84 research outputs found

    Penerapan Pendekatan Science, Environment, Technology And Society (Sets) untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa pada Pokok Bahasan Koloid di Kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 4 Kundur

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    Research aims to improve student achievement on the subject of colloids in class XI Science Senior High School 4 Kundur. This type of research is experimental research study design randomized control group pretest-posttest. Research conducted at Senior High School 4 Kundur. Samples of the research were students of class XI Science 1 as an experimental class and class XI Science 2 as the control class. Experimental class is a class that is applied approach to science, environment, technology and society (SETS) whereas the untreated control class. Data analysis technique used was t test. Based on test data analysis obtained tcount>ttable is 2,33>1,67, meaning that the use of science approach, environment, technology and society (SETS) can increase student achievement on the subject of colloids in class XI Science Senior High School 4 Kundur by category increase achievement (N-Gain) high at 0.71

    Respons Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Bawang Merah (Allium Ascalonicum L.) Terhadap Komposisi Pemberian Abu Vulkanik Gunung Sinabung, Arang Sekam Padi Dan Kompos Jerami

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    Volcanic ash had an acidic pH may degrade agricultural lands and the result of shallot production.The composition of giving about the volcanic ash, rice husk charcoal and rice straw compos canhelp the availability of nutrients through the release of organic acids thereby creating a plantingmedium that supports the growth and production of shallot. The objective of the research was todetermine the effect of composition of giving about the volcanic ash, rice husk charcoal and strawcompost on the growth of shallot. The research was done at experimental field of AgriculturalFaculty, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan in July-September 2014. The research usedrandomize block design with seven treathments and three replications. This study used arandomized block design Non Factorial with ten treatments and three replications. Parameterobserved were tillers number, wet weight per sample, wet weight per plot, dry weight per sample,dry weight per plot. The results of research showed that the composition of giving about thevolcanic ash, rice husk charcoal and straw compost influence significantly the parameters of tillersnumber 4 MST. There are no significant different for wet weight per sample, wet weight per plot,dry weight per sample, dry weight per plot.. The composition of giving volcanic ash 5 ton/ha + ricehusk charcoal 5 ton/ha + straw compost 3,75 ton/ha was the the best composition to produce tillersnumber of shallots

    Quality of Soil and Yield of Food Crops in Ultisols Due to Application of Manure and Source of Phosphate Fertilizer

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    Acid upland soil in Indonesia has a potential for agricultural development but it has constraints low of organic C and available P as well as the soil physical properties have been degraded. The use of manure and direct application phosphate rock (PR) was an alternative to improve land productivity and crop yields. The objective of the study was to examine the effects of manure and the sources of P on soil physical and chemical properties and yield of foods crop that was arranged on intensive cropping systems of upland rice + maize -/- cassava- mungbean. The experiment was carried out at Tamanbogo Station Farm, East Lampung since 2007 until 2009 using randomized completely block design with 3 replications. The treatments were (1) 10 Mg ha-1 manures + 1 Mg ha-1 of RP, (2) without manure + 1 Mg ha-1 of PR, (3) 10 Mg ha-1 manures + 100 kg ha-1 SP 36, and (4) without manure + 100 kg ha-1 SP 36. The results showed that the application of manure along with PR improved soil chemical and physical characteristics. Its improvement affected the yield of foods crops, hence the profit increased with B/C ratio between 2.88-3.60. Keywords:  Food crops,  manure, soil quality, source of P, upland ultisols[How to Cite: Soelaeman Y and U Haryati. 2012. Quality of Soil and Yield of Food Crops in Ultisols Due to Application of Manure and Source of Phosphate Fertilizer. J Trop Soils 17 (1) : 45-52. Doi: 10.5400/jts.2012.17.1.45] [Permalink/DOI: www.dx.doi.org/10.540/jts.2012.17.1.45

    Kajian Penggunaan Insektisida Nabati terhadap Ulat Jengkal (Hyposidra Talaca) pada Tanaman Teh di Kabupaten Bandung

