113 research outputs found

    Physical health and cardiometabolic risk markers among the elder people

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    In Malaysia population, cardiometabolic diseases is still the leading cause of disabilities including death which cardiometabolic risks gradually rise as the age increase. The research communities particularly in clinical facing this challenge to designate the appropriate components of preventive, diagnostic including therapeutic care for the elder people in the community. Thus, by assessing the components of physical health in the elder people may provide evidence to the physiological data as complementary, and presumably may be used to foresee the elder people health status in general. The valuable effects of relationship underlying between components of physical health towards the risk for cardiometabolic risk markers in elder people, are not well understood. Thus, exploring the relationship between the components of physical health and cardiometabolic risk markers among the elder people with cardiometabolic disease was the aim of this study. The target population was healthy people and people living with cardiometabolic diseaseattending UKMMC aged 60-75. A series of test had been taken to the participants which were agility, muscular flexibility, muscular strength and cardiorespiratory endurance. They were also donated a 10ml blood sample after an overnight fast for analysis of fasting lipid profiles, high sensitivity CRP, glucose, adiponectin and insulin. The relationship of components of physical health and cardiometabolic risk markers used Spearman rho correlation for investigation. Analysis on 68 participants has been carried oResults found that there were significant positive relationship between muscular strength with blood pressure (r=0.318, p=0.008) and muscular strength with glucose (r=0.265, p=0.029). There were also significant negative relationship found between body flexibility with HOMA-IR (r=-0.291, p=0.061), body flexibility with Insulin (r=-0.276, p=0.023), body flexibility with BMI (r=- 0.289, p=0.017) and body flexibility with the circumference of the waist (r=-0.276, p=0.022). Results suggested that good health status including ideal body weight and physical fitness will lower the cardiometabolic risk markers. ut

    A Feasibility study of the escape-pain programme for patients with knee osteoarthritis in the Malaysian context: Preparation of a protocol

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    Background: In Malaysia, around one in ten older people are diagnosed with osteoarthritis (OA), with the knee being one of the most commonly affected areas. This can lead to functional limitations, impaired activities of daily living and reduced quality-of-life. Thus, a systematic review of the literature concludes that a programme integrating exercise, education and active coping strategies, known as Enabling Self-management and Coping with Arthritic Pain using Exercise (ESCAPE-pain) provides the best evidence for patients with knee OA. Objective: Through Thus, this study aims to evaluate the feasibility of a randomised controlled trial to explore the implementation of the ESCAPE-pain programme among patients with knee OA in the Malaysian healthcare context guided by the UK Medical Research Council Framework (2000). Methods: This is a pragmatic, feasibility randomised controlled trial (RCT) recruiting patients (n=72) with knee osteoarthritis from two hospitals in Malaysia. Participants were randomised to receive ESCAPE-pain intervention plus usual care (n=36) (intervention group) or usual care only (n=36) (control group). The ESCAPE-pain programme was delivered twice weekly for six weeks by a certified trainer. Outcomes were measured for physical function (TUG), knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome scores (KOOS), mental wellbeing (Short-WEMWBS), exercise health beliefs and self-efficacy and fear of falling (Short-FES-I) at baseline, six-week and after 12-week of intervention. Results: This is the first study to evaluate the implementation in the Malaysian healthcare context. Conclusion: The findings are hoped to facilitate the practicality of the design of a definitive randomised controlled trial, to support people living with knee osteoarthritis in Malaysia

    Perspectives of ESCAPE-pain Programme for Older People with Knee Osteoarthritis in the Community Setting

