7 research outputs found

    Recycling of waste plastics from the municipal sphere

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    Import 13/01/2009Prezenční542 - Institut hornického inženýrství a bezpečnostiNeuveden

    Dyadic partnership in the context of joint physical activity in subjects participating in dance

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    Background: The research of interpersonal behaviour associated with physical activity is limited on relationship of coaches and athletes. Thus, studies focused on dyadic partnership in association with joint physical activities seem to be desirable. Objective: The aim of the study was to assess differences between men's and women's own and their partner's interpersonal style and satisfaction with joint physical activities and to assess the relationship between an individual interpersonal style, complementarity or similarity of interpersonal behaviour in a dyadic partnership. Methods: The research sample consists of adult couples pursuing sport dance for at least three years (22 men, age 47.50 ± 8.24 years; 22 women, age 45.27 ± 8.35 years). The measurement was performed by means of the Interpersonal check list and Physical activity satisfaction questionnaire. Differences between men and women were assessed by a t-test for two independent samples. The relationship between interpersonal assessment and satisfaction with joint physical activity was assessed by Pearson's correlation coefficient. In addition, the data were subjected to a cluster analysis with the aim to obtain findings which are not represented by an individual but by a pair. Results: Women who are more satisfied with themselves in the context of joint physical activity are assessed by their partners as dominant (r = .602, p = .003) and also perceive their partners as little dominant (r = -.561, p = .007). Conclusion: Men and women assess their own personality in a similar way in terms of dominance and submission. The main difference between men and women is in the assessment of each other. Women in a dominant position in a relationship are less satisfied with their partner in the area of joint physical activity compared with women in a submissive position

    Cvičení jako pozitivní coping žen v kontextu změn rodinného života [Physical activity as a source of the positive coping of women in the context of present family life changes]

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    Práce zkoumá na vzorku 48 žen ve věku střední a pozdní dospělosti, jak se mateřství a rodinný stav promítá do jednotlivých oblastí životní spokojenosti. Potvrzuje se význam demografi ckých faktorů věku, rodinného stavu a fertility jako možných stresorů žen v kontextu změn současné rodiny. Z dílčích výsledků Dotazníku životní spokojenosti (DŽS) a Strategie zvládání stresu (SVF) se prokazuje, že stresory mající vliv na prožívání žen, mohou být zmírňovány pravidelnou pohybovou aktivitou (PPA). Cvičení a prokázaná adherence k pravidelné pohybové aktivitě jsou zdrojem využitelným pro pozitivní coping umožňující adaptaci. Ve zkoumaném vzorku se prokázaly tendence mezi mírou adherence a pozitivní zvládací strategií typu Pozitivní sebeinstrukce a Podhodnocení. Tuto zvládací strategii preferují ženy s vyšší mírou adherence ke cvičení. <br />[The study examines how motherhood and family situation refl ex itself in several sections of life satisfaction in a sample of 48 women in middle and late adulthood. The roles of demographical factors of age, family situation and fertility as stressors in women in the context of changes in family life have been confi rmed. The data obtained from the Life Satisfaction Questionnaire and the Stress Coping Strategy questionnaire show that stressors infl uencing women's experiencing can be reduced by regular physical activity. Exercising and proved adherence to regular physical activity can serve as a source for positive coping and allow adaptation. In the sample, an association between the level of adherence to physical activity and positive coping strategies such as Positive self-instruction and Underestimation has been proved. Women showing higher level of adherence to physical activity prefer these types of coping strategies.

    Life satisfaction and the motivation to adopt physical activity in females of middle and late adulthood [Životní spokojenost a motivace k pohybové aktivitě žen ve věku střední a pozdní dospělosti]