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    Effect of Bio Insecticides to Caterpillar (Hyposidra talaca) at Tea Plant in Bandung Regency.The caterpillar (Hyposidra talaca) is one of limitation factor concerning productivity in tea plantation, this isthe plant pest of caterpillar attack the plant, including pest will attack tea shoots, young and old leaves. The pestattack begins from seedling through maturity, and commonly occur in productive plants and this happen in anew trim plants with a serious invasion the plants wills die. The assessment of the application of bio pesticidefor controlling the caterpillar was conducted at farmer area in Cikalong village, Cikalongwetan subdistrict on2006. The above assessment used synthetic pesticide, with 3 treatment bio pesticide, with one synthetic pesticideand 3 replication. Parameter being observed were caterpillar larva population, pest intensity attack and farmercost analysis with the above different treatment. The study is aimed at to knows effectiveness bio-insecticide,shoot productivity of tea, and farming analysis. The result of this assessment showed that, the nimba treatment,extract the soursop seed, toona, insecticide able to decrease the intensity invasion up to the seventh observationi.e. 0.00%, 1.50%, 0.00%, 0.00% and 0.00%. Optimum yields were achieved from insecticide treatment of 5,460kg/ha/70 days, followed by toona 5,250 kg/ha/70 days, w, soursop 4,207 kg/ha/70 days, nimba 3,423 kg/ha/70days, while the control point was only 1,463 kg/ha/70 days. Toona treatment i.e. Rp.4,380,387 with the B/C2,37. Bio pesticide suren was the best and give high income. The recommendation of this assessment, that usedbioinsecticide suren leaf extract dose 10 ml/l with interval 10 day on tea was effective and give high income.Key words : Bio insecticide, tea, catterpillarUlat jengkal (Hyposidra talaca) merupakan faktor pembatas dalam budidaya teh, hama ini dapat menyerangpucuk, daun muda dan daun tua. Serangannya sejak tanaman dalam persemaian hingga tanaman tua, umumnyapada tanaman yang produktif, dan bila menyerang tanaman yang baru dipangkas pada serangan berat tanamanakan mengalami kematian. Pengkajian dilakukan di lahan petani Desa Cikalong, Kecamatan Cikalongwetan padatahun 2006, dengan menggunakan metode demonstrasi plot dengan 3 perlakuan insektisida nabati, 1 pestisidasintetik dan 1 kontrol dengan 3 ulangan. Parameter yang diamati meliputi populasi ulat jengkal, intensitas seranganhama, dan analisis USAhatani. Tujuan pengkajian untuk mengetahui efektifitas insektisida nabati terhadap intensitasserangan ulat jengkal, produksi pucuk teh segar dan analisa USAhatani masing-masing perlakuan. Hasil pengkajianmenunjukkan bahwa perlakuan nimba, ekstrak biji sirsak, suren, insektisida dapat menurunkan intensitas seranganmasing-masing 0,00%, 1,50%, 0,00% dan 0,00. Produksi tertinggi diperoleh dari perlakuan Insektisida yaitu5.460 kg/ha/70 hari, diikuti oleh suren 5.250 kg/ha/70 hari, sirsak 4.207 kg/ha/70 hari, nimba 3.423 kg/ha/70 hari,sedangkan kontrol hanya 1.463 kg/ha/70 hari. Perlakuan suren menunjukkan pendapatan tertinggi Rp.4.380.387,-. dengan B/C 2,37. Insektisida nabati suren merupakan insektisida terbaik dalam mengendalikan ulat jengkal(H.talaca). Rekomendasi dari pengkajian ini yaitu penggunaan insektisida nabati yang berasal dari ekstrak daunsuren dosis 10 ml/l dengan interval 10 hari untuk tanaman teh memberikan hasil dan pendapatan yang terbaik

    Peluang Pengembangan Feromon Seks dalam Pengendalian Hama Ulat Bawang (Spodoptera Exigua) pada Bawang Merah