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    Background: Functional limitations commonly affect patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA) which reduces quality of life. The Enabling Self-management and Coping with Arthritic Pain using Exercise (ESCAPE-pain) is an evidence-based programme identified to be suitable for adaptation for the Malaysian health care system. It is important to understand the acceptance from a sociocultural context of the ESCAPE-pain programme from the perspectives of patients with knee OA and healthcare professionals. This qualitative study aims to explore the perspectives of stakeholders to inform the adaptation of the ESCAPE-pain programme into the Malaysian health care system. Method: Semi-structured interviews using interview guides were conducted with 18 patients with knee OA and 14 healthcare professionals including nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, medical doctors, and orthopedic surgeons. The data were transcribed and analyzed using framework analysis. Results: The findings show that patients and healthcare professionals positively accept the programme into their daily living activities and recommend some modifications related to the Malaysian context. This study also highlights strategies to adopt when providing ESCAPE-pain to patients with knee OA. Conclusion: The findings reveal how sociocultural considerations could facilitate uptake and engagement with the ESCAPE-pain programme for home exercise among patients with knee osteoarthritis. These findings may benefit t patients with knee OA in the Malaysian healthcare system, although future research is recommended

    A Review on osteoarthritis and osteoporosis: Ongoing challenges for musculoskeletal care

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    Osteoarthritis and osteoporosis are two different musculoskeletal conditions which requires everyone attention. Physically inactive and increasingly obese requires a change from treating musculoskeletal conditions to a preventive approach towards promoting lifelong musculoskeletal health among older people. Accumulating data suggest that both osteoarthritis and osteoporosis are associated with an increased risk of pain, social disturbance and reduced quality of life. This review explores the management of these musculoskeletal conditions and its challenges in providing care for people living with osteoarthritis or osteoporosis. Prevention strategies and promotion of lifelong good musculoskeletal health are challenging within the society

    The use of simulation technique among undergraduate nursing student

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    Introduction. Simulation is widely practised as learning strategies in many disciplines including nursing. It is considered an updated technological approach towards providing safe and sound patients care. Thus, this study was conducted to assess the level of knowledge among nursing students using a simulated mannequin for cardiovascular assessment. Methods. This is a cross-sectional study design focusing Year 4 nursing students at Kulliyyah of Nursing, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). A simulation mannequin was used for students performing a cardiovascular assessment. Level of knowledge was tested using an adapted questionnaire. The study was approved by the Kulliyyah of Nursing Postgraduate Research Committee (Ref: IIUM/313/DDAA/20/4/10) and IIUM Research Ethics Committee (Ref: IREC 2018-024). Results. A total of 57 nursing students involved in this study revealing 100% good level of knowledge for cardiovascular assessment. Fifty-two of them reported that simulation exercise is one of the good learning strategies to enhance their capabilities and increase their confidence level. Conclusions. The results from this study could indicate that using technological simulation approach could provide a similar effect in performing cardiovascular assessment among nursing student IIUM. Future larger scale is needed including any other sub-disciplines in nursing to facilitate students' preparation towards the real clinical setting

    Influence of Islamic Philosophy on the Faith and Practices of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus and Its Musculoskeletal Manifestations

