2,042 research outputs found

    Simulation and static measurement of the gas volume fraction in a separated flow model using a Conductance Multiphase Venturi Meter (CMVM)

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    The assumption of equal mixture densities at the inlet and the throat of the Venturi is only valid in a homogenous flow. This assumption is no longer valid for a separated flow and therefore, the measurement of the gas volume fraction at the throat must be introduced. This paper presents an advanced Conductance Multiphase Venturi Meter (CMVM) which is capable of measuring the gas volume fraction at the throat of the CMVM. In water continuous multiphase flow, the electrical conductance technique has proven attractive for many industrial applications. In gas-water two phase flow the electric conductance technique can be used to extract the gas volume fraction. We measure conductance using two ring electrodes flush with the inner surface of the Venturi throat. Different nylon rods with different diameters were inserted at the center of the throat to simulate the gas volume fraction at the throat. Experimental static tests for a vertical and a horizontal Venturi meter were performed in which the water film thickness and the gas volume fraction (i.e. the volume occupied by a non-conducting rod) were measured. In this paper, the experimental results were also compared with those obtained from COMSOL finite element software. It was inferred from this comparison that the error was less than 1.95 %

    Experimental and theoretical study of the gas–water two phase flow through a conductance multiphase Venturi meter in vertical annular (wet gas) flow

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    Annular gas–liquid two phase flow widely occurs in nuclear industry. Various combinations of techniques have been employed in annular gas–liquid two phase flows to measure the flow parameters (e.g. liquid film thickness, gas volume fraction and the phase flow rates). One of the most useful techniques which has proven attractive for many multiphase flow applications is the electrical conductance technique. This paper presents an advanced conductance multiphase Venturi meter (CMVM) which is capable of measuring the gas volume fractions at the inlet and the throat of the Venturi. A new model was investigated to measure the gas flow rate. This model is based on the measurement of the gas volume fractions at the inlet and the throat of the Venturi meter using a conductance technique rather than relying on prior knowledge of the mass flow quality x. We measure conductance using two ring electrodes flush with the inner surface of the Venturi throat and two ring electrodes flush with the inner surface of the Venturi inlet. The basic operation of the electrical conductance technique in a multiphase flow is that the conductance of the mixture depends on the gas volume fraction in the water. An electronic circuit was built and calibrated to give a dc voltage output which is proportional to the conductance of the mixture which can then be related to the water film thickness in annular flow (and hence to the gas volume fraction). It was inferred from the experimental results that the minimum average percentage error of the predicted gas mass flow rates (i.e. −0.0428%) can be achieved at the optimum gas discharge coefficient of 0.932

    Geomorphological Landscapes of Tar Al-Sayed and Tar Al-Najaf Area-Central of Iraq

