11,544 research outputs found

    Quantum transport across van der Waals domain walls in bilayer graphene

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    Bilayer graphene can exhibit deformations such that the two graphene sheets are locally detached from each other resulting in a structure consisting of domains with different inter-layer coupling. Here we investigate how the presence of these domains affect the transport properties of bilayer graphene. We derive analytical expressions for the transmission probability, and the corresponding conductance, across walls separating different inter-layer coupling domain. We find that the transmission can exhibit a valley-dependent layer asymmetry and that the domain walls have a considerable effect on the chiral tunnelling properties of the charge carriers. We show that transport measurements allow one to obtain the strength with which the two layers are coupled. We performed numerical calculations for systems with two domain walls and find that the availability of multiple transport channels in bilayer graphene modifies significantly the conductance dependence on inter-layer potential asymmetry.Comment: 20 pages, 24 Figure

    Financial Sector Reform and Its Impact on Investment and Economic Growth: An Econometric Approach

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    The financial sector is central to economic development as it serves the role of intermediary by mobilising savings and subsequently allocating credit for productive activities. However, in many developing countries including Pakistan, administered interest rate, domestic credit controls, high reserve requirements, use of captive banking system to finance large budgetary requirements of the government and controls on international capital inflows have remained the main features of the monetary policy. These repressive policies had their repercussions in the form of excess liquidity with the banking system, disintermediation of cash flows, segmentation of financial markets, underdeveloped money and capital markets, etc. [McKinnon (1973) and Shaw (1973)], therefore, argued that low interest rate ceilings unduly restrict the real flow of loanable funds, thus depressing the quantity of productive investment. Financial liberalisation, on the other hand, is defined as policy measures designed to deregulate certain operations of the financial system and transform its structure with a view to achieving a liberalised market oriented system with an appropriate regulatory framework. The financial sector reforms would lead to increase in loanable funds by attracting more household savings to bank deposits due to higher interest rates. This, in turn, would result in greater investment and faster economic growth.

    Pengaruh Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Tik Terhadap Motivasi Dan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas V Sdn Model Terpadu Madani Palu

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    This study tries to describe the influence of ICT media toward student\u27s motivation and learning outcome.The study question was how to ICT media influences toward student\u27s motivation and learning outcome.This study was carried out at SDN Model Terpadu Madani Palu on even semester 2013-2014. The methods of this study was experiment by using ICT media as dependent variable (X). Motivation and learning outcomes as independent variable (Y). The result of this study by using F-test were both the motivation and learning outcome very significant. The result of Fcount motivation and learning outcome each by 242.07 and 121.00. This result more than Ftable (1%) = 94.40. In conclusion: By using ICT media on science learning at grade 5th SDN Model Terpadu Madani Palu would be increasing ofstudent\u27s motivation and learning outcome

    Upaya Mengembangkan Jiwa Kewirausahaan Ibu Rumah Tangga di Desa Alasmalang dalam Pengeksplorasian Rebung sebagai Kripik

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    In the modern era many women who have a profession is not inferior to her husband with a variety of reasons, especially in urban areas. Good for the purpose of helping to meet the needs of the household, until to seek its own satisfaction. But unlike the wives in the villages, the majority of them are housewives who rely solely on the salary or income of husbands to meet all household needs, which in fact the income of the husband has not been able to meet daily needs. For example in the village of Alasmalang, where the majority of mothers there are housewives, with low education level, so that not much knowledge owned, either in the form of skill or creativity is mastered to be able to help lift the family\u27s economy. Therefore, we plan to provide training on making bamboo shoots in the hope that after following the training on making bamboo shoots into chip,especially housewives can get a job with entrepreneurship or create a working group. In the village of Alasmalang the potential with bamboo plants is quite high, because many farmers who planted land owned by bamboo plants. But only use the bamboo trees that are old enough, and the people around just know bamboo processed into vegetables or stir-fry bamboo shoots only. Therefore, this training is expected to become a new land for housewives to start entrepreneurship. Food fiber content in bamboo shoots is also quite good that is 2.56 percent, higher than other types of tropical vegetables, other than that bamboo shoots have a high enough potassium content. Potassium levels per 100 grams of bamboo shoots is 533 mg. Foods that potassium fiber, which is at least 400 mg, can reduce the risk of stroke

    Hypocenter Distribution of Low Frequency Event at Papandayan Volcano

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    Papandayan volcano is a stratovolcano with irregular cone-shaped has eight craters around the peak. The most active crater in Papandayan is a Mas crater. Distribution of relocated event calculated using Geiger Adaptive Damping Algorithm (GAD) shows that the epicenter of the event centered below Mas crater with maximum rms 0.114. While depth of the hypocenter range between 0-2 km and 5-6 km due to activity of steam and gas

    Mutu Kulit Glase Dari Kulit Domba Peranakan Merino

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    This research used four pieces of good quality merino descendent sheep skin and four pieces of good quality local sheep of glace leather produced from merino descendent sheep skin to that one from local sheep skin. Either merino descendent sheep skins or the local ones were processed into glase leather through the ordinary tanning method. Glace leather output from this research were visual investigated and physical tested. Statistical analysys points out that there is unsignify difference (P ≼ 0,05) the influence of the species either it is merino and the stretch of glaze leather. It is also unsignify difference (P ≼ 0,05) the influence of the species either it is merino descendent sheep skin or the local one to the quality of glaze leather.Pratical meaning of this research is that merino descendent sheep skin may be tanned into glaze leather having same quality to that one from local sheep skins
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