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    Prospect of pheromone sex development in controlling Spodoptera exigua on shallotThe main contraint in shallot cultivation is the high incidence of Spodoptera exigua. The pest causes significant damage on plant. To control the pest, farmers commonly use insecticides excessively. The intensive use of insecticides results in inefficiency and polluted environment. Therefore, breakthrough in controlling S. exigua is needed by using sex pheromone. Sex pheromone technology has been developed and tested in laboratory and in field and gave prospective results. Application of sex pheromone decreases the use of insecticide and production cost and increase farmers' income. Therefore, utilization of pheromone sex is prospective to be developed especially in shallot production centers and endemic for S. exigua

    Dampak Peningkatan Produktivitas dan Perluasan Areal Panen terhadap Upaya Kemandirian Pangan dan Kesejahteraan Petani Padi

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    This research aimed to know : (1) the impact of increasing of productivity to food autonomy and the welfare of paddy farmer in 2020; and (2) the impact of increasing of harvested area to food autonomy and the welfare of paddy farmer in 2020. Research covered national scale, using secondary time series data between 1970 – 2004 with descriptive analytic method. Method of analysis Two Stage Least Square (2-SLS) by using Statistical Analysis System (SAS) ver 9.2 program as a software. The Result of this research shows that : (1) the impact of increasing of productivity and harvested area in 2020 will increase food autonomy but decreasing the welfare of paddy farmer; (2) just increasing productivity or harvested area in 2020 will not reach save food autonomy; (3) the combination of reaching productivity until 5 ton/ha and increasing harvested area until 10% in 2020 will reach food autonomy 90,233% although decreasing the welfare is the biggest. Key words : Productivity, Harvested area, Food autonomy, Farmer welfar

    Parasitism of the Rice Brown Planthopper Eggs in Various Periods of TIME of the Day

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    The rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) is an important pest of rice. Since at the early stage, this pest is infested by parasitoids, but most cultural practices do not consider the existences of parasitoids in rice ecosystem. This study was aimed to determine the level of parasitism on N. lugens with regard to the time of the day. This information would be useful to minimize the effect of insecticide application to the parasitoids. Trapping of egg parasitoids in rice ecosystem was conducted every two hours from 05.00 a.m. until 04.00 p.m. Parasitism occured as early as at 05.00 a.m. (12.26% of the total parasitoid found), reached the peak abundance at 11.00 a.m. (36.13%), and decreased at 01.00 p.m. The parasitism level varied from 1.12 to 8.51% at 66 days after planting. The highest number of parasitoids and the highest parasitism level occured when trapping was conducted between 11.00 a.m.βˆ’01.00 p.m.. Before and after this period of time, the number of parasitoid emerged and parasitism were low. This suggest that if insecticide is necessary, it should be applied in the early morning or late afternoon. INTISARIWereng batang padi cokelat, Nilaparvata lugens (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), merupakan salah satu hama penting padi. Praktik budidaya pertanian padi belum memperhatikan aktivitas parasitoid dalam ekosistem. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui tingkat parasitasi telur N. lugens pada beberapa waktu dalam sehari. Informasi ini akan bermanfaat untuk mengurangi dampak aplikasi insektisida terhadap parasitoid. Pemerangkapan parasitoid telur N. lugens di lahan padi dilakukan setiap dua jam yang dimulai pada pukul 05.00 sampai pukul 16.00. Parasitoid telur N. lugens mulai aktif pada pukul 05.00 (12,26%), mencapai puncaknya pukul 11.00 (36,13%), dan mulai mengalami penurunan pada pukul 13.00. Tingkat parasitasi pada tanaman padi umur 66 hari setelah tanam berkisar mulai 1,12βˆ’8,51%. Hasil pemerangkapan menunjukkan bahwa jumlah parasitoid yang paling banyak muncul dan tingkat parasitisme tinggi terjadi pada waktu pemerangkapan yang dilakukan pada pukul 11.00βˆ’13.00. Sebelum dan sesudah waktu pemerangkapan tersebut jumlah parasitoid dan tingkat parasitisme rendah. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa apabila aplikasi insektisida diperlukan, maka harus dilakukan di pagi hari atau sore hari
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