417 research outputs found

    Les bals de finissants et les initiations universitaires au regard des concepts d’Erving Goffman

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    Les bals de finissants et les initiations universitaires sont souvent associés à des rites de passage. Il est cependant possible de les analyser sous un autre angle, celui des interactions. Erving Goffman a été un des plus grands théoriciens des rites d’interaction. Son approche lui a permis d’analyser les interactions sociales dans leur aspect routinier. Cet article propose une lecture des bals et des initiations à travers les concepts de Goffman. Qui sont les acteurs en jeu ? Quelles sont les interactions qui se nouent entre les différents groupes dans ces rites ? Quelles relations entretiennent-ils avec leur environnement ?School proms and university initiations are often associated with rites of passage. They can, however, be analyzed from a different perspective, that of interaction. Erving Goffman was one of the greatest theorists of interaction rites. His approach enabled him to analyze the routine aspect of social interactions. This article proposes a study of school proms and initiations according to Goffman’s theories. Who are the players involved? What are the interactions that develop between different groups during these rites? What is their relationship to their surroundings

    Arginine biosynthesis and utilization in maritime pine

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    Vegetative propagation through somatic embryogenesis in combination with the cryopreservation of embryogenic lines is a major tool in conifer biotechnology. An important process during the maturation phase of embryogenesis is the biosynthesis and deposition of storage proteins. The accumulation of some abundant storage proteins in maturing cotyledonary somatic embryos (SE) is much lower than in mature zygotic embryos (ZE) showing an important influence of storage compounds on the quality of SE. Arginine constitutes a large portion of the amino acid pool in storage proteins of conifers and therefore arginine biosynthesis and utiization is a relevant metabolic pathway during pine embryogenesis and early growth. Research in our laboratory is focused on maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.), a broadly planted conifer species in France, Spain and Portugal where it is distributed over approximately 4 million hectares. This conifer species is also one of the most advanced model trees for genetic and phenotypic studies and a large number of molecular and transcriptomic resources are currently available. With the aim to understand the molecular basis of the differential accumulation of storage proteins in SE and ZE, the arginine metabolic pathway has been studied in maritime pine, in collaboration with the French private institute FCBA. A general overview of this research programme will be presented and discussed. The knowledge acquired from our studies will help to refine biotechnological procedures for clonal propagation of conifers via somatic embryogenesis. Funding support by:The Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (BIO2015-69285-R) and Junta de Andalucía (BIO-474). And the French Ministry of Agriculture (DGAL, N°2014-352, QuaSeGraine project). The project also benefited from the technical support of the XYLOBIOTECH facility (ANR-10-EQPX-16 XYLOFOREST).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Un bilan de la recherche au CELAT : 1976-1996

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    Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 201

    Identificación y regulación transcripcional de genes arogenato deshidratasa implicados en la biosíntesis de kignina en pino marítimo

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    La fenilalanina es un aminoácido esencial para la síntesis de proteínas pero también un precursor de una gran variedad de compuestos del metabolismo secundario que son esenciales para el crecimiento, desarrollo y defensa de las plantas. La biosíntesis de la pared celular secundaria que tiene lugar durante la formación de madera en árboles implica la biosíntesis masiva de lignina, un polímero que no contiene nitrógeno pero que deriva metabólicamente de la fenilalanina. Por lo tanto, estas plantas requieren una coordinación metabólica precisa entre la biosíntesis de fenilalanina y la biosíntesis de lignina para asegurar su desarrollo y crecimiento anual. En este estudio, hemos encontrado que la enzima arogenato deshidratasa, que cataliza el último paso en la ruta biosintética de la fenilalanina en las plantas, se regula transcripcionalmente a través de la interacción directa con el factor de transcripción PpMYB8. El análisis transcripcional de plantas de pino marítimo silenciadas para PpMyb8 sugiere que este factor de transcripción está directamente involucrado en la biogénesis de la pared celular secundaria y en los procesos de muerte celular. En conjunto, estos resultados indican que un único factor de transcripción coordina la biosíntesis de fenilalanina y la acumulación de lignina durante la formación de madera en las coníferas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Post-Hypoglycemic hyperglycemia are highly relevant markers for stratification of glycemic variability and partial remission status of pediatric patients with new-onset type 1 diabetes.

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    AimsTo evaluate whether parameters of post-hypoglycemic hyperglycemia (PHH) correlated with glucose homeostasis during the first year after type 1 diabetes onset and helped to distinguish pediatric patients undergoing partial remission or not.MethodsIn the GLUREDIA (GLUcagon Response to hypoglycemia in children and adolescents with new-onset type 1 DIAbetes) study, longitudinal values of clinical parameters, continuous glucose monitoring metrics and residual β-cell secretion from children with new-onset type 1 diabetes were analyzed during the first year after disease onset. PHH parameters were calculated using an in-house algorithm. Correlations between PHH parameters (i.e., PHH frequency, PHH duration, PHH area under the curve [PHHAUC]) and glycemic homeostasis markers were studied using adjusted mixed-effects models.ResultsPHH parameters were strong markers to differentiate remitters from non-remitters with PHH/Hyperglycemia duration ratio being the most sensitive (ratioConclusionPHH parameters are new minimal-invasive markers to discriminate remitters from non-remitters and evaluate glycemic homeostasis during the first year of type 1 diabetes. PHH parameters may also allow patient-targeted therapeutic management of hypoglycemic episodes

    El análisis transcriptómico de embriones somáticos y cigóticos de pino revela diferencias de expresión en diferentes rutas metabólicas

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    La embriogénesis es un proceso complejo en las plantas, pero comprenderlo en las coníferas es especialmente crítico no sólo para poder hacer estudios comparativos con angiospermas sino también para producir embriones viables y de calidad con diferentes propósitos. Actualmente falta una visión comparativa global de los genes implicados en la embriogénesis somática y cigótica del pino. En este trabajo presentamos un análisis del transcriptoma en tres etapas del desarrollo de los embriones, identificando procesos biológicos conservados y funciones genéticas activas durante el proceso de embriogénesis somática y cigótica. La mayoria de las diferencias son más significativas a medida que avanza el desarrollo. Cuando comparamos etapas de desasrrollo similares, como es el estadio embrión maduro encontramos 1640 genes sobreexpresados en embriones cigóticos frente a 4814 genes en embriones somáticos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    HIDEA syndrome: A new case report highlighting similarities with ROHHAD syndrome.

