42 research outputs found

    Public Perception of Early Marriage in Enrekang Regency Based on a Review of Islamic Law in Baraka District

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    The purpose of this research is to 1) learn about Islamic legal perspectives on early marriage. 2) Understanding the public perception of early marriage in the district. Enrekang , Baraka. This type of research employs descriptive qualitative methods for data collection. Primary and secondary data sources are used. Interviews with informants provided primary data, while books and official documents provided secondary data. Techniques for gathering data include documentation and interviews. According to the study's findings, 1) the marriage bond between a man and a woman is performed when both parties are under the age of 19 or are still in high school and have reached puberty. If both parties or one person is under the age of 19, the marriage is considered early. Because Islam is a religion that is in accordance with human nature, it is obvious that sexual purity and cleanliness will lead us back to the teachings of Islam. 2) The early marriage community's perception of the Baraka community. Of course, hearing about early marriage is not unusual; the community urges people in the Baraka sub-district not to educate their children so that promiscuity and the influence of social media occur. Nowadays, children are easily influenced by their environment, such as when they graduate from Islamic boarding schools, where of course there is influence from young people, so they are easily influenced by the surrounding environment, so KUA conveys the community in Baraka sub-district so that their children are not affected by the law that has been passed, 2019 set number 16.--Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1). Mengetahui pandangan hukum Islam terhadap pernikahan dini. 2). Mengetahui persepsi masyarakat pernikahan usia dini terhadap masyarakat di Kec. Baraka, Kab. Enrekang. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif, dengan cara mengumpulkan data-data secara langsung. Sumber data yaitu data primer dan sekunder. Data primer diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan narasumber, sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh melalui buku-buku, dan dokumen-dokumen resmi. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara dokumentasi dan interview. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 1). Pandangan hukum Islam  terhadap pernikahan dini yaituikatan pernikahan antara pria dan wanita yang dilakukan saat kedua belah pihak masih berusia dibawah 19 tahun atau masih dalam sekolah menengah yang sudah akil baliqh. Pernikahan disebut dengan pernikahan dini jika kedua belah pihak atau salah satu orang masih berusia dibawah 19 tahun. Islam sendiri merupakan agama yang sesuai dengan tabiat manusia sehingga sangat jelas jika kesucian dan juga kebersihan seksual akan mengembalikan kita ke dalam ajaran ajaran Islam. 2). Persepsi masyarakat pernikahan usia dini terhadap masyarakat Baraka. Tentu tidak asing mendengar tentang apa yang kita dengarkan tentang pernikahan dini, masyarakat menghimbau bahwa masyarakat di kecamatan Baraka tidak mendidik anak mereka sehingga terjadinya pergaulan bebas dan pengaruh dari media sosial. Sekarang ini anak-anak mudah terpengaruh dari lingkunganya seperti kalau sudah tammat dari pesantren tentu ada pengaruh dari kalangan anak muda sehingga mudah terpengaruh lingkunga sekitar, oleh karena itu KUA menyampaikan masyarakat di kecamatan Baraka supaya anak mereka tidak terpengaruh dari lingkungannya karena Undang-Undang yang sudah ditetapkan nomor 16 tahun 2019

    Contrastive Learning for API Aspect Analysis

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    We present a novel approach - CLAA - for API aspect detection in API reviews that utilizes transformer models trained with a supervised contrastive loss objective function. We evaluate CLAA using performance and impact analysis. For performance analysis, we utilized a benchmark dataset on developer discussions collected from Stack Overflow and compare the results to those obtained using state-of-the-art transformer models. Our experiments show that contrastive learning can significantly improve the performance of transformer models in detecting aspects such as Performance, Security, Usability, and Documentation. For impact analysis, we performed empirical and developer study. On a randomly selected and manually labeled 200 online reviews, CLAA achieved 92% accuracy while the SOTA baseline achieved 81.5%. According to our developer study involving 10 participants, the use of 'Stack Overflow + CLAA' resulted in increased accuracy and confidence during API selection. Replication package: https://github.com/shahariar-shibli/Contrastive-Learning-for-API-Aspect-AnalysisComment: Accepted in the 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE2023