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    يشتمل العراق على مجموعة متنوعة من المشاهد او المناظر الجيومورفولوجية الطبيعية، هذة التضاريس الصحراوية المتغيرة والجميلة تعطي فكرة عن التاريخ التكتوني على المدى الطويل وأيضاً مناخ هذا الجزء من الصفيحة العربية. ان منطقة طار السيد وطار النجف تتضمن مناظر جيومورفولوجية متغيرة وتعكس عمليات خارجية مختلفة وقد لوحظت هذه المشاهد في هذا المجال: البرخان والصفائح الرملية التي هي ظواهر متحركة، وهي منتشرة على نطاق واسع، لكن هنالك مظاهر جيومورفولوجية أصغر وهي تموجات الرياح، ومظاهر أخرى هي الميزا و الحافات الصخرية والتي تتكون كنتيجة لتآكل تتابعات الصخور الرسوبية. تعتبر البيوت (تلال) من المظاهر الموجودة ضمن منطقة الدراسة، ظاهرة الزوجين واضحة في منطقة الدراسة وجدت في طبقة هشة تم تآكلها من قبل الرياح. في المناطق التي يهيمن فيها تآكل الرياح على التآكل المائي. الياردانج هي عبارة عن تلال هوائية. ان كهوف التافوني هي عبارة عن مداخل على شكل قوس حجمها يكون من عدة سنتيمترات إلى عدة أمتار في القطر والعمق. تشكلت الأقواس الطبيعية نتيجة التجوية مع الانهيار الشاملوهي تحدث بشكل شائع في الحجر الرملي والحجر الطيني.عدم استقرار المنحدرات هي ظاهرة واسع النطاق. انواع أنظمة التصريف في منطقة الدراسة هي النمط الشجري وهي الأكثر انتشارًا. هنال بعض الظواهر تتكون من الرواسب النهرية كما هو الحال في المراوح الغرينية.Iraq has a variety of geomorphological landscapes, because of the varied and beautiful desert landforms and these forms may tell us the tectonic history on a long term and also the climate of this part of the Arabian plate. Tar Al-Sayed and Tar Al-Najaf area have geomorphological landscapes that are variable and reflect different exogenic processes and these features been observed in the field are: Barchans and sand sheet which are mobile features, and they are widespread, but the smallest Geomorphological Landscapes are wind ripples, other features are Mesas and escarpments as a result of the erosion of sequences of sedimentary rocks. Also, butte these are flattened top hills, Zeugen obvious feature in the study area found in soft strata been eroded by the wind. In the areas where the wind erosion predominates over water erosion in moulding some of these features. Yardangs are wind- roded, aerodynamic hills. Tafoni Caves are arch-shaped entrances sized several centimeters to several meters in diameter and depth. When weathering together with mass collapse found, then Natural Arches formed. They most commonly occur in sandstone and claystone. Slope Instability which it is extensively landslide phenomena. The Drainage Systems in the study area have dendritic pattern and it is the most predominant. Some of the features composed of fluvial sediments as in Alluvial Fans

    Some Immunological Parameters in Women With Celiac Disease

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    تعد حساسية الحنطة من أكثر أنواع أمراضالمناعةالذاتية شيوعا" في العالم .والذي قديتسبب في مشاكل كثيرة لدى النساء الحوامل وأطفالهن .هنالك بعض العلامات الخاصة بحساسية الحنطة مثل المستضدAnti- tissue transglutaminase  ,,ومستضد Anti- gliadin antibodies والتي تساهم في تطور حساسية الحنطة وانتشاره. نأملفي هذهالدراسةأننحددفيماإذاكانهنالك علاقة ارتباطبينحساسيةالحنطةوالقدرةعلى الإنجاب وتأثيرها علىحديثيالولادةوكذلكالتعرفعلىالنتائجالمحتملةلهذهالعوامل.نفذت هذه الدراسة  على 30 حالة مرضية ( جميع المرضى كانوا من النساء ) مع أعمار تتراوح بين 15-46 سنة و جمعت العينة من مدينة الحسين الطبية في محافظة كربلاء , كما و شملت الدراسة على مجموعة سيطرة بعدد 20 أنثى خالين تماما من أعراض وعلامات الإصابة بحساسيةالحنطة وقد تطابقوا من حيث العمر مع المرضى, كذلك اخذ بنظر الاعتبار خلوهم تماما" من تاريخ الإصابة بالمرض .استخدمت طريقة الامتزاز المناعي المرتبط بالأنزيم لفحصالمستضد Tissue transglutaminase ,ومستضد anti- gliadin والتي تساهم في تطور حاله المرضى ,حللت البيانات إحصائيا" الرزمة الإحصائية(person correlation- ANOVA – SPSS version 24)  وكذلك تم مقارنة القيم بواسطة العينة  المستقلة (T- test) , إذا كان مستوى المعنوية اصغر أو يساوي 0,05 مع المقارنة بمجموعة السيطرة فتعتبر عالية المعنوية.أظهرت النتاج ارتفاع مضاد الكليادين ومضاد الاندوميزيم  بشكل معنوي عند المقارنة مع مجموعة السيطرة .وأظهرت النتائج إنهنالك علاقة معنوية بين حساسية الحنطة والخصوبة.وكذلك هنالك تأثير لحساسية الحنطة على حديثي الولادة   .Celiac disease is one of an autoimmune diseasein the world and  genetically linked . This disease may be cause many problems for pregnant women and their children . Tthere are many markers specific for celiac disease like anti-tissue transglutaminase and anti-gliadin antibodies which associated with development of celiac disease.In this study, we wished to determine whether there are relationship between  celiac disease and fertility , effect on newborn and to identify the possible implications of these factors to disease course.Thirty female patients with a celiac disease  with ages ranged between (15- 46) years were taken from (Al-Hussein Medical  City/Kerbala).Control group consisted of 20 healthy people who were free from signs and symptoms of celiac disease who matched in age and gender with patients, and had no history for any celiac disease  problem. TTG  IgA & IgG ,AGA EASIA Kit, Generic assay ) and  was studied using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method. T-test and ANOVA and Pearson correlation used to analyze results by using SPSS version 24. P-value ≤ 0.05 was considered significant.TTG and AGA levels were increased significantly (p< 0.05) in patients compared with the control group .TTG and AGA levels were increased significantly (p< 0.05) in patients compared with  the control group. Also, there were  significant abnormality and complication when compared with control groups. So there was significant correlation between celiac disease and infertility and there is some effect on baby of women with celiac diseas