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    peer reviewedContext: ROHHAD syndrome presents a significant resemblance to HIDEA syndrome. The latter is caused by biallelic loss-of-function variants in the P4HTM gene and encompasses hypotonia, intellectual disabilities, eye abnormalities, hypoventilation, and dysautonomia. We report the first patient identified with HIDEA syndrome from our ROHHAD cohort. Clinical case: Our patient was a 21-month-old girl who had a history of severe respiratory infections requiring intensive care, hypotonia, abnormal eye movements, and rapid weight gain. Polysomnography identified severe central hypoventilation. During her follow-up, a significant psychomotor delay and the absence of language were gradually observed. The prolactin levels were initially increased. Hypothermia was reported at 4 years. Exome sequencing identified a new homozygous truncating P4HTM variant. Discussion: Our patient met the diagnosis criteria for ROHHAD, which included rapid weight gain, central hypoventilation appearing after 1.5 years of age, hyperprolactinemia suggesting hypothalamic dysfunction, and autonomic dysfunction manifesting as strabismus and hypothermia. However, she also presented with severe neurodevelopmental delay, which is not a classic feature of ROHHAD syndrome. HIDEA syndrome presents similarities with ROHHAD, including hypoventilation, obesity, and dysautonomia. To date, only 14% of endocrinological disturbances have been reported in HIDEA patients. Better delineation of both syndromes is required to investigate the eventual involvement of P4HTM, a regulator of calcium dynamics and gliotransmission, in ROHHAD patients. Conclusion: In the case of clinical evidence of ROHHAD in a child with abnormal neurological development or eye abnormalities, we suggest that the P4HTM gene be systematically interrogated in addition to the analysis of the PHOX2B gene. A better delineation of the natural history of HIDEA is required to allow further comparisons between features of HIDEA and ROHHAD. The clinical similarities could potentially orient some molecular hypotheses in the field of ROHHAD research

    Métodos y progreso de la conservación de los recursos genéticos de los olmos en Europa

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    The progress made in the conservation of European elm genetic resources since the 1st International Elm Conference is reviewed, and the complementarity of in situ and ex situ methods is discussed. The financial support of the European Union to RESGEN project CT96-78 has permitted to co-ordinate and rationalize the ex situ conservation of elms. The project, which involved 17 partner institutes in nine west European countries, aimed at a better evaluation, conservation and utilisation of the existing collections of native elm clones. Main achievements are: establishing a common database of about 2,000 clones; characterizing over 500 clones through RAPDs and chloroplast DNA PCR-RFLPs molecular markers; completing and rationalizing the existing collections; establishing a long-term core collection of 850 clones; cryo-preserving a subset of 444 clones; and identifying clones of interest for breeding and prudent use in the reconstruction of countryside hedges. The «Noble Hardwoods» network of the pan-European programme EUFORGEN groups members representative of 31 countries, and promotes the dynamic conservation of the genetic resources of several genera of broadleaf forest trees, including Ulmus spp. Strategies for the conservation of the adaptive potential of elm resources were defined and will be disseminated among foresters and conservationists through «Guidelines» leaflets. Some countries have already started implementing conservation measures for U. laevis, associating in situ preservation and the establishment of seed orchards. Others are undertaking inventories, or acquiring genetic knowledge on target populations.Se discute el progreso realizado en la conservación de los olmos europeos desde la primera conferencia Internacional del Olmo y los métodos complementarios de conservación in situ y ex situ. El apoyo financiero de la Unión Europea al proyecto RESGEN CT96-78 ha permitido coordinar y racionalizar la conservación ex situ de los olmos. El proyecto, en el cual están involucrados 17 instituciones participantes en nueve países de Europa Occidental, tiene por objetivo una mejor evaluación, conservación y utilización de las colecciones actualmente existentes de clones nativos de olmo. Los principales logros son: el establecimiento de una base de datos común de aproximadamente 2.000 clones; la caracterización de más de 500 clones usando RAPD y marcadores moleculares PCR-RFLP de ADN cloroplástico; la finalización y racionalización de las colecciones existentes; el establecimiento a largo plazo de una colección central con 850 clones; la criopreservación de un conjunto de 444 clones; y la identificación de clones de interés para la mejora y para su uso en la restauración de setos en campo. La red «Noble Hardwoods» del programa pan-europeo EUFORGEN agrupa a miembros representantes de 31 países, y promueve la conservación dinámica de los recursos genéticos de varios géneros de árboles planifolios, incluido Ulmus spp.. Las estrategias para la conservación del potencial adaptativo de los recursos de los olmos se definieron y se dieron a conocer entre forestales y conservacionistas a través de folletos guía. Algunos países han comenzado ya a implementar medidas de conservación para U. laevis mediante el uso de la preservación in situ y el establecimiento de huertos semilleros. Otros están elaborando inventarios, o adquiriendo información genética de poblaciones de interés