    BanglaNLG and BanglaT5: Benchmarks and Resources for Evaluating Low-Resource Natural Language Generation in Bangla

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    This work presents BanglaNLG, a comprehensive benchmark for evaluating natural language generation (NLG) models in Bangla, a widely spoken yet low-resource language. We aggregate six challenging conditional text generation tasks under the BanglaNLG benchmark, introducing a new dataset on dialogue generation in the process. Then, using a clean corpus of 27.5 GB of Bangla data, we pretrain BanglaT5, a sequence-to-sequence Transformer model for Bangla. BanglaT5 achieves state-of-the-art performance in all of these tasks, outperforming several multilingual models by up to 9% absolute gain and 32% relative gain. We are making the new dataset, the BanglaT5 language model, and a leaderboard publicly available at https://github.com/csebuetnlp/BanglaNLG in the hope of advancing future research and evaluation on Bangla NLG.Comment: Accepted at the Findings of EACL 202

    Presepsi Masyrakat Terhadap Pernikahan Dini dalam Tinjauan Hukum Islam Kecamatan Barka, Kabupaten Enrekang

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    Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk 1).Mengetahui pandangan hukum Islam  terhadap pernikahan dini. 2).Mengetahui persepsi masyarakat pernikahan usia dini terhadap masyarakat di Kec. Baraka.Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif, dengan cara mengumpulkan data-data secara langsung turun kelapangan melihat objek yang diteliti, sumber data yang diperoleh yaitu data primer dan sekunder. Data primer adalah data yang diperoleh melalui penelitian lapangan dengan wawancara, sedangkan data sekunder adalah data yang diperoleh melalui buku-buku, dan dokumen-dokumen resmi. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara dokumentasi dan interview. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 1). Mengetahui pandangan hukum Islam  terhadap pernikahan dini yaituikatan pernikahan antara pria dan wanita yang dilakukan saat kedua belah pihak masih berusia dibawah 19 tahun atau masih dalam sekolah menengah yang sudah akil baliqh. Pernikahan disebut dengan pernikahan dini jika kedua belah pihak atau salah satu orang masih berusia dibawah 19 tahun. Islam sendiri merupakan agama yang sesuai dengan tabiat manusia sehingga sangat jelas jika kesucian dan juga kebersihan seksual akan mengembalikan kita ke dalam ajaran ajaran Islam.. 2). Dalam mengetahui persepsi masyarakat pernikahan usia dini terhadap masyarakat Baraka. Tentu tidak asing mendengar tentang apa yang kita dengarkan tentang pernikahan dini, masyarakat menghimbau bahwa masyarakat di kecamatan Baraka tidak mendidik anak mereka sehingga terjadinya pergaulan bebas dan pengaruh dari media sosial. Sekarang ini anak-anak mudah terpengaruh dari lingkunganya seperti kalau sudah tammat dari pesantren tentu ada pengaruh dari kalangan anak muda sehingga mudah terpengaruh lingkunga sekitar, oleh karena itu KUA menyampaikan masyarakat di kecamatan Baraka supaya anak mereka tidak terpengaruh dari lingkunganya karna Undang-Undang yang sudah ditetapkan nomor 16 tahun 2019

    A Generalized Look at Federated Learning: Survey and Perspectives

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    Federated learning (FL) refers to a distributed machine learning framework involving learning from several decentralized edge clients without sharing local dataset. This distributed strategy prevents data leakage and enables on-device training as it updates the global model based on the local model updates. Despite offering several advantages, including data privacy and scalability, FL poses challenges such as statistical and system heterogeneity of data in federated networks, communication bottlenecks, privacy and security issues. This survey contains a systematic summarization of previous work, studies, and experiments on FL and presents a list of possibilities for FL across a range of applications and use cases. Other than that, various challenges of implementing FL and promising directions revolving around the corresponding challenges are provided.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    CrossSum: Beyond English-Centric Cross-Lingual Abstractive Text Summarization for 1500+ Language Pairs