    The workload of nursing: A concept analysis using walker and avant approach

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    Background and aims: To predict the nursing workforce needed to care for patients in hospital wards, the workload of nursing care should be specified. In this regards, clarifying the concept of "nurse workload" can expand professional contributions of nurses in the health care system. The aim of this study was to assess the multiple dimensions of nursing workload, define its characteristics and functions in nursing, and ultimately provide a conceptual definition of nursing workload. Methods: Walker and Avant (2011) eight-step method of concept analyze was used for clarifying the concept of "nurse workload". Using “nursing” and “workload” keywords, electronic databases including Pubmed, SCOPUS, CINAHL, OVID, Persian Scientific Information Database (SID), Iranian Research Institute for Science and Technology (IranDOC) and MAGIRAN publication database were searched without time limit based on the inclusion criteria, and 8 studies included into review. Results: The nursing workload was defined and the five dimensions of this concept were determined. Workload dimensions were the amount of time, knowledge, skills and behavior (nursing competence); nursing intensity (direct patient care); physical activity; mental and emotional processes; and the ability of nurses to change the treatment plan during their shift. Nursing workload includes direct and indirect activities that nurses do on behalf of the patient. Workload was defined as the need for nursing care or nursing skilled to meet the caring needs of patients. Conclusion: Nursing workload is amount of time and care that a nurse performs (directly or indirectly) to patients, work setting, and professional development. Therefore, the whole time of nursing that nurses need to perform in both of nursing and non-nursing activities should be considered in the nursing workload measurement. By understanding the nursing workload, nurse managers can take appropriate action to improve nurses working conditions. In addition, the fair distribution of the nurse's workload will maximize their productivity

    Plasmonic Devices in the Terahertz and Optical Frequency Domains

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    We are living in an age where the evolution of semiconductor devices and components is contingent upon their miniaturization and seamless integration with the rest of the circuitry. Unfortunately, it is anticipated that electronic systems will soon approach the theoretical design limits of size and bandwidth, and it poses to be a serious concern for the development of high-speed information technologies. Replacement of electronic pulses that act as communication signals with electromagnetic surface waves offers a very promising solution, particularly in terms of device miniaturization and the heart of this optimism are the plasmonic waves arising due to collective electron oscillations at the surface of a conductor. Surface plasmon polaritons propagating along a metal-dielectric interface at optical frequencies have lately been a subject of immense research interest, mainly due to their reduced wavelength at least by an order of magnitude. Hence, miniaturized wave devices can be created at optical frequencies. Terahertz plasma waves, on the other hand, exist in infinitesimally thin plasma regions formed inside a transistor substrate, and are observed at much lower frequencies in the far-infrared regime. Due to essentially a two-dimensional nature of the plasma region, a much higher wavelength reduction factor that can exceed well beyond 100 is achievable. Furthermore, the boundary conditions due to the transistor terminals along with electric biasing create unstable resonance conditions that eventually lead to radiation in the terahertz frequency range. Such phenomena provide bright prospects for creating highly miniaturized terahertz devices. A reliable and efficient electromagnetic (EM) analysis for multilayer geome tries has gained further significance due to the emergence of plasmonic structures in the optical as well as terahertz frequency domains. In this regard, integral equation (IE) techniques are ideally suited due to their efficient handling of mutilayer structures. Although the presence of thin layers poses a challenge to any EM analysis technique, here the procedure is simplified due to the infinitesimally thin nature of the plasma region, which can be analyzed as a conducting sheet, with the same current flowing on either side of the sheet. Essential to any IE technique is an efficient and systematic formulation of Green functions (GFs) and their subsequent computation. In this dissertation, a transmission-line network based approach is adopted to derive spectral domain GFs for an infinitesimally thin sheet in a layered medium. The associated spatial domain counterparts are then computed through the Sommerfeld integrals (SIs). The extraordinary electromagnetic properties of plasmonic devices are demonstrated by a presentation of the properties of plasmonic antennas and a super-resolution imaging scheme which is able to resolve objects separated only by a few nanometers