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    Transcultural care is an important aspect of patient care. This review paper discusses the influence of Islamic philosophy on the faith and practices of Muslim patients with diabetes mellitus and its musculoskeletal manifestations. Relevant articles were searched from the electronic databases Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature, PubMed, ProQuest, and Science Direct using the keywords โ€œIslamic philosophy, the influence of Islamic Philosophy in Muslim patients, religious practice during sick, fasting months, and sick.โ€ No time limitation was specified for article selection. The database search yielded 170 potential articles. The abstracts of these articles were screened, and 50 full-length manuscripts were obtained, reviewed, and analyzed for their relevance to the subject matter. Discussions rooted in the ontology, epistemology, and methodology of Islamic philosophy were described in detail to provide a sound understanding of its influence on Muslim patients. The ontology of Islamic philosophy is based on four important concepts, namely, the Unity of Allah, the Unity of Creation, the Unity of Thought, and the Unity of Man. The epistemological approach can help Muslim patients search for knowledge on the basis of ontology and three principles, namely, Ilmโ€™ Yaqin, Ainul Yaqin, and Haqqal Yaqin. The ontology and epistemology shape the methodology of Muslim patientsโ€™ daily life according to the Islamic concepts of the Five Pillars and Six True Faiths. The issues patients with diabetes mellitus and its musculoskeletal manifestations encounter usually arise when they need to perform obligations during fasting and prayers. Understanding Islamic philosophy in caring for patients with diabetes is important among healthcare professionals to provide appropriate care. Better healthcare services may be provided to Muslim patients if their specific needs are fulfilled according to their beliefs and culture. Abstrak Filosofi Islam Memengaruhi Iman dan Praktek Klien dengan Diabetes Mellitus dan Manifestasi Muskuloskeletalnya: Review. Perawatan transkultural adalah aspek penting ketika memberikan perawatan kepada klien. Artikel tinjauan ini akan membahas tentang filsafat Islam yang memengaruhi keyakinan dan praktik klien diabetes Muslim. Artikel yang relevan dicari dari database elektronik Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), PubMed, ProQuest, dan Science Direct. Kata kunci yang digunakan 'filsafat Islam, pengaruh Filsafat Islam pada klien Muslim, praktik keagamaan selama sakit, bulan puasa, dan sakit'. Tidak ada batasan waktu pada pemilihan artikel. Pencarian database mengidentifikasi sejumlah 170 artikel. Abstrak disaring dan 50 artikel lengkap diperoleh, ditinjau, dan dianalisis jika relevan. Diskusi rooting pada ontologi, epistemologi, dan metodologi filsafat Islam dijelaskan secara rinci untuk memahami pengaruhnya terhadap klien Muslim. Ontologi filsafat Islam didasarkan pada empat konsep penting; Kesatuan Allah, Kesatuan Ciptaan, Kesatuan Pemikiran, dan Kesatuan Manusia. Pendekatan epistemologis membantu klien Muslim untuk mencari pengetahuan berdasarkan ontologi dan tiga prinsip (Ilm Ya Yaqin, Ainul Yaqin, dan Haqqal Yaqin). Ini telah membentuk metodologi klien Muslim dalam kehidupan sehari-hari berdasarkan pada Islam Lima pilar dan Enam Iman Sejati. Masalah klien dengan diabetes mellitus dan manifestasi muskuloskeletalnya biasanya muncul setiap kali melakukan kewajiban saat puasa dan berdoa. Kebutuhan mereka untuk mengamati kepatuhan pengobatan, kontrol diet, doa sehari-hari, dan bagaimana metodologi memengaruhi kehidupan sehari-hari mereka. Pemahaman filosofi Islam dalam merawat klien diabetes adalah penting di antara para profesional kesehatan untuk memberikan perawatan yang tepat. Diharapkan bahwa layanan kesehatan yang lebih baik untuk klien Muslim jika kebutuhan spesifik keyakinan dan budaya terpenuhi. Kata kunci: diabetes mellitus, filsafat Islam, manifestasi muskuloskeletal, Musli

    Nursesโ€™ Awareness on Patient Safety Culture in A Newly Established University Hospital

