57 research outputs found

    Collaboration between the visiting nurse and the home helper in domiciliary care of the elderly

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    本研究の目的は,地域で暮らす高齢者を支援するために訪問看護婦とホームヘルパーがどのように連携しているかを明らかにすることである.対象は,同一事例にケアを提供する訪問看護婦とホームヘルパーである.データ収集の方法は,半構成的面接調査を用いた.分析は,両者の面接逐語記録をデータとして,内容分析を行なった.その結果,連携していると思われる文脈は268,連携していないと思われる文脈は234であった.各々の文脈は13項目に分類され,それらは高齢者の日常生活全体を覆う問題を含んでいた.これら13項目のうち,「医療看護処置」や「受診」では,「連携している」が「連携していない」よりも多かった.一方,「心理面」や「環境整備」では,「連携していない」が「連携している」よりも多かった.訪問看護婦とホームヘルパーが用いた連携の方法は6つであり,両者は,主にノートと電話を用いて連携していた.ホームヘルパーとの連携における訪問看護婦の役割は,専門職として保健医療の専門的知識技術を提供し,準拠枠となり,安心の状況をつくることであると考えられた.また,連携の方法として,会議や同行訪問が有効であると考えられた.The purpose of this study was to explore collaboration between visiting nurses and home helpers during care of elderly persons living at home. The subjects of this study were visiting nurses and home helpers who performed domiciliary care for the same elderly persons. The method of collecting information was by interview with open-ended questions. Data were analyzed by content analysis. As a result, 268 contexts and 234 contexts were classified into the categories of "collaboration" and "noncollaboration", respectively.Both sets of contexts were divided into 13 care items that included variousproblems in the daily life of the elderly. For items such as "Medical treatment" and "Consulting a doctor","collaboration" was found more often than "non-collaboration". On the other hand, for items like"Emotional support" and "Home environment", "non-collaboration" was found more often than"collaboration".The visiting nurse and the home helper collaborated in 6 ways. They used care notes and telephone callsas the main means of communication.The role of the visiting nurse is to collaborate with the home helper by providing technical knowledgeand suggestions for coping with the problems of the elderly encountered by the home helper. Holdingmeetings and visiting together were considered to be useful means for encouraging collaboration betweenthe visiting nurse and the home helper

    Presynaptic GABAB Receptors Functionally Uncouple Somatostatin Interneurons from the Active Hippocampal Network

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    Information processing in cortical neuronal networks relies on properly balanced excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission. A ubiquitous motif for maintaining this balance is the somatostatin interneuron (SOM-IN) feedback microcircuit. Here, we investigated the modulation of this microcircuit by presynaptic GABAB receptors (GABABRs) in the rodent hippocampus. Whole-cell recordings from SOM-INs revealed that both excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs are strongly inhibited by GABABRs, while optogenetic activation of the interneurons shows that their inhibitory output is also strongly suppressed. Electron microscopic analysis of immunogold-labelled freeze-fracture replicas confirms that GABABRs are highly expressed presynaptically at both input and output synapses of SOM-INs. Activation of GABABRs selectively suppresses the recruitment of SOM-INs during gamma oscillations induced in vitro. Thus, axonal GABABRs are positioned to efficiently control the input and output synapses of SOM-INs and can functionally uncouple them from local network with implications for rhythmogenesis and the balance of entorhinal versus intrahippocampal afferents


