmental factors as well as breeding seasons. The findings of this study would be useful in imposing adequate regulations for the conservation of these fascinating fishes in the fresh water bodies of Bangladesh