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    As a vital part of patient care delivery, patient safety culture contributes to the quality of care provided by nurses. Safe patient care is positively linked to the attitudes of nurses. This study aimed to assess the perception of nurses working in a newly established teaching hospital. A cross-sectional study involving 194 nurses from three different units was conducted by using a 24-item Hospital Survey of Patient Safety Culture. Data on gender, working unit, age, years of working, and attendance in workshops on patient safety were also collected. The majority of the nurses had a positive total score of patient safety culture. The lowest score was 76 (63%), and the highest score was 120 (96%). The awareness on patient safety culture significantly differed between gender, years of working, and working units. Post-hoc comparisons using Tukeyโ€™s HSD test yielded a significant difference between nurses from critical care units and those from medical and surgical units. The mean score and total positive score on awareness on patient safety culture of the former were higher than those of the latter. Overall, the majority of the staff nurses in International Islamic University Malaysia Medical Center had a positive total score on awareness on patient safety culture. Awareness on patient safety, which is considered crucial worldwide, should be enhanced to influence the development of a positive patient safety culture within hospitals. This implementation would directly develop high-quality care to patients and positively impact health organizations.   Abstrak  Kesadaran Perawat terhadap Budaya Keselamatan Pasien di Rumah Sakit Universitas yang Baru Dibangun. Sebagai bagian penting dari pemberian perawatan pasien, budaya keselamatan pasien berkontribusi pada kualitas perawatan yang diberikan oleh perawat. Perawatan pasien yang aman secara positif terkait dengan sikap perawat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai persepsi perawat yang bekerja di rumah sakit pendidikan yang baru dibangun. Sebuah studi cross-sectional yang melibatkan 194 perawat dari tiga unit yang berbeda dilakukan dengan menggunakan Survei Rumah Sakit Budaya Keselamatan Pasien. Data tentang jenis kelamin, unit kerja, usia, tahun kerja, dan kehadiran dalam lokakarya tentang keselamatan pasien juga dikumpulkan. Mayoritas perawat memiliki skor total positif dari budaya keselamatan pasien. Skor terendah adalah 76 (63%), dan skor tertinggi adalah 120 (96%). Kesadaran tentang budaya keselamatan pasien berbeda secara signifikan antara jenis kelamin, tahun kerja, dan unit kerja. Perbandingan post-hoc menggunakan uji HSD Tukey menghasilkan perbedaan yang signifikan antara perawat dari unit perawatan kritis dan mereka dari unit medis dan bedah. Skor rata-rata dan skor total positif pada kesadaran tentang budaya keselamatan pasien dari yang pertama lebih tinggi daripada yang terakhir. Secara keseluruhan, mayoritas staf perawat di International Islamic University Malaysia Medical Center memiliki skor total positif pada kesadaran tentang budaya keselamatan pasien. Kesadaran akan keselamatan pasien, yang dianggap penting di seluruh dunia, harus ditingkatkan untuk memengaruhi perkembangan budaya keselamatan pasien yang positif di rumah sakit. Implementasi ini secara langsung akan mengembangkan perawatan berkualitas tinggi kepada pasien dan berdampak positif bagi organisasi kesehatan. Kata Kunci: budaya, keselamatan pasien, perawat, rumah saki

    Nursesโ€™ Awareness on Patient Safety Culture in A Newly Established University Hospital

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    As a vital part of patient care delivery, patient safety culture contributes to the quality of care provided by nurses. Safe patient care is positively linked to the attitudes of nurses. This study aimed to assess the perception of nurses working in a newly established teaching hospital. A cross-sectional study involving 194 nurses from three different units was conducted by using a 24-item Hospital Survey of Patient Safety Culture. Data on gender, working unit, age, years of working, and attendance in workshops on patient safety were also collected. The majority of the nurses had a positive total score of patient safety culture. The lowest score was 76 (63%), and the highest score was 120 (96%). The awareness on patient safety culture significantly differed between gender, years of working, and working units. Post-hoc comparisons using Tukeyโ€™s HSD test yielded a significant difference between nurses from critical care units and those from medical and surgical units. The mean score and total positive score on awareness on patient safety culture of the former were higher than those of the latter. Overall, the majority of the staff nurses in International Islamic University Malaysia Medical Center had a positive total score on awareness on patient safety culture. Awareness on patient safety, which is considered crucial worldwide, should be enhanced to influence the development of a positive patient safety culture within hospitals. This implementation would directly develop high-quality care to patients and positively impact health organizations.Abstrakย ย Kesadaran Perawat terhadap Budaya Keselamatan Pasien di Rumah Sakit Universitas yang Baru Dibangun. Sebagai bagian penting dari pemberian perawatan pasien, budaya keselamatan pasien berkontribusi pada kualitas perawatan yang diberikan oleh perawat. Perawatan pasien yang aman secara positif terkait dengan sikap perawat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai persepsi perawat yang bekerja di rumah sakit pendidikan yang baru dibangun. Sebuah studi cross-sectional yang melibatkan 194 perawat dari tiga unit yang berbeda dilakukan dengan menggunakan Survei Rumah Sakit Budaya Keselamatan Pasien. Data tentang jenis kelamin, unit kerja, usia, tahun kerja, dan kehadiran dalam lokakarya tentang keselamatan pasien juga dikumpulkan. Mayoritas perawat memiliki skor total positif dari budaya keselamatan pasien. Skor terendah adalah 76 (63%), dan skor tertinggi adalah 120 (96%). Kesadaran tentang budaya keselamatan pasien berbeda secara signifikan antara jenis kelamin, tahun kerja, dan unit kerja. Perbandingan post-hoc menggunakan uji HSD Tukey menghasilkan perbedaan yang signifikan antara perawat dari unit perawatan kritis dan mereka dari unit medis dan bedah. Skor rata-rata dan skor total positif pada kesadaran tentang budaya keselamatan pasien dari yang pertama lebih tinggi daripada yang terakhir. Secara keseluruhan, mayoritas staf perawat di International Islamic University Malaysia Medical Center memiliki skor total positif pada kesadaran tentang budaya keselamatan pasien. Kesadaran akan keselamatan pasien, yang dianggap penting di seluruh dunia, harus ditingkatkan untuk memengaruhi perkembangan budaya keselamatan pasien yang positif di rumah sakit. Implementasi ini secara langsung akan mengembangkan perawatan berkualitas tinggi kepada pasien dan berdampak positif bagi organisasi kesehatan.Kata Kunci: budaya, perawat, keselamatan pasien, rumah saki