    A Modified Technology Acceptance Model for Camera Mobile Phone Adoption: Development and validation

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    This study develops an extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to assess the user acceptance and voluntary usage of the camera mobile phone technology. While there has been considerable research on the extension of TAM (Venkatesh and Davis 2000; Yi et al. 2006), limitations include the omission of an important privacy-based construct in the context of mobile devices. To fill in this gap, this study introduces a model that describes Camera Mobile Phone (CMP) adoption in the Arab world. Data collected from 241 users in Kuwait were tested against the extended TAM. Results reveal perceived enjoyment is the most direct determinant of CMP usage, followed second by personal innovativeness and third by perceived usefulness. However, results show privacy exerts the weakest effect on CMP usage

    Calix[4]pyrrole macrocycle: Extraction of fluoride anions from aqueous media

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    Solid-phase extraction of fluoride anions by calixpyrrole macrocycle (CP) from aqueous media has been studied using the batch method. Various significant extraction parameters like initial concentration of the anion, extraction time, concentration of the calixpyrrole, pH and temperature were evaluated. Langmuir, Freundlichand, Dubinin-Redushkevish (D-R) isotherms and coefficients were used to analyze the equilibrium data. The amount of fluoride anion extracted per unit of the CP was found to be 0.40 mg/g at 298 K from 19 mg/L aqueous solution of fluoride anions. The mean free energy calculated from D-R model for the removal of fluoride anions by the CP was found to be 10.0 kJ/mol, indicating that chemisorption is involved in the extraction process. The data were also fitted to kinetic models such as pseudo first order and pseudo second order. The removal of fluoride anions increased with increasing temperature indicating the endothermic nature of the extraction process. The present method has been compared with the previous methods

    Evaluation of Hydrated Lime Filler in Asphalt Mixtures

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    Mineral filler is one of important materials and affecting on properties and quality of asphalt mixtures .There are different types of mineral filler depended on cost and quality , the matter encourages us to achieve this study to evaluate hydrated lime filler effects on properties of asphalt mixes related with strength and durability. Conventional asphaltic concrete mixtures with Portland cement and soft sandstone fillers and mixtures modified with hydrated lime were evaluated for their fundamental engineering properties as defined by Marshall properties , index of retained strength , indirect tensile strength , permanent deformation characteristics , and fatigue resistance .A typical dense graded mixture employed in construction of surface course pavement in Iraq in accordance with SCRB specifications was used .The materials used in this study included mineral aggregate materials (coarse and fine sizes) were originally obtained from Najaf Sea quarries and two grades of asphalt cements produced from Daurah refinery which are D47 and D66 . The physical properties , stiffness modulus and chemical composition are evaluated for the recovered asphalt cement from prepared asphalt mixes containing various filler types .The paper results indicated that the addition of hydrated lime as mineral filler improved the permanent deformation characteristics and fatigue life and the use of hydrated lime will decrease the moisture susceptibility of the asphalt mixtures