8 research outputs found


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    Harnessing the Wisdom of the Confident Crowd in Medical Image Decision-making

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    A registered report on presentation factors that influence the attraction effect

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    Context effects occur when the preference between two alternatives is affected by the presence of an extra alternative. These effects are some of the most well studied phenomena in multi-alternative, multi-attribute decision making. Recent research in this area has revealed an intriguing pattern of results. On the one hand, these effects are robust and ubiquitous. That is, they have been demonstrated in many domains and different choice settings. On the other hand, they are fragile and they disappear or even reverse under different conditions. This pattern of results has spurred debate and speculation about the cognitive mechanisms that drive these choices. The attraction effect, where the preference for an option increases in the presence of a dominated decoy, has generated the most controversy. In this registered report, we systematically vary factors that are known to be associated with the attraction effect to build a solid foundation of empirical results to aid future theory development. We find a robust attraction effect across the different conditions. The strength of this effect is modulated by the display order (e.g., decoy top, target middle, competitor bottom) and mode (numeric vs. graphical) but not display layout (by-attribute vs. by-alternative)

    Harnessing the Wisdom of the Confident Crowd in Medical Image Decision-making

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    Improving the accuracy of medical image interpretation is critical to improving the diagnosis of many diseases. Using both novices (undergraduates) and experts (medical professionals), we investigated methods for improving the accuracy of a single decision maker and a group of decision makers by aggregating repeated decisions in different ways. Participants made classification decisions (cancerous versus non-cancerous) and confidence judgments on a series of cell images, viewing and classifying each image twice. We first examined whether it is possible to improve individual-level performance by using the maximum confidence slating algorithm (Koriat, 2012b), which leverages metacognitive ability by using the most confident response for an image as the ‘final response’. We find maximum confidence slating improves individual classification accuracy for both novices and experts. Building on these results, we show that aggregation algorithms based on confidence weighting scale to larger groups of participants, dramatically improving diagnostic accuracy, with the performance of groups of novices reaching that of individual experts. In sum, we find that repeated decision making and confidence weighting can be a valuable way to improve accuracy in medical image decision-making and that these techniques can be used in conjunction with each other