37 research outputs found


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    One of the most common form of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis is peripheral tuberculous lymphadenitis and accounts for 20-40% of the cases. Tuberculous lymphadenitis has a gender and age predilection (usually seen in young females).  It is usually bilateral in presentation and is non-contagious. Recent upsurge in HIV co-infection has challenged the diagnosis and management of tuberculosis and of associated lymphadenopathy. In the endemic areas, tuberculous lymphadenitis remains an important and essential differential diagnosis in patients presenting with cervical swellings.  A timely and accurate diagnosis is mandatory to overcome this public health threat. Interdisciplinary involvement of varied medical and dental professionals enhances the possibility of an effective and timely diagnosis of this condition. Keywords: Cervical lymphadenopathy, Diagnosis, Management, Tuberculosis


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    Oral cancer accounts for a significantly higher percentage of all cancer cases. Survival rates of oral cancers are relatively low in comparison to other major cancers, although incidence rates are as low as 3%. Oral cancer is the most common cancer among Indian males and third most common cancer among Indian females. Delay in diagnosis, metastases, and the presence of secondary tumors are the major reasons for the poor prognosis of oral cancers. Innocuous potentially malignant lesions have higher chances for malignant transformation and early diagnosis of these lesions is necessary for improving survival rates. The patient's overall outcome can be enhanced through early diagnosis and management of these potentially malignant lesions, as the risk factors are well documented for oral cancers. Currently available clinical diagnostic tools developed for the early detection of oral cancers includes toluidine blue dye (TB) (tolonium chloride), Oral brush biopsy, chemiluminescence using Vizilite, salivary diagnostics, and several imaging devices such as Velscope and multispectral optical imaging systems. This paper provides a detailed review about the various diagnostic aids in the detection of oral cancers and also emphasizes a dentist's role in combating this dreadful entity.Â

    Van der woude syndrome- a case report

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    Van der Woude syndrome (VWS) is a rare, autosomal dominant disorder, caused by deletions in the chromosome band 1q32-q41, and characterized by cleft lip or cleft palate, distinctive pits of the lower lips, or both. The most prominent and consistent features of Van der Woude syndrome are oro-facial defects. The oro-facial abnormalities include lower lip pits alone, hypodontia, or isolated cleft lip and cleft palate of varying severity. A case of Van der Woude syndrome, with the typical manifestations in a seven year old male patient is being presented, along with its review of literature

    The Effect Of Ethical Culture Leadership Qualities, Entrepreneurship And Innovation On The Performance Of Government Linked Companies

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    Government-linked companies (GLCs) play an essential role in the expansion of the Malaysian economy. GLCs are contributing a significant percentage of the nation’s gross capital formation and National Gross Domestic Product and they have been regarded as instruments of national growth and supplementing government’s effort in promoting social and economic goals. Nevertheless, the performance of GLCs remains as a major concern. Although many research have been done on organisations and enterprises there is lack of research done on GLCs’ performance. Previously, the performance of GLCs in Malaysia has been affected by the poor performance of its key companies such as Proton Holdings Berhad and Malaysia Airline System (MAS). Hence, this study attempts to examine on the effect of ethical culture practices, leadership qualities, entrepreneurship orientation, and innovation existence towards the performance of Malaysian GLCs. In this study, the data is gathered via questionnaires survey collected from 102 state and federal level GLCs. The results of coefficient of independent variables showed that leadership qualities and innovation are positively correlated with organisational performance. This study suggests to improve the performance of GLCs through emphasizing on leadership qualities and placing high emphasis on innovation


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    The phytopharmaceutical curcumin - the Indian golden spice has been widely researched for its pharmaceutical properties. It exhibits a big promise as a therapeutic agent due to its properties such as antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic activity, anticarcinogenic activity, chemopreventive, chemotherapeutic activity, antitumor, antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal and is currently in human trials for a variety of conditions. The applications of curcumin in dentistry include its use as pit and fissure sealant, dental plaque detection system, subgingival irrigant, and intracanal medicament. The aim of the present paper is to review the current literature for the use of curcumin in oral mucosal lesions. A thorough review of the existing literature encompassing PubMed, Ovid, Embase, and Google scholar was made using the keywords curcumin, turmeric, oral, mucosal, oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF), oral lichen planus (OLP), aphthous, recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS), leukoplakia, mucositis, reverse smoking, tobacco-associated lesions, and premalignant. No filters in relation to language or publication year were used and only in vivo studies on humans were selected. Reference lists of retrieved journal articles were searched for publications missed during the primary search. Finally, the Google search engine was used to do a comprehensive search of the World Wide Web to ensure completeness of the search. The review of the literature revealed evidence of the use of curcumin in tobacco-associated conditions of the oral cavity-OSMF, oral leukoplakia, oral lesions associated with reverse smoking and ulcerative conditions of the oral cavity- OLP, RAS, and oral mucositis has been studied. Curcumin provides the basis for a simple, safe, acceptable, and cost-effective intervention for oral mucosal disorders