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    To analyze the pathophysiological changes ot the airways in emphysema, bronchial responsiveness and the generation of leukotrienes B4 (LTB4) and C4 (LTC4) by peripheral leucocytes were examined in 22 patients with emphysema. The subjects were divided into two groups according to the presence or absence of IgE antibodies against inhalant allergens; RAST positive group and RAST negative group. 1. Smoking history, mean CT number and mean maximum % low attenuation area (% LAA) <-950HU of the lung on high resolution computed tomography (HRCT), and DLco value suggested that there were emphysematous changes of the lung in all subjects. However, these findings were not different between the two groups. 2. The level of serum IgE was significantly higher in RAST positive group than in RAST negative group. 3. The mean % increase in FEV1.0 after inhalation of β-agonists was higher in RAST positive group than in RAST negative group. The % increase more than 15% was found in 4 of the 9 subjects (44.4%) in RAST positive group and 2 of the 12 (16.7%) in RAST negative group. 4. The generation of LTC4 by leucocytes was significantly higher in RAST positive group than in RAST negative group (p<0.01). The generation of LTB4 was not significantly different between the two groups. The results suggest that IgE-mediated allergy participates in the bronchial responsiveness of patients with emphysema.肺気腫患者の気道病変を解析する目的で,22例の肺気腫患者を対象に,その気道反応および白血球のロイコトリエンB4,C4産生能について検討を加えた。この際対象症例はIgE抗体の有無によってRAST陽性症例RAST陰性症例に分類された。1.喫煙歴,平均CT値,high resolution computed tomography(HRCT)上の-950HU以下の% low attenuation area(% LAA),DLcoなどの値は,いずれも対象症例が高度な気腫化病変を有してい ることを示した。2.血清IgE値は,RAST陽性例で陰性例に比べ有意の高値を示した。3.β受容体刺激薬吸入後のFEV1.0の増加は,RAST陽性例で陰性例に比べ高度であった。そして,吸入後のFEV1.0が15%以上の増加を示した症例は,RAST陽性例では9例中4例(44.4%),陰性例では12例中2例(16,7%)であった。4.白血球のLTC4産生量は,RAST陽性例で陰性例に比べ有意に高い値であったが,LTB4産生は両者間に有意の差は見られなかった。以上の結果より,IgEにmediateされるアレルギー反応が,肺気腫患者 の気道反応に関与している可能性が示唆された

    Electron microscopic detection of single membrane proteins by a specific chemical labeling

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    Electron microscopy (EM) is a technology that enables visualization of single proteins at a nanometer resolution. However, current protein analysis by EM mainly relies on immunolabeling with gold-particle-conjugated antibodies, which is compromised by large size of antibody, precluding precise detection of protein location in biological samples. Here, we develop a specific chemical labeling method for EM detection of proteins at single-molecular level. Rational design of α-helical peptide tag and probe structure provided a complementary reaction pair that enabled specific cysteine conjugation of the tag. The developed chemical labeling with gold-nanoparticle-conjugated probe showed significantly higher labeling efficiency and detectability of high-density clusters of tag-fused G protein-coupled receptors in freeze-fracture replicas compared with immunogold labeling. Furthermore, in ultrathin sections, the spatial resolution of the chemical labeling was significantly higher than that of antibody-mediated labeling. These results demonstrate substantial advantages of the chemical labeling approach for single protein visualization by EM


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    The generation of leukotrienes B4 (LTB4) and C4 (LTC4) by peripheral leukocytes stimulated with Ca ionophore A23187 was examined in 17 patients with pulmonary emphysema. They were divided into three groups according to the mean CT number; A (<-940 HU), B (-940 ≦, <-930 HU), and C (-930 HU ≦ ).1. The values of FVC (% predicted), FEV1.0% and DLco (% predicted) showed a tendency to decrease as the mean CT number was smaller. The value of % FVC was significantly lower in patients with group A than in those with group C (p<0.05). 2. The generation of both LTB4 and LTC4 was significantly higher in patients with emphysema compared to the generation in healthy subjects (LTB4;p<0.05, LTC4;P<0.05). 3. The generation of LTB4 and LTC4 in patients with emphysema was higher as the mean CT number was larger (severity of the disease become less). The LTC4 production was significantly higher in patients with group C(mild or moderate type of emphysema) than in those with group A(advanced type of emphysema). These results suggest that the generation of LTB4 and LTC4 is higher in patients with mild or moderate type of emphysema than in those with advanced type of the disease.肺気腫患者17名を対象として,カルシウムイオノフォアA23187による末梢血白血球からのロイコトリエンB4(LTB4), ロイコトリエンC4(LTC4)の産生能の検討を行った。対象は高分解能CTによる平均CT値によってA(<940HU), B(-940≦,<-930HU),C(-930HU≦)の3群に分類した。1.% FVC,FEV1.0%,% DLcoが低下するにつれて平均CT値が低下する傾向が見られた。% FVC値はC群に比較して,A群において有意に低値を示した(p<0.05)。2.LTB4とLTC4の産生能は健常人に比較して,肺気腫患者において有意に高値を示した(LTB4;p<0.05,LTC4;p<0.05)。3.肺気腫患者におけるLTB4とLTC4の産生能は平均CT値が上昇するにつれて(軽症症例ほど)高値を示した。またLTC4産生能はC群(早期肺気腫症例)においてA群(進行肺気腫症例)に比して有意に高値を示した。以上より肺気腫におけるLTB4,LTC4産生能は進行例に比較すると,軽・中等症例において高値であることが示唆された