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    We present CrossSum, a large-scale cross-lingual abstractive summarization dataset comprising 1.7 million article-summary samples in 1500+ language pairs. We create CrossSum by aligning identical articles written in different languages via cross-lingual retrieval from a multilingual summarization dataset. We propose a multi-stage data sampling algorithm to effectively train a cross-lingual summarization model capable of summarizing an article in any target language. We also propose LaSE, a new metric for automatically evaluating model-generated summaries and showing a strong correlation with ROUGE. Performance on ROUGE and LaSE indicate that pretrained models fine-tuned on CrossSum consistently outperform baseline models, even when the source and target language pairs are linguistically distant. To the best of our knowledge, CrossSum is the largest cross-lingual summarization dataset and the first-ever that does not rely solely on English as the pivot language. We are releasing the dataset, alignment and training scripts, and the models to spur future research on cross-lingual abstractive summarization. The resources can be found at https://github.com/csebuetnlp/CrossSum

    The Impact of User Participation on the Success of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Adoption in Bangladesh

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    The successful adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems is crucial for organizations to enhance operational efficiency and gain a competitive edge. User participation has been recognized as a key factor in determining the success of ERP implementation. This study aims to investigate the impact of user participation on ERP adoption success in the context of Bangladesh. The specific objectives include assessing the relationship between user participation and work performance, understanding/proficiency, user-friendliness, and training/support. Additionally, the influence of organizational factors, such as organizational value, guidelines/procedures, and resource/support availability, on user participation is examined. The study also explores the impact of user participation on compatibility with existing organizational processes and alignment with strategic goals. The findings reveal that user participation significantly influences work performance, understanding/proficiency, user-friendliness, and training/support. Organizational factors and strategic alignment play important roles in facilitating user participation. The results emphasize the need to foster user participation, provide adequate training and support, promote organizational values, and align strategic goals for successful ERP adoption in Bangladesh. These insights contribute to a better understanding of the factors that drive ERP implementation success and provide guidance for organizations in Bangladesh and similar contexts

    ChartSumm: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Automatic Chart Summarization of Long and Short Summaries

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    Automatic chart to text summarization is an effective tool for the visually impaired people along with providing precise insights of tabular data in natural language to the user. A large and well-structured dataset is always a key part for data driven models. In this paper, we propose ChartSumm: a large-scale benchmark dataset consisting of a total of 84,363 charts along with their metadata and descriptions covering a wide range of topics and chart types to generate short and long summaries. Extensive experiments with strong baseline models show that even though these models generate fluent and informative summaries by achieving decent scores in various automatic evaluation metrics, they often face issues like suffering from hallucination, missing out important data points, in addition to incorrect explanation of complex trends in the charts. We also investigated the potential of expanding ChartSumm to other languages using automated translation tools. These make our dataset a challenging benchmark for future research.Comment: Accepted as a long paper at the Canadian AI 202

    XL-Sum: Large-Scale Multilingual Abstractive Summarization for 44 Languages

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    Contemporary works on abstractive text summarization have focused primarily on high-resource languages like English, mostly due to the limited availability of datasets for low/mid-resource ones. In this work, we present XL-Sum, a comprehensive and diverse dataset comprising 1 million professionally annotated article-summary pairs from BBC, extracted using a set of carefully designed heuristics. The dataset covers 44 languages ranging from low to high-resource, for many of which no public dataset is currently available. XL-Sum is highly abstractive, concise, and of high quality, as indicated by human and intrinsic evaluation. We fine-tune mT5, a state-of-the-art pretrained multilingual model, with XL-Sum and experiment on multilingual and low-resource summarization tasks. XL-Sum induces competitive results compared to the ones obtained using similar monolingual datasets: we show higher than 11 ROUGE-2 scores on 10 languages we benchmark on, with some of them exceeding 15, as obtained by multilingual training. Additionally, training on low-resource languages individually also provides competitive performance. To the best of our knowledge, XL-Sum is the largest abstractive summarization dataset in terms of the number of samples collected from a single source and the number of languages covered. We are releasing our dataset and models to encourage future research on multilingual abstractive summarization. The resources can be found at \url{https://github.com/csebuetnlp/xl-sum}.Comment: Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL 2021 (camera-ready