559 research outputs found

    Analisis Hubungan Pengungkapan Tanggungjawab Sosial Perusahaan dan Kepemilikan Institusional

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    This study aims to examine the relationship between the disclosure of corporate social responsibility (CSRD) and institutional ownership. This study used secondary data. The population in this study consisted of all manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2012 - 2015. The sampling method in this research is purposive sampling, and the number of samples in this study were 61 companies. This study used the technique of multiple linear regression analysis. The empirical results of this study show that CSRD, dimensions employee relations and dimension product has a positive and significant relationship with institutional ownership. While dimension of community and institutional ownership has not had a significant relationship, and the environmental dimension has a negative and significant relationship with institutional ownership

    Faktor Geografis Dan Konsepsi Peran Nasional Sebagai Sumber Politik Luar Negeri Indonesia

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    This paper discusses the geographical factor as the source of the national role conception and foreign policy of a country. Indonesia has realized his strategic geographic location that laid between two oceans and two continents since the early days of independence. Indonesia is also aware of the geographical features as an archipelagic state. Its raises awareness of Indonesia to keep his territory for the declaration of Djuanda. This paper explore the Indonesian foreign policy that still using geographical factor as a source of foreign policy. This can be seen from the efforts of Indonesia continues to participate in various regional issues that could potentially interfere the sovereignty of Indonesia such as the disputed South China Sea and East China Sea. Indonesia also seeks active in border diplomacy to ensure the sovereignty of its territory

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Produksi dan Permintaan Karet Alam di Indonesia

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    The research is aimed to know factor affect rubber and demand in Indonesia. This research is used time series period from 1989 until 2016. The analyze used econometric model in the form of simultaneous aquations with Two Stage Least Square Method and helped Statistical Analyze System consisting. Its divided into two block (Production and Demand block) where every block consisting two structural aquations. Result showed that production block, natural rubber production response (QKR) is affected by area of rubber produces (AKR), price of domestic natural rubber (HKR), price of export natural rubber (HXKR) and Indonesia natural rubber demand (DKR) with each affect of 0,2926, 0,0480, 0,0222, and 0,8841. Price response of domestic natural rubber (HKR) is affected by price of world natural rubber (HKRD), export of natural rubber (XKR) and the rupiah against the dollar of USA (ER) with each affect of 0,2112; 2.4562 and 571,6580). It\u27s demand block, response of Indonesia natural rubber demand (DKR) is affected by price of domestic natural rubber (HKR) and number of vehicles (JKB) with each affect of -0,0176 and 0,0082. Before response of export of nutural rubber (XKR) affects price of domestic natural rubber (HKR). Its affected by production of Indonesia natural rubber (QKR), price of export of natural rubber (HXKR) and the rupiah against the dollar of USA (ER) with each affect of 0,2664; 0,0238 and 26,8898

    Algoritma Paralel Odd Even Transposition Pada Model Jaringan Non-linier

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    Odd-even-transposition adalah suatu algoritma paralel yang merupakan pengembangan dari algoritma sekuensial “bubble sortâ€. Algoritma odd-even-transposition ini didesain khusus untuk model jaringan array linier (homogen). Untuk n elemen data, kompleksitas waktu dari algoritma bubble sort adalah O(n2), sedangkan pada odd-even-transposition yang bekerja di atas n prosesor adalah ï‘(n). Ada peningkatan kecepatan waktu pada kinerja algoritma paralel ini sebesar n kali dibanding algoritma sekuensialnya. Hypercube dimensi k adalah model jaringan non-linier (non-homogen) terdiri dari n = 2k prosesor, di mana setiap prosesor berderajat k. Model jaringan Fibonacci cube dan extended Lucas cube masing-masing merupakan model subjaringan hypercube dengan jumlah prosesor < 2k prosesor dan maksimum derajat prosesornya adalah k. Pada paper ini, diperlihatkan bagaimana algoritma odd-even-transposition dapat dijalankan juga pada model jaringan komputer cluster non-linier hypercube, Fibonacci cube, dan extended Lucas cube dengan kompleksitas waktu O(n). Odd-even-transposition is a parallel algorithm which is the development of sequential algorithm “bubble sortâ€. Odd-even transposition algorithm is specially designed for linear array network model (homogeneous). For n data elements, the time complexity of bubble sort algorithm is O(n2), while the odd-even-transposition that works with n processor is ï‘(n). There in an increase in the speed of time on the performance of this parallel algorithms for n times than its sequential algorithm. K-dimensional hypercube is a non-linear network model (non-homogeneous) consists of n = 2k processors, where each processor has k degree . Network model of Fibonacci cube and extended Lucas cube are the hypercube sub-network model with the number of processor

    Pemanfaatan Kitosan Untuk Pengendalian Bean Common Mosaic Virus (Bcmv) Pada Kacang Panjang

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    Utilization of chitosan to control Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) on yard long bean. Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) is one of important viruses infecting yard long bean in Indonesia. One of efforts to control its infection is by utilizing chitosan. Thus, the aim of the conducted research was to test the effectiveness of chitosan in controlling BCMV on yard long bean. Concentration of chitosan tested were 0.1% and 1.0% and it was applied as seed treatment (PB), leaf spraying before (SB) and after (ST) mechanical inoculation of BCMV. Incubation period, disease incidence and severity, peroxidase enzyme activity, and BCMV titer were measured as observation parameters. Incubation period of all treated plants were longer as compared with untreated control plants. Symptoms of treated plants at concentration 0.1% (SB and ST) showed mild to severe symptom and leaf malformation, while at concentration 1.0% showing milder symptoms and some of tested plants remain symptomless. Treated plants showed lower peroxidase enzyme activity and significantly lower BCMV titer as compared with that of untreated control plants. The lowest to highest percentage of virus inhibition exhibited by ST0.1, SB0.1, PB0.1, PB1, SB1 and ST1 treatments with virus relative inhibition level ranged 75.94%-86.07% and severity inhibition level ranged 39.55%-64.63%
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