26 research outputs found

    Characterization of a bloom-associated alphaproteobacterial lineage, ‘Candidatus Phycosocius’: insights into freshwater algal-bacterial interactions

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    炭化水素産生藻類ボトリオコッカスの「衣」にドリルで穴をあけて住み着く共生細菌の発見 --藻類屋外大量培養と藻類ブルーム制御の鍵となる可能性--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-03-27.Marine bacterial lineages associated with algal blooms, such as the Roseobacter clade, have been well characterized in ecological and genomic contexts, yet such lineages have rarely been explored in freshwater blooms. This study performed phenotypic and genomic analyses of an alphaproteobacterial lineage ‘Candidatus Phycosocius’ (denoted the CaP clade), one of the few lineages ubiquitously associated with freshwater algal blooms, and described a novel species: ‘Ca. Phycosocius spiralis.’ Phylogenomic analyses indicated that the CaP clade is a deeply branching lineage in the Caulobacterales. Pangenome analyses revealed characteristic features of the CaP clade: aerobic anoxygenic photosynthesis and essential vitamin B auxotrophy. Genome size varies widely among members of the CaP clade (2.5–3.7 Mb), likely a result of independent genome reductions at each lineage. This includes a loss of tight adherence pilus genes (tad) in ‘Ca. P. spiralis’ that may reflect its adoption of a unique spiral cell shape and corkscrew-like burrowing activity at the algal surface. Notably, quorum sensing (QS) proteins showed incongruent phylogenies, suggesting that horizontal transfers of QS genes and QS-involved interactions with specific algal partners might drive CaP clade diversification. This study elucidates the ecophysiology and evolution of proteobacteria associated with freshwater algal blooms

    A Hypothesis for the Evolution of Nuclear-Encoded, Plastid-Targeted Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Genes in “Chromalveolate” Members

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    Eukaryotes bearing red alga-derived plastids — photosynthetic alveolates (dinoflagellates plus the apicomplexan Toxoplasma gondii plus the chromerid Chromera velia), photosynthetic stramenopiles, haptophytes, and cryptophytes — possess unique plastid-targeted glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenases (henceforth designated as “GapC1”). Pioneering phylogenetic studies have indicated a single origin of the GapC1 enzymes in eukaryotic evolution, but there are two potential idiosyncrasies in the GapC1 phylogeny: Firstly, the GapC1 tree topology is apparently inconsistent with the organismal relationship among the “GapC1-containing” groups. Secondly, four stramenopile GapC1 homologues are consistently paraphyletic in previously published studies, although these organisms have been widely accepted as monophyletic. For a closer examination of the above issues, in this study GapC1 gene sampling was improved by determining/identifying nine stramenopile and two cryptophyte genes. Phylogenetic analyses of our GapC1 dataset, which is particularly rich in the stramenopile homologues, prompt us to propose a new scenario that assumes multiple, lateral GapC1 gene transfer events to explain the incongruity between the GapC1 phylogeny and the organismal relationships amongst the “GapC1-containing” groups. Under our new scenario, GapC1 genes uniquely found in photosynthetic alveolates, photosynthetic stramenopiles, haptophytes, and cryptopyhytes are not necessarily a character vertically inherited from a common ancestor

    Cell reproductive patterns in the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (=Selenastrum capricornutum) and their variations under exposure to the typical toxicants potassium dichromate and 3,5-DCP.

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    Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata is a sickle-shaped freshwater green microalga that is normally found in unicellular form. Currently, it is the best known and most frequently used species of ecotoxicological bioindicator because of its high growth rate and sensitivity to toxicants. However, despite this organism's, our knowledge of its cell biology-for example, the patterns of nuclear and cytoplasmic division in the mitotic stage-is limited. Although it has been reported that P. subcapitata proliferates by popularity forming four daughter cells (autospores) through multiple fission after two nuclear divisions, here, we report two additional reproductive patterns by which two autospores are formed by binary fission ("two-autospore type") and eight autospores are formed by multiple fission ("eight-autospore type"). Moreover, we found that cell reproductive patterns differed markedly with the culture conditions or with exposure to either of two typical toxicants, potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) and 3,5-dichlorophenol (3,5-DCP). The eight-autospore type occurred at the highest frequency in the early phase of culture, but it disappeared under 3,5-DCP at 2.0 mg/L. Under 0.3 mg/L K2CrO7 (Cr(VI)) the eight-autospore type took substantially longer to appear than in control culture. The two-autospore type occurred only in the late phase of culture. To our knowledge, this is the first detailed evaluation of the reproductive patterns of P. subcapitata, which changed dramatically in the presence of toxicants. These findings suggest that observation of the reproductive patterns of P. subcapitata will help to elucidate different cell reactions to toxicants

    Cryopreservation of two species of the multicellular volvocine green algal genus Astrephomene

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    Abstract Background Astrephomene is an interesting green algal genus that, together with Volvox, shows convergent evolution of spheroidal multicellular bodies with somatic cells of the colonial or multicellular volvocine lineage. A recent whole-genome analysis of A. gubernaculifera resolved the molecular-genetic basis of such convergent evolution, and two species of Astrephomene were described. However, maintenance of culture strains of Astrephomene requires rapid inoculation of living cultures, and cryopreserved culture strains have not been established in public culture collections. Results To establish cryopreserved culture strains of two species of Astrephomene, conditions for cryopreservation of the two species were investigated using immature and mature vegetative colonies and two cryoprotectants: N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) and hydroxyacetone (HA). Rates of cell survival of the A. gubernaculifera or A. perforata strain after two-step cooling and freezing in liquid nitrogen were compared between different concentrations (3 and 6%) of DMF and HA and two types of colonies: immature colonies (small colonies newly released from the parent) and mature colonies (large colonies just before daughter colony formation). The highest rate of survival [11 ± 13% (0.36–33%) by the most probable number (MPN) method] of A. gubernaculifera strain NIES-4017 (established in 2014) was obtained when culture samples of immature colonies were subjected to cryogenic treatment with 6% DMF. In contrast, culture samples of mature colonies subjected to 3% HA cryogenic treatment showed the highest “MPN survival” [5.5 ± 5.9% (0.12–12%)] in A. perforata. Using the optimized cryopreservation conditions for each species, survival after freezing in liquid nitrogen was examined for six other strains of A. gubernaculifera (established from 1962 to 1981) and another A. perforata strain maintained in the Microbial Culture Collection at the National Institute for Environmental Studies (MCC-NIES). We obtained ≥0.1% MPN survival of the A. perforata strain. However, only two of the six strains of A. gubernaculifera showed ≥0.1% MPN survival. By using the optimal cryopreserved conditions obtained for each species, five cryopreserved strains of two species of Astrephomene were established and deposited in the MCC-NIES. Conclusions The optimal cryopreservation conditions differed between the two species of Astrephomene. Cryopreservation of long-term-maintained strains of A. gubernaculifera may be difficult; further studies of cryopreservation of these strains are needed

    Frequency distributions of different cell reproductive patterns in <i>Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata</i> in the presence of Cr(VI) or 3,5-DCP.

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    <p>Observation frequencies of cells of the two-, four-, or eight-autospore type were measured by staining with DAPI every 24 h until 120 h after the start of exposure to Cr(VI) (a) or 3,5-DCP (b). Although single nuclear cells were not counted, it is equal to the remains of total frequencies of the two-, four-, or eight-autospore type. Data are means of five independent experiments. Error bars denote standard deviations with 95% confidence limits.</p

    Diagrammatic representation of different cell reproductive patterns found in <i>Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata</i>.

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    <p>Three cell reproductive types were observed: a two-autospore type (b0-b2); a four-autospore type (c0-c2) (most frequently observed in the population in the 72 h after the start of culture), in which cytokinesis occurs by repeated binary fission after two nuclear divisions; and an eight-autospore type (d0-d2), in which autospore formation begins with separation of the cytoplasm into eight compartments, not by repeated binary fission as in the four-autospore type. The giant nucleus—type cell may also proceed to eight-autospore formation after multinucleation by three nuclear divisions. (c2) and (d2) also may occur as part of eight-autospore formation when the cell cycle restarts without the release of autospores.</p

    Cells of <i>Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata</i> of the eight-autospore type in the presence of Cr(VI).

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    <p>Cells were observed by differential interference contrast microscopy (a1-d1) or DAPI staining (a2-d2). (a), multinucleated cell with four nuclei; (b and c), multinucleated cells with eight nuclei; and (d), eight autospores in a parental cell. Scale bar in (a1), 10 μm. Scale bar in (a1) applies to (b-d).</p