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    BACKGROUND: Among the key factors which influence the quality of experiences in middle and late adulthood are physical health and bodily changes. Females are tuned positively to introducing changes in lifestyle (incl. physical activity). The motivation to participate in physical activity is influenced by the way how women perceive themselves, especially in terms of bodily self perception. OBJECTIVE: This study examines the associations between perceived life satisfaction, the type of individual set goals, and satisfaction with bodily self concept as related to physical activity. METHODS: The study examined factors influencing the motivation to adopt physical activity in a sample of 41 females in middle and late adulthood (aged 40–65). The methods applied were the Life Satisfaction Questionnaire (LSQ) and the Monitoring of Motivational Factors and Bodily Self concept (Monitoring) in the course of the six-month regular performance of physical activity (hereinafter PA). RESULTS: Identifying body shape goals goes along with their reaching for the support of an increase in one's satisfaction with bodily self-perception. The regular physical activity of these women positively influenced their perceived well being, too. Non body shape goals do not have any clear relationship to the perception of individual well-being and bodily self perception. More than one factor has an influence on the increasing well being of exercising women than only just regular physical activity. No significant associations between the perceived level of life satisfaction and personal satisfaction with bodily self perception was found. CONCLUSIONS: The study has confirmed the significance of internalized individual goals for motivation to practice regular PA, which reflect themselves in the experiences and feelings of satisfaction with their physical and mental state in women of middle and late adulthood. To indentify the factors motivating women to take up physical activity, the multidimensional approach needs to be applied. [VÝCHODISKA: Jedním z klíčových faktorů ovlivňujících prožitkovou kvalitu období střední a pozdní dospělosti jsou fyzické zdraví a tělesné změny. Zvyšuje se ochota změnit a přijmout zdravější životní styl (včetně pohybové aktivity). Motivaci k pohybové aktivitě ovlivňuje u žen to, jak vnímají sebe sama v otázkách vzhledu. CÍLE: Studie se zaměřuje na vztah mezi subjektivně vnímanou životní spokojeností, druhem individuálně stanovených cílů a spokojeností s tělesným sebepojetím, souvisejícím s pohybovou aktivitou. METODIKA: Práce zkoumá v souboru 41 žen ve věku střední a pozdní dospělosti (40–65 let) faktory ovlivňující právě motivaci k pohybové aktivitě. Byly užity metody Dotazník životní spokojenosti (DŽS) a dotazník monitorující faktory tělesného sebepojetí (Monitoring) v průběhu šestiměsíční pravidelné pohybové aktivity (PPA). VÝSLEDKY: Stanovení "body shape" cílů vede prostřednictvím jejich dosažení ke zvýšení spokojenosti s tělesným vzhledem. Pohybová aktivita takto orientovaných žen ovlivňuje pozitivně také vnímání jejich well being. Non body shape cíle nemají jednoznačný vztah k vnímání well being a tělesného vzhledu. Na zvýšení well being cvičících žen s non body shape cíli se podílí více faktorů. Neprokázal se jednoznačně statisticky významný vztah mezi vnímanou úrovní životní spokojenosti a spokojeností s tělesným vzhledem. ZÁVĚRY: Studie podpořila význam zvnitřněných individualizovaných cílů pro motivaci k pravidelné PA, které se promítají do prožitkové oblasti a pocitů spokojenosti s fyzickým a duševním stavem žen ve věku střední a pozdní dospělosti. Pro mapování faktorů motivace těchto žen k PA je nezbytný multidimenzionální přístup.

    3D printed Polylactid Acid based porous scaffold for bone tissue engineering: an in vitro study

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    The objective of this study was to fabricate PLA-based porous scaffold by 3D printing technology and to evaluate their cytotoxicity and biocompatibility under in vitro conditions in respect to bone tissue engineering. Material and methods: Pure PLA in filamentous form was processed via 3D printing technology of fused filament fabrication into porous scaffolds. The structure and porosity of scaffolds were measured by metrotomography. PLA scaffolds were pre-treated by human serum, foetal bovine serum and complete cell culture medium to enhance bio-attractivity of the scaffold’s surface for the adherence of the cells. Cells were enzymatically isolated from the periosteum of the proximal tibia and then expanded in monolayer. Periosteum-derived osteoprogenitors (PDOs) were seeded on the pre-treated PLA scaffolds and subsequent cell proliferation was measured by commercially available cell proliferation assay. Adherence of PDOs on the PLA scaffold was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results: Prepared scaffolds had well-defined structure and were characterized by uniform distribution of pores. They were non-toxic and biocompatible with PDOs, however, PLA scaffold with the periosteum-derived progenitor cells was significantly better in the group of scaffolds pre-treated with normal human serum. Conclusions: The obtained PLA porous scaffolds favored attachment of periosteum derived progenitors and proliferation, furthermore, cells penetrated into the scaffold through the interstitial pores which was meaningful for cytocompatibility evaluation