    Silencing of p53 and CDKN1A establishes sustainable immortalized megakaryocyte progenitor cells from human iPSCs

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    iPS細胞を用いた人工血小板の作製の効率化に成功 血小板のテイラーメイド医療に向けた一歩. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-12-03.Platelet transfusions are critical for severe thrombocytopenia but depend on blood donors. The shortage of donors and the potential of universal HLA-null platelet products have stimulated research on the ex vivo differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) to platelets. We recently established expandable immortalized megakaryocyte cell lines (imMKCLs) from hPSCs by transducing MYC, BMI1, and BCL-XL (MBX). imMKCLs can act as cryopreservable master cells to supply platelet concentrates. However, the proliferation rates of the imMKCLs vary with the starting hPSC clone. In this study, we reveal from the gene expression profiles of several MKCL clones that the proliferation arrest is correlated with the expression levels of specific cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors. Silencing CDKN1A and p53 with the overexpression of MBX was effective at stably inducing imMKCLs that generate functional platelets irrespective of the hPSC clone. Collectively, this improvement in generating imMKCLs should contribute to platelet industrialization and platelet biology

    頭頸部領域および食道領域の各種症状に対する食道運動機能の関与について : High Resolution Manometry を用いた検討

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    頭頸部領域および食道領域における各種症状に対する食道運動機能の関与を検討した.2007年9月から2012年6月までに,咽喉頭異常感などの頭頸部領域の症状および嚥下困難感,胸痛,胸やけなどの食道領域に関連した症状を主訴に,当科を受診した261例(男性138例,女性123例,平均年齢56.8±17.1才)を対象とし,健康関連QOL(Health Related Quality of Life: HRQL)の測定と食道内圧検査を施行した.健康関連QOLの検討では,咽喉頭違和感,嚥下困難感,胸やけ等の各症状を訴えた患者で,身体的QOL,精神的QOL を表すPCS(physical component summary)あるいはMCS(mental component summary)が低下し,健常者と比較して有意にQOLの低下を認めた.食道内圧検査による食道運動機能異常は,全対象患者中62.0%に認めた.各症状別に食道運動機能障害の内訳を見ると,咽喉頭違和感ではIEM(ineffective esophageal motility)(31.8%),嚥下困難感は食道アカラシア(56.6%),喉のつかえ感は食道アカラシア(35.5%),胸やけはIEM(39.4%),胸痛は食道アカラシア(50.0%),噫気はIEM(50.0%)を最も多く認めた.咽喉頭違和感,嚥下困難感,喉のつかえ感,胸やけ,胸痛などの頭頚部および食道症状を有するものの,器質的疾患を認めない患者のQOLは障害されており,その病態の一つとして食道運動機能異常の存在を念頭に置き,診療にあたることが重要である.There are many cases of patients presenting at the hospital complaining of dysphagia or chest pain. At that time organic diseases are not always detected in these patients;previously several studies showed esophageal motility dysfunction was one of the important factors in the development of these symptoms. However, there have been few reports investigating the relationship between esophageal motility dysfunction and these symptoms. Between September 2007 and June 2012, 216 patients (138 men,123 women;mean age 56.8±17.1 years old) were admitted complaining of the following symptoms:dysphagia, globus sensation, or heart burn and non-cardiac chest pain,but without any organic diseases related symptoms. They all underwent high-resolution esophageal manometry (HRM) and completed a questionnaire regarding their health-related quality of life (HRQOL). The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between these symptoms and esophageal motility dysfunction and QOL. In our series, 62% of patients with non-obstructive dysphagia, globus sensation, heartburn and unexplained (non-cardiac) chest pain have an esophageal motility disorder (Achalasia 31.5%, IEM 26.4%, Diffuse esophageal spasm 4.6%;nutcracker esophagus 2.8% and Impaired ECJ relaxation 0.5%). SF-8 score of PCS(Physical Component Summary) in all of the symptoms were significantly lower in comparison with the matched healthy control. SF-8 score of MCS(Mental Component Summary) with globus sensation and esophageal dysphagia were significantly lower in comparison with the matched healthy control. The patients complaining of several symptoms located in the pharynx or esophagus have impaired quality of life and esophageal motility dysfunctions.It is important to consider these issues while examining these patients