    Corporate Governance and Financial Disclosures: Bangladesh Perspective

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    Financial reporting disclosures are very essential to the shareholders of a company because they frequently use these disclosures for their economic decisions about the business enterprise.  Board of directors, corporate management and external auditor may have an influence on financial reporting disclosures. From this perspective, the study investigates the influence of corporate governance on financial reporting disclosures. The results show that corporate governance is significantly associated with the extent of financial reporting disclosures. External auditor, multilisting and profitability are significantly (5 per cent level) associated with overall financial reporting disclosures index. Keywords: Bangladesh, financial reporting disclosure, corporate governanc

    Qualitative characteristics of financial reporting

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    This empirical study evaluates the views and perceptions of external users about selected qualitative characteristics of corporate financial reports in Bangladesh.The selected qualitative characteristics were predictive value, feedback value, timeliness, verifiability, representational faithfulness, neutrality and comparability.An opinion survey was conducted on one hundred ninety external users specifically shareholders, stockbrokers, bankers, academicians and tax officers.The users’ perception about the qualitative characteristics of corporate financial reporting is far below the acceptable level and as such users have a negative attitude towards disclosures of financial reporting.The study suggests that Board of Directors(representatives of the majority shareholders) should try to resuscitate the confidence level of external users through ensuring good corporate governance with utmost sincerity and integrity.The BOD should also ensure that financial statements reflect the true and fair view of financial position, performance and the state of affairs of the reporting entity.This research may help policy makers, regulators, reporting entities, academicians, stakeholders, and other interested groups to endorse good corporate financial reporting environment in Bangladesh

    Effects of Dietary Lysine Levels on the Plasma Concentrations of Growth‐Related Hormones in Late‐Stage Finishing Pigs

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    This study was undertaken to investigate the effects of dietary lysine on the plasma concentrations of three growth‐related hormones in pigs. Nine late‐stage finishing barrows were assigned to three dietary treatments according to a completely randomized experimental design (3 pigs/treatment). Three corn and soybean meal‐based diets were formulated to contain three levels of lysine, which were 0.43, 0.71, and 0.98% for Diets 1 (lysine deficient), 2 (lysine adequate), and 3 (lysine excess), respectively. The feeding trial lasted 4 weeks, during which the pigs were allowed ad libitum access to the diets and water. After the 4 weeks, blood was collected and plasma samples were obtained. Then, the plasma concentrations of insulin, growth hormone (GH), and insulin‐like growth factor 1 (IGF‐1) were measured. No difference in the plasma concentration of insulin or GH among the three treatments was found (P > 0.10). However, the plasma IGF‐1 concentration was lower (P < 0.05) in the pigs fed Diet 1 or 3 than fed Diet 2, suggesting that either dietary lysine deficiency or excess can lead to a lower concentration of plasma IGF‐1. It was concluded that IGF‐1, instead of insulin or GH, in the blood may be a key controlling growth factor in response to dietary lysine supply for regulating muscle growth in late‐stage finishing pigs

    Corporate accruals practices of listed companies in Bangladesh

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    Corporate accounting scandal is not a new phenomenon and it is the outcome of corporate accruals i.e., accruals by management choice. This study investigated the use of corporate accruals in the financial statements of the listed companies in Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) through segregating total accruals into corporate (discretionary) and accounting (non-discretionary) accruals. The average rate of corporate accruals was 35 percent and in many cases, cash flow from operation exceeded the net income, the growth in accounts receivable was faster than sales growth, and inventory growth was not consistent with sales growth. In this context, this study may create awareness of the risk factors of corporate accruals among external users’ of accounting information especially analysts, regulator, policy makers, existing and potential shareholders, lenders, trade creditors, external auditors, researchers, financial advisors, and stock brokers. Consequently, it may reduce the use of management discretion in preparing the financial statements.peer-reviewe

    Word level Bangla Sign Language Dataset for Continuous BSL Recognition

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    An robust sign language recognition system can greatly alleviate communication barriers, particularly for people who struggle with verbal communication. This is crucial for human growth and progress as it enables the expression of thoughts, feelings, and ideas. However, sign recognition is a complex task that faces numerous challenges such as same gesture patterns for multiple signs, lighting, clothing, carrying conditions, and the presence of large poses, as well as illumination discrepancies across different views. Additionally, the absence of an extensive Bangla sign language video dataset makes it even more challenging to operate recognition systems, particularly when utilizing deep learning techniques. In order to address this issue, firstly, we created a large-scale dataset called the MVBSL-W50, which comprises 50 isolated words across 13 categories. Secondly, we developed an attention-based Bi-GRU model that captures the temporal dynamics of pose information for individuals communicating through sign language. The proposed model utilizes human pose information, which has shown to be successful in analyzing sign language patterns. By focusing solely on movement information and disregarding body appearance and environmental factors, the model is simplified and can achieve a speedier performance. The accuracy of the model is reported to be 85.64%