14 research outputs found

    Sumbangan Hukuman Takzir ‘Umar Bin Al-Khattab Dalam Kanun Aceh Di Indonesia

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    Often in commentaries on the Aceh Code, researchers relate it to the status of existing applicable laws and regulations as well as the principles of Human Rights (HAM). As a result, the Aceh Code has been criticized as not being in line with the law; it is even seen as radical, extreme, and contrary to human rights values. However, it is a law built based on Islamic principles. In order to counter this perception of the Aceh Code, this study analyzes the relationship between the Aceh Code and the practice of takzir punishment by 'Umar bin al-Khattab. The researcher used a qualitative method with a literature study design to collect data from primary documents, namely the Acehnese Kanun and various legal jurisprudence reference books that contain the practice of 'Umar's takzir. Next, an analysis was made to compare the Aceh Code with the practice of takzir punishment by 'Umar bin al-Khattab. The results of the document analysis found that there is a similarity between the Aceh Code and 'Umar's takzir practice in the execution of punishments, including flogging, imprisonment, and fines. The Acehnese Kanun even implements these punishments by adapting them to the conditions, culture, and local traditions of the Acehnese communit

    Turnitin Sumbangan Hukuman Takzir ‘Umar bin Al-Al-Khattab Terhadap Kanun Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) di Indonesia

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    Begitu mudah dan cepatnya wilayah Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) menetapkan hukuman takzir dalam kanunnya sehingga menjangkau lima belas kanun yang disahkan sejak tahun 2002. Suatu hasil hukum yang mengarahkan yang disahkan Peraturan Daerah NAD. Apakah kanun ini ada hubungannya dengan Khalifah ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab yang telah melaksanakan ratusan hukuman takzir yang tercatat dalam kitab-kitab fiqah? Bagi menemukan data ini, pengkaji telah menggunakan kaedah kualitatif dengan reka bentuk kajian kepustakaan. Dapatan telah ditemukan bahawa hukum takzir ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab dalam kanun NAD adalah sangat berkait rapat. Rujukan demi rujukan tentang takzir yang dijadikan sumber pengambilan, tetapi akhirnya berbalik kepada takzir ‘Umar bin AlKhattab itu sendiri. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya hukuman sebat dan penjara dalam kanun NAD. Dua hukuman ini merupakan gagasan yang pertama sekali dilakukan ‘Umar untuk menghukum pesalah. Hairannya, masih banyak negara-negara Islam menggunakan praktik takzir ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab hanya kerana dengan alasan bahawa ‘Umar bin AlKhattab merupakan susuk paling dekat dengan Rasulullah SAW


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    Abstract in English: Nowadays, research and production of new food products based on genetic engineering technology are carried out to give benefit to the community. However, the production of food products through this technology has raised concerns in the determination of the legal status and the safety of the food products to be eaten by the consumer. Therefore, this article discusses genetically modified food (GMF) in the concept of halalan toyyiban based on the evaluation of maqasid hifz an nafs. This article uses qualitative design through the documentation study method by comparing and analyzing important information from selected sources such as al-Quran, fiqh books, scientific articles, fatwas, and journals from previous research. The results obtained showed that the GMF products are considered to meet the halalan toyyiban concept if the products follow the six principles in the concept which are halal, healthy, accepted by fitrah, safe, clean, and free from syubhah. This study also found that GMF products can be evaluated through three main maslahah (benefit) in maqasid syariah which is dharuriyyat (necessity), hajiyyat (will), and tahsiniyyat (perfection).   Abstract in Bahasa Malaysia: Pada masa kini, penyelidikan serta penghasilan produk makanan baru yang berasaskan teknologi kejuruteraan genetik dilaksanakan bagi memberi manfaat kepada masyarakat. Namun, penghasilan makanan melalui teknologi ini secara tidak langsung telah menimbulkan kemusykilan dalam penentuan status hukum dan keselamatan produk makanan yang akan dimakan oleh pengguna. Oleh itu, artikel ini membincangkan mengenai produk makanan ubah suai genetik (GMF) dalam konsep halalan toyyiban berlandaskan penilaian maqasid hifz an nafs. Artikel ini menggunakan reka bentuk kualitatif iaitu melalui kaedah kajian dokumentasi dengan membandingkan serta menganalisis maklumat penting daripada sumber yang dipilih seperti kitab suci al-Quran, kitab-kitab fiqh, artikel-artikel ilmiah, fatwa-fatwa serta jurnal dari penyelidikan terdahulu. Hasil kajian yang diperolehi menunjukkan produk GMF dianggap menepati konsep halalan toyyiban sekiranya ia mengikut keenam-enam prinsip konsep tersebut iaitu prinsip halal, berkhasiat, diterima fitrah jiwa sejahtera, selamat, bersih dan bebas syubhah. Kajian ini juga mendapati bahawa produk GMF dapat dinilai melalui tiga maslahah utama dalam maqasid syariah iaitu dharuriyyat (keperluan), hajiyyat(kehendak) dan tahsiniyyat (kesempurnaan)


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    The development of science and technology today has contributed to the advancement of evidence law in the Civil Courts as well as Syariah Courts. The said application of science and technology refers to the scientific evidence produced from the results of analysis done by the expertise in forensic science. Numbers of reported Syariah cases has applied forensic science analysis and test to produce scientific evidence. These cases have portrayed the admission of scientific evidence in Syariah Courts and indicate the readiness of human capital in the Syariah Legal Institutions to apply the scientific evidence. Therefore, this study carry three purposes, to examine the main issues in handling the scientific evidence, to provide suggestion to rejuvenate human capital in Syariah Legal Institutions, and to suggest solution for the issues pointed out throughout the discussion. The result of this study elucidates two main issues that play integral part in handling the scientific evidence, which are the lack of knowledge and adequate experience. In order to overcome these particular issues, rejuvenation on the existing human capital in Syariah Legal Institutions must be done. This study focused on the rejuvenation in the aspect of knowledge and skills of human capital. The said module should contain two mains aspect, theoretical and practical aspect of forensic science. The target of this module is to serve the Syariah officers in the Syariah Legal Institutions as comprehensive guideline and instruction to lead the fundamentals of the forensic science in Syariah Courts into an appropriate platform. In conclusion, this study suggests the development of Fiqh Forensics Fundamental Module to curb the issues of lack of sufficient knowledge and adequate skills in handling scientific evidence

    Pembinaan model pelan pemakanan berdasarkan prinsip Halalan Tayyiban

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    Islamic dietary concept has been introduced by Islamic scholars over the years. However, it came up with some major issues such as complicated and undefined contents, disfigured with very weak and fabricated hadiths, and the variation of Halalan Tayyiban interpretations. Hence, this research was carried out to explore the Halalan Tayyiban principles (HTP) based on the interpretation of mufassir al-Quran, to establish guideline codes which contain dietary keys associated with sources of food and beverages, to form guideline codes which contain dietary keys associated with types of food and beverages, and to form guideline codes which contain dietary keys associated with methods of taking food and beverages. Besides, final objective of this research is to develop a dietary plan model based on the HTP. This research employed fully qualitative research approach by combining Grounded Theory research design with Documentary Research. A total of 31 documents were involved in the stage of data collection and they had been selected using purposive sampling method, then all the data were analyzed using Nvivo 10 software. Research findings indicated six HTP, which is halal, accepted by nature and purely soul, hygiene, nutritious, safe, and syubhah-free. The findings were then formulated into three primary dietary guidelines; First, guideline of choosing dietary sources which comprises three guideline codes and four dietary keys, second, guideline of choosing types of dietary which contains eight guideline codes and 36 dietary keys, and guideline of dietary intake methods which comprises 18 guidelines codes and 44 dietary keys. In addition, the findings produced a document entitled “Dietary Plan Model of Halalan Tayyiban” (MPPHT). The MPPHT is expected to generate a new dimension of Islamic dietary concept and it can be benefited by various parties to improve the hierarchies of human’s spiritual and physical health

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    Bee Venom Therapy: An Ethical of Islamic Perspective

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    Bee venom therapy (BVT) is one of the traditional methods of medicine that has been practiced since 1000-3000 BC. BVT has been used for many diseases, especially rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, and others in clinical treatment. However, this treatment method has raised questions based on the Prophet’s hadith which stated Islam as a religion that forbids the killing of bees as a result of using their venom. Therefore, this paper aims to study the practice of BVT from the ethical point of Islamic treatment. This qualitative study collected its data through library research, i.e. by referring to Islamic ethics therapy and BVT practices from books and journals. The data were analysed using document and content analysis. The study found that Islamic ethics treatment permitted the treatment of bee venom (BV) with four conditions, namely get advice from a medical professional, no alternative medicine for the disease encountered, treatment only when needed, and no allergic reaction to BV. This is because some studies are claiming that BVT can gives adverse effects on patients if there is no guidance provided by a specialist. Therefore, the advice of a specialist in BVT is important to prevent any harm to the patient

    Analisis laporan Penang International Halal Hub (PIHH) mengenai trend pensijilan halal produk makanan, bahan mentah dan premis makanan di Pulau Pinang dari tahun 2010 hingga 2017

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    Pensijilan halal di Malaysia merupakan tanggungjawab dan jaminan terhadap kredibiliti kehalalan sesuatu produk atau makanan. Penang International Halal Hub (PIHH) merupakan sebuah perbadanan di bawah Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang yang bertanggungjawab untuk membangunkan inisiatif halal di negeri ini. Oleh itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti analisis laporan PIHH berkaitan pemerolehan sijil halal bagi kategori produk makanan, bahan mentah dan premis makanan dari tahun 2010 hingga 2017. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah temu bual secara tidak berstruktur dan menganalisis dokumen mentah yang dilampirkan PIHH. Temu bual dilaksanakan bersama Penolong Pegawai Teknologi Makanan PIHH dan analisis dokumen yang dilakukan secara induktif. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan pemilikan sijil halal bagi kategori produk makanan meningkat sebanyak 364% dan pemilikan sijil halal bagi kategori premis makanan mencatatkan peningkatan sebanyak 305% dari tahun 2010 hingga 2017. Bagi kategori bahan mentah, kajian ini terbahagi kepada dua fasa. Fasa pertama bermula tahun 2010 hingga 2013 mencatatkan peningkatan sebanyak 700%, namun fasa kedua iaitu pada 2014 hingga 2017 penurunan mencatatkan sebanyak 380%. Usaha menambah baik dan mempromosikan inisiatif halal kategori bahan mentah perlu diperhebatkan kerana bahan mentah merupakan asas penting kepada kelestarian halal dalam aspek produk makanan dan premis makanan

    Honey-borne infant botulism in tahnik practice: an explanation of the risk and its solutions

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    Tahnik is a primarily Islamic practice wherein a newborn’s palate is daubed with dates or honey. However, feeding honey to an infant has been associated with numerous infant botulism cases. This situation has raised the question of how a religious practice could lead to such a severe health risk? The objectives of the study were to investigate: a reliable method of performing tahnik; the original proposition of using honey in tahnik; and the efficacy of using ingredients other than dates in tahnik. Semi-structured interviews and armchair research methods were utilised to gain data from three Islamic scholars. Other resources were also consulted, including the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Composition Database and various Islamic Literary Manuscripts. The findings indicated that the use of honey in tahnik did not originate within Islamic jurisprudence. Therefore, it should not be associated with the Prophet's Sunnah. When dates are not available for tahnik practice, then raisins, figs, pomegranates, grapes, or other sweet fruits can be used as a replacement rather than honey