    Perceptions toward Considering Nursing as A Career Choice among Secondary School Students

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    Demand for a nursing career in Malaysia has increased, although it has not been a popular course of choice among students. Understanding the perceptions of students about nursing may help identify any misconception toward the profession and their consideration to choose nursing as a career. This study aimed to identify the perceptions of secondary school students about nursing and their potential interest in joining a nursing career. A cross-sectional study using convenience sampling was conducted among 155 students by administering a High School Students Self-Administered Questionnaire from three selected secondary schools in Kuantan, Pahang Malaysia. Overall, the respondents positively perceived the nursing profession, although several parts were viewed negatively. Despite having a positive notion about nursing, only 18.1% of the respondents were interested to select nursing as their career and a majority of them were women. In conclusion, no significant difference in perceptions about nursing and consideration to choose nursing as a career was found. Nevertheless, the image of nurses and a nursing career need to be improved in the eye of students andsocieties. In addition, the students were not aware of the benefits of nursing with several misconceptions of genders and doctorโ€™s aid. Overall, the status of nursing in Malaysia should be enhanced to make it a valuable career.   Abstrak Persepsi terhadap Mempertimbangkan Keperawatan sebagai Pilihan Karir di antara Siswa Sekolah Sekunder. Permintaan untuk karir keperawatan di Malaysia mengalami peningkatan, meskipun belum menjadi pilihan populer di kalangan siswa. Pemahaman mengenai persepsi siswa tentang keperawatan dapat membantu mengidentifikasi kesalahpahaman terhadap profesi dan pertimbangan mereka untuk memilih keperawatan sebagai karier. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi persepsi siswa sekolah menengah tentang keperawatan dan potensi minat mereka untuk memilih karir keperawatan. Sebuah studi cross-sectional menggunakan convenience sampling dilakukan pada 155 siswa dengan High School Students Self-Administered Questionnaire dari tiga sekolah menengah di Kuantan, Pahang Malaysia. Secara keseluruhan, responden memandang positif profesi keperawatan, namun beberapa bagian dipandang negatif. Meskipun memiliki gagasan positif tentang keperawatan, hanya 18,1% dari responden tertarik untuk memilih keperawatan sebagai karir mereka dan mayoritas dari mereka adalah perempuan. Kesimpulannya, tidak ada perbedaan signifikan dalam persepsi tentang keperawatan dan pertimbangan untuk memilih keperawatan sebagai karier. Namun demikian, citra perawat dan karier keperawatan perlu ditingkatkan di mata siswa dan masyarakat. Selain itu, siswa tidak menyadari manfaat keperawatan dengan beberapa kesalahpahaman tentang gender dan bantuan dokter. Secara keseluruhan, status keperawatan di Malaysia harus ditingkatkan untuk menjadikannya karier yang berharga. Kata Kunci: karier, keperawatan, persepsi, pilihan, sekolah menengah, sisw
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