704 research outputs found
Pakistan: the causes and repercussions of the housing crisis
"Pakistan is experiencing an unprecedented urban housing crisis. Low-rise, low-income urban settlements are rapidly and informally becoming high-rise, high-density informal settlements, with all the physical, social and environmental problems of unplanned densification. Meanwhile, speculative low-density elite housing
is encroaching on the ecological assets of the city. This working
paper explores the factors that have led to this crisis – and also
what policy actions can be taken to help mitigate it, such as
passing legislation to acquire land for low-income settlements,
suppressing land speculation and prescribing minimum density
for all settlements. Providing affordable credit and house
improvement loans for informal settlements will also be crucial, as
well as advice on how to use those loans effectively. Appropriate
housing standards are also needed so that design and technical
advice is available to those involved in the informal and formal
densification process, while also establishing criteria for judging
the merits of new housing projects. Finally, more research is
needed to better understand the processes, actors and dynamics
of the evolving informal densification process.
Crisis Communication Patterns in Social Media during Hurricane Sandy
Hurricane Sandy was one of the deadliest and costliest of hurricanes over the
past few decades. Many states experienced significant power outage, however
many people used social media to communicate while having limited or no access
to traditional information sources. In this study, we explored the evolution of
various communication patterns using machine learning techniques and determined
user concerns that emerged over the course of Hurricane Sandy. The original
data included ~52M tweets coming from ~13M users between October 14, 2012 and
November 12, 2012. We run topic model on ~763K tweets from top 4,029 most
frequent users who tweeted about Sandy at least 100 times. We identified 250
well-defined communication patterns based on perplexity. Conversations of most
frequent and relevant users indicate the evolution of numerous storm-phase
(warning, response, and recovery) specific topics. People were also concerned
about storm location and time, media coverage, and activities of political
leaders and celebrities. We also present each relevant keyword that contributed
to one particular pattern of user concerns. Such keywords would be particularly
meaningful in targeted information spreading and effective crisis communication
in similar major disasters. Each of these words can also be helpful for
efficient hash-tagging to reach target audience as needed via social media. The
pattern recognition approach of this study can be used in identifying real time
user needs in future crises
Impacts of economic crises and reform on the informal textile industry in Karachi
"To date, no empirical research has examined the local impacts of economic crises and reform on cities in Pakistan, including Karachi. This study addresses this gap by examining how the textile industry – as one of Pakistan’s most productive economic sectors – has been impacted, with a focus on the informal power loom sub-sector.
The factors that have contributed to the decline of the textile industry and the repercussions for this sub-sector, including one of the settlements in which it operates, are discussed. The conclusions
contemplate the challenges of formulating urban policy responses to an economic problem that is shaped simultaneously by local, regional and
global pressures.
This research reviews Ahmad Rajafi's thoughts on Indonesia's Islamic family law reform movement. Utilising literature-based research with qualitative research and descriptive-analytic analysis, where the primary data source is Ahmad Rajafi's works. Then, the data is processed and analysed using two main theories: Social Evolution theory and Conflict theory. The results show that from a historical perspective, the Old Order reflected early attempts to remove colonial traces in family law, focusing on harmonisation between religion and national interests. The New Order involved conflict between religious groups over the 1974 Marriage Law, with concrete steps to achieve harmony between Islamic law and national interests by establishing the Compilation of Islamic Law. The Reformation era marked the debate on polygamy and the search for an Indonesian identity in family law, reflecting the complexity of Indonesia's journey towards a just and inclusive legal system. In the social evolution and conflict theory analysis, family law reform is not only linear but influenced by conflict and changes in social values. This process reflects an active struggle to achieve gender justice and maintain local identity in the Indonesian context. This research concludes that Ahmad Rajafi's thoughts on family law change not only reflect adaptation to social and cultural changes but also involve an active struggle to achieve gender justice and maintain local identity in the Indonesian context.
Keywords: Ahmad Rajafi, Reform, Family Law, Indonesia, Social Evolution, Conflict Theor
“If you look at Karachi and who plans it, the decisions are made by those who do not understand the problems of the ordinary people” – Arif Hasan
With its fast-growing population Karachi is typical of many South Asian megacities that struggle to meet the needs of low income citizens. The eminent Pakistani architect Arif Hasan has been involved in urban development for over 40 years. Here he talks to Mukti Jain Campion about his home city’s post-Partition evolution
Sejarah kedatangan Islam dan Tradisi Posan (Pesaji) di Pulau Lombok
Islam muncul di Pulau Lombok pada abad ke-16 sekitar tahun 1545 masihi. Kemudian agama Islam disebar luaskan oleh pendakwah yang berasal dari Pulau Jawa iaitu Sunan Prapen putera kepada Sunan Giri (Wali Songo). Sebelum kedatangan Islam kepercayaan asli masyarakat Lombok atau Suku Sasak ialah Boda. Penganut Boda merupakan komuniti kecil dan masih wujud pada awal abad ke-20, di bahagian utara Gunung Rinjani dan di beberapa desa di sebelah selatan Gunung Rinjani. Mereka berasal dari bahagian tengah pulau Lombok dan mereka pindah ke wilayah pegunungan untuk menghindari proses Islamisasi. Sementara masyarakat Islam Wetu Telu dalam pengamalan kepercayaannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, masih sangat kuat berpegang teguh pada adat atau tradisi nenek moyang. Contohnya ialah tradisi Posan (Pesaji) merupakan sebuah upacara adat yang dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat Islam Wetu Telu ketika menyunat anak lelaki dan tradisi ini masih dilaksanakan sampai sekarang ini. Masyarakat Islam Wetu Telu juga merupakan masyarakat yang kuat akan kepercayaannya terhadap Animisme dan Dinamisme. Asal usul masyarakat Islam Wetu Telu ini ialah adanya percampuran kepercayaan daripada Animisme, Dinamisme, Hindu dan Islam. Kajian ini membincangkan tentang sejarah singkat tradisi posan dan sejarah munculnya agama Islam di Pulau Lombok
Analisis Koordinasi Recloser dan PMT Penyulang Palasari (PLSI) Distribusi Jawa Barat dan Banten Area Bandung
Gangguan pada jaringan distribusi teganganmenengah yang sering terjadi adalah gangguan temporer,untuk mengatasi gangguan temporer pada jaringan distribusibiasanya dipasang recloser (Pemutus Balik Otomatis)dimana kontak-kontak recloser dapat menutup kembalisecara otomatis ketika terjadi gangguan. Pengaman recloserharus dapat dikoordinasikan dengan pengaman lain padajaringan, misalnya PMT di bagian hulu penyulang, relay aruslebih (OCR) dan relay gangguan tanah (GFR) agarselektifitasnya tercapai. Untuk mengkoordinasikan recloserdan PMT diperlukannya settingan relay serta waktu kerjarelay yang sesuai pada